Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 2 Sep 1921, p. 3

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Tho Goodrich school opwml Thursâ€" day of this week. but will close again next week on account of the teachâ€" ers Insfituto. Martha [Hay and Frames Foster I‘Pl‘l' prize winners in 1hr races at Mi.“ '1‘“) Scan: of (‘hirnxn “as a guest at tlu‘ Jack Griffith homv “film‘s-lay. Walrh Mr (M circulars about lhv prizes for ”w Lido Fairfl‘hrir Worth whilr “Ladies" Mr and Mrs l-‘. H. Rain mm]?! to Milwaukee Tqulax to attend the! Pain. 3 sounmusumns .‘II. and Mrs. Arthur Alqu-u nn-l Inkim: .‘l \‘arali-m in I'I'mclnin. \\'i-.; .‘Ir-u l‘. H. l’Hry luv: In"! 1'"!ch lninizm hm thu-r hum firmgin. . Mr. 1mm." leo'r is starting '0; rl'modc-l his hum” on llw farm. 3 Mrs. llmry Fnstvr spout Tuesday“ with .‘liw Inuit“ lh‘yrv' of Dmvnors. Su'mn’isnr Knhlry nuvmk‘d ”'0? SM.- Fnir at Springfivld last \H‘NL' Mn. Jnmh‘ lerr uf Downer! sprm Tum‘tlay .1! Nu- farm. fullnuum: All ulnilms- mml luv clatnl A'l Mhuhih 1mm ln- mnumml. Inhh- wan‘ um luv punich‘vl for unmmuh Iuh'c- mnlrnal. l'wfc‘n'urr Ml! hr gin-n In nruwlm nut hilhrrtho t'Shih- ih'cl. .‘II'-. T. Shvlolcm mul family and Mn. \\. Ilrsug- nunlorvcl In t'll‘fllgn Tun-“lay m pimp and nu‘lvlrnluil)’ lo cull on "huh-cu. .‘lumluy c-wmmr u mwltmr mm- hrlol :n ”w church (0 furthvr plum fnr llw Lia-lo Fair. I! wn- alfi'iukwl lhut lllll‘l‘h‘r‘i'm will hr charm-cl fm adult-u but all rhilclrvn umk‘r fifln'n will hr aclmmnl fut-r. lluml stool Irnrlwn um muncahfl (o m-(irv ”w ML. Erma How uf ('lnicuxo upon! y-noml :lm- 141-! MM: with Ian fu'nul Mn Shown". .\lr>. Wm. lluskump nml run Hilly o! ('himgu un- spomling Hwir vaca- tion with Mr. and )lr-l. A. I‘m-tor. .‘Ir.â€". Hilwanm-r and M)!!!" of "el- \‘i.h-u-. Ill. R'K'nt Sunday with Mr.» (hm. I'u Moulin. .‘Ir. Marlo Fn-m'h mul )lr. Junw.â€" Ilvwn~ u! ('hirugu \iillml .“I'. uml Mr. A. l'mlvr Sumlm'. Mr». J. "05"?!“ and Mrs. Alfred Cry of Nam-milk \wro gum-(s (he of Mrs. llrmy (hunnlmw Wednesday. lula Sheldon \‘isitml relatives and friends in Chicago {rum 'l'humlay to Tut‘mlay. Mrs. McGinnis of Springbmok, lll. called on Mrs. Geo. Du Mnulin Tucs- day. Miss Lofa Chalfivld of West Chi- cago has [wen xpomling several days with the Luce-y families. 153 Blodgett Are. Phone 422-J | Miss Edna Shogcr is enjoying her vacation touring California. Outside and Inside Plastering M r. and Mrs. Philip Jorn of Aurora spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shoger parents of Mrs. Joni. HERMAN HESSE JOHN S. LOZIER MUNICIPAL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 68 Sal-1mg. Ave. Phone 302-]! Duwnen Grove. Ill. MSSs Gertrude Eckhart of Chicago visited Ethel Plumb on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Miller entertained Chicago relatives Sunday. The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Watt next Thursday afternoon. You will receive a hearty welcome if you attoml the Lisle Church serâ€" vices. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. The Church is cwcted for Worship of God, for Inspiration to Christian Living, and for training for Christian Service. Only as we make use of the oppertunity afforded will We receive the largest possible blessing. The Church invites you to its sen-ices. time, Sermon a Christian." mm mas mm usuz nun sumo!" Friday, September 2, 1921 NEW AND REPAIR WORK Church Notes. Sunday School 10:00 a. n1. Preaching Service 11:00 a. In. new Cement Block and Mason Work theme: “The Mark of Illlrlllfl "Iv nfli‘rmmn lhl' mru all nullwrwi M llw home M Mr. Tnnmly! nu l‘tinn- urn-mun and [MM Iv" by aulmIliv [m- I‘hirngn with a happy [N‘Hng mm Ilw m'rnl «an a um: ‘-ll"lQ'-A:! uml \‘nh-vl m mukt' H an au- wfl'nbr ' The t'h'llhifl I'm mom umuml llw rump flru lollinx join-1' and ulm‘icu and below mnmw Hwy h'mm-d on "mru «I: III.» mh." When ”my mllfll up In (In-(r l-IamIn-u and M! ”w umnw Im mm mm nllowml lo nh‘o-p. I‘nr In mum an HHt'IM'I' rriauml. "llnpir" umml pun. up. with n many Jukv nml nhvn "\I'al'lilL‘ urrfivml hr rum-d lur Ihc-m u” m m” mu. [or "w «In-ml:- nuls. 3......" um! vmzn wrw rruuty‘ l‘lw arr-ma M We nulvndin! man» ["0va ”ml SIIt'Iu-r mm on llw rm. _ Alum! :5- mm m-n- In the party and Hwy rn-mruml by mnumuhilv tn "apron-mauve» (mm the men's classes of lhv barium-r Menmrlnl and line Woodluu'n Baptist rhurrhou of ('hlmgu wvn- mm-nnim-cl uvcr Ilw “wkâ€"cm] by llw Ml'll'fl (‘Iun of flu- lmmwrn Grow flupllwt clmrrh. They rumul (Mir way out In the home at Mr. P2. 0. Pram-w. whvre llu-y haul u lmuntc-ouu uumwr m-t‘vml by ”w MM-lul wmlulllw. All Kinds of INSURANCE Choice 7 Per Cent first Moflgnm Farmers (a Merchants Bank Bldg. Phone 225 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster were happily xurprised Sunday by Mr. T. F. Mueller of Detroit driving in to see them. Sunday afto'noun the Mueller and Foster familils and Mrs. M. llruitt motored tn .lnlir-l 10 see Mr. and Mrs. Theron l'oucr and Clif- ford Putter. Edward G. Lemon Co. REAL ESTATE Mic-ml l‘hurrh Srnicrs at I‘ll-s4 Bap- tist Lam Sunday Morning. Annual A"!!! MISS MARY FLUCK PRACTICAL NURSE Moderate Charges Phone mm 92 E. Curtis; St. LO.\ NS Philip Whilhems Jr. 0f La (hung-:0 has been visiting a few days with the Elmer Kampmoyer family, Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Philip Whilems and family motored nut and spent the day. Junior returned home with them. VISITING BIBLE CLASSMEN ENJOY D. G. HOSPITALITY ms. Herbert mum Hm (awning of :I shop “‘horv rhmminfi hand made Kiddies Klmhrs and Practical ”if“ may b0 purrhasml at aumrtirc pricvs. ”9 Faun-Mn Shed Frnm 2:00 to 3:30 Friday, Sept. 21!. Miss Mildwd l'fuff of Chicago was the guest of Mrs Henry Fanlhaber last week, Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Emil l’fuff motored out from Chicago and Miss Mildred returned with them. The Milk Producers Picnic was a great success and the committee should receive a xwat deal of credit for their undeitaking. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dictz and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dieter motored out from Chicago Sunday to have supper with Mrs. Eloanorc Schmitt, Miss Lucille Dieter rvturm-d with them. the Milk Producers Picnic last Wed- nesduy. Mr. E. E. BaJn won the first prize for his Holstein heifer at the State Fair tow» the State and third prize for the United States. OFFKIM’RS: 6M9-Jm 39059.0. 7.00.”; 5|“:th DR. W. W. COWLEY 0‘“ no Residt-m . Phone 283 N. Frresl Ave. and Franlliu $1. .\.\.\'OI'N('I-28 INVESTMENTS DOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINOIS TOTA LS ..... St. meph A. (5. “’immvr, n .‘lvycn. 3h ..... Brndlc)‘. 2h, [1 Brady, c ........ lhuman, 2h . . . C. Michael», [I . The Filipino All Stars have hn-n ‘schcduled for a return [same on Sun- day and a good exhibition is pmmisrd Tombo Castro, the All Star hurlvr who has been highly touted in all (‘hi- cam) papers. In a rem-m issue of ”iv Daily News he is quoted as havim: pmmiml fifteen strike nuts «gains: the Duwnu's Grow ('luh. It can rm“- ily he sum that Tomlm am} his wiry mates are minim: I'm-l; to avuige tht defeat of three wet-ks ago Miuhell A. (1 AB R H [’0 A Hewitt. ms .......... 5 2 l 0 3 )ldflure, ( ......... 5 2 2 ll 2 Grifley. of .......... -l l 2 2 0 Weber. If ........... 5 2 2 (I u Eberhurl, 3h . 7a-bblor, r! .. . . H. Michuvls, lb Michaels of Aurora had his own way all through the game. I It took the Mitchell A. (x of Aururc Ho put the "Kibush" on the lucal buys in nine innings at St. l'nwopius field. ‘This is the first time the St. Jne's have taken a defeat on the College diamnnd. Baron was on the mound [or the locals hut was not very er? fectiy'e. He was given wretched sup- port in the pinches. Eight of the vis- itors‘ nine runs were scored in the first four innings. Thereafter Brad- ley did the twirling and held the Au- rora team helpless allowing 'only one run to score. Lame portions of buttingr practice will be meted to the home players dur- ing the next ten: weeks as many of them seem to have cumpletely lo»: their batting eyes. Grove St. Phone 138-1“ Nichly "H's!!!" In Nmy 8N (- for girls. {n all m’um. lionmlfu om- pivm nine-ma in (‘nMon crepe. Tri- mine. Point Twill. Mn. haml- somvly finished in bonding or hand cmbmiclflnd. Export Auto Repairing and Storage ST. JOSEPH A. C. LOST T0 AURORA NINE 9-2 SUNDAY Stun! Ladle“- will find awn! rum. {on in n “Inky (”or-wt. with or without abdominal support. 0m ymr guarantee. l'hilinpino All Stars Booked (or Be- turn Game Here Next Sun- day Afternoon. .Iust West of Main St. Fred Schindler School messes Not at "one “may. MRS: EMRN‘H There are more than 3,000!!!) Ford cars in daily service throughout the world, and fully eighty per cent of these are Ford Touring Cars. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the simplicity in the design of the car, so easy to understand; likewise it is easy to operate; and mighty inexpensive compared to other motor cars. On the farm, in the city, for business and for family pleasure, it is the car of the people, and the demand is increasing every day. Let us have your order promptly if you im Fleck Bucholllz THE UNIVERSAL CAD :m 9 In 27 In All It II N) A WE WILL MARIE 'I'IHZII OVER IN- TO BEAl"I'IFl'I. BUGS Downers Groqe Weaving Wis SEND IN YOUR OLD CABPE’I‘S AND CLEAN RAGS "tn-'5 hoping the h‘vhoul Fund gut-s on r the [on wi'hix‘ the next \Vu-k! So many e-ncumaflim: words haw rmne along; with the checks, that the (‘ommixu-r are happy, and anyway :Iu his: half of the mud is never as long: as (he first half. Previously asknmvh-dxvd with ’nmnks! ................... $380.50 Mrs Walter J .. . 10.00 Mrs M l, l'JIi‘rr ............. 5.00 Miss Fliznhmh SH” m: ....... 5.0“ Mrs Wm H Frnzj‘ r ...... "\l; I‘ N 15..“ ~' ........... Mrs (‘hnriulu- M H Inlwrll SCHOGL FUND TOTAL IS NOW $457.25 TOTAL S ......... 33 2 8 27 6 *Bmw :1 f u .‘~‘:I!rmn=‘r;i in ninth. Micham: A (‘..0 .5 3 .3 0 0 0 0 l-9 SI. JUELl‘h \ V l (3 ' 0 (I 0 U U Uvâ€"ZZ .Iu'n E :..~c hits, [11min \\' l‘ht’l‘. Sacâ€" ritiu- hat, \\ mmwn. ”mil k- play, Zeb- Mm- {a human. Left on huso, St. .h N ph .5. " 7; Mivhm-ls A (" 1'. Struck mu It)” All-hurls, H: by l‘wrnn, 7: by Bradley, u". “uses (:1! i-u.l;<, Mirhavls 3: Ban-n ll; h‘mIIL-y 2. "“5017 Hart-n :l i: .1 idling». L'mpirw, Shugzxr and :l m 7. imin: Md‘hhc. Baron. p, 2b Moranz. lb . Roidy. If . . . Sofranski, rt Miller. cf. '(‘anty ..... HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN Plan 82-] BUGS FOR BALI Walter J . . . M L i'dli'rr ..... " ';iz nhmh SW m: I? W \1 u! n. “m H Fl flags of spot-d and safety. This slogan has lxrcnmc as much a part of our busi- ness rs our reputa- tion for reliability. We are always at the mnvmg cross- roads waving thq RUGS with ..... $5180. 50 ..... 10. 00 Mrs J F Jenuess ...... Mrs G L Bush ......... Mrs L Klein .......... Mrs Ernest Fisher Mrs Wm F Kuetumeyer Mrs Harry Walker Mr Mrs F N Wildish. Mr Mrs Wm S Ellis. Rev G H valund ..... South Main Street Klein’s Market Millwork Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding Lath I Nails Etc, Etc. Potter M13. 6: Lumber Co. LUMBER Shingles Lumber Doors Windows Imported Norwegian Sardines, extra fancy, pure Olive Oil, 2 for .......................... 35c l’urc Fruit Preserves, 21 07.. jar, . ........... . 15¢ Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, largo, 350; small ..... 15c Sunbeam (Innnml Milk. large, 2 for ""x'; sm. l" .. 6c Climax Spaghetti, Macaroni, Numlk-s, -l pkgs. ..25c Amcrlc m Family, I’ (.., \mlx- and Vols Napthu Snap, all assmtml, l0 bars for ............ 65c l2 VARIE'I‘IES 0F EXCELLENT CHEESE FOR [AHOR DAY PICNICS 'almulivc Soap, Fairy and Lil'vlmoy Snap, I} for 25¢ Bacon Squares, per pound . . Pot Roast, per pound ....... Spring Chix, per pound ...... Stewing Hens, per pound . Leg 0 Lamb, per pound . . . .. Veal Shoulder, per pound Veal l’ockct to stuff, per pound Smoked Butts, per pound Regular Smoked Hams approved brand No.1 stock..31clb Klein’sCash Market Week End Specials Place Your Coal Order Now Fancy California Hams 18 cents a pound . Home Made Corned Beef and Veal Loaf Fresh Pork Tenderloins and Spare Ribs YOUR EMPTY COAL BIN Mr. Coal Consumer Manufacturers Dealers 1 COAL HILLWORK Building Materials of All Kinfl' Get your coal in the bin, sit back and don’t worry. “Old Ben” Franklin Co. is sold exclusively by us in Downers Grove. Lowest prices now for this high grade coal. Also hard coal, Poca- hontas, “Carbocoal” etc. Everybody will need coal then and it may be hard to get. So why de- lay phoningr your order Now for early delivery. Should be filled now. lts only a few weeks until heat will be necessary. Phone One Five 2.00 .75 l .00 1.00! AT TOTAL ....... Mrs Samuel Hofl'ert . . Mr: T F Kelly ....... Mrs W (3 Barber ..... Mrs J H Frankenfleld. A F Stump.... Geo T Knox... Samuel Hofl'ert T 1" Kelly..... W (3 Barber... Telephone 279 Cement Blocks Brick Sand Gravr-l Cinders Lime Plaster Tile Coke lZ'/;c . . $457.25 PAINE. .18c

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