Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 23 Dec 1921, p. 3

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CHRISTMAS MES- SAGES BY LOCAL , SPIRITUALLEADERS! Hag. Out of all davhms into "to Hem! light M as admin-v with man. {allowing "mu who as on this day tau born the Snviflur of w vorid. AM yo up turp- IM «m u! lb" Holy N-lh'ily I‘Ih m and glaulmuz n 'qhy «f HIM. u an of anmM ”Utah for "w II"\H-'”"n of We hit truth .0!!! day uf .- Ir“ bruin- Mnfi. And In numhu-s om pl‘nw fmm it. u from (hr (min! date in IN- I". of the rm. [M “d malm il pm- my uni immediurly a not begin» We need a trum- In mu sinluhwnl of sin. so that we may u-uliu what Mn actually i»; nut that. (’hrist an" In! every day hum llw humillutaon o! "in birth to the ahumt- of "i: nit-nth We need an Mfiuranrr 0! Un- In": a! GM; and «very Ward Ihnt Christ spoke wax in mma- any a rn‘eluliuu' of that «thine Iona Du) utter clay. He “at about. munifl'htmx (3nd, Mn; Cod plain to an. and mukm‘. II It"! of "our! flllwrly law. Thu! My: an out a! fin murr than ny thin. elu, tlmt Immluluv uml lv'r- hilt; of (30th» tau, and llmt nah- IIHMI which pm- utlfi I! that ”\fly! "II thing to d» n- 'mu numn- -I “h'\ In.“ of God. And "urn a! mi. Ibo. I but-n m ”w right Mu tn ulu' 004'. will: «1 Hunt to hunt but In; W Gull. And Mr Hm rumr inlu' this work! upon the rm: (mumm- D-y Win our M‘r at lhr wry NH IIIII‘I‘ of H. “II“ "0‘ ‘ "flu in .1" mph '0 ml I)”; "ml ru-v) unr ul on. ma the younywt, mum I» «Mr? to ”I tn "My min» or lvnuthfltun in «try mourn: ur mm." m alvdu i What ‘1de (lmd do at "r shawl whom I "ml? and mum not an‘ In." in that Mun-n! It“, g r comes to comfort as. “Come unto Me He uid. “all ye than are weary and Mavy laden. and I will gin- you msL' “Peace I loan- with you; My man 1 give unto you: not u~ the world givctlu give I umo you. In nu! your held be troubled. neither let it Ix Afrald." Christ has horm- uur grief: and carried our wmws. unal \u lot Him lead us, u-m. through thl \‘ulley of the shadow of Math, fearing: or evil. u the grave. All the ministration: of our friends are as unnvuiling an if one were to try to warm his hand.- fit the shining stars. ‘l'hrn Chrisi For what does it all mean? What are We glad for? Those good tidings of great joy, what are they all about? They are about the coming of a Suv- iour. That is the Christmai mange; that one has come to save us. Jesu: Christ has come to save us from on: doubt and ignorance of God. Those whom we love go on before us. Where have they gone? Wt look into the grave and find no ans- wer, except ch answer which we can- not bear to think of. And wv look into the sky, and the sky is as silent a brief excursion into heaven. But we are living now just as we ought to be living always. in xhe Christinn spirit. in the Christmas Joy. This is true Christianity, all this unselfish mess, all these happy faces. wishing one another the joys and the blessings of a Merry Christmas. it is a week of the millennium. I; is Friday. December 23, 1921 (Continued from Pat“? H . I. To ,corurr- for our patrons the lowest possible prices consist- i In! with skillful workmanship. by, 2 Using the most Mauve equipment possible, and. n. Exerting our first and conscientious efforts at all Hum! u rumrds time and material. ' GOOD FAITH IN RELATIONSHIP am I man}. [I II.- '-. mm «m. “5'. ’ .04. (um. 'l and All]!!! "3. r0... ' a! ”N‘ (N10. NIL ml drHIMHI "w Iribosmen In" I" a mum muny Mame count" to f‘hrhuuuuy. WWI"! {Mn took N! w and shun! to cut dorm the 004 mi Dma A:- it wu- Ibout In Ml. lipiddm «truck H and «bound It 6n 'Iu'u x. Lam in in place Mn I 3.. I....”f. 1 r t intruduced? l was glad to ilea;n:as nurse. .He contracted the insane. 'lc {IIIMH'I' and pnsn it on at thisl’l‘ho doctors and nurses, who had .imv. ‘ learned to love him, did all in their ‘ When Jews was born in m‘hkhemipower to bring him back to health - here “up no Christmas tree, neitherjm“ strength, but he failed to rally. 1d the children of thuse days know; Ono day the doctor who had charge f it~ uni-«truer. The Bible give; uslo! the case met the young Woman tu , 'u- ntur; of tin; shupltenlu watchingtwhom the judge but been engaged. heir llmlr~~ on the-hillsides but whenlShe inquired about him, to be told N‘ KIWI tun: took place they didlthnt he mm dying of n hmkrn hurt at gath Ir {liuulttl a two. It in truolbccauso at the estrangcment. When ‘n-y lrl'l th.~ir flvn‘k‘, M-utldown ingolthe :toctar ntumed to the hmpltal lethlvhn’. to we thi- vww-born Klug‘he curriefl with him a beautiful loo- ml wlm I’M, found Him they nor-lquet of forget-mr-nots and lillies of 'tllwfil ”im- ithe vallry. entwinul nhout with smi- Thr ti--t tn n made its app-rum! “"- with ' an] °" 'M'h trust th: bout 71;: yr“, an" m, birth otlimrlytion, “with my romplmwntn. mu»- ('lirin, u i, warn...“ "H“..nnd her Mun-tun. \ legend ull'lm'uh it ':I.t_\' b.- . fut! When the judgr awoke. the fu- of hi~lm_\‘.l : It in u" 'c-M “ulllan rlury Nut 8!.! Mllnnl {marina-m4 Un- Multan: fmmul nor-Inn in "w (am! in the imam,» rwvmony. .U-uu! 732 you: “In "w Mnh o! (‘lm'fl hc.wilh' ~omr when naught In maven "Ir «rut-hipp- r» of That. It Izu on‘ Unix-um» «u- Muir Hwy \wn- I'M- nx Ihrét «n; "ma flu- ck‘ep man but lhc) ram upon u “war "(he n-rmblul tomb-v .5 llnmdnlcmk lm. $ka 0! "w “ml n.’ mun-h '. Thur. l'lw- print a! I'm (db. m I!» u h- Our :1 cult-I'll calendar in marked by many spa-in! Iluys. earl: of which aye significum m. ulvsimmlvs a special occasl m m' 4!. ‘v' UHll'I'. In lum ouch of these special cwnts are marked by celtain features peculiar to them- selves. Also each hears: its symbol typil’ying the nature of flu- period. Following are a few illustrations: At Ch'ristmas time wr- have the Xmas YEP. A! T.xanusgi\ .r the turl' y. \l. Halluwu' en .. n UT. y'-lantern ,, 1nd su on. “THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE” It is intr.L..rg., ‘m now u migin 2nd intrmlu't‘tm of thin-f .ymbois for base romeo-the days. I have in- uirod as to szmw of (ht-m with pleas. 'nu rcsulh. Our attention is turned now to the thistmus time colebmtml (m Decem- Ier 25. It is the Binhduy of the on! Jesus Christ. Its symbol is the 'hristmzzs Tree. From whence came 'ais ilk-a? Why ante and when was t inlruduced? l mu: glad to learn 'u: uusm-r and pnsa it on at this imv. 103 so. Mus m. mwma GROVE. ILL. INTELLIGENT IIO'I' AIR HEATING I. To carry out patmnfi. EFFICIENCY IN WORKMA NSHIP Sheet metal lick-Icy In Wail-"Mp Downers Grove Electric Co. f. «lo all kinds of Electrical Repairing. flachinist Work and carry everything in Electrical Goods. (‘omcr Belmont 8; Forest Ave. Telephone 369-1 To use Un- bcsd maria! the market provides ° 1° To guarantee compiete satisfaction. 4. To faithfully meet an obligations. The Rev. First Baptist Church HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED BY OUR POLICY DIENER BROS. PHONE 199-1! with earnest endeavor. 1M expectations of our Oh HIT. snavica DOWNERS GROVE “POI TI "'1 . there is a beautiful s:tm_\ of love 'and it' 5 gift which comes to us from the sauthland. In one of it's cities Wed a judge named Owemls, who “as engaged to a young woman of “great charm Over some trivial thing ’lhqu quarrelell, and she returned the iengagemeut ring. Broken hearted, he genlisted in the yellow fever hospital Let us not forget that Christmas is the birthday of the Lord Jesus. 3.1.x.- we gather around the tree this year let us give our hearts unto Him as our Gift. sprang up I slender fir km, green and sparkling. They carried this tree to the chiefiians hall, placed it in the middle' of flu: room and a“ wound it they mule merry. It' was limit this first Christmas tme that the old story «1' Jesus and His lave wa}; told to tlw Teuton tribes and many be- lieved on Him and became Christians. MOI-Mn The flu. Arthur Spencer Phelps Pin! Conneulioaal Church THE SPIRIT OF' CHRISTMAS F. W. KE'I'I'ENRING Contractor 8: Builder Candidate for Sher"! ‘rimarics -â€" April 1922 GOO! Fl“. ‘- “flout“, Gordon M. hound Well (flue-x0. Ill. Dul'ago County Republican Met ii Wat M uuv Ninteon hundred years ago God looked out o‘ver :he bafllvments of glory and saw a sin cursed world. He gathered together a beautiful bo- qut-t of “flies of the valley, for-get- meâ€"ths, and dropped it down into the manger of Bethlehem and the wise men of the cast tame and found Jesus. the ChrislvGod's offering of love for a sin sick. hean broken. wr‘ugr world. 'l'hi» i.‘ ”M- spiril of Chn'utmus, â€"â€" uot gnu-d. but lovn â€"â€" not getting but giVimi. Only :.~: w:- xive shall we truly eulnbrutv Hk Yam! Day. On) Wealth, our limo, mu' talents. our influence. our ALL :1 gift to Him. In a little while the judge asked for food - in a few days he was sitting up in bed. and in a little over a. week there was a quiet wvdding in the annex. The gm. of low dud hauled his broken heart. ‘ stance at the flown filled the room. With tu-mbiing hands he lifted them, saw the card and asked, "Did she writ¢ this of! her own accord?" Said the doctor. "find you seen her face you would not ask that qmstion." A” Khan a! INRIYIIANCII (New 1 M (to! “n! Morin." Purim-r, .1: Wuhan" "all: Bldg. "run 225 HHVS Edward G. Lemon Co. REAL ESTATE 7?- X. “It. 3‘. "Gum-n “tonal". M. L. PUFFER. )l. I). Physician mud Surgeon "mm: am! umumsce Where Are You Going This Winter? Telephone 11:: Southern (‘nlil’ornia points. If you think you can’t all’ord it, analyze the situation and you will change your mind. It costs money to remain at home. Tak- ing this, the delights, comfort and benefits of the trip into con- sideration, how can you all’ord not to go? There are compara- tively inexpensive hotels. boarding houses and eating places. as well as the palatial kind we hear so much about. While (‘alifornia performs no magic, it does rent the weary and refresh the weak. One can be out in the open air and glorious sunshine amongst the fruits and flowers beside the blue Pacific every dayâ€"hie whole system vitalized and energized. tilled with what they call “pep.” .‘l'here‘s no end of outdoorrecreation and pastime possibilities in California. Instead of being a hardship. the ride is a lei-mrely. carefree one. if you go via the Burlington. A continuous moving picture of in« npiring wondersâ€"farms. factories. interesting towns. fascinating cities. gorges. canyons. rivers. lakes. forests and worldorenowned mountainsâ€"through Denver (the Paris of America), ('olorado Springs (the City of Sunshine). the Pike‘s Peak Region. Pueblo (the Pittsburg of the West). the Royal Gorge (the most challeng- ing canyon through which a railroad runs), Scenic Colorado. Salt Lake (the mysterious American Dead Sea) and the nine-mile- long gorge of the Feather River Canyon through the heantifni Sierra Nevada range. Convenient connection at Salt Lake for Why don't you take a trip to that charmed land of out 0' doors and varied Itlnclhlwâ€"(hfifornh? INVERTHRN'I‘S Ask me about the cost of getting there. Reduced round trip tickets, carrying long return limits, lib. eralustop-over and diverse-route privileges are now on sale. The best way to celebrate Christ- mas is to perm-mam the spirit that much: it possible. Cln'istmun in 1921 shouid mean more to the world than it did when Chriad was born; for after nineteen centuries of Christian civi- lization, hunmnlty xhauld have mitten ¢Contiuuwl an Page 4) Community Conga-cation! Church of Link. Illinois wool. and \vm-kmnnship is the hem. overmnt made to measure? THE CIIBISTIIAS SPIRIT com: IN AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Th- llev. A. 1‘. Lucy CLEANER - DYER - TAILOR 27 South Main Street What is umre Useful as :1 gift than a suit or Fabrics shown here are 100 per cent all pure And! A fianpg N211: firm“ merry (Hhriatmaa JOS. J. L. REMMERS. Ticket Agent Hinsdale Phone 848 I | c. a bnowmi' Paintingâ€"~Decoraflnx ' 26 Main Street Downers Gwve. Ill. Phone Sit-R

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