Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Mar 1922, p. 9

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'\ Dry Goods 7 Groceries /.'. Market gait-hams» Mint"! dem in Johnn- c 3 WIN I Johnna. Inc. I! If the shove Ml b not filled for before Intel: 17 It rm to "turned it tho lead" or the dad letter of- With m Uni-tun In M] fl J “r \u,’ .’ Tnmportlflon. Annun- ml Ian: J W Hem. I." :will be given particular attention in Duh-oral om Comnhm In] I”! The puma-Imam: do- gma-gm, Ilh Hum" Punk unmnt hal- enlarged it» mimic; wad-d: J flinch" ('hu mo. m A 1 "man cm ---â€" Wcldm Mint Juohnn c Light Percale. 27 inch. per yard ............ I250: Dress Ginghmns. 3.’ inch fast (-nlor. Special “1.2%, 40x Genb’ Handkeuhiefs, all linen, each ...... 30c Men’ s Rockford Hose, blue \\ hite; hm“ n'2 fm 25c 209 quality Men’ 9 Hose black and br.own pair . .l5c Boys’ Waists. light pen'ale. Special each ....... 59c 330 doz. 10, 15 20(- Pearl Buttons. card ....... 70 65c Imported Veiling, blue, brown, black, pd. ..35c I "up wager-man J L Guxuwon Adolph iknown as the Department of Camp we! Schumann ' H t A Cnmerl entire “trifling. This department um Mo|pllvr Supply c... {will inclmlr the work of grain and ole: achieve 1 Hnloy A 1‘ “\wk sad ”day marketing. The pm Hubert um Chbfilhnson c “0' and fruit m! we“. w- h" spin“ 1 Hum-ck Helen hung depart-new. both of which 4“,, Sane. In. Wm. Hindu-r Clus- "9 dint"! "Mounted on tannin, 3m: l-‘nnk Hey i: w (‘0 ’lm to work out national Waugh“. Mg", may human-y .depuunonu. win continue in their Imp. 'l‘obley Frank Hear O... lPNmt form. “on â€" ”J I u I ll- Ir_‘A, Tu...uu.-n-nl.._ A--.._- __.| n.... Pavel Otto H Plan-m E Peterson Emil Fur-belly P Prince. John E Geerries Mr; L Quincy C C Goltenuan 1" Richmond 8 A DrGoney Peter “the? W H Grabo. Mr John Perfection Butter. per pound ........... Sunbeam Milk, 3 large cans .............. Creamettes. 3 packages ................. Silver Bar. Pink Salmon. can ............ Milsco Asparagus, No. 2 cans ............ Libby Asparagus Tips, can .............. Argo Starr-h. 5 pound package ........... Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, per package None Such Pancake Flour. per package .. Seal of Minnesota Flour. 24' -_- pound sack. . Kirk H J Bidermnn F ? Clint of Bilsinesfi Ken-hem E M Blazek C l A saving of $42,000 in salaries fur Kellerman F Bowman Arthur “922 as the lesull of adjustments for Kimchberg 1m Bradley Ruben tthe new year made by the Illinois Kohary G Bluthy Wm ’1‘ , ' ' . K01”, Mrs AnezhaBi-inkman J C Agricultural Association executive Landvue Olga Bi'ockway Kennelhlwmmittee is announced here by the um? Joe; GumgeBronn Richard 'l)ul’age Count; harm Bureau. The Maholek film“: l'liiurchelt Jessie 1'. Iadjuxlments in salaries and the rum- Mathews gm umx Mathilda 'b‘ s u McBride W D Candy Mf) Co ’ wing of ome of the d(_1)altmen. {have enabled the l A. A. to underv McCullough John (‘ass John F I McCune Catherine Cole Fred itake- one of the largest and most Mcfleury James Cooper Robt ;comprehensive programs of work in! Header. E R Cox,‘ L90“ H {its history at an estimated expense Meurer J B om?" 1“” M ”or $100,000 less than in 1921. F0!- uoravec J Davis R J . _ U . Hoe Geo F Dickhofl‘ Ferd lowing~ a precedem set in 1.21. it Nicholas Allen Diefenlcer M”. is planned to put $50,000 M the. 1922 Niedbal Anton Dixon Geo funds aside a- a reserve fund. Nourse E S Davis J M George A. Fox, of Sycamore. has Olson, F A Dixon W I: been appointed as executive secre- 0m Nicholas Otto Nick Owen S H. C. PITCHER POT ROAST. per pound ............ HAMBURG STEAK. per pound PORK LOIN ROAST. per pound. . .. PORK BUTPSQFRESH, per pound . FRANKFURTS. per pound ......... SWII'T'S HAM. Whole or Half. per [ SMOKED BUTTS. per pound ...... SALT MACKERAL, per pound HOLLAND HERRING. per keg Simon Pure LARI). per 5 pound pail Uncalled for mail held at the Down- ers Grm'e, lilinuis Post Ofl'ice: Johngon Owen Ascher Annie Jones A L' Helman E Kirk H J Bidermnn F Ken-hem E M Blazek C Kellerman F Bowman Arthur Kirschberg Isaac Bradley 'Roben Kohary G Bluthy Wm ’1‘ ADVERTISED LETTERS FARMERS’ ASSN 'l'n Q A ‘7': aim Our Market is Now Ready M E A T S mamahizm TWO DELIVERIES EVERY DAY C. II. STAATS. l'. M. DRY GOODS GROCERIES HI Dunge A H Eastman A Elmer Ferd Ellen. Mrs N Plan-m B Family 1‘ Dickhofl' Ferd Diefenlcer Mrs Dixon Geo Davis J M Dixon W "I Dushatk Mr (Mutant-tat I am Imndlc I! ”MW! '0' Highway (3mm of 9m" Gm tmnhlp. on the lop-Mien mm. unkind to a. will of the NM or: n the prim. Inch 1:. ; f Tnmportltlon. ammo ml tam grill be given particular attention in George A. Fox, of Sycamore. has been appointed as executive secre- tary of the I. A. A. to fill tho- vacan- cy left by the resignation of Seen» tary D. 0. Thompson. who h: leav- ing to organize a farm motion picâ€" tum company. Mr. Fox. is a farmer laud bunker of DeKalb county and‘ his been treasurer of the l. A. A. raince its start. He takes his new {position Huh 1. flown"! Leonard. l. A. A. presi- dent. will take change of a new de- partment of ihe usociation to be known as the Deputment of Com» Adjustment in Salaries and Combin- ing Departments In Lower - 3 Cost of Business 1 A saving of $42,000 in salaries fur {1922 as the msull of adjustments for tthe new year made by the Illinois Agricultural Assoc-mum executive ANNOUNCEMENT LOUIS mum. mum“. TO SAVE $100,000 EXPENSE IN 1922 pound . .loc 12¢ 3| .25 8]."! I7: 18: OOWNERS GROVE REPORTER. ”OWNERS GRQYE, ILLINOIS uur on tile llurluu- "(Julie 10 Wnlt‘l‘l members an» electml by the cumula- tive voting system. Therefore. if the ,. Ilw'wets can nominate wet candidates I thus practically assuring the election ' n! wetx. ' Blunder No. 3. Failure to vote to- gether. A united wet minority can defeat a divided dry majority. If the dnyr scatter their votes among 1 number of dry candidates while the weu unite on wet candidate-u. it will mean the nomination smd com-equent election of wets. The only way to prevent this is (or dry to eestjheir mm; for candidates endowed by the Anti-Saloon Lennie. l The election 0! drv {and state 'iegiuletors in of supreme ulmportenee to the future of prohibi- ‘tion. The, election at dry enforce- ment oifleialr make ,e were» of the in. dry; stay at home on primary day, ... ..l “mgr“ m | lit-aw noun-inflow. I the hull Ind “Quinlan" nf Ilw only in iu elm neeesuny to! If the' Mil. dryn do not blunder the wet:- cnnot householder my “one .. n ...A . " America Playing Cede I Early America: playing cards. In! cording to III article in the American Primer. stunted tile national nutlplthy to kings and queen. by meet-"ling. il- Itend of the mmventloual figures with whirl: playing and. ere new adumed. I the [allowing pictunw: "l'mldi-nl" 0f lite-rm, tit-urge Wuuliluxtun; of die- l mounts. .lolm Adena: u! duh». Benja- vllln r‘nultun: uf spa-ten. Lillui'l‘th. 511;.- “um-«ui' were \‘eum. iv‘urume. Ceres and Minerva. 'l'iw kmnwe were i "prev-muted. nmm-prialo-I,» renewing -’ the gum-rel («dint min-lug llu- “II"WI. by pirturu "f ludlun - Imu- wumlmth. ; Origin” “A Me. 1." Th» term ".\ .\u. I“ originated II . umlml um! iu the mum-mun of Womb-u nidm I»;,\'d'u blerltimo- In- “ domain! that 4 i (Io-lint: urn- l~- «0 rut-dictum. Mum...» -........L.e h. a.“ The (unaw- in tuition! and Inn;- d 1 Nu nutter [mi min-t ~m- Blunder No. 2 Failing to \ote at: primal-kw under our parh s) stem of ’ gmemment candidates nominated bv. the two leading parties am almost nhmys elected. This is particularly" true of the Illinois House to which members an» electml by the cumula-l itive voting system. Thorefore. if the dry; stay at home on primary (lay Ihv'weis can nominate we! candidates thus practically assuring the election 0! we“. l ' Blunder No. l. Failure to vote. The wen-a are determined to elect a wet Congress and wwct Logislgtut‘e. If then sum-red state and National on- fmcement legislation “ill be repealed and the Eighteenth Amendment nul- jlifietl. The. “ill suweed if the dr_\.~ fail to vnw. The future 01' prohibi- tion does not depend on what a ma- jority of the voters think about it.' but on what a majority of the voters say about it on tho ballots cast for men who, if elected, will have the power to either support or nullify the' Eighteenth Amendment. I TI. mm M this am economk- law brought uh:- wires of your m In: Int ml u alwnn human In the work!“ at a me in. when": price! Inn been violently mum In «mmnvenm'pynmodmmm «I Th; manuhcturen and I'lmlrsnkrs beun m r.i v gm ‘ arm the price of your products had begun to rise and laxnr m.- mmlers manfly haul toAlngru-a their prion; ., , -_. .k _A:,- A. i If citizens who favor prohibition ‘enfumement make one or more big blunders they will endanger the law by permitting its opponents to win. The following are three of the biggest blunders likely to be made by voters who favor prohibition. The readjust!" of ontsehw :s not guilz.‘ 1-. 1,“ 1hr --n.- m . life- time. M of a comparativw I'm nun am ,Ime‘ unu‘» 2n. Ihrne and v-qnarffir years Mm mum arumm .~.n .. vu- rumiuu) was signal and wu- are mom M-Haalona m viw uurk of n- Min-tin: Selling your prodm-m on Ilw m: rkrt or 1h.- uurM ,um w?”- an m fenl the artificial am! abnormal mimuhu n. puma rumishnn h the world ‘11-, l have befnre m‘I' this mum 1m Ilw mu v-.~ of 11mm- hogs. cattle, horses. general larm products nd labor fron nu: 1.1m the proxem time The [armor had u. how!“ or mhawm prim} almost two years Its-fore labor lmgan m narHvipnh- in 'hrr-a- hour-fir» and more In : p'errerny ample «Annomir law gn 'I'rninu um Yam produt‘e was sold an a World markM. wlmrmu mp wnrktnun Um! su‘ 1n! Ms Mme on a local maria-I and cm wnrll muk‘ w: u 'mwN; ahead at the local marten. Hf We world is ahsolmoly hsrmial to Ihv yuuspv»;'\ m w and 1):» work! as a whole dws'rm-v .I filmnsl vhu . nvu'v- pr I‘m! uf "Iv emit? r-ivmu'd World In" {017' and mwinh’ \t'JY'n :m- mm to um drew heavily mum :h' nw-unmlnvim‘ mm 71: ”Yr“ «in-«ire power of {BCIHISL l’nul mm u made tum). H: w ‘5 wnrld can not possibly .lve on tho- gain.» mm. «mm. hirheno and the movie of this r‘ountn mu n w .mmy'; gonna“! scale which we haw -niv-.\'9d. A" the lrglslalirm in NW u‘arM mu mu mukv- m Hr tuber ("II r‘lass pmwr van-n 1.". as n nation. or who ‘ J 1"" Manual number of 0th" ism-'3' nanom- huu- vi: mvmic law! or harv- lwvn Wmnrllov’ u- do «u m wit [Jutv buying pow-r um only of mu [fl-Irfll“ hm «.I an 11.: um: “I A: is nmnfly lilting m.- farm». n - (1255 have a [arm-r rrpv- nut-Hon in the tonnes: or the United 8m" than any mln-r om Mass and with the aid M many it‘liilltors from urban alum-1s 1 mm unsidmbk IIIOIVII nl mmmun legislation has Inn mac-m1 m: «From. as for invamr the Farm Loan An mguhrr 'IID vhe addium: m the amount originally nNMHd: «I» Am lolloving the nrpanimvim M agricullanl roam-on. (no me regarding rum"- Iradinx in traim to prevent an far as pmsiMr ”w temporary Innuwm-N of Mum-m methods In INK! [In [Iri('0. rht- “mailed Path-r; mu, lhn FMv-ra‘ an! In roads: and not who ha" of a". Ibo. Emarvm-y Turin Hill. whuh provide: ample wont-Hm. for the farmers while Ihn- 7"“ M vhi~ u-oumry ia wailing an the Sa-muu lu paw m- l-‘nrvlmx Turm [ml «hirh has mm bean hwruro- Ill-m almvm 41h! mam!» TM. Emu» vm-y Tariff Hm carries a [mm-1mm nhmm ~uh Iy rm hum pmdm h‘ All Ill? ltglslalirm in 1hr “or!!! mm my! man 1h Hrmn m mV min-r 1mm rlass "rust-w urn-n I". as .1 nation. or whvn am hub warm. hm u a manor o! fun. it I! only In mul- v. The real win-m market of "he torld la in Mvonml and "no ('Mruu marlm «mm-ll) me: up or dow’a follovrinx and rwflcrung the museum.- at «minim. uf cup that Imp-«rs am! um" In the umM maria! av lerrpom. I' As mw. how-nor. that in Ihe pas! men Imu- lm-n able to tomuomrih «name the wire of when by an unlit-Ia! "fink-1 w Hwy may awn». It temporarily by sumo anlmiul moans, hm 51 Hip long run Ihu 'II’IH Iv utenml damn-en. ' Linn.“ War“ What ”Min. Yum minim-Is I» sold an the 13mm 0! IN- mum rm Inst-nu fie \morwns. and particularly those 0! In who live In on. northern part of Illinois. "Io lo think that fink-am II n..- whem mark! of M. l A." not an... an In“ by anti" a quantum Inn-m. no mu 0! your val m (in of In other rhu. You: It. 0! cum. mun-ml A“ II no at u you want, «be m1 at m 3" [Item can no noun and when you "In adversity. on. mi 01 on till Ibo ulor ll! “-2 ndvmny. It II! be that an a! u will to! ruin! our my"!!! or lulu our Idvmhy n 0101*!” the nu» moment. but we will "vainly all have gluon! "me 0hr "no prim and [M sumo dam of omnuulty m lac-k of "to sum:- TI. m clan u nun-Mull: a» ham u. m: mum h I. Am the pool l-mnt. .0! only ll [.0 VON-K d m nodal-um but alto In the vol-.0 at «- pun-lam. II n Ilvnlon- In .01! upon-ll nun «comic hm» In I" at our was for lost-Inna- In ald Ibo ”penny. "It!" and Input-«fol aur mph. To no For-In at (I. Down-I (Home! W. C. T. U. NOTES ('or-npoudlnx Samar-y. 7".” Mali-1...: OPLEY (Fin! of a Serial Allrcucl lo Far-nu, luoincu In, Soldiers, Working ”on all Other Fall) . Origin. “A No. 1." ,. 'l'lw («rm "A .\u. I“ «wlgiuuwl II ‘ . numb-o1 meal In W minim-tum of I hunk-u shun by Ling-urn- blurlumo- In- | Int-aw noun-Inflow». ll .mmm: that the hull llul «Lula-mun nf Ilw only In {mm-n vu-nt l-- «0 rumfllilm. .5 “Ohm... “um-4.. no a.“ . 'flw fumnw I: paint and Inm- ‘ 1 Mn. Nu antler [mu ' la! Iln Ill’ 0 he. lover («I but Jmu hn um.â€" .m __ *,, . One Mm, Henry, who has (hunted the last fifteen yeah to the loving task uf taking mm of his parents in their uhl age. is left to mourn her IDS». Louise Noll? was born March N. 1846, nom‘ Hanover. lormany. She came to this country in 1370 and was married to Christian W. Legenhuusen August 12, 1872. They started keep- ing house and lived continuously for almost fifty years in the same house in East Railroad stwet where she pmu‘ed away. Funeral services \wré hold a! the home‘yesterday afternoon, the Rev. Wm. ..(hmefeld, pastor of the Grove street Evangelical church, officiating. Burial was made in Blodgetl’s camo- tery. at the side of her husband who preceded hm- by one short month. Mrs. Christian Legeuhauseu pass- ed mm) at he: homu in Railroml‘ st. Tucsdm, March 7. following an ”L was: of several months. MRS. CHRISTIAN LEGENHAUSEN‘ No. lâ€"“TO THE FARMER" Ira-n Hn- p!" pr»; ." (vf If» .‘n, uh m} to am fir“ H Hlv- "WIN 1 m vmvi Id :IIH -u-l and building mammals mu»! 11.nwvlo‘n and I think m»: u H - m... 'ttl'l'l' lulu”) vnll :uljusIH-rl lN‘hyr" MW yunr l~ um. I knu- nu hlv~inf'F-' or lmu‘vn-rnh that are um 4m" Q .u‘l‘v . ..-'- m Ill h; lhr- ul-URTT- ur avlvrhily nf llw- xrv.” :n:.-~qv.~ hf l" await- 'lhv- un-‘lxw n! ”19- [ar'non in abmllm-ly 1hr firv r 1n. ,L m Hun \'.""l7 - hf :ll of um ”'01:?" l haw- mhu'm'hi m- r ~r n0 hf lhI-H» 1:1“ I;:' - lu uhit-h I allulml and l :om In 1";n~ (1' - rum- I'nvn-l ‘x p l; lhv crod‘ laufrrs among H» r fi-asr'nrrmvo: w! l.‘.-- L-rmI-r rymâ€" in l‘nmzrvI-- I Ilisrlws mama-s H’l‘iunhl 1h murmurs “uh Ilu-m aml nlmmr nnariuhly fullow lhr-N gm! mu" 1'. -mh lcgh‘lnlmn, (h-mmlnnnll) Hwy 1ch mu ”m honor tn ra-k‘ nu 1d Mm :nbvu: who-r lhlngs alum: rlw lim- whit": l have H- l- ~ I! :3". lift- linw ll ix th rmly Way th' '“klsldlilm «am lu- iwhllzxn‘ln ,vmllo-d, Nu IJH‘ man mu'n know i! all. In all pmlmhllily, Mfuro mp Mpirnnon of Il'u~ hrm of ":- t" ”‘53 M hr pl (-lt‘tl [MK fall m- uill ln- lulrl)‘ wbll out ul the wry! -! rm‘nnurnwl'u. Leaislalirm ls like any mlwr‘ u'ado m pmrmsinn ll rvqairu l'fl'llfl' and Pxperlem-e. The ((Il'lli'nl for you to geclde .s (an a new man bener rvpl'v We!" you ln Hills great rrlsis of nconslmctlon than a man who n;- ma lblrtythree yearn of business experlem'e. mming ln mum-4n- lam-ll wlm men of every occupatlon. one number of (‘mugrms man or less does not ordinarily mum for very mum ln lhflsq rlmoxf. glmel do you want to take a chant-e? Alix-alum Llnmm on", Iaktl in: “menu- it they thought it safe to cbmgp born: v Mle "mm nun-um, ‘ . v lknnw Ilmv amm- M _\:m lie-arr! vm- apt-ah in Srmr-mlr-t and 0N" m-r. 19H I'hnn H» minim! mmmlzn u! that yrar In an In own: 'hm ynu do nu! rs-mr-mhor, lm rm- rvfrI-xh yuan Ind-mun 0.8! at vlmv Inma- I mm uwry audivnre ”'2‘ l athlwwfi that If m» war Valli-d sit vmmllu the Arm-Hum prom» would my" us no rat» had run- pnnl’n-rv-vl "no!" vhv Huinlm: um I also mun! ew-ry man wlvhm mum! at my who in o-w-r} syn-nth that I made in lbl' rampalun In no hi1 mime} 4mm: 'hP writu! of prosperity INN! ma! Inflow rml wlwl; '6':an I had buaimass mm enough In Innw that pm may unhm disarray-”men: of mo- MIMI", of [IHI'W 1mm be In! emu-4 h; :0 nut-,1" and l Math a ”filler prrdir'ivm n max 5am» Vinw vim if we Md ”use emu-[h m do "u- right thing in "In pwm-y of rr-~:llljfl:"nwn9. umrh mus! tom's. wo- mum m haw a gnnurmi-u um! W-r'm - n wnmrv. M gteav manning Tmnhlrds n! mss ll'r‘l’i" rum h:-.~ 1n :1. numb“ "IMHMI, lhc- th-v mm: ins! a: sun-[v NIH Ir» \\‘.- arr 2mm: m pruspwr again i! I-v t!" the riklu Ihinzs mm. T‘n-m linnh.» mu» mom hum!" Tl»- nm 0! vrnr-pmnrv: u r! Any all-lulu" who Iii-mad Ibo ”um um; pl" 3" M Mu pmlu and I" IN man»: he could hum»: Into uddluovnl inc-wry hymn-p m4 machine-1y and: luau-I1 In unruly 1h! IIMP malno- I." n.- farmer duos who follow-ll vh- mmw c-ourw. and "no mrvhm who .nlao misruml "w mm and who leivuwl mm D:- c-nnM load up will: a slot-ll 0! much a! abnormal prim-s and who Imrmtml in "column amount. «I mom»; In pay Mr lht-rw and: not mm: himself In serlmn financial dlflérumm I sill am this sunny-ply In you (armrn than my man Mm lmu My Mum paid tnr has hm" fin lu-m-r sham and I. «rm in lnmvr shmw m I” through :m. :- pm”! at vie-muslin“ In." my mlwr runs M mun in "u- wurlvlv Tm: mn lin- le mnularlur'r ur on» man ham Ilm finds hiv iuvt-flml-m in buildings and mac-Mnrn 0r in not-ks o! mun handmâ€" lmm sum-r a scrim" In” In Irv-plug up In. nrganiralinn and paving ins-"amt 1am and naryrhlmr alumna! gov-a ‘n mah up. 1hr nwrhnmi of a hug-mus whom" I! I! mum-Mc- 51- my! AI] “rum who I!“ (be nlntule M Ill-ll»; ch It.“ one going to In! fore!" In a! mane” paid up penny. would he lins- I! It I!" not gunman sorry In no I MM! nun um" liver-fly. Mu vhvn- n no in} mutblc Ioghhuon rn meet men Inlnu’ minutes u] judgment A _____ AA, . , n , . . ‘ , you In. In nom- In which you prion In. too low coupon w «I. mo- ot the rum» and at labor. but unl- II. nuuh- I. "hung and I» m of Mr modocu no rumy Ill-um Ibo-l um: Io II. Inc luv-I. nun rebound Um no rumo- any an; m:- more who. a mm thou 'Ill mu mam would h but i! no ll um he loner“ by nether III-v a mu- Ion luv. u «um min n In "ha 0! II. pendulu- Into" uh- pmpor mamas"- n ”inflamed. Um Ibo “doll-c 0! III- "Ia-unbou- in Into.“ It“ earl "flu TM Onion. 'l'tw ouhm ‘3 mJ-mimn-d In "-0 "Mm! wrmngx ol Egypt and India and Gun been fur 3mm) ‘gultlmlvd :md umlvam-d In nlmoal every unnum- m m.- «and, lurluasslnx all «Mn-r Yum-(«Mr- in‘ am- flqulty and vuwuin-uws m rullhu- flun,‘ 95 Oakwood Ave. Tl": EASY WASH“ TNI’. flimrllflfllil. TIIB HALF-“ll PIRKMWIE Cflflllili. TI"! NANII.’I’0N~IBACII VACUU- SWI’EPBII AND Tl“! HOLIDAY HLIKTIIK? DISHWARIIKI. Mrs. W. R. Clark There is nothing “baby” about it. It is built to be better, and more value for the money, with its cleaning power multiplied by the motor-driven brush. CALL. WRITE OR PHONE The switch is in the handle, easy for the housewife to start and stop. The motor is horizon- tal to 'reduce wear in the bear~ ings and results in a cleaner so low that it easily goes under all furniture. Offers 5103- for the Money ‘ To all who appreciate quality and fine workmanship we present the Hamilton Beach Vacuum Sweeper, a leader‘in a highly competitive field. Its unquestion- ed superiority is founded on hrilliant design, gen- erous value, substantial construction and painstak- taking attention to detail. When you see it, mark its beauty; note over-strength parts and powerful guaranteed motor. Hear how quietly it op: erates. Observe how it over- comes every constructional ob- ‘ jection you have to other makes. Thisjtrqu Sjlem _(_:leaner West Suburban Agent for 1-H up wally. No an: 7 sorry In no Ila or II) no In} poutblc In Ihk'l Exmva Cue. If 1w wmml um um“ um own UM It silo-um glw mun- nuemlnn lo Oll'h selves than to the other fellow. lest we «cementum do what we try I. Ivold. Personal enmple- at cauld- Ieu are better mu vow-u at I!!!“ ch aim-ll Um. Telephone 4044

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