Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 9 Sep 1921, p. 5

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25 Years Making Delightful Confectionery You will find on our menu all the old standâ€"bys in the way of Sodas, Sundaes, etc., and many new ones. For instance, our Sher- bets are a delight to the pal- ateâ€"they satisfy that long- ing on hot days for some- thing to quench the thirst, and at the same time are confections of pleasing taste Prompt Attention J Ladies Especially Invited g "y. Mr and Mn. fl. l‘uflman "ml «at l-loltanl. Mr and ”fl. “‘I'Ham Hm» rump am! ma. um». vu-nv my aunt: at Mr. mu! Mr! A. I'm!" Hands-r. Mr and Mn. \‘nxrl mum-"ml Mt \‘nlfl'n mnthrr am! ll‘lrr "I 4'!“ man 3-"!!an Mr. am! Mtn‘ “Humm- l‘lwlokm and “mm ppm" Luv-m "a; with rota- Ihvt In "lustful". fit I hum-In lot I.» t'ommunlly Fun In hr held at Hula flout-Ink" l7. mm! when! "when. no" IM tol- Imvum: All "MM" mm hr mounted All mm: III-I hr «hint mm“ quan- tum it" On nlhnnnl m-h "I- MM! l'nvIc-nm-v um ho ”mu m vmt tun-I ton-nub time and um hrtnn' MMMHM. Mmm Numb II m lbc- Aaron hou- Mlul teruperatin hum an «paranoia MI om- »! hr blow. )Ir. llvury Thomun. nl Nawrvfllr. upon! 1AM! Day mm M» “Mar. Mn. B. l’ififlfln, Mn. William [)0th In»; just It» turned (mm arm-mm. UL. I‘M-re m- rmm! .\lr. uml Mrs. Juhu muss. Mn. Wain-r Mum!» and «laughter. Ethel. wont to Elam. lll.. Sunday to \‘Mt (‘harles l‘lumb. I'M underwent an uperullon [or unpeudk-uho at the Sherman Imupilal Samara-y evening. Word has been revolved here 0! (he arrival or a son born [0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank (‘nwiett‘L 01 Early. In. Mn. l‘uu‘iezvl was [urnuerly Mir-m Nara Riedy. Miss Julia Kilns. of Chicago. is on- joying her vawauiml at [be home 0! Mr. and Mrs. (‘harlcs Meadel. Mrs. Frank Huumesser, Jun. ls spending 1th weeks with her parents a! Slurgmm Bay. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. (‘lurcm-e [Mu-ran and family. of Nupcrvillo. visited Mr. and Mrs. Thouum Sheldon Wednesday. You ‘win you attend Community at 10 u. m The Sunday scrum! mvcts at 10 a. 111., new time; and on time. Preachâ€" ing ram-vice. 11 a. 111.; sermon (helm: "Mmh‘cs of Religion." Lot ua go to the houw of God on his day. “Let us hold fatal (he profusion 01' our Kuith without wan-ring. . .Nm forsukiexg Um uswmhling of nursvh’cs lcgumm‘." Mr um! “Vt M "ulmum and [am IEWSY NOTES FROM US“ AND BELMMT BEE; September 3.13.1 Lekachas Orfanos Cooling Confections ‘will be: Imartlly wclmnnml if tend the services at the Male unity church. Sunday school u.‘m.. morning wurship at 11 Church Notes. All Kinds of INSURANCE Choice 7 Per Cent fin! Mortgages Pumas Merchants Bunk Bldg. Edward G. Lemon Co. REAL ESTATE LOAF Ilr. nml Mm. Arthur Poul" um! mo. Clan-an. matured {mm lithium (My. IBM-:- In (be "any Font" Mm Saturday. PM "me they no- tonoI urn-ml hunch"! mm»- in WI» mania um»; um. "mu their no: "out". Moderate Charges Phone 13447 92 E. Curtis- SO. “I. and MM. 1‘. I". Mueller tad children haw ntumed lo (heir Mine in Damn It!" I moat dellxhllul \Ml «uh n-lnu’vu It and 3mm! Douacru.‘ The Min-cu (ifllfilh. Schmitt and Kuhlvy are “tending the Truckers Inn-mute at anerville thin wrck. Mr. James HcClinlork of Him-dale had Sunday dinner with llr. and Mrs. Harry Foster. ”ONE 189 63 8. MAIN ST. Mr. and Mrs. I'Ilnwr Dieter, Mr. Philip Dieter and Mr. [xx-hie wow flucfls {or the Week end at the Adam Dieter homo. International Trad-n and Pam lapkmts cl All Kinds. Mrs. Eleumn-u Schmiit is enter- taining Mrs. l'hilip Dieter of Chicago for a fow (lays. Mrs. Wendel Duel-r entertained at. dancing Saturday evening in honor of Miss Lucille Dieter 0! Chicago. (HIM: All In“! "Interim: NEW AND REPAIR WMK er. George Straulcy of Downers spent Friday with her daughter Mrs. Elmer Kampmcyor. HERMAN HESS!) MIYSICIPAL ENGINE" AN” SUIVBYOI In Saul.“ A". M 102.: 35.1 lllmlgfll Aw. PM": 4124 Mr. uml Mrs. Simmer Gmcnc have returned home after :l'dvlightful vis- it with their daughter at Galena. Mr. P. H. L‘tloy and 1’. H. L'tlej' Jr. with F. Ilium-y and J. C. (200dâ€" rich attended the Wheutluntl Plow- ing- 'match. Mrs. P. H. L'lk'y and children and Mrs. Hurry King of Chicago motowd in Sterling Friday and spent several days whh their fours Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Stickio. Mr. Emil [Ginger of an airupkuw ride match Thursday. Mrs. Hun-old Vial has returned Drawing for Coal Kalle Intent-sud home after a trip to Ohio. -Huudwds of Ticket Holders ~â€"â€"- in Forest Preserve. Dr. and Mrs. Dicndorfer of Galena spent the week end with her folks at Oak Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott re- turned from ‘heir trip Saturday. WWW-“SENTES MISS MARY FLUCK PRACTICAL NURSE 3.9 .. .f' _'i§"5'.'7._7""1 0.0 p. .. (It! a We - Me 283 N. PM Ave. and Faulh 5'. . JOHN S. IDZIER ("en-cut Block and Mason Work l‘ll‘IJ'INENT DEA LEI R. C. ELLIOTT INVESTMENTS had the delight at the plowing of Galena GREAT CROWD AT- her folks TENDS FIREMEN’S PICNIC MONDAY nowums Gnovn mm Bowing 5mm ILLINOIS Chief Dicke informs us that in spite of the number of people pm- ~'0nt at the picnic, the gross weeipts and consequently the profits, wow very small. He saw that mow money has been made on picnics where the attendance wu much less. Eleven tickets were drawn fr": the hat. Five and sewn come ole- u-n being the winners. The first three were blanks (that is the name of the purchaser was not known) the ‘fourth was Dan Milny's; fifth. n winv nor. Harry Karstens, who lives south of town; sixth, John Graves, seventh a winner, Mrs. I“. B. R005, 512 Mar- engo awn, Forest Park; eighth was blank; ninth. Earl Tholin; ten. blank uml eleven, a winner, L. Richardson. 8 «hirer for the Lord Lumber (Xi. The greatest intm'cst ccntvred in the mine for the $300 worth of cqu. Only about 450 tickets haul been sold as the firclm-n were discouraged in We vale by many (In-y approached. The largest crowd in the history of picnics givrn by the Downers Grove Fire Department attnulml the am: in the Forest l'l'osvl'vo lust Mun- day. There were visitors from every part of the county, from along the Burlington and fmm (‘hk‘ag . We have a limited quantity of: excellent quality men’s shoes at the special price, while they last $6 and $7 Stockings (or School Boys Here is the havt stocking we can get hold of 'and the price is very low, considering quality. Something new and real “nohby.” Just the thing for the man, young or old, who likes to appear well (it eased In this cool fall weather. Specially Priced At J. L. TAYLOR’S Medium Priced Line of excellent (19min: for men and lmys. The best buy for the pnce. “TOP NOTCH” Brand Hart. Schafl'ner 8; Man: Clothing. made to your measure. We mmmntec every threadâ€"4f garnwnt is not satisfactory you can return it. Phone 8 WE HAVE THEMâ€"â€" Pen and Pencil Tabletsâ€"all kinds; Note Books, Composition Books. All kinds of lead pencils in- cluding the “Wall!” Evenlurp. PENS PENHOLDERS ERASERS INKS and MUCILAGE Fall Clothing Men’s Shoe Special MENS AND BOYS OUTFITTERS 59 South Main Street Now You Need School Supplies $25 and up Sport Sweater $3.98 V. . Tholin SUITS and 0V ERCOATS SUITS and OVERCOATS WE WILL MAKE THE.“ OVER I'N~ T0 BEAL'TIPUL BUGS Downers Grove Weaving“: hEND IN YOUR OLD CARFETS AND CLEAN BAGS Hulk: and Thought. MIIFH' hm: nut (u do with form 1" "pun-In l‘ \\’ l'vxr'llc_ I'JNIIIIH'HI F1”! SHERIFF. (Advm‘! lsemvnl) I lu-n-by mmnuum- my (-umlidavy fur the lk-puhlir‘ml nnmimuinn Ah: erifl' of Dul'asgv mumy .I! the pri- mark-s mu Ann]. Scuuts do not forget the September duos. Downers Grove Troop No. 3 (Boy Scouts) held its monthly business meeting last Tuesday evening. At which a scout swimming hike was planned. Also four candidates were accepted by the troop. Also we had monthly inspection. The Wolf Patrol having 98% (he Scribe reports. A candidate was initiated and a- wamk‘d the tondvl'fuot pin. Num-rvflh’. I” HIGHLAND NEAR LINCOLN TROOP 3 SCOUTING 2| 8. Mnln St RUGS BUGS FOB 8A“ THANK SHUH'. The Sc l'ibo. {Hm} THUS. ll. INFB'S GREATEST SUCCESS Better than “Lying lips.” previmnly widen-ed his but The Passionate Pilgrim UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ELIIER UHLHOBN Curliss Theatre finmarmmmaiw 00m"; Out oi the Difficulty. (‘nrul “as flu.- lmppy rwllvirnt of an lnvihuhm m u puny, and Mlc-r going In «nu-h nwmlwr uf Ilw fauull)‘ and ask- in}: him or lu-r to lukn- lwr "It‘l't' and In WWII luslunn- ln-im: told u umul I'I'li' sun “by Hwy cmlldu'l d» so, she Mun-"run: tum-d m um- and sum: "Muthvr. \vrqu- a lvuer mul u-ll them It's the wrung any." LlH'u Jud Tunkinl. .hul 'l'lmkfrn mugs ”w m‘mflue op- mu: I ix rvnvrn‘nnl by his rlu-vrful- 1m» .11 "m‘k um! um luv "'0' r; lwr- Phone One Five Potter Mfg. 6: Lumber Co. Manufacturers Dealers LUMBER GOAL HILLWORI Building burial: of All Kink -. Millwork Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding Lath Nails Windows Mother 0’ Mine Shingles Lumber IONDAY WESDAY. SEPT. 13"! I I4"! 5 or 7 Passenger ()LDS, 8 cylinder, run 9500 miles. Repainted blue; goal tires, 2 spares; bumper; spot- lite. Engine overhauled; reground cylinders; new pistons, pins, rings and bearings; battery and start- er 0. K. Liberty Bondsâ€"Cash or Termsâ€"One Priceâ€"$750.00 WM. PARRISH Downers Grove, Ill. $750 - OLDSMOBILE - $750 “His Wedding Night” ANOTHER GREAT PARAMOUNT PICTURE With Matt Moore and Ruby "alum: Place Your Coal Order Now Fatty Arbuckle YOUR EMPTY COAL BIN Mr. Coal Consumer A L S 0 A COMEDY AND NEWS REEL in his "amt two reel meanâ€"â€" SATURDAY. SEPT. 10th is sold exclusively by us in Downers Grove. Lowest prices now for this high grade coal. Also hard coal, Poca- hontas, “Carbocoal” etc. Get your coal in the bin, sit back and don’t worry. “0M Ben” Franklin Co. Everybody will need coal then and it may be hard to get. So why de- lay phoning your order Now for early delivery. Should be filled now. Its only a few weeks until heat will be necessary. ALSO Lamp on on Can. An lm'finmr has lummhed In elm lump m. Hu- 24pm" and u buttery on th humlu- uf uh «I! run fur wwlneers. 7M0 am I. Volcano. . :, I! you «mm to remember WWW ‘ meson! some triem[ or manor cl“ lh-lug H! a dIqunwo. pun-hau- l m 01 slmlmwrv. giw- :- ulna-t to your on: [law mmuul friends and ask "101.3% l‘urh l0 “rim u tmurue we“!!! on IL ,.' len rum-rt lilo-Nu sin-flu. mum" “lei-v". In": H mud hunk and .wml It. It will " be luvpl'miulwl hw-uusn- H In person“. mumummmmmm Telephone 58-h! Gravel

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