Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 12 Aug 1921, p. 10

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Downers Grove is steadily growing Ind property values incl-easing Many vacant lots in the corporation have‘ ’ has sold to home builders during the -- III! In months which had remained 1: Mon at the origin] owners mm Prince‘s “diam wu open-1 fl bib pile thirtyyun mayo. '33: mum": 2112 Ten Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butela enter- tained upwands of twenty guest: 3! their home last Sunday, those from the vae were the Al. Modjeskl, Charles Engstrom and 0. E. F. Hecht families; Mr. and Mrs. W. Brewster and son Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 15¢“; "'3. Emma Pagers and Jack Wm. Rice, of Chicago, was 1 visitor in town this week. Mr. Rice has been a tax payer here for thirty yum, having bought the two Iota when John Olives house now «and. which he later traded for two other; in the block below. These he has held until may when thy m purchased {trough E. G. Lunch Co. by Mr. and In. Edvard Bradley. The Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church will hold their next meeting on Thursday afternoon. August 180» at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Ford Davis on Gilbert avenue. Mrs. Howard P. Jones: will assist. A cordial invitation is extended to all members and friends to be pro-i Word comes from the Rev. B. F. Flominl (hat he has ham appointed to I charzw at Lone Wolf. 0H1. Rev. Homing was pastor of the Methodist church. how. until a year ago when he was form! to ruin M81139 of ill health. He states that his health‘ has greatly improved and feels us tho he can to into his new field with renewed rigor. Five mw bombs In Minx In“! on Nov”: Washinnon street. When pav- ed Ind 0w milmal cumin: impmvecl thin will he one of (be mt popular stmu in town a: it is (hr oniy one, besidas Main stmt. to run Ihmugh from the north to the 5011"! corpora- tion lines. The T. I T. girl: me! It the We of "“4th Holman Int Friday even- lng Mving one o! (heir ulna! good times. Thou present mm- the [Sun Alta 3nd Esther loll, mum Klein. Gnu Timh. In Imibundxuth. I" Bind", Hue! Lehman. Dummy Drew Ind Miltlml King. will hold a pedal thin mnln‘ in the church variant. [duh church member has boon (M: a little upmn or pair 01 oven": to fill according to their mm rm-uumnwm. they promul- 3 "ll 1m! in every uny. with numer- om nowltics. ls 0! ml interest to may in the vllhn. ll" Dnvlu was: the ulnar of Dr. Harriett Mitchell mid the In. In. 13an Stanley sud span! much am ln Downer: ll: put years, burlul van and:- It Ablnnon. lllluoll. Davis in the Daily New): In! week Mr. C. R. Spicher of N. Forest avenue who ls on efficiency engineer in the employ of the Mlehle Print- in» Press Co. of Chicago, delivered I lecture last Tuesday before the Western Canada Publishers Auction tlon at Manitoba College. Winnem. The Junior Infant Welfare will hold their next meeting on Thursday, Aug. 18th at the home of Mrs. George Staiger in East Maple avenue. 1m- portant business will be brought be- 10113 the meeting and everyone is urg- ed to attend. The next regular meeting of the Amica g'rrls class of the M. E. Sun- day school will be held Monday evenâ€" ing, August 15th at the home of Miss Adelaide Walter, 113 West Maple ave. It will be in the form of a juvenile party- A local friend of Art Chester en- joyed a thirty-five minute flight. over the Fox river with him last Sunday. Several tail spins and vertical banks being indulged in. Mr. Chester has recently qualified for and is now a- waiting his pilots license. Anyone who is intersted in join- ing a Radio Club should communicate with phone 39â€"W, 241-J or 203-“! be- fore Wednesday. In a short time a Junior Radio course will be published in the Reponer enabling anyone to construct a wireless set and receive messages from a distance of 250: miles. Mrs. J. F. Trahy 49f 90 Saratoga avenue entertained a Spinning Club from Aurora at her home Wednesday, the occasion was her 17th. anniver- any, all expressed themselves as favorable to Downers Grove. The Ladies AM of the M. 8. church The death notice of MIMI KHz-both PERSONALS of We talus this oppor‘lunfly of fur- ther thanking those who subscribed townnln mar deficit. Incl lithe (M.- subscription was entirely umofldla‘ and really rah-ed minty In the win)» of the. Legion MEI-rs. still we 1;» pminte "to. warm fading and kindly‘ inlets-st that prompted the material‘ (an . The "III" loss "I“ n lust-bled. therefore. could hardly be coat-Mend other than wall spent. a high elm mumlnmt wu hm! into the town that run n «as-um benefit to all who attended. ‘o! the American Legion wlnhu to thank the people for their Apprecia- tion and nuppon of the mom Chau- tauqua pron-m. While the week in not the financial mum we wound hive liked It to be. still \vr feel that A plemnt surprise party was held last. Tuesday on Clnm Schmnk, by ‘a number of her friends, the occasion jbeing her twelfth birthday. They were entertained with music and games, those present were Esme: Johnson. Esther Ollcrle, Margaret Oflerlc. Violet Haller, Robert and Hel- en Wolf, Linn Hills. Frieda Schultz. Laura Bchoon, Melvin. Wolf, chm and Ruth Riunbce, Clan Wol! nu! Helen Wouhcrbec. We want the many friends of this Bank in Downers Grove and Vicinity to know that the confidence and patronage of all those who have in any way helped to bring this Bank to its present position, is thoroughly appreciated. And now, as we fix our eye on the ONE MILLION GOAL we trust we may continue to deserve your patronage. Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Finch will improve their property on North Main street with a new and modern six room house of the bungalow style. The excavation work has started. Mr. Finch is a carpenter and will do most of the work himself. That they be- lieve in Downers Grove and apprer ciate the present low vacant property‘ pn'oe is evidenced by the fact that they have purchased the adjoining lot through E. G. Lemon 6‘: Co. and expect to improve it, also. a little Int- er with a modern house. Mr and Mrs George Wolf, of High- land avenue entertained about forty of their friends at a lawn party on Monday evening. A bounteous out- door dinner was served at 7.00 after which the guests all enjoyed a round of good old fashioned gafiles on the lawn and a marshmallow roast. After several hours of outdoor fun. rugs were taken up in the house and danc: ing was indulged in ’till to the sorrow} of the crowd the hour grew late and‘ the guests departed for their various towns declaring that Downers Grove was the place to go to have a good time. Thirty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Stmitberg, of Chicago, visited Down- ers Grove while on their honeymoon and bought two lots in Prince’s add- ition, thinking they might perhaps build and live here. Mrs. Streitberg again visited Downers a few days ago and brought with her dee'ds transfer- ing title to these lots, both of which have been sold by Edward G. Lemon Co. to parties who expect to build. probably the same. The Mound" Bmflcy Bum Post LEGION THANKS SUPPORTERS FIRST NATIONAL BANK An Appreciation J. M. ALLISON. TEE DIRECTORS OF THE Commander DOWNERS GROVE mmmnmm 1111401013 no you know then-'1 a monk school in Ion-n? all lnskmmrnu laugh! II Gnrflcld Plano Ca. “The [and of Hope" to ho phyed at the Duh Then". Sutunlly, Au- gust. 13m in the ‘uory of a have little INGII who kept her mate Mg!» during the Inn! «by: of finding 1 foothold in n yttrium Ind. Hlnsdale Phone 818 Eur m3 a! dam. n-u-u. A representative of the NOKOI. Co. wm be in Downer: Grove, until Auguut 22nd. Will be glad to all :1 any time. Addrem G. W. Graven, l’. 0. Boat “I Put a little musk in )our home, leer Piano» and Victrolu on time Garfield Mano Co. “A Kiss in Time" the latest Wan- da Hawley picture which comes to the Dicke Theatre, Thursday, August lath. ifl a rollicking comedy built. a- round a wager that a girl can be met, wooed, won and kissed within four hou rs. Lawn mowers sharpened. All kinds of machine work. Repairing of all kinds of tools. Expert workmanship and the machinery to do it with. Paul Shroka. Belmont Forest ave., phone 369~J. 6474f Learn how to play the Banjo, a used Lyon and Healy Banjo for sale at the Garfield Piano Co's store for only $25.00 How the “other half" lives, espe- cially the half that came to America from some European country, is viv- idly portrayed by Alice Brady in “The Land of Hope" at the Dicke Theatre, Saturday, August 13th. A full fine of the celebrated INDU cosmetics (6‘:- sale at Marion Dexter's ART KRAFT SHOP. one 'door south 0! the Ross Bakery. adv. tf. A‘tenshunl There is a ‘picture at the Dicke Theatre, Friday, August 19th. which you and your family shoald not miss. It is called "Such a Little Queen" about a young queen who came to America as an exile. Constance Binncy is the Star. A dandy new Clearlone Cornet can he bought. at the Garfield Piano Co’s store for $35.00 Humble Uphol-urlng m! humi- u Remit Shop. All work may no u muslin prices. Phat; 035 C. E. B R 0 W E R Painting-Decoratinx 26 Main Street Downers Grove, [11. Phone 82-R BUSINESS PERSONALS Advenisemeuts Willalluuldo- Two large gushes were inflicted beâ€" low and above his right eye. His body was cut and slashed as if by a sharp stilleto. The chain had wound around his arm cutting it severely. Both legs are also badly cut nltho no bones are broken. Had the chain remained intact the outcome would undoubtedly have been much worse. As he was dragged he received numerous cuts and bruises. Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Bush, of Gilbert avenue, sustained in- juries last week that might have been ifutal. Shortly after coming home ‘from college Bruce began working on the Paul Mauser farm, located just south of Hinckley. His injuries were; sustained while driving a team-of colts on a manure spreader. One of the animals became frightened and started on a tear after Bruce had lost the reins. His only chance to escape was to try to jump. As he tried to clear the wagon he caught in a chain, which luckily broke, tossing him to the ground. W KL firs" 's'.‘"o"1""r (- ChWEig-L mm mo “_‘ ACCIDENT ALMOST FATAL TO BRUCE ‘ BUSH IN RUNAWAY nun-mm: m INSUiAiCh Ufa AMI Skitlish Colts Drag Youth Many Rods Near Hinekley ~â€"â€"\ Now in Waterman Hospital All Work Gun-teed ”laugh Ave. P. 0. Ba 15! DOWNHS GROVE. ILLINOIS Lawyer Olin. Fat-0n Men-luau Ba! Midi-3.. Tue-dun. Thur-day- I 8:33:11.” 9 3.. I. go _I p: I. rfifqufigy. Novioreilds or din- 1;me utiomlly how- rigs H there at hone. We always carry a good stock of all sing}! Lehmann 6' Michels Store “LUX OR” Quality, The Best shading made. Cost :1 little more, but worth it. ‘VTndovy Cheaper! You can rePlace old worn out shades at a {treat deal less now. Ask for our MI. 0 m “I “II-9.09- ‘ngq "hen km! i! “n! 1'" a» had. any tau-I "-1 W“ “I‘mwfllmmhmm C AIPBNTEI CONTRACTOR GEORGE A. FOSS G. H. BUNGE LINOLEUMS and RUGS Telephone: 177 and 178 “Ivanhoe” Quality You can make your selections now from new pat- terns, at very much lower prices, in a good assort- ment of styles and patterns. Cretonnes and At present Bruce's condition is very much improved tho the pain is quite severe. Several stitches have been removed and prospects for a full and speedy recovery am prevalent. First reports threwa bad scare in. to the Bush family, as it was beleiv~ ed he was suffering from concussion of the brain. As far as can be ascertained at pwsent he suffers no internal injur- ies. His condition is greatly improw ins under the excellent care be m- ceives at the Waterman hospital at Waterman where he was taken after the accident. . Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank Some folks still believe in the “Magic Carpet‘ of old. They seem to think they can WISH themwlvcs up the “airway that lands to sum-w. The only “moving stain-y" to sacrum is run on the “cogs" 0! dollars rived. The best invutmcnt you can notably make in for SHOE LEATHER to bring you to the Savings Window 0! thin hank. A State Institution under State Supervision Established 1892 COME NOW. (‘OIIH OFTEN. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. TRY SHOE LEATHER You can choose from a good variety of pat- terns in lino- leums for that kitchen, bath room, or any other floor that you want to fix up. Our prices are right and we will deliver so that you will have the goods in an hour af- ter you buy. Curtain Materials (SEND IN YOUR OLD CARPETS AND CLEAN BAGS WE WILL MAKE THEM OVER IN- TO BEAUTIFUL BUGS Downers Grove Weavinngs HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN Phone 82-! BUGS FOR SALE 11:311. August 12! 1921 'RUGS

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