Illinois News Index

Downers Grove Reporter, 3 Nov 1922, p. 10

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Mrs Arthur Kaflor, of Belmont St, entertained at a one o'clock Hanmv- e’en luncheon Tuesday. Covm-s were laid for twelve and the table decora- Hons were in keeping with the orâ€" udon. Those present were: Mes- dnmes M. Foucek. Oliver and Oscar W, of Chicngo; J. Bmsmn.§ figs: mm mm new, and 1.4 Mrs Charlotte Morrksr‘y. of De Kalb. and son. Jimmy. visited with old friends in the village Wodnvs. day. She was fnr'mr-rly Miss F‘ynn and made her home for many yvars in Prim-n avenue with 5w grant‘L mother, Mrs. KPHy. The two beautiful lots in Linscmt avenue north of the old Hayes homp. have boon sold by Edward (L lpmon 'Co. to local naritm both of whom expect to bufld house; in the near future. Mrs anrencr Rog-pr entertained at. 500 Tuesday afternoon at her home in South Main strwt. Mite W. J. Shuts was Hm first puizo winner. Mrs G .8. Austin the second and Mrs“l Rage? the booby. .1 The Downers Grove Laundry w- ovened Monday after their fire sev- eral weeks ago. Work has Mn msh- ed on the "waiting of the building and they are in good shape to care for their nld customers. The high «heel students an, sell» in: numbered tags for the 1923 issue a! The Cauldron. the high school In- rmal. The price of the tag is 50c and the other so is? paid on the de- livery of the book. Edward G. homo“ ‘ Co. have sold to 000. \Vacierfln. of Gringo. two lots in P'ores‘ avgnug, Lots! «minc- The Neighborhood club Onjoyml n Innehoon at the "amino" duh Wod- ncsdny and aflt-rwanl saw Douglas Fairbanks in his law-4 pidurr. Rubin The “'omn! luminary mm); of. of W Nothmlifl Episcopal rhmrh will m1 mlh Mrs Prank (‘rnmcn “and-y. Non-ml!" 9 a! 2'30 p. m. In L. IL In”. will be "I! leader. Lunwm' Rex” l.- mmrmtrmflng the insultnlinn of a M; healing in!) far In Armour i (To. phmt 3! Quincy and “pet-1n to be [Mr for pow-nil {m In unharm- (mm M” M 503an Waning Batu-day mum. ficucmhr II It I o'zluk. It And In John (Buy In nah- Ing minim-Mom mm n» urn-hm] of a non TM mm strung" M Ma Amammv It Uu- "mach-Ir nui- hdum lax-t Fridgy. Abounding hcdth in the fin! req- nlnflo to real living; wake up, nmow the mun-um on your nerves, and live. Tile Chiropnflk humiliationâ€"Ad. Ila-Ills typifies «truth, hop. {Ind mun. Tun CNMM‘C know now.» Ada-Mamet“. Chanel of lnnlmcflon in mu» lot Ul- 10rd" born will In (In; «filament Thou whhlu. to contdbuu to the lactic Holman O‘Neill cuppaign fund my do so through Ilium Chariot“ Krum, hunter. The Nash Grocery has In“ #9961,- cd I supply of Florida onn‘es Pikes are back to the old standard Adver- “tenant. Ir and Mrs N. P. Brenner. of Benton avenue. spent the week end in Chicago as guest» of Mr and Mrs Arnold S‘ockmnr. Mrs E. L. Dickerson: left Tuesday for Ithioa. New York where she was called by the death of her father, Mr David Ericka]. Extra fancy Flon'da grape fruit. Priced low. J. W. Nash Gro('ery.~ Advertisement. The omans Missionary society of the Congregational church wm meet with Mrs Boon. Oakwood avenue, on Friday, November 10 at 29.50 p. m. The blackbirds left very suddenly the other day. They must have had a hunch that colder y'eather was on the way. Tickets are being sold by the high school students for the Senior play to be given soon. F. B. Towsley of East Maple ave" is visiting in Goldwater, Mich. Miss Grace Stover is doing fine at the-Presbyterian hospital and expects to be home the last of this week. Mr and Mrs G. B. Austin of Bel- mont avenue, am enjoying a new Overland coupe. Ed. Gzrrison is working as an ex- mfilefll in the local post/office. are to imild for him in the I, d Nanny!“ l_.. Lon- The C. O. L. ("In wen Iklighb fully entertained it the home of Mr and In Goo. Hutu-rt. Won llple avenue. lhllowe’cn mm. The girls “them! in the ham in rul Hullow- c'an utyle and played may of the; old (”Maud gum and enjoyed‘ Item. A delightful luncheon clown“ a nd future caution. If you wen: hit by a bad egg Tucs- day night, it was a high school stu< dent that did the throwing. Someone threw one which hit Bill the cop on an Ihoulder but it didn't explode. ~. Ml together‘uow. three cheers for Mn; Shaf'ér and Nut “prune whip." 'PII‘VMP I‘édnut Butter. 1m pail Sweet Orange Marmalade, 16 oz. Farm House Chili Sauce, per jar Boiled Cider, large bottle .................... 48c Run Maid Seeded and Secdless Raisins, pkg. ..20c 5Tb Acme Brand Graham, Rye or Entiie Wheat Flour, per package .......................... 33c 5H) Acme Brand Pastry Flour, perp k. ......35c 51h Acme Bland Ruckwh *at Flour, package. . . .391‘ Automatic Soap Chips, per pound ............ 15c Fernde" Stringless Beans, F1 ench StVle per can 39c Pulled Figs ,lib hox ......................... 45c ’l‘iV- Me Peanut Butter. lib pail .............. 25c Sweet ()iange Marmalade 16 oz. jar .......... 20c The high school orchestra had its first practice Monday night. Looks as if we were to haw: a good one. ed by the students. Had a good pep meeting last Fri- day morning and rehearsed a few new yells. Rev» Phelps gave a short talk last Friday morning which was appreciab Pork Loins, small and lean, per pound . flesh Pork Butts, per pound ......... Fresh Pork Shoulders, per pound ..... Spare Ribs, per pound ............... Pot Roast, per pound ................. Boneless Smoked Butts, per pound ..... Veal Shoulder, per pound ..... -. ...... Spring Chickens, per pound ........... Swift's?” Bacon, per pound ...... Leg 0’ Lamb, per pound ............... Oscar Mayers Regular Ham, 8-10") ave, Next first team game is with West Chicago on November 11. \' Downers Grove high school was de- feated last Saturday by Glen Ellyn 18-0. Most of Glen's gains were made on passes and through the line. D. G. H. S. made several good gains around the ends and several through the line but. could not hold the heaVv ier Glen team. Downers has no alabi only their size. Boon. Foster and Stevenson wele out of the game be» cause of their studies. in Friday practice Bill l’ape broke his collar bone and this was a set-back to the second team who also lost their end by u 2+0 score. Our mic-m luv thy an sod Ifidr «den to out um and hue than receive the sane unto! “man u if they «no in than. when. We have the cum 0' out canto-en. Our nim in In any only the "who“ Ipâ€"toâ€"dnte amnion on "Of naMFJQ 5‘" "Menu alkali-n I. every one and I. no" to? haul when. NORTHSIDE GROCERY R MARKET fligLSchool Notes “have the GROCERIE m§you and firing your odor ii “any. We 9km;- nnkutar people. B, ‘1',“ka STEWART ll. BURNS. W SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Quick Service; GROCERIES cooperation of .0." Vin-go ml. fer some consideration it was agreed [to postpone the date so that full icourse of instruction could be given the boys in voting. the duties of the Mayor. Police, Council. etc. giving them a practical start in citizenship which will be of unlimited vnlue in the future. Menus. Weinheimer end Sweeney. who have lately been at- tuhed to ttoop 2 'u eommitteemen. an nearing data on city government by boys from the Chicago Boy's Bretherhood Repubtie end with thel or Barber had approved the plan of the scouts running the village of Downers Grove November I! but aft- The scout leadens round table dis~ cussion last Wednesday resulted in several good and definite plans. May- Troop 4 had knot tyinig and Oath and Law instruction under Scout- master Negel and Assistant Mark- ham at their Mondsy meeting. Troops two and three contest of Capture the Flag last week ended ‘in a victory for troop 2. This troop has held the championship in this game for too y'eals. It is rumored‘ that thn-e will work out a new plan of action and challenge too to another I game within the near future in an effort to “rest the championship from them. 1 pound 24c 25c P-W BAUERY SERVICE BATTERIES!!! Some lenders are born. but nearly any man can learn ‘he art, provided he really cares for boys, and is mill enough of a boy himself, whatever 05‘ Au. KINDS Pam I Imitat- Ianl Ill. Dov-on Gm. M 125 Lehmann 6! Michels Store WANTED â€"â€" Assistant Scoutmast- ers. Cooperating with the Scoutmast- er ,the assistant is secondary only to the scoutmaster in importance in the administration of the troop. He should have an abiding faith in file efficacy of scouting as a boy move- ment and a willingness to give of his own time, energy and efl'ort to give boys the benefit. of the movement. Edwud(ilxnmt(h. lhulkmu INSURANCE thomntnmeonodwlhighntu- dun! and interest-gripping mm in citizenship. Saturday, November 4 the scout leaders are to have an overnight hike to the Hinsdale cabin. This is to be a real rally. Camp fire insipration will bring about programs that. will do much for local scouting. Best of all the ‘camp fire supper and the Choral society leaders. including Paine. O'Neill and Weinhcimer, bed time song. - ‘ OVERHAULING REPAIRING RECHA RGIN G REBUIL'I‘ BATTERIES 200 quality mens canvass 29c quality flannels, light gloves colors 3 for .............. (“03 yards for ........ mC DOWNE” GROVE. ILLINOIS Childrens wide, assorted colors, 39c hair bows, 1% yards in each piece 2 for .............. End 65c ladies black fleeccd hosiery, fine qualitv Per pair . .......... L'flC 3 cans Sour Kraut, large cans .. 4 cans Early June Peas ... . .. 4 cans Sweet Corn ....... . ..... 3 cans (200) Tomatoes ......... 3 pounds High Grade Cocoa . . .. 3 cans Asparagus ........... .. 3 cans Med. Green Lima Beans.. 2 cans California Peaches During Saturday, Monday, Tuesday 6: Wednesday 10c “Justn’ght” Hair Nets 7 for .............. MC What a Half Dollar Will Buy CANYASS GLOVES .9011ng ELANNst; We Have New HAIR BOWS z LADIES NECKWEAR HAIR NETS Flannel Petticoats 50c Grocery Items Telephones 177 a 178 Ladies light pink and blue and grey stripéd petti- lcoats, 75c values {For ............... MC $1.35 checked Gingham, lace trimmed vestees, in brown, pink, blue, green Children's Book Week will be ob- served by the Downers Grove Public A crowd of young men from here went to Lake Forest Saturday to see the football game between Ripon col- lege and Lake Forest. Stanley Hunt- ington, Bruce Bush. Frank Hall, Wm. Boon and Wm. Hanmer made the trip in the Huntington car and brot back with them Guthrie Boon, who is a member of the Ripon eleven . bicyclintohlbletoenkrlnto the youth'LWofld. _1: you are interested. phone 4'2“: and let‘s talk it over. acts attract attention? Always make the front page? The answer isâ€"Money is the Measure of Successâ€"People want the recipe. 50c 50c 50c FIRST NATION A BANK Downers Grove. Illinois. KMEX ‘ The first ingredient is A BANK ACCOUNT! 10c pkg. Chase Sanhorn Orange Pekoe Tea with a pound can Seal Brand Coffee .................. 50c 3 cans Green or Wax Beans .. . .50c 2 cans 35c Maple Cane Syrup. .50c 4 pkgs. Beechnut Macaroni or Spaghetti ..................... 50c 6 cans Dutch Cleanser ......... 50c WHY IS IT RICH MEN'S 9v. u r; black sateen and dark Gingham striped blouses Only .............. me HANDKERCHIEFS 35c ladies fine hand- em- broidered and linen hand- kerchiefs 2for...r ........... CflC MENS 80x Menzs . Rockfnfl S'oxj 39c quality ladies brown heather, dropped stitched hosiery. 2 pair for ......... mC 333':- for ..... BOYS BLOUSES Library Now 1248. W phasmbdunnbtohhuqtfi Smnnger folks _in (cod books dun-in; that week. Glut. of the High Aura”. ’l‘lu- [mu-«mum: ul' fools would In many reduced If It were not for the 1mm who flunk they know It all M the men who think they are hd’b killers. . But Vat Owned. 0 The Manor Prom-her wok peoplc Just my he found them and tried (I help "mm In In: hulk-r. \Ve cannot Inmmw- upon his "lethal. HOSIERY

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