Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 22 Sep 1922, p. 7

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Mrs. Albert Lacey and Miss. Marion returned Saturday from a very pleas- ant Visit with friends in Blooming- ton, Wisconsin. Archie Schlauder has purchased the old Chas. Mochel home in East Cur- dss street from Wm. Emrich and will occupy it about the first of Oct. Edward Tank has returned to Rip- ol college, Wisconsin, aft-r spending the summer vacation with his folks in Mascot: avenue. has been spending some time. ‘ Mr and Mrs Calvin Austin, who Mrs T. E. Brooks and Miss Ruchfhave been visiting with their son, G. '8. Austin and family, of Belmont st. Waples are at home after (hex: mpg have gone to Efl'inghnm, 11., their to Calif ‘a. orm !old home. when: they will spend the Guthrie Boon has gone bad: toiwinter. Bi n Wis. where he is a. member‘ . “paw, Senior clasw :7 Mr and Mrs W. H. O'Brien started " .1‘...m.x.,.y «crnvnmnn nn nn nurnmnhilu tho Uniéemity of Mrs George Staiger wtumed Mon- day from Leland, Mich. when: she has been spending some time. agitated by the Rev. Hugh M. ”Mortar, left last Sunday (or John Babbage l‘eft this week for Champaign where he will be a stu- dent at the University of Illinois. Vesta Chunk". No. 242. Order of the Eastern Star. will have [mafia- tion‘ and refn-mmneu at their next regular hunting, next Tuesday. Sept.- ombcr 26. Ill-n Eula Patton is in Knob Noster, War! for the present. > Florida Grape Fruit at. Klein's Im.â€"Advertisement. Mrs Geo. Hubbert spent Thursday at the Halter and Weishmcks home in Naperville. I Geo. H. Ross, of 43 Grove ;t.. ,left Friday to resume his studies at. the University of Wisconsin.“ lugs Florida Waples left Tuesday for Rockford where she will attend Rockford college for the aiming term. Mr and Mrs Edw. King. of Oxk- wood menu:- and MIN F. I, Dmken son of Prince awnue. rommod Mu,"- dly from their vacation up u: K-"x river vnlk-y. In Georg! MAy and mm and Mi“ Ida Pianos. or Rockford. spent «3v- onl Jaw 3!. 2h» homo of George Rubber! III “’91 Huplo .wenuo at guests of mm l-Iu-lyn Hubben. In. Maul Smith and dwahwnf Barth. of South Main street. van lzul Saturday for LmAngelcu and other points of manic in the vent fo' :1] Vacation mp. ’ | Mr Ind Mn Io‘m l-‘ereather and In. Frank Komnck left yeaterJay morning for (‘aiiformn win-m they fill! make a never-ml monthn vim with Mn: and friend-s. "it“ Edith Darby. who hm been “king can of the Iota! allure of the Women! L'niu-d (In I Electnc Co.. In! “vented : position with the First National Built. Mr and In C. 1. Winter and bankers and Mr: C. H‘ Swat; "turned Ln: Saturday from 1 turn weeks vacation spent at Eagte Point lent on Pistakee Bay. The Young Pmple’s Bihk Clan of tho Congregational church. empr- Modny evening a! the Mme of the Kisses Clam and Florence Lucy. in To the Council of the The fol'owinz i: l Fund! Dept. of Public Afi'mrs Dept. of Account P‘nancu Dept. of Health and Safpty Pent. of_ Slrgfh 1'“ Pub. lmp‘ $272781“ 312990.923 510137.60 8301:5213 Speuiaf .‘xi‘é‘éviott- 717.22 549.87 1287.09 I do hereby swear to Hun be“? of my knowledge this report to be true ' C Ford Davis, Treasurer. and comet. of Sepeember. .1922. Subscribed and (worn to l'rfnre me this 11th dav mm: hi Hitch. Notary Uublic. 53'. of Pubhr' Prop-Edy Pu lie Lihrnry . Cnnhorn‘m. the Hunt of the tea-on ’ Klein's Iarku.â€"-â€"Advertiwmunt. r USE A DUNN PEN -- A CAMEL FOR INK â€"- AND ELIMINATE YOUR PEN TROUBLES! THE PEN WITH THE UNLIMITED GUARANTEE A Point for Every Hand! Main Cut-ties Sta. START SCHOOL RIGHT SEIBERT and NORRIS l v--. . rt'ks Sts. .â€" Ehone 6 -- Downers Grove “Try the Drug Store First” Preserlption Drggglits TREASURER'S REPORT y Village of Downors Grove, lUinoi<. my repor't for the month of August last repor‘ for month {01 On hand Rocr‘ipts , rs . s 8:38.2I 5 156,76 8 f“ nance { 8161.5?! 2060.86 Safety 207.47 360.87 Pub. lmp. 1885.01 901.20 Edy 72‘).09 7359.55 mm mass 414931 279.15 3640.86 A7 _ 783.80 I Mrs. Sanders of North Main street. Ecntenalm-d Inst Thurtday evening .for WiHiam and Edward Wuplei who ume here on u vucatmu. Thom pres- en! were Mr and Mr: Harry Case, Air and “r" Walter Frazier. Mr and Mb I» .x- SJulo-n, Una Min“ Lo“ nine fopr. Binnie Papa. Hm.- Sand- «era and HuridJ Wane» the Ru H. M .“uderwr ml hrm’ Smrlm' 1 Mia: Ruth Miskelly of Highland ,avenue, was hostess at a luncheon given in honor of Miss Gertrude lDeiLzel, of Mnywoud, last Saturday faftemoon at the Marshall Field 'Co. tea room. Mr and Mrs W" H. O'Brien started Tuesday afternoon on an automobile trip to Seabring, loridu where they will spend the winter. They are male ing the journey via Washington, D. C. and intend to camp along“ the way. Mrs. S. C Hurley entertained very delightfully at her home in Prince avenue Tuesday afternoon. 500 was played and Mrs. Lawrence Regu- won the first prize; Mrs Harry Rimes the second and Mrs W. J. Stats the booby. Elam ' 'Bénmnfr;b‘i in iii-ii Mr and Mrs F. C. may entertain: ed a family: birthday gathering at their home in Highland avenue last Sunday, September 17. Eighteen wem present to enjoy the Lacey hos. pitality. Announcements have been received in the village announcing the mar- riage of Mrs. Bernice B. Horlick to Mr Hugh W. Hillesherm on June 28. 1922. They are residing in Wood- lawn. Mrs. Hodick was a former resident of the Community and will be remembered by many. Born to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Cox, of East Maple avenue. Monday mom- ing. September 25 at the Hinsdale Sanitarium, a nine pound Son. The mother and little Robert Louia are doing fine. “I“ mix-hem Sackneder spent l-Iuhz: in Dawner- \I-i'. in): with oh] Him-k She Wm enroule from Lot Angvlez. Cantor“; to New York «hm- she will vmt With her non, l-rmienck .md wife she «pens to Good Heal“! Order your daily sup- ply from One of the greatest aids to the finding and holdin of cod health is PU B M l. K. Only milk which is handled in 3 Sanitary Dairy such as ours can be ke t pure. Our milk for ha ies is recommended by local physicians. D. H. UHLBORN Phone 91 MILK and CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE â€"- l C E - Chaa. illinoii. qut‘iomen if flitggrfigfifi Uublic. Slof:§7.60 ”L. Avuun for month on hand Expand. Ba] 34.26 s 980.71 350.05 9781. 73 187.12 381. 22 451. 56 2334. 66 7502.14 767 7 so 212. 4? 1322.46 3424.66 330132.29 1287.09 h‘ Just Sahiby to “bend I funny '3‘ union on the ”rival of Mr. Stalin’s brother, John, who lus recently m- tumed form an extensive tour of; Europe. While in Rome Father Janm ecek and Mr. Straka were received‘ in private audience by His Holiness,f Pope Pius XI. ‘ A very enjoyable type of informal evening service is being conducted Sundays in the First Evangelical church this year. About half the hour is spent in singing the good old gospel songs accompained by a fine little orchestra. All who do not have regular church homes are cordially invited to spend the evening at this service and join with the regular Worshippers in making melody unto the Lord. Mr aml rM< John Nadelhofl'er with daughters, Luellar and Corrine as chaufl'ers, are touring the west. They visited Yellowstone Park and Salt Lake city and are now in Colorado. In Estes Park they drove up the Fall River road which is one of the high- est automobile roads in the world having an altitude of 11,798 feet. After visiting in Fort Collins for a week with their cousins. the Henry Burdorf family, they are now on the The Social committee of the First Evangelical Young People's society, has announced a fike tor Saturday evening. Not. only the members but all young people who enjoy hiking are invited. Meet at the church at five o’clock. Bring your luncheon. “Wienies” will be provided for all for roasting about the camp-fire later in the evening. Don't forget to have a story to tell! Solomon has said. “A hearty laugh doeth good like a medicine." Finlt Evangelical church is a hearty advocate of social enjoy- ment. way { Peak. Joseph E. trout. 125 Carponmr street. died earn: thié morning of acute inclination. The attack cm suddenly shortly nfuer midnight and he died before medical and could be obtained. Obituary next week. We wish to thank our neighban and Menu!» for their aympnuny aml for the beautiful floral oflorinza in NW lots of our litt'o daugMnr. Mr. Goo. H. Brady and Family. ConmllItCurthaStt mmam Sugar. 10 pounds for .......... 1v: .......... California Ham, 6 to 83?) average, per pound Bacon Squares, per pound ................. Swift Premium Ham. skinned, whole or half 3 cans Com ............ Selecting and buying groceries for a home is a much more dilfi« Cult task than purchasing in any other mmrnodity. When one In a a new pair of shoot, an automobile, a coat or a pair of shoes, problem of deciding come. only at long intervals. But with groceries. every rising sun garment: three no. prob lema of "what to have" for breakfast, dinner and supper. No wond- er the grocer; qumtinn i the housewife's biggest problem. There is an unmet. It i'e to be Ind fl thia store. We spealin a: tempting food! and in \udl large variety that planning a met! no longer carries 1 dread. JOSEPH E. GROUT CARD 0!" THANKS CARD 0|“ THANKS to éoloréc'io Springs and Pikes . C. PITCHER our many friend» Four Five-Woman Teams Lind Up for 192233 Seasonâ€"Women Anxious to Go. . The ladies desiring to continue l howling gathered at Mrs. George Barty’s residence in Gilbert avenue.J Monday afternoon, September 18 and‘ formed the Downers Grove Women’s Bowling League for 19224923. The following officers were elected: , 3 Mrs. B. E. Bulezynskiwl’residenc Mrs. S. C. Hurleyâ€"Secretary 'Mrs. H. L. Walkerâ€"Treasurer The officers elected at this meet- nig are to serve the full bowling sea- son. The members having the high- est averages in the league which ex~ pired last May were appointed team captain; for the newly organized league are as follows: Mrs. A. P. Nelson ., ”7.114 Mrs. H. L. Walker V ...110 ME. Harry Brum .. ..109 Mre. R C. Briggs . .404 The teams will be known by the captain's names. Those chosen for the new league are as follows: Briggs Nelson Clarke Barry Duncan Conkey Rimes Mocha! ( E) Sherman Rumbaugh o'clock Captain halczynski Albright Cole Downes Rllsto n Hurley Stunts Mochel (C) All schedueld games to be called promptly at two. Any one absent for anything other than sickness to pay a fine of price of one game. The first scheduled league game to be helJ Friday. September 29 at two Balczyugki Cole Ralsto n Shuts I mm to thank the pvopiewa'm-a commmm, for their patronage And for the many kindnemu shown me whilo ; readout of Dow/men vaa I will have nothing but plenum maml or’..-< of my «my among you. an. Newwn. â€" F. W. KE’I‘TENRING Contractor Builder Estimates furnished on New or Old Work 121 Fairmount Ave. Phone 43-M THANK YOU SEASON FRIDAY is a much more gmâ€" Conkey Mocha! (E) Rumbaugh Walk" -..-. AvéFZEe ................. 114 .. .110 17c 18c I Make Theatre $ 2 5 Reward ,| a Them is a rumor about town that I wish to nip in the bud. It has been said by various persons that “Blood and Sand" as shown at the Dick; Theatre this‘ week lacked some of the scenes that are shown in the picture as prvsented ut the Roosevelt Theatre in Chi- mu...” . u... r----~~ _ cugn. I will pay to any one of these pemons the sum of $25.00 if they can prove their utatemr-nt. The print we used for “Blood and Sand" had never been usad before and is an exact duplicate of all other prints now in use in the leading theatres of the country. Furthermore. I witnessed the show- ing of “Blood and Sand" at the Roosevelt on the opening- day and know that there was not a :;ingle scene shown that was not shown arthe Dicke Theatre. And this is true of all pictunw. The print we will use {or “flu- man Hearts" next week is the very print that would have beer} used at the Tivoli. had that theatre not poupone-l their showing of “flu- man Hears" until the following week. See it at the Dicke Theatre and see it right! ELMER B. UHLHORN. A Tonnewifle (Bondyâ€"‘ SCREEN BNAPSHMS Two shows ouch evening at 7 :30 and 9:15â€"â€"Mtcinee Saturday "\ROIJ) LLOYD COHEDV From the tune-s play and move! by Richard Hardin; Duh LOOK AT. Tn: CAST! Lila Lee Theodore Knew? Waiter Long, Allan Hale UNIVERSAL COMEDY INTERNATIONAL Hm COMINGâ€"THE CROSS ROADS OF NEW to“ Mack Sennetts six reel maul-piece. 35 Anodwr «interwar-‘- in UN- product-n Wallace heid my Lila, Lee Paramount Picture 'The MONDAY and TUESDAY, SEPT. 25 and 26 THURSDAY and FRYI):\Y. SEPT. 28 and 29 Admissionâ€"-Evenlngs. 15 and 25v And a condone! rut in «hr gnu my A CHRIST": (TOMPJDY-J‘0NE STORMV “mam" With D-xrn'h; 0'":an- Jnd Jay flv'khrn Bill and Bob m 'hm' hub! adventurm WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 27 MAY McAVOY In “'I'HRU A CLASS WINDOW" SATURDAY, SEPT. 23 WANDA HAWLEY in “THE TRUTHFUL UAR” “HUMAN HEARTS” 3'11"- Sflppn Strike}! It Rich" INTERNATIONAL NEWS Mm 1 L88 m a Swab Pb“ t0 'The Dictator‘ {Sufi-time Sammy at 8:1 ; Kaine. 10 amid 22 aha mall: "Th. by mm mm PST" [-1 slum" REVIEW

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