lint: w. mm m on!» unions-r tick lhthi- "chili“. ni- 0mm.“ Min Tenth Hem: amid 1|“ Sale Sunday Mean†It Dun III. II I that: {no (h: Ebene'xer Evan- gelical Church of lhï¬ pace. Migujcnnkuay'ool Chlnco Inch: mer-ud Mn. Jack Duly. In: Sunday. uh. Elizabeth edema o! cum mum: dayl rich Put Maï¬a mi. weak. Exâ€" Alia-man Turner in taking lion Fan Worth Tenn. repom that it h e:- mnely hot mum there.- gi Ila. Ill-tin «(attained at kl! Ffiday evening "f Mn. Iessie Sobey visitedhergrandpar- any, Mr. and’Mrs. T. [P.jjones, o! Wicker Parhï¬hicago. on Monday; ‘ J». P.F.Drevhunnind Ill-I M13“: on I visit to hi lather, Major Dav. He banking chums Whm with his visit Ir. Dumb-“khan! in 36in. out to Texas. Ink W w Wie- enneln ptint paper manufacturer: any: that we mnv come to the using oi black mprintinc with white ink. The chief points advanced in ("or oi thil pro- podtkmm the presevation o! forests, the luring of millions oi dollars annually in pulp wood. and the reduction of prices 91 print paper to perhnpu one-half the present ptice. BlackPll‘er can be meiie of old and used newspapenl. and, Inbct. almost any litmu- stock, while white inper requires spruce or hemlock. The MCI-sf u undefflledirection of Miss Lam B. Eustace whilst! the Art Institute. â€Wednesday deemoon. The Viavi Sociew cm give . lecture a the Highviood M. E.‘Church May 29th 1m 2 m 4. > Ladies are cordially invited â€Attend. Admiuion free. Thepropmitionmaybebmghtmthe mentionoi Em prim paper man- ifacturenuyd the publisher at the dose of the ooncreuioml inveltiguion in Wuhington. me ‘fl‘he Pathfindet" WashittstonDHC The Ladies Aid Society of the M E. Church met Thursday with Mr“ E. L. Web-(er on Marin St. M}; L‘N. Garrity purchased uiis week ‘hei house formerly owned by Mayor Gibbs o'n Highwood ave. . Mr. W. W. W332?“ hat purchased an cottlze west of; ht: recent putchagemof Preston: h on Highwood In. and ï¬ll occupy th same. on welt Nonh‘ awe. Mr.'A. J. Kroencke.of Racine; Wis- cumin. spent the week end with his wife'e 'couein Mr. George Culp Mr. Kmencke ha in“ returned [mm a busi- peu flip to Toledo. Ohio. ‘ Mn. 1. L. mm" of 1000th Green ‘Bgy Road visited Mrs; N. "1. Ron it Evamton- oh Tuegday. Mines Grace and Mary Parks and Miss Loom Morgan 0! Armin spent the week end with Miss Catherine Peue. ‘ ‘Meoï¬oa in all“ to the Vi!" Society HIGHWOOD NEWS It. aid # Huh-n Chalk†Taylor MIL-MUN. Ruben lief-unopened theirmnnidema for .the airline! 6-1 Kaunas. Wham ‘ ' Mud L Tucketcnmuimd sixty MatahmhomlmSamrdayioflom “M‘Wflflvv we" as... W Jun um mm 0! jun 12th ummuedmthe yearbook. Cludayvilluhphce June mu: m 2 P II. It the high echoed. On this occasion the clue prophecy. the clue vlll. nwdmhhoryrfllhegivenuvill abound-u (059: The cui In: thh Wham “Intonation-uneq- mmmaï¬m-nn uke phe- “med-yawning June mu uR-vini-Thelu'e. TheAn'nul Alumni Reunion will take place either June 10:11 or lZlh. ,The date not being deï¬nitly de- cided yet. _ 1 have jun re‘ceWed‘Motlc‘e from the wholesale ï¬rm of Mhhh'all Field Co. lhat a reduction in the wholesale price of Omen hu- btwgbt canon goode to their old prices. lam glut! loreponthhgood new: to my customen, Respectfully. Gnumarechool dey was observed last Friday. More than l35 grammar school undem- Iccepted the invitetion oi the Highwhooland were its guests. The Wm included. Visiting Ihope. Lab- oratoriee. etc. Sleroplieon lecture. Scien- tiï¬c experiments, and luncheon lolloWed . evading oiapeclal Excellence: for man: School Exhibit! Recitation: “Coder most not ring tonight. Lillian Ryder. Deerï¬eld. Recitation: “The wrong train", Marion Bates, Lake Blufl. Piano solo: The Butterfly. Jessie Green, Lake Eaten. Recitation: Lincoln“ 1 Gettysburg Address, Martin Conorton. ‘Highwood. Chome: Fifteen selected voices. Lincoln Ave. School. geog- raphy of Civil War. given by Lee Bittinger was written by Guuie Benson Mum by Leland Walker. Recitation: Home‘thought! from Abroad ind Bugle Song, Lucille Smith. Mr. R. L. Sandwich spent last Thur- lday in Chicago in order to arrange for cummence'mem there being â€the trouble as to securing Ravinia Theater as a place to hold same. . After enalyizing the force. of the Club the meet should turn em 10 be a Hermes victory The bus- .ball game will!» held at an early due and will dc- cide the enhip of the two. trophies for which! e Clubs strive each’year. By request of. many high school students public mention is made in these columns of the excellent umplring 0! Mr Wm. Wrenn in last Sunday" u Morgan Park glme. . The ahnual Hernia Marathon outdoor Mme: urn held yesterday at the hip, taboo! ï¬eld. Both ddes expected Ian Thursday “mm the monthly fné the ‘ .V. 5i ' MhuhmuplbndptBockmd hit Int 8 hkh 61.. Hi: one had WMnflhgnnyfmmlhcphlewhile ubimmmhvelohhim. umghhe dllshontncu at a. Second hm i. ï¬lled by Want “Wmh‘nfllu himself well and Wally pull: of! mmrkliazbitolmm: Slump bakencufcofinuoodluhkm by Roy Hutchimon. “Hutch†hvcryfutonthc Manda: Nth-um. ‘ :bucbull Ie‘am phyedlhe Deerï¬cld _ WM ""7" -- - “I -. v . -... "u Th M Friday «the "‘8’! School ï¬eld m can mm- Anything from a e ewmm’m 0‘ Frog's Visual CaninSO cu. ahundred tOI‘ début as patcher. The Dcerï¬cld boys [mud page Volume North Shore put up a cood same but we": "min itfor News Lcner lb Laurel Ave. Phone 92.. masterly playing hurt) the high school. \3\’ The batting of Be! and thcwork of Frost . - were features The score D. 1‘ H. S. 9 '0‘ M A ï¬ne buggy â€d “dd“ D ALC 3 _ ‘ . ,’ hone, $200.00 ‘cash. Address J. L. » Third use}: coyeved by William Mc Nanlv. . His most spectacubrvork 'thin season in: a difï¬cult one- banded catch of a line drive in 010 University High School game. Egbert Spencer ts in let! ï¬eld and I: very voracious toward all ï¬les coming his way. Willis Griï¬u' II in center- ï¬eld and heads the batting order. Grime ill good pinch hitter nd is also good ï¬st his ability to get on base: Oscar Bell “vomit: right ï¬eld. He is right â€up and coming":and pith mheryqu experience will make I am. Glenn Maria in the meter utility outï¬elder. and ha‘i been spectaculat bull wherever he has played. The whole team in elm will godown in the annals of the Deer- ï¬eld Township High School as one o!_ the best the ever had. . On Saturday thebaseball team played â€Organ Park Hf School at‘the High School ï¬eld. G de as in the box. The high school» hammered M n Parks two twirlets all over the lot: umerous‘ errors helpeé to swell the‘ score. The ï¬nal count was D. T. H. S. 16, M. P. H. The buselnllteam played Lake Forest College 2nd team Thuresday. The early tango! the game were close and the play (at and the ninth winning saw the score 3â€"3: 113 the tenth liming through the inadtrertepce ol the umpire two bills wereth in play. The result of which m to‘retlre the ride. The Lake Forest teem vipromly protested but the umpire decided the Lake Forest tide out. The Leke Forelt teem then left the ï¬eld Manager Grumiade announces the following gamesâ€"dodgy, N. M A, at Lake Geneva: next Tuesday. New Trier High School at New Trier; next Saturday. University High School “Marsha“ Field. Unmm’y of Chicago Arrangements are being made (q a special car ior the New Trier game. FOR RENT Store; and Ofï¬ces in mi Erskine Bank Building ready for occur pancy June 13:. ‘ Apply at the Erskiné a Bank. 2] ch m.» We awarded the by sung-«l ‘I m in I'll? turn W hi game this Want. [or Sale. Rent..£ct. Dccvï¬eld hugâ€: may with w nus “Illâ€"us Bloom Stu'et'. New York humans Fiv: minutes talk “on the Moraine Hotel. ‘ I7 c I. donâ€"33¢ 312 :93 gun in. 6382 $5.3.- 688332.050} 62-04 .3 I32 11 0.5. 3‘ 'm-A ornament can III“. We!“ as chauleur.1'hor- oughly "Mt-maï¬a. ran and â€pawn! In: WW ‘ Couple Wanted wkhout chitdren to give wife netvicec in Cdoking. and citing £0: family of 3 in re- mm'for hon: (or both. Highland Put Box 607 V 18 c LOIT~Black and white, letttr male dog. Finder rgtum to H. K. Coalc and receive suitable reward. . - (1 cl‘) m H003 to rent direct from owner in couple without children. or two friends. You: woman owner often greedy reducednmif permitted to re‘ serve one man and live with occupant. Highland Park 30: 607 . I8 c '0... INT Desirable 9 room house on east Central Ave. Abplyrtq D.M. Aim...“ nurly m. for salt paw... Hanna ma. m m New Znory‘ Home. Mod; an All Conveniences. Eight Room. and Bath. Mdren 5“ Lincoln Place. CASH CUSTOMER for bargains in small houses :39: or west of the' R R Henry K‘ Conic Phone H. P. I79 or 519 Chamber of Commerce ‘ :1 2| PM By the day or week good ï¬tting and the best 0! reference! Te|,No;1573_ ' . p‘2l WANT") A ï¬rst class Laundress and also Chamber Maid A 851 North §hefldan Road. ch 2| “RN ’0! “NT One block from lhe Depot Apply at this oflice. WE CAN PRINT Anything from. Visuon Card aso en. a hundred to a‘ thohand page volume. North Shore yum Latch 16 Laurel Ave. Phone 92. m EMTâ€"7 room house one Mock (m Radish depot E. S Gail. Phones 1232-2753 I! I‘m SALEâ€"At a bargain, 3 Sterling Piano. Apply to Father O'Neil. i9“ Miller, P. 0 Box 733. Highland Pick. m humus lrom 375 up. Mu. ALuuwoz. Gas Engine for ’ow Cu Bfliu m P. 1, MCNTI YEâ€. Highland Park. . game m Bum ircen hit