Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 22 Sep 1922, p. 9

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us 80- uk: 5:. Residence 27 5 Eu! vae EAST GROVE LUIS FOR SALE To those renting this may be of interest. We have East Grove lots, 2 or 8 in a place with good stunt trees. up to 30 years old, convenient to the station, with 50 trains, with water, gas and electricity going in, within the new village, and schoyl} district, where there are neighbor-3,3 and stores, good roads and telephone‘ service; Chicago and village stores deliver; most desirable lots at $10 per foot and others as low as $150 per lot, on terms of $25 to $50 down, then $10 per manth. or other terms to suit, where you can build a gar- age or house, and save the rent you now pay, applying this to buying in- stead of renting. Fredenhagen's Agency owns sev- eral hundred lots, all are clear with a good abstract showing a good title, which goes with the land, that you can look over, and unit yourself as Jv- r-vwâ€"v v v diluent, and the prices higher. flow to Burt. Come to this attics and select your lots. tell us whu am: you need. And malts a start. and do it now, or buy something mdy built, it we laws It, on easy um too. which we will uy and ar- w um- v"... ___v , _ to location. price and terms, and if you m in time below the zoning or- dinnucc is passed. you may build a nu Menu too. otherwise it may be Buy now while price: In low, 1nd baton the many improvnmonu now going In double the price, which is sure to happen. Wo law may satisfied cunwmoru‘ m Hung in that: new places to ray {or to and to give you an Idea how flay do; all uvo nut and VI“ won own am: home: clear. Downr- Grova h growing. :5 it mu but below and your chance In right hen now. wtll you Him or Inn It? Come and no {or youmi! and b0 convinced. VACANT LOT on not Iaph avenue runni nah to Roger: «on. Mt mm, In my type?” 1::- ct, We?! ”(or your. 1.- “hail: {or my ya or mum (lemma; boul- ma. and cm mm M“: a mail figment down if used and improved- VACANT. 3. E. corner of Pro?“- mlnd ”Roma“ stmk. 73x2“ t. on! is I MVQVY flu. [0‘ for,” a alny yam! and garden. a: the mi i; um good. price 8100': “m9 easy VACANT. g at"; o_! section line n1, A _-.l -_..,l h: Vflhn.‘l. 4 ant: v: .V-Vv. all macadnm. and a [and road to the nation. soil h black and is all «In». price 81600. km; nay. VACANT corner, on Fain-in Ava, west front. 861126. in built up Iota. don, price 31000, (cm: easy. FOR SALEâ€"20 are farm 'm. good buildings. Wry handy to the village, In doe we". and in on a hard road. has me tool. and complete vorkjn cum. n 9mm house can be "we: II. REAL ESTATE f0! SALE FOR SALEâ€"43M}! Iitfle home of I rooms. m a fun acre. electricny "wt and gas. is near town, :04 81000 down will handle it. WANTED â€"â€" A small house of 3 or 4 mom“. on small clme in lot. worth gm. or themhout. suitable for a me and business. WANTED FOR CHICAGO Cl‘fl. TONER-K THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES: WANTED â€"-â€" 4 or 5 room house With seven! lot=. acme fruit if possible, mound 54500. East Grove win suit if terms can be had. WANTED -- 7 room modern house with large deep lot, not over haK mfie from station, some shade and , - - - A .u. -L...A DI "me “'0"! snauuu, Fun". .-.._‘.‘ _.V fruit .or timber lot, warth about 33‘, M qr 89.000. $3010 cash, 800 every WANTED « I or 5 50168. at edge of town with ultrvbo build: "° . .72“ new thing that can bebo down and then a monthly pay- md< t... "nun-s. uowzmns GROVE by '. FREDENIIAGEN 27 S. Fairview Avemu Phone 101-! or 5 room jgouse 151m ipfirig. satisfied customer: [hr 22! 1922 Phone 85 CLASSIFIEQ§ FOR SALE â€"- Ford touring, model of 1914, 3125. Phone 813-8.. 9-84; run Dnun ~â€" .-v~ ..,-â€"...,. ..._.V,, condition, with stove board and pipe, $12.00; also kitchen heater and garbage burner, used one year, pipe. $12.00 56 Carpenter St; 9-22-1 FOR SALE «â€" Ford Sedan. Mrs. McClure. Phone 230. '- 9~22â€"3 _.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" FOR SALE â€"â€" _Hot blast heater, fine FOR SALE â€"-â€" Davenport and Over- stuffed Chair; Lamp; Library Tab- le; 2 small Tables: 2 Chairs; J. W. Hughes. Phone 2524. 9~22~l FOR SALE â€"â€"â€" Large size Acorn base ‘buruer', Garland kitchen range; are i‘nrgoqd c9ndition._ Phoglg 3_94.1 FOR SALE ~â€" New house and one and one-half acre lot, with or with- out furniture. Henry Moriise, Persh- igg ave., Belmont, Ill, 9‘22-3 FOR SALE «â€" 'S:wing machine, $5; water powar washing machine, 35; W'i','§f'?.$}'_.g_"‘fll‘?.52f,m 9-224 ['UK\- UTIUIJ ' novâ€" 7 age running 200 ft. deep with gas, water, electricity and sewer in and paid for, $375. Easy terms. l0 min. walk from depot. Call after :3 p. m. G. Earl. 119 Randall St. 922:2 FOR SALE â€"â€" Modern 3-mom bunâ€" n ,.L L... FOR snipâ€"gyti of .50 ft: Lfv'ont- I‘Un onuu v ~‘quv-. galow 0n paved streét: iB’ath, hot water heat and all impruvements -â€" Phone 79-J. 9-22-1 mattress :nursery chulr; and cutwr- sleigh. Phone 243'W. 9<22~l Foa"sXLI-3 :"Nag-h. 1921': 5 page}? ..... .muninov rnr‘ mlleage 4500. 5 U“ onuu .._....., 7,, , _ gar tourm'ng car, mileage 4500. 6‘ cord tin-gs, best condition inside and‘ out. Priced nghn Wm. Kuetemeyer.‘ Phone 97. 9412-! FOR SALE â€"- Lima beam; green beans; common by the bask-t for slicing or the buahl-I for Cunning; cabbage: melons and appleq for cooking and eating. OrJeN of $1.00 or more delivered. Outlook Farm .. Phone WWW-2. 9-224 M Eda SALE * Child's white enamel- ed, iron drop sit!» bed and soft ‘...;._- l-‘OR SHE”:- 614 range: two gm plazas; sideboard; ice the“; bed; drawer; pol; hitches: uble; mud, go u-...._.. D".- dresser; cotzfikitché'n uble; mu»! gal at one". bargain. MN. Newton. Elk“ .\l:_|ry__1‘pa Room. to R. Cunus b‘t.’ FOR SALE â€"â€" Oak rol‘ mp desk. \nih chuir to match. l’ric“ raauv ulmbue: mm b!' mm to be appreciat' «I (or \‘l'llt‘. AIMN'U mquir)‘ can; of Aâ€"‘J‘I. Thenkeporter. ‘7’ _‘ fi FOR SALE â€"â€" Airdnle puppiu. black and Inn. two month old. rayon-I nblr. 815 and up. Am have a find!’ come and <haphord. and! 401.! Many four month od. Mn. Hurry Cmry. Clan'mlon mm. Phonn 430i "hm-“um, m, -3431" FOR SAM-3 -~ Lou In new skim” to Downur Crow. 3 Infant” walk! (mm Ila-t Grove duvet. “Ah I {av-(V A ark invmmm as low .3 $130. Cn I‘m. '8. J. “ammo. Painted andf Funk": “rents. film Deanna Gr; JIOJ. m FOR RENT - Punt-dun at on“. +va apartment. strirtly i'nlivi-L unl mul modern; «looping n‘h; no can of henlinx mm; luum ry facili- Uv- unlit-m. Imam! cm Iaple aw. I'hmm 3794!. 9-224 FOR RENT ~-- 1'! I (1th: 0m 3)- canal ran the fl'morflom ('mmln (“all The «(her an flut‘erflI-M Rgg. calal rmr the fl'nuorflom ('ounln ('mb. TM «(her on swarm-m Rd. and (‘anflehl Ram ‘22" atm in all Pref" tank {ennnL Simpton Finns; Elmhurz‘t. Ill: 9- .. ma mug gage mm whim; 'n- Aâ€"- am, cook and one waitress on Inge farm near Chic:- cam (woman woman and (mun daughter pre'qrml Good ham, Mama"! aurrmmdingi. Per- mlnent far right purview. Kefevences mues‘ed. Adda“ by mail A-25, c- 0 Reporter om" 3-2271 WANTED - l to 3 room»: suiuble for Imagine“ oKicP. Phone The Reporter, \88â€"1 , 9- 22 1 WANTED TO BUY â€" 6 or 8 roam ma nnml’rumisw {ale familx. Phone ‘30 FEMALE ‘HEIJ’ wimp - One __ I‘- WANTED TO BUY â€" 6 or Svmam hausp in dewirnble locamm in . 6. Submit deufled descripeoin with bed mmsition. Chas. L. Makemmn mfl . . L333!!!“ SL, Chicagn. 932â€"3 WANTED TO RENT A An unfur nizhed room with heat. can give good references. Apply e-o E Schultz 1:21 Linsmtt avenue. 942;! WANTED â€" Board and Lodging by a man «ha can furnish the best of references. Not engplpyell. _A:l‘- a man who of references. dress I". M. S‘ No. l 393m.- St Charles, in , 7 9-154 WANTED â€"- pm" sewing £0 do at home ms, John Stan ”.84 8403:; neuter st. Phone 84-3. 9-15-2 WANTED TO RENT â€"~ 5 or 6 room modern house, with garage prefer- red. G. M. Laferty, 82 W. Fifth St, nvcn DOST ~â€" Bm leather bag, near East Grove station. finder lease return to Mrs. A. Wmims, nd ave; Phone 348‘W and mieve re- ward. 9-22-1 LOST J Brand new U. S. Royal Cord tire on rim. Finder phoen 1694 MA. Reward. 9-22-1 BHUDD onluuu _,__\ v, _ the rent mirror-like shine on Lud- ios’ and Gents' shoes. You'll find him It eBrtoIin I Son’s Cufeteria. Pay him I. visit. 9-224 M ROOM AND BOARDaA very pleas- ant ropmgnd excgllent board in a , “M‘A .1 mm snoss‘sumsn imam" can'pgt 4.1-- -_ large "mu! u- an“ v.-..v._ Bl“. I rivnm family can be secured if 320; 'hone 51- 7 Â¥ Miscelia‘neous For gale For Rent Wante’d a. F0714. Phone 309. :r. Furnishod room. pfi~i Phone 430 w 8-18th chulr; and cutter- size Acorn base 'ngiii't'fi.’ iii F-“D. white enamel; Located at Downers Grove, State 01' Illinois, at the close. of business on the 15th day of September 1922, as made to the Auditor of Public Ac- counts of the State of Illinois, pur- suant to law. 1. Loans on Real Estate. 2. Loans on Collateral Se- curity 3. Other Loam. 4. Overdrafts . 5. U S Government In- vestments _ gjigfiint to law. l, V. Simunson. Cashier of thei Farmers Merchants Bunk. do sol- emnly swear that the above state- ment. is true to the best of my knowâ€" Ied e and belief. and that the items an amounts shown above correspond with the “ems and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor 0! Public Accopnts, State of Illinois, MU Commission Expires 06L'3. I‘ (SEAL, NIYI'ICE T1) C1)NTR.\CTORS Sealed hick will hr Revived b the Viilan Chuck! smug m the tad of Local lmurovemenu for 1h» Vil- lage of Dowm-n Grove. Dul'ngc County . lllipoI-t, until r) o'duck p. , n-.A.L-_ In-M Farmers Merchants huutlv.’ , lllluu‘n. u"... w V- ,, v m. an HI“ GM ddy of Oclubcr. [922. (or funny-hing all malaria] and luhor and comtrurtmg a canon" pave. mm". wivk th- rem-un- cut!) tad gutter nturm an" drain». and m- Icu in Lyman An-uuo. Futley Hm. Summit‘Slml. Benton Avenue uni Randal! Stml m the Village at Dawn." 6mm. Dul’lr County. Ill- inoi-. |u_ucunln_nm with IN- on“- um 1- . nnnm." ELI-'38}! ‘ncéiflmlumt pm u’ding or ‘urh lm WHOM"! and now on Me with the \mup Clerk of Uowucr‘ umvc. mu a.» mm...“ . inm’n, In arcunlnnm with tho onil-‘gppA'IAirâ€"Kgqgtg‘gfi1' MINCE. ngmm. am and ‘mlflralmm pro- __..w-- ‘ Mm or ‘urh inpm‘emnl mil smart-u. Assmmmr N0. 5:. i now on M. will: the \ullluav Clerk of‘ | m'ul Vlll . PUBLI. N TUE IS "ERIE!" ‘ The amt-w alumni" of "“W'filvflN lg“ .51 (lioumy Conn a! 00 1| an .3 follows: P.” County. luv. nndorocl I M83” I Ago-«In! ha. fl mom for the flaccid autumn! up! new mu! (m In! to Inch atom on OWN?" “Mm,“ by the follow- wntu drum lug improvemenu: finding me mad- as!» linul {on or 10 inch norm w '1!!! drain ”y ml partway”. conltmctlnn cun- ‘ new cutln nml gum". Vin: the ll ftnm "N. "M!” """ Inlet: Marty with lmcll. ”unstfifl In hm ”3 m :32???"er first“... ‘3" '3‘“ “firm :3?“ ..... rt,- . . rv run a 4900 cable ynnh of "caution forjmfiv‘cfl' 51,7»:an “‘3:an 1mm CM} . malwau «um» line of Fume: Shut. w ll», "’12 “"5" ynrl: 0' “"3"“m" ("'Vnonh “no of “mole Autumn; :u nill' WWW!” , . mun.- fully appal- from th- «Willa! 20 an: um: man Inv- («new m y of 'MWMI on Mn m my . bmugm “' "M“ En : that unmn! far clu- col- LMO «nun ”M" “f ”"3"“ ”3“".ledion of «aid mavamnl i‘ in n.»- ma'" 'hand: of the unlit-ranted, Pmposala muut I» muin out on‘ n m i h. «194 an “any“ blank farm: fur! Lhed m» «m vamn “nagging" 2MP”, u»- "may Council and ir compliance will) "Fangs“. M {M ¢d,,,.(,"q "mm [0.] instructions and wpecifimtiqm.‘ Saul mud “ No. 06 Smith Ha‘m Stm‘lg blank can be lad an applwatum In in lhe “um “f Dmmen‘ Grove. Du; the Village Clerk 0f Dmrnvra (have- P: ‘ County. "um,“ i Earl! Mi. must be acmmpamed by 8:“! "m 14;). day of Septemlwrd cash or mrliflevl rltock payable to lho‘ A. D. 1921 y g order of Walter C. Rather. "I!" 0" CHAS. M. HITCH. .. "m“. ;_ u; amen: mmcim . (‘nlkcl‘fl‘ main-m I072 rubiv ynrh a! n-‘amum for ”PUMP 20 an im: man mu omen brought {a 1nd» UMO «1mm yards at canard;- pave- men! Proposals mu4t bl' mnda out on blank farm: fun 6419;! by «Ii-4 Villa” Count“ and ir campliance with tho instructions. am! apecificutiom. Said blah can I! [an .nn“ application to , ”A AA nu...- Proposala muat b4- muin out on ""“ ' ‘ . - . r. 7’ blank form: fur. Haul by «AH Villavf noaxedptzopqll 'zxrp‘: lam awn-m?!“ Council and ir compliance will! $0ij m 'thv MIFMI‘N ”am" “"I Malfunctions and «pecificatinno. 3‘“ marl It No all Smith Main Ster blah can I» fall an application mum the (mm of Dmmem Grove Du. :32 ”wall” Clerkbgf Dovnon (also? “5: County "hm,“ . E .31- 1 must , acmmpam y ‘ ~ ' , ‘ cash or «dined rltock myth“! to “to: A. Dhaka" ”'h «lay of September,: I: 1 order of Walter C. Barber. Mayor of. said Villgge in him "mew capacity CHAS‘ 3" "gym“, and be terfi ed by a mountable bank.i . 9324‘ for an annual not less than 10%; __._~_--..~-~_.. ‘* °' “‘9 “”91““ 0' "'9 "60m" "0" spam. .sssmwnm some: I pmnl. . illa n! Down!" firnvv. ! m M'M‘" t" 'M‘m.“" *Mk "" “lino }. con4tfl1¢tin¢ extin- ayarded “ha" I” rgqunrerl ‘" m", don: to connected .«vatem of mall a bond. as manned] by ““’~ "3'“ water main: mm "hung in any bidder. when manned by am-l. Downora “+0“ in Ea“ Chi- Council, «nan furnish th-nm mt" 58" cam heme anin'ie‘r Ava- lafartnry ovinlonre that hr haa 9hr; M, ,n,,m;p.m.. Avonuo necessary facilitlea. experieucn. shit; Git}: film! Flowmp Aw: ity and financial recur?" t" NW" N; \iiqzh' titre“! .f‘mu} the mmlitimns of Me mntmrt within: S:#§!~ an'l finnhm. Anus”. I \ the time specified. , _ Payment for a" “W“ “i” l” "‘4'“ menu. ,sssmwsvr so. u. ‘ hy epoch! Lueszmt-nt bonh ham-in: ‘ . V . . .. m M m ,. ”‘13:?de 44%;: mam“; 1:? ‘" “m" “I" ”‘“ 2W {1* gin" m": . ' .. 3 «(we lines. ring a t e k The Councvl "f .the ""3" "fvcoatr'ucfion n! extensions u the con- :Downen Grove, actmg a: the 80"de 313W 0, water mains now [of Local lmpmvementa. Nerves ‘hevedsfing in Mars Grove. ‘ the! ' ' , all pro’osalsn - I?!“ m "1°“ 7""? “' mth the necexxary fire hy rants. n.4, .hmld .t deem best for the. ,3“ Valvcz. valve he": “Ft-“Wm Loans on Collateral 89- "I Minn out“ w t..- "I" V 7 , curity ........... 51.36045 Washington Street; WEBSTER Other Lou _. 41130.03 Street. from the south hue of Sum- Overdrafts ._ . . ,. 288.27 mit Street to the north line of Orchvi‘ U. S. Government ln«., Iml Street; CHURCH Street, from vestments ........ _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10,750.00'th8 north line of Summit Street to Other Bonds and Stocks 124,953.00 the south line of Randall Street. ex- Banking House, Fumi- tended westerly; RANDALL Street, ture and Fixtures 22,450_00 from the west line of Washington Due from Banks. Cash Street to the west end of Randall and Other Cash Re- ________ Street, all in the village of Downers 1x372650>0mve Dul'ugc County. Illinois; as sources . . .................. , will more fully appear from the ter- Total Resources ,,,,,,,,, $579,310.34 tified copy of the judgment on file ‘ . t in my ofl'ice; that the warrant ft ' Liabilities the collection of said assessment is Capital Stock .......‘..‘.....$100,000.00 in the hands of the undersigned. .Surplus .......................... 5,000.00 All persons interested are hereby Undivided Profits (net) 12,343.48 notified to call and pay the amount Time Deposits ............ 227,583.48 assessed. at the collector’s ofl’iee lo‘ . Demand Deposits 234,33.38 cated at No. 66 South Main Street. in the \‘illaire of Downer: Grove, Du Total Liabilities ”$579,310.34 Page County, llliiioi~. ...._ ..... ..r canrmnhnr 2d mun-u.- Dated Dom “er! Gm September 226.1922 Walter C. Barber. Mgr“: William Bender Harry w. Ewee Charm: Rail" Irving G. Hoartt. CommiWioners. Acting u the Board of lmnmvemantc. J. S. IDZIER. Engineer. WW v Bevan a! flu M“!!- Ol the SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE .__.._... Sui G. B. TOPE, M. 1). Physician a: 8m“ 9m Grove. tn. dice and Radio-:2! U Halli-J Aw. Tum ms OFFICE HOURS: Until 9 mm. 1 to 3 9.11:. After 6 pm. Capital Stock ...$100,000.00 Surplus .......................... 5,000.00 Undivided Profits (net) 12,343.48 Time Deposits ............ 227,583.48 Demand Deposits . , 234,33.38 Total Liabilities (Official Punlicatiw) .od Resources gate, ..$206 59,99 SUMMIT Stfieety “0‘ Main ernoi ' V. SIMONSON. Cashier. Grove. Illinois SPECIAL ASSESSMENT N0. 59. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY] GIVEN that the County Court of Du Page County. has wandered a judge-{ ment for the special assessment upâ€" on property benefited by the foilowr iug‘ impr 'ement: grading the road- ways an: purkways, constructing storm water drains with mauhoies and storm water iuiets, constructing curbs and gutter. adjusting to line and grade storm water inlets and setting to grade sanitary 'nianhole covers. and puvin the roadway in SUMMIT Street, from the eust line: of Main Street to the wgsg Aug-8‘0! snzuxififisnssmum xmurr, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT N0. 60: PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Conn of Dul’mge County. has. rendered a judgâ€" me\ 'for the Special as_\e:i~'mrnl up- m\_ ropn'rty benefited by the follow- ing .mpmvement: constructing cast iron water pipe in East Chlcago Ave- nue. Fail-view Avenue. Rome's Stn‘et, East Maple Avenue uml uther con- necting street; and avenues in the enter“ pnrtlon of Downers Grove. lllinme: as will more 'ully appear from the entitled copy of the judg- ment on file In my oflire; that. tlm warrant for the collection 0! will nuwement l‘ in the hawk of the unnlrnlxned. I â€"_- L-_.|u- IN’II‘ w-u. u. -. «led at No. 68 Scum Mm‘n Sm“. tn the \‘zllage of Dnuncrs (Brow, Du Pun (Tnumv. "Numb. Dam! th'u Nth an) at Sunlember, A. D. 1932. ”.7 . .. lllml-Il unurrsuguru. All lwrmm intercqwl In hemby murk- tu all and pay the amount Issued, 1‘ m1 Tllggtot': .ofllce lo- . Lu _-. necwn fiyxmu u. â€"_.‘.. 7‘ existing in Omen Grove. t therg with the necexlary fire hy ranta; gate valvez, valve boxew and =pecial§ r-usting‘, all located in EaJt Chicagn Avenue. Fairview Avenue. Indianap- olis Avenue, Gierz Street. Florence Avenue, Ninth Street, Center Street and Benton Avenue, the Onlinancei for the same being on file in the. nRice of the clerk of sat-l Village. having applied to the County Court DuPage County, Illinois. for an as- sessment of the coat of aid improve. ment. according to benefits. said u- sessrnent being yable in ten in- stallments. eat-h aring interest at the race of six per centum per an- nurn, and an gasesament therefore having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 9th day of October, A. D. 1922. at the hour of ten o‘clock, A. It, or 39 soon thereafter es the business of the Court will permit. ‘ All persons desiring, may file ob- ! jections in said Court, before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. . Dated Downers Grove, Illinois, September 2‘2, 1922. uranium A. GWEFELD. IK'? ‘ «mun,» , ......., Dated \hi4 14th da} of September. I III! mun-V... (In: George on «Si; of hamster has men held by the Bfluah royal hull: u... vvvvv Selected to make V‘IWIIZI.V ‘I-' .4 .V , cam Avenue. hin‘iew Ave- n'w. [ndianapnlia Avonuo, Gian Shem. Finmnce Ave- nue. Ninth .Stml. Cm"? Siree! and Bantam Avmue. [9: )0 ASSESSMENT N". N. Is HEREBY HIVEV’ ma internated. that the the x-iflagv of Dmu'nr'rx 12,4. having ordered Hm of extensions, w the mu- m of “19.1 mains n_nw CHAS. M. HITCH. Collector 9-224 CHAS. N. HITCH. Colin-cm MW the Kgsessmenij‘. AAA A qutno Fruit. . _ 3. . In Farm-us! we read of a New Yon RUGS " 7. Ipurtsumn wlm was speadlm; 'Ms nI‘ nunl vm-uflun In the Mama-head country and who llml unmixed the 53,") m yous OLD m . m-rviu-s m" an ulcl lt‘n-m-II l'unudhm aw . Ills guide. The spurtsumn “kl-d tn ask v AND CM “as the um 1mm nun-Minus “bum. (In! dlf fez-um «Mm-(:4 Hm! antral-ml his m WE WILL "Ann m cm“ 19min". Humu-nim: tn nutim‘ u rhuuu 1'0 BEAUTIFUL BUGS of cruillmrry vim-s on the nlum- at tho ' ‘ , ‘ n _._..-.... ll---A “hum-ham. lukr. )n- :mkml lhv 0H mun whm they were uml \vlwilwr (In-y wvr.» guml to eat. “Hm", tu «1n? “’9”. l shuuhl any so. Yuu lake [hut lilllv ('runlu-rry and New him. 51w makes just as good nipple sum-v us "rum-51‘ Charter No. 972i Loans and discounts, including rediscounts ...... I Total Loans .. Overdrafts, unsecu L'. S. Gavan-amt securities (Mined: Depvsited to secure circulation ........ . . . . . All other United States Government SecuriUe Total U. 8. Government securities Other bomb, sec-dues, eta: Banking House. 88,000.00; l-‘umitu and fixtures. $4,233.85 . V .. . When-ks on othe . I u "sporting bank ................... Redemption fund with U. S. Tnnsurer and due from U. 8. Tmuunr ............. 0th” assets, if any ......... . ............. ElucD‘CIIl Villlbl'l ¢\dlll. Fur 1h" Imkwulurs-cl “our mgt-nulty will saw Nu- purknl. A [in 01' Julian l9!:1l'k~â€"~NHI'I| u~' unv uws fur slnvun mnl irnunnrk 'lilntu-tl to flu- n-qnisiht rum:- and c-amsiflvnr) whh moth mm! smriu. gin-s Iln- mm: Wuulh". uuk vurnish mun puwlhlu at n 5 mm- nm. ‘5 flch' ‘nlroaulv fi'fliH-"I hm grmxn sham-y “HI h-viv“ In min" "inn if “u” “'ilts'hvtl mu! {round in a con! 0! lhi< lmt-muum! mixmre. Al Downers Grove. 1' Cnpiul stock pcid in .......................... Surplus fund .................................. Undh'uknl yrofiu ,V , 17.664.“ Lem cunt-m. superb”. intend. ‘ ., .. and laws paid .. . 2,9!“90 Circulning noun ouuundbng ............... Cortland chock- oulsulvllnx ................ Individual derail” sub to chock ......... Certificate: 0 «know us In Inn than 30 days . Dividend: unpaid ......................... .. . ammo-u- of deposit! ......................... 0th" “me domain ........................ TOTAL .............................. . State of Illinois. Can» of burn“. as. ' f I o gluon-Mum! but, do nlcmnly m! l. Samuel Curtis-a. AIM" o ‘lhnt the IMO Attainment i: (m to tho but a! m WW“ and id . i SAI IL CUR 38. W. suhwnlml .ml «mm 0.0 Inton- m:- thu wt. day of Septnmbor l mun. 1.1.".- Nmn Mk. (‘ORM-‘CTâ€"A AM M. t. r KMw-u J. W. Nash J L. Mlle". Dim” [3mm TRY A CLASSIFIED AD. YOU GET BIG RESULTS M l' SICIPAL “GIN!” “D sL’IVI'OI a lone-u Ava P.- ”I ”am Gnu. Ill. subunbcd nml NOW’S THE TIME! Windows Screens Millwork Flooring Roofing Siding Moulding Lath Shingles Lumber LUMBER Manufacturers Dealers COAL mwou JOHN S. 3’0“. puid in ..... First National flank [OFFICIAL PUBLICATION)“ {REPORT OF THE CONDI'HON 0F v â€"â€".â€"-_‘ ,, State of Illinois. at the dose of [minus on Sept. 15, to buiid that house; make nec- essary repairs and additions. Building mnurial prices no law, Inbor cm less. So why delay? Our factory and lumber yard an hudquarters for high grade miuwork, lumber and building supplies. call on In and got our prices. Learn about our serviu. Hm buiider’a book In colors. blue print plans, etc. Our an «on: might save you In of doflsrs in bulldmg. We an furnish you the best building mferiall at lowest pried. BEN” Best Fran} County Coal. POCAHON’I‘AS BEFORE BUYING Phone One Five RESOURCES LIABILITIES Rnuv u .b‘luu «discounts ...... $388,186.31 Forget “0 LAD (Bindâ€"eh Hui" N“! I, Commiuioa «phat Downers Glove Weaving“: .____. . ‘vn ‘cn n1. Iflflnl u 30 Acres Trees, Shrubs, and Vines best for this climate; lJttleford Numriu Phone 312-1 Landscape Gardening om: Specialty HIGHLAND NEAR uncbw Phone mm was won um M. L PUFFER, M. D. sun-mist Chunk him 39 8. Rule 52.. Car. Homo. Hours 10:30 a m. to 4:00 p. m. (excun Sundays.) Raaidence: Downer: Grove. Ill. 75 S. Main St. Tel. 17'! Carpenter - Contmtor 225 South Main 3mm Downers Grove, Ill. Tglpphtma 121'“ Phnne Randolph 2866, Chicago RUGS I. B. SCHUETZ My; Dulfid NO. 1 35.000.00 21 {100.00 $388,180.81 139.71 S 35.00030 .000.” Grave! Blocks Brick 56.700.” 103,385.39 12,288.85 82,178.78 16.23.” ' 3,152.32

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