Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 2 Sep 1921, p. 5

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III-n T. I". Roll} «awn! :1 Int clays (his wm-k \iximuz lwr pun-Ms, Mr. and Mn. Cm'n. at l.a('ru<.«-. Wis. MN. (3. W. Lualwr has I‘l'll‘le‘l' [mm a two \\n~k< «aim-m timing friends and InluliH-s In Slum-mi. Mn. 1. N. ummm. uf llt' "vi-4 mum uwnur. bu» hunt shuffling frunn hay fun-r "w yum work. ' Clo-I" hic'lul nf M4. “To-d" (‘nfliu 5* awn-ling nwvm' day- uv Walvnlirl. Mir'L, \‘i-ilim: :a .I I l'llll“. ll"! lgwnnxo PM M! M" “In“! With week» non-d at "w Oak Park huwim' “NI wm‘VN "‘ week. I Mu. J. H. Griffiths viaiml her daughter. Jayne, in Omaha, several any: last wot-It. Mrs. I”. C. Rommel-- and daughter, Betty. loft for Dawn, Mich. to visit her mother. 'Mr. and Mrs. 'L. C. Mahonoy have moved into their beautiful new humc “on Middaugh avenue. Miss Ga-orxiu Ben-stow loft I-‘ri~ day for u \‘im’t ‘-‘-ilh relatives- in Box. ton. Muss. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Archio Scblnmk-r, Thursday. August 25th, 0 daughter. 5 Passenger Touring Car . . . . . . 2 Passenger Roadster .......... 3 Passenger Coupe ............ 5 Passenger Sedan ........ 5 Passenger 2 Passenger 4 Passenger 7 Passenger 4 Passenger 7 Passenger Mi»: Nu-leta Miskolly is recover~ in: {mm a serew attack of tonsiliâ€" tis at her how» on Prince avenue. Elmer Gei3son. of South Forest avenue, is enjoying a vacation trip through Yellowstone Park. The 0. B. Plumlcy family left last week for their vacation trip to Green Bay, Wis. No car selling for the prices below gives a larger and more honest valueâ€"more performance, great- er comfort, durability and driving pleasure. The very few changes made in the mechanism and de- sign of the Nash in the ast four years is evidence the NASH of today is P RFEC’I‘. WHY BUY ANYDTHER? Here Are The New Nash Prices NASH snx emcee 7 Mn‘ Tank. of Milwaukw. is H!"- Samuel Miskolly and family, of Highland avenue, spent the week end zit Oneida, Ill. VER one hundred Nash automobiles in the O,Hinsdale distributor’s territory! Many of these are owned by men who drove Nash cars before. and would buy no other. Each season finds the larger Immeniage of Nash cars in this territory, as it does all over the territory. THERE‘S A REASON Miss Ellen Thomas returned Tues- day from her two months visit in Iowa and Nebraska and the west. Miss Louise Get-ling of Chicago, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Augus- ta Selig the past week. Miss Mildred Johnson was confined to her bed on Wednesday, being ill. Miss Vance Gesner is spending sev- eral days visiting friends in Bel-Wyn. Mrs. T. E. Brooks’ sister is spendâ€" ing some time with her. Late Shultz of Cincinnati is visi- ting his brother T. L. Shultz. Ed. Venard is out again after his serious illness. Mrs. Roy Chilvers has returned from her western trip. I PERSONALS I LINCOLN GARAGE H. C. KAMMEYER, Prop. Fridaz, S_egtember 2, 1921 All Nash models. both 9m [baring Car Iourjing Car Roatlstér . . . gm; Moxie! Car .............. $1195 ......................... 1175 ............... 1735 ......................... 1935 :. both open and closed. have con! tires as standard equipment. NASH FOUR PRICES ' mm: We. ni.‘ W "W: oar. “HE-«bur. us ow A... ‘11 618,102]; u. n. Harte week» ntn)‘ vismng {rivals and u [w “H“ m .n 5-..- Fink-t M3 ofll'l moo-m UN" 9 a. at I O. J p. a. MRI C n. l. Min Rum Gummy. of Marco“ nwnuo. rmumml Ian Sunday from n Mrs. J. H. Clnmpitl. of Los Ange- k-s. California, formerly n Width!“ of Downers Grove, in visiting with relative“ in “‘iunflka. Mrs. Ralph Graham, and son. arriv- ml Tuesday noon. from Phoenix, Arizona. to attend the funeral of her futhrr, T. R. Brooks. Mrs. Geurge Hemllee. of Aurora, and her niece. Miss Annabelle Brown, of Hannibal, Mm. are visiting wlth Mrs. (‘. W. [.usher. Born to Rev. and Mrs. J. Alfred Nansen,» Friday, August 26th. a son. Dwayne Alfred. Mother and son are doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Willard, of Clâ€" u-m, spent lust Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Landorf and the Val Wander family un Prince ave. . . (my 101' New Urleuns where she will Miss Clarissa Bogart has been en~ th " ' "hh la lt’. tortaining her friend, Miss Bumi spend 0 “mt“ “It er ( um u. q ‘ ‘ ' l. l- l. Willey, of Chicago. for the past two M" Seuabe week-“- i Mrs. J. A. McCann of Detroit, William Barnhart arrived honieia:'_(:h"‘has b'eenselxnsltizg he: suite: last Wednesday from a ten weeks \'a-}i)0;," ‘ lugfflt‘ic as c; {m}: ““0 ration spent on his uncle's ranch near. ore ‘9’ ‘ parture 0' er new Eskl'idgl', Kansas. theme in Florida. 1‘ - Mr. and Mrs. V. Thoh’u. of Mid- daugh avenue, loft Wednesday morn- ing for a three or four day lake trip on both sides of Lake Michigan. Mn: and Mrs. Don Eastman me now living in their beautiful new home on East. Maple avenue. Miss Mimiiemne Duncan, 0! Adams,‘ Wisconsin, is visiting her friend, Miss Gomldine Lacey. Mrs. John Riel is back from Le- land, Mich" when: she has spent the summer at their summer home. The M. E. Philathea Class has set the «lake for its Big Bazaar for November 10th and 11th. Miss Catherine Stwsta ls visiting with her friend, Mrs. Lawrence Re~ in; with her son. Henry Tank, 01' Linseott avenue . Phyglclnn {i 811} A. P. MEHREN Electrician ngtory 11mm Factory Downers Price Grove 81545 m, u... um $3825 2810 nowmcns Gnovn mom DOWNERS (mammals Pnrents with children going to school wnuld do we“ to road the spe- Mrs. Eugene Furrnr left on Tues-'Villv, Flul'idn £0 be grlnwwmltlilmnext day for New Orleans where she will May. spend the winter with her daughtcru Mrs. Sellaable. I The (‘atlmlic Wumaus League will NORTH SIDE GRMERY MARKET Miss Zelphia Arnold left last Fri. day for her home in Sioux City, 1a., after a three weeks visit with her cousin, Mrs. John Eckcrt. Mrs. A. B. Nielsen and son, Leroy, of North Forest avenue, have returnâ€" ed from a two weeks vacation spent with wlutives in Bass Lake, Ind. Mr. A. W. Mueller loaded a car with his household goods Wednesday for Detroit, Mich" where he has gone into business. , I Butter, per'pound' .............. Yuhan Coffee, per pound ........ Corn Flakes, all brands ......... Monarch Catsup, 16 oz. bottle . . Runkles Cocoafl, 91?). can ....... Kirk Olive Toilet Soap,3 bats for Gnocmuss §UGAR, 10_pounds for ........ 65c Mrs. Fannie Rowzee was operated on last Friday at the West Suburc ban hospital. Her condition is great‘ ly improved. SATURDAY SPECIALS Mrs. P. R. Statton and daughter, Olive, mtumed mcently from Cham- paign, where they enjoyed a two weeks stay. 1 Next. winler when your pantry is lined with good things you put up yourself, you will thank us for publishing this advertisement and induc- ing you to prepare ahead. Fruits and vegetables are healthful and are less expensive diet than meats, so put up lots of them. We have the jars, spices. sugar and everything you need for canning. Pork Loins, per pound .............. Pork Butts, per pound .............. Veal Shoulder, per pound ........... California Ham, per pound .......... Smoked Butts, per pound ........... Leg 0’ Lamb, per pound ............ Plate Corned Beef, per pound ....... Boneless Brisket Corned Beef, pound Oscar Mayer Ham, per pound ....... Steam Honing - Sewer Building Gas Fitting: Tank-o ass STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 Fred D. Heinke PLUMBING M EATS The many friends of Harry Stussrr will he plrast-d m knuw that he is convalcscing nit-My from his recent operation for appomlirius. Mrs. M. The (‘allmlic Wumans League will hold its next meeting at the home uf Mrs. Thomas Running, Gilbert ave, next Thursday afternoon, September 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Austin left for liq-knit, \\'i,~a., yestc-rday, after a :‘hfll‘t stay tlwy will go to szkson- Miss Lonely Baker rowivml a letter fmm u frinnd in Riga. Russia, Thurs- day, the postage cost [0 Rubles. which used to lw vquimlont to $5.00 in our money . The E. B. Boresford family returnâ€" ed to their home in Cincinnati last Friday after spending the summer at the H. E. Wright home in No. Main street. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson and daughters, of Chicago. spent the week end at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woltf. on Rogers, street. eial school advertising in this issue. Patronize home atoms and get the most for your money. 31c 33c 17c 31c 23c p .33c .10c .25c . 22c Vanity Comedy .. “Turkey {Wm birl Dressing.” < t x “we”, ‘0' nun.“ «an “The Girl from Nowhere" i- an orâ€" iginai wrnIz-n story by Bradley King. which tell‘ of a misguided inc-ion“ maid \\ ho. to hl-l' sorrow, atoms with a mum man at questionahle char- arfm' “ho proves himsrlf m mouth. law as he i-: work" Sh!- smn «H‘- cnvnr- hI-r mistake, yand before they rar. br- married she flee; to a hunt- ing imlgr: in the hills. there to hide away from her disappointment. Evening - 7 520â€"9 :00. A 2-rcel Mermaid Comedy, “Moonshine” with Lloyd Hamilton. In low with one man and helium it hvr duty to marry another, ()lis'iu Guion find» lwmrlf in n alt-spent:- pmlicumem. 'l'ha: novvrihing mlu- tion of llw problem, lnrlmlinx lhl- lhw suing a! llw lulhvr (mm ”W haw." of prison. forum our 0! "iv most in- ton-Minx .‘to.’i.‘.~, of whirl: "RH" King ix Ila: nulhur. Bvoninz~ 7:30 and 9:00. Admiulnn. Chester Outing Picture The Street Called Straight Eveningâ€"7 :30-9 :00. BELMONT AND FOREST AVENUES W“Gypsy Blood” The Dicke Theatre Mrs. J. P. Butler and her (laugh. tor, Mrs. H. S. Case, of North Forest awenue, are spending a Jew days at 1 The Rev. Hugh M. Mat-Whorter has completed his supply work at Grace Church, Hinsdalc, and the regular schedule of Sunday senices at. S. AndreW’s Church will be msumed this Sunday, September fourth. 8. Downer is in Non-Wood Park for a short time. The Love Lyric of a Wonder Woman A L S 0 Two Reel Colonial (‘omedy--“Ged Ap Napoleon” If: and 26 cents (M. \V. t. FROM THE NOVEL BY RALPH ('UNNER With an all star cast featuring Naomi Childers Adopted from the novel by Basil King I‘ I:an I an. lABOR DAY, MONDAY. St PT. 51h and THURSDAY, SEPT. 8 POLA NEGRI SATURDAY, SEPT. 3rd FRIDAY, SEPT. 2nd Tm»: LAST SHOWING 0F Admission 1:3 2: event“ including \\ ar Tn. Admission 15 h 25 cents including Wu Buster Keaton in a two reel comedyâ€"“(Yonvict l3” drama uf mmanu- unvl v-vnlity in the latrhinu. Mall-hitting mmm-nta tbs: Rankin.- IT’S A GAS? YOU’VE NEVER HAD BEFORE-â€" Um bnlplr e giof. m u-Ir me ll'r! ifir Alanun-rh- “142p thrmmh Ralph (funnnr's (mt Fm: r ”mu .md ll Ilnv. u to live here again. I Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson ml ‘sons, James and George. and Hill Ruth Evans, of Chicago, motored on. in their beautiful new car last Sun- day for a visit wlth Mm. Chrlfl Heintz, of North Forest avenue. It. Dickson likes Downer: so well till. he thinks he will return some d”! Denver and Estes Park, Colo. 0! their way home they expact to vita with relatives in Western Kama. :Iml i£'~ just «up nf thr- hrwnth‘ DOWNERS GROVE. ILLINO- IN m. him rlmrnn NI IKM for T'u- Sky "N"! I?!" l ”2") [Run-kt mmhll-‘rml J." nln Xâ€"

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