Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 10 Mar 1922, p. 7

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Potter Mfg. Lumber Co; LUMBER Nails Moulding datum". Dummy. at Woodstock. ‘l'lw l'lnllutlma clay- of the 3). E.“ 1pm Sunday with Mr uml Mn Al- churn-h will hold in all «by worm (ml (lanllm at their home in We“ , muting no. the home of In. AI. Nod-n Ilplr nvrnue. 1min. We“ Maple wen-w. on Wed-5 Ml and 11h Prod Rah-r. of Chlca- Lmy'huz'flp “I'm?" mambo" "'1; to. and Hr Incl Mn PM Wolf. of lllnulalv. wen Ink cal vlrlwn M In. W. 00"". ‘olm. at Grand tho C. J. Win02: and C. II. Slut-arena: in condoning from M: n- hmn. «n1 scrim" Ill-v”. I “r uml )lrv- H A Gaul-nor uml datum". Dummy. of Woodstock. 1pm Sunday with Mr uml Mn Al- {ml Gardiner at their home in We“ Invit- urnue. b! one o! the man popular storm over Mme-l. Millwork More than 1200 people nn\\' “The Sheik" It the Curtis; Theatre on' Tut-«lay and Wednesday evenings. ll n: ma Mrs Floyd Home. or Nonh' Washington mm, an- an haw) our the urinal of a mu. born on Sunday. Han-ha ! Windows Mrs Wallace Eager, is able to be out I little thon- nlco days and her {fiends are glad to know she is im- proving. Mr and Mus Hulbert Jones enter- hined a! 500 and bridge on February 25. A pleasant evening was spent and refreshments were served. Shingles A little daughter, Mary Elizabeth. arrived mi Friday, Mun-h 3. to glad- den the hearts of Mr and Mrs Philip Jory. Kastory ManufacturingCo. The Vesta Juniors announce a bun- co party and dance to be given in Library hall on March 18. Phone LaGrange 617 Mrs. J. J. Ralstou entertained the bunco club on Wednesday afternoon ather home in Prince avenue . Wilbur Siebelt. of Jasper, Ind.. is here for a fish with his brother, CM and family. We Spamm- in Automobile Painting. Recoveringand Rep? aring Tops. Cushions. Side Curtains and Seat Covers. Mr and Mrs I". l’. Drissler, uf Oak Park, spent the woek end at the Geo. Binder hoine in West Cuftiss street. Mr and Mrs (Hen 'l‘imke spent the week end with Mr aqd Mrs Grafton King. in Chicago. The George Allison family we in quarentinv. Junior Allison has the measlex. Mm J H Griffiths left ’I‘uexday for a short visit with hat daughter, Mrs Verne Morton of Omaha. The Badger DeLnxAll Season Top [PERSONALS] Mrs George Binder of West Curfiss sheet is on the sick‘list. Why Not A Closed Car? Fridaz, March 10, 179272 Place Your Coal Order Now DO IT NOW! m Phone One Five Manufacturers 8: Dealers t COAL MILLWORK Building Materials of All Kinds Auto Truck Bodies Bum to Order nor mah. Minty fl day. {m min! of odor. OLD BEN Franklin Co. soft coal gives satisfac- tion and Is the best 111- inois coal your money can buy. Also 11: stock, Pocahontas Lump, Eg and Mine Run. Ha Coal “Carbocoal” and Coke. Wt mar bar on .lwptny It our 1-hour mm If you have not used anv of our high grade coal, a trial order will convince you of its real merit --â€" So why deliy? as soft a iii The mums, jghgxmr Have your coal bin fill- ed be fore the ground n-r nl’ Slum. Jennie Pro». 0! 0w vil' hut". who nuc-mk-d the rum-ml. Mr» Elizabeth Begum normal away al Mr [mm in Deer Park. Iowa. on February 15 and was hurled In the “on Park cemetery. She was I uls- Mrs B C Dow-m. returned TUONII)‘ from the l’wnbytorian hat-pull and is impmvink nicely. Mrs A 1' Nelson entertained the S. 1-2. 600 club last Monday after. noon. Mn. Harry Darnley won the flu! prize: )lrx. Om the mud and Mrs W J Sun“ the booby. President of the Missionary Auxil; iary of the Diocese of Chicago. Prince avenue. there will be a Lenten- Tea for the benefit «If (he Altm- Guildi M S. Andrewx church. An address. will be given by .\1..<. 1-). J. Randal»! 0n 'l'hmsday afternoon, March 16.; at the msidence of Mrs. Rose Waylen’ Tuesday morning brought back a touch of winter with light snow flur- rios which reminds us that we have been-requested to publish our annual spring poem. "me it is, “Spring has come. l_\ln~ll. hkell, menih .«ing bkoll." 'l‘lu- l’hilathea class of the Congre- gational church wiIl hold a social in the church parlors on March 24 at eight p In. An entertainment, “The l-‘otygraft Album” will be given by the class. All members and friends 2m- conlinlly invited. No admission. [the Vesta Juniozplt her home ill Mrs Lawrence (‘ox‘cntenuined at Weme st. 'l‘uosdaI Honing. Plans bun‘co az'lwr home in East Maple ave. are and“. “mm for u bunco puny and; la»: l‘l‘lllkfl afternoun MIs. Ralph dance to be given at LibI-arv hall on GuehIIeI wun fiIst mile and Mls W. March 13 and f0. u Men in MaI' J. _ Slants the consolation. Refresh~ Refleshments “He sened. gmems II'eI-r, 591"?“ and a pleasant time Clljo)('ll. 'l‘huse pmsent wexe 'l‘lit- l’hilathea class of the Congre-gMesdumes H E Wlight, B J Steven- gatiunal church will hold a social iIIlson. Jennie Brook-i. Ralph Gaehner.‘ the church parlors on Mamh 24 at W J Stauts, Fred Kettem-ing, Chas. eight p III An entertainment, “The Baker. (‘ len 'l‘imke. M. D. Abercrom- l-‘ohgraft Album” “ill be giIen by’bie, M A SulliIuII and Miss Gemgla the ([353. All membeIs and friends. Berosl‘ord. ' Mrs. Will Kuegemuuu enleflained the Vesta Juniors at her home in Webster st. Tuesday evening. Plans E" "WW“ O‘Neill 5-‘3 making and The Nature Study class will meet ‘selling mdiophone apparatus, up is with Mrs. Frances Ward at the Kin- the only licensed wireless operator inldergfrte" cottage 0" Elf? Mapkf “"55 the village and i4 well versed in “In!“ Friday, Mal-cl: 17' there wnllhe ‘ ' ‘. . . ' . ,luucheoq am! a good program. Mem- sch-nee. Of an mqumng “““dv homers aw urged to be present as the has perfected himself in this newost'progmm committee have many good 1 things to bliug before tho class as the of modern womlrrs. wring approaches. ~r IL uy-u .. [46mm Ill. Gum-l mWNEus GROVE REPORTER. nowmns (mom. [Lumus Blind Robbins, per pound ............ Ferndell Catsup, large size bottle ...... Cut String Beans, per can ........... Ferndell Golden Bantam Com, per can Ferndell Fancy Salmon, 1 pound flat can Salt Mackeral, each ................. . Holland Herring, each, 5c; per keg. . .. Pork Loins, small and lean.‘per pound .......... 23c Pork Butts, per pound .................... '. . .214: Spare Ribs, per pound ........................ 13c PotRoaaLPeI-pound...............~. ........ 16c Fancy Rib Roast, per pound ................. :5: Hamburg Steak. per pound ................... 15c Georgia Squam, bacon, per pound ........... 16c Armour’s Star Bacon, 4 to 6 pound average, lb. 38: Swift’s Box Bacon, per pound ................ 43c Swift’s Brookfield Sausage, per pound ........ 27c i We wish to tharik the friends and “neighbors who kindly. ofl'ereu their isympathy and agistnnce in our late fiwreavément in the loss of our bro- ;ther. J. H. Shaw, and for tlw beauti- ‘vful floral tribute.» ! Mr. and Mrs. R. (I. l'fnfl MI. and Mrs. I". W. Mlll'l'l'I" Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Shaw Mr. and MN. H. H. Shaw 1‘ i Mr. and ermw. Shuw . i Inge-Mu» Mm him. \I'hm I was In the “wall-wan It Wool. raffle, a mrrvqmudvm o! the Chh'tlgu .lI-urllll. llwrr vu-n- ln'u [It'll l lhmaglu l wan m Ian» whit. hm I could no! deride I "ka hell. 5.- nun day I Hun-um I Would write nvh I ulmi luu- [MIN rum-My “0' nluv and l Mould Um. vita-um Iln an» uln- uiuwu-n-d Ilu- maul I‘IVurnhll- Hm whom Ilw, um [ho-tr ham-n. mic-la lo-I Ilw unm- Mum. m m u. unnu- Iu-r y-lum I uruw mm unnlu hm l ‘uquI- rum; a! all mmnm If you don't want a batch of mire-d. or you-J cakes “twill; lat.” use our Good flour. ()url-‘lourhmadebytllebutnII-fm No. I: hard wheat; is rich and smooth and BAKES PER- l-‘EC'I'LY. And the Price is No Higher than the other kind. CARD OF THANKS STEWART M. BURNS, Proprietor Telephone 2 and Mrs. R. G. ”at? i and Mrs. P. w. mom-H and Mrs. M. H. Shaw and MN. H. H. Shaw 1 and Mw."lT§ "W. Shaw ' Groceries Meats md ............. ‘ ....... 20c dze bottle .............. 29c can ................... 20c n Com, per can ........ 23c 1 pound flat can . . .451: ...................... 25c “"" '“WthELMONT PARENTâ€" TAUXILIAEY ASKS tho Kin “arch in Human Foods. Starch In the only food-(lull I. ell-nut! In any rhmmynl may lu‘ the llouth. Slum-la i~' gradually n'lmnged Into uugur in "w ann'IHfl-J mum, un- m-«I [mum-.- lukin: plnm- In flu- mouIlL Ullw; I‘m-oh urn- mvn-lg grunml up and mammal In lung-mum": (0r Irliml |~_\ u-IIIN‘ iu’v't-n, Everyone residing in the whoa! dis~ trim is invited t0 attend so they may keep in tuuch with their school and what is being done there. The speaker of the mining will be Mm: Harder, who is the head of the Chicago Parent-Teacher associations. There will also be short talks by sew eml others and singing. Tho Belmont Improvement Club. in reality a l’umnb’l‘eacher association. will meet ne§t Friday, March 17, at the l'uffor schmil, Hank and Belmont roads. Plume 891 for :1 tuxi~twénty- fours o! the day. Careful driven, clean. comfortable can. prompt urvke and a low :Ilarxr, mi- out lmluvemenu. ‘ Auto And. Taxi Servie RELIABLE GARAGE Mrs. Harder, Head of I’-'l' Astana. of Chin-sq. is to be the Speak- er the Evening TEACHER ASSN. TO ‘ MEET MARCH 17th. PHONE 391 $1.05 b'I'here are thrills aplenty in ‘this picture and situations ftha; leave you breathless jwith suspense. A L s o ANOTHER MICKEY TWO REPL com-3m and 3031'. BRUCE SCENIC SNOOKEYS FRESH HEIR “LOST A YODEL” Md Aha KINOGRAM NEWS TWO REEL COMEDY muss mm a. “mama" Au. $011001. nus: Md " A L 8 0 ' COMEDY. “THE IDVE EGG” ROM. BRUCE SCENIC. “BUSINESS 0!" CAMPING” The Dicke Theatre Th0 Auxiliary to the American [.0- gion in collecting them for the Speed- way hospital and tlu; usv of the dim ablell soldiers thew. l "Donations thankfully Wt'ejwd." Anyone having clean rags, suitabil- {mural-pa ‘rags, sewed or un<ewml; old "eddies: old kid gloves; clean tin cans. such as (-ufl'eq- or candy cans; ‘old pic-cos or hard wood, old hanl wood furniture. not in us», can dis- pose of them. . Han) Amok-u for Wounded Soldiers Can be Sent to Legion Room for Hospilal l' m- Saul-day mu 'nma Frédayléandfl Apagefromthebookoflile FOR DONATIONS AND FOR HELPERS Ste-g: flouting - Sewer Building Gas Fitting ‘ 1540M: 885 Friday March IOth s'rnoucumm'. The Wonder Dog. Fred 1). Helnhe FLU M SING 310].“ Q": Mick SENNETTS There will be a work meeting of the Auxiliary at the Legion mom on Friday afternoon.» March 17. Vela!» tw-r workers will {be wvlcomed Ind put \9 work. Anyone having such articles and 5.}- ing willing to donate them. m team with Mrs C H Busts “1‘ Roper-ten omce. Hinsdale Phone 848 C. E. B R 0 W E R Paintingâ€"Decorating . 26 MainStreet Downers Grove, Ill. Phone 82-R Pl;

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