Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 31 Oct 1908, p. 7

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5 Men’s ) FANCY LRIES @CIPP' ry Sunday and ’c invite, yourat- )ry Goods, No- rtwaists, Men’s Ave. ' Series' Nature mc 92 and with Samples. LY Cash Price right phone 172 Bonn or Low. lmumsr or mtm or Emu!!! PAlt. im Her-,1 main titer mm W! tb- Noticdl hereby givenrthst hidfiwifi be geceiyed {or {he cummtiop at gas! of Local Improvements of the City oil-1' hhnd‘ Path {Of ‘a sum not let: ten (10 per centum of the aggregate puke ' l. Seam]: or bids must be littered to the President of the Board ofLocal Improvements in open section of ski board at the time and ghee fixed herein for opening the same. 0 proposal or bid will be considered unlegg agcompanied by check as herein NOTICE FOR LETl‘l-NG CONTRACT Avenue. thence _ m St. ohm Avenue and along 31’ Wade Street, to and oome’ctinc’hth theyater’main hem tofore vided to ‘ be comtructed in Beech treat. a a whole. in accordance with the ordinance therefor. Said bids will be opened on the 4th day of Novem- berA. 0.1908. atthehourof7230 .m. lt'theofice ofithelloard of Im- movements in City Hall. ‘ The '_ ifiatiom for such improve- ment blank p I: will be turn“ fished atithe nflice the City Clerk in the Noiice thereby given mat bids will be received far. the furnishing of all labor and materials necessary for the Construc- tion of a cast iron lateral main water sup- ply pipe four inches internal diameter, together with firepydnm. that-OE valves ' I _ .nnnnu-nul I"'vl‘lne Board of Local Improvement: re- serve the tight to mice: any or all bids should they deem itpest for the public good. . ALEXANDER Rana-non. President of the Board of Local 1m- mvemenu of the City of Highland“ Dmk'iidober 22, A. D. 1909» Bonn or LOCAL human-rs or Tn: Cm or menu!» PARL NOTICE FOR LETTHIG CONTRACT “Yul-I;- wen- u-â€" u, â€"-â€"â€"â€"v. -“_V e and lfidll cutting! to be contracted and la along Ind underWalker Avenue connecting with the water maifi now laid in St. John. Avenue, thence northerl to the nearly migratenmits of the of Highlaqg Pa as a whole. in sec - ance with t e' ordinance therefor. Said bids villi): opened on the 4th day of November A D. 1908. .at the hour of 7:30 «a. at the ofice olthe Boudol Improvements, in the City Hall. WWW [or such improve- ment blank pmposals will be furn- ished a! the office 0! the City’Clerk in the City Building. , e contractor will be paid in Bonds winch bond: will draw interest at the rate of $31: (5) per_cent_qer at'mum. ”-A L- -nnm, AIWISN’ bid: must be accom- pa‘ni by a certified check gyable to the order of the President of e Board of no] lxnpmvemcms of the NW 0! flighhpd Bark {one sum not'lessncn â€" 4---...u- Al oh- nmuu- N a -- (IO) per centum qi the aggregate of the Is or bids must gown!- pmvma delivereds‘ to the Presdent of the Board of Local Improvements in open man of _:aid board at the timeand ’ , AA-_:_._ .1. - nun- {Lace fixed herein for o ' g the same. 1 or bid vn I be considered unless accompanied by: check as herein provided. The Board of Local Improvements re- serve the right ‘0 reject an or all bids shoqld they deem it best or me public guuu. Amman: Ronn'rsox. president at the Board of Local, in:- memnu-of the Cit)”,f Highland ram. own, on. 22nd. A. AD. 190:; ELE‘QE end 6'! the preterit sewer now laid in leneoe Avenue, thence souther- ‘Iy dong said Glencoe avenue for a dw J ..... .. Lunt‘r‘n“ and fiva (760] NOTICE FOR LE'r'ri'NG CONTRACT , Notice is hereby given that bids will be received tor furnishing all materials and hbor necessary for the construction Hi 3 m in Glencoe Avenue in xhe City of HM Park. connecting with the I, m Ill‘l UIVI-vvâ€" .......__ , 7 ‘ unce of seven hundred and sixty (760); feet“ a whole, in. accordance thh the j ordinance therefor. Said bids will he“ Opened on the 4th day of November A. H1908. It the hour of 7:30 p.211, at the ofice of the Board of Local Improve~ menu in City Hall. 7 The specifications for such improve- ment and blank proposals .will be fum- ished at the cilia of the Cm/ Clerk, in the City Building. _ The contractor mu he paid in Bonds which bond! will drawmterect a the rate 0! five (5) per cent r annum. All I: or must be accom- pnnled' a 'a cenified check pa ablem the‘order of the President of the" Board of Local Improvement! 0 the City of Dope-II, "r WWM '"is'fi'fifdoT’mnst' be :hvmézome President of the Bogr'd Local [In rovcmems in open union said boats at the time and place fixed ‘1'- _ an or LOCAL Innovzunx'rs or 1‘3:me HIGHLAND PARK. Eifdcem it 'céfimfidéd HOICE momma omcummenru Bank Bujlgiqg 11:: gov de’ ..â€"â€"â€".â€"-.â€"â€"â€"v 7 R' " taémfihfl m‘ biog; 5 61:5: "may . uweo . PhOues‘IlSZ was? ’ , m \ o‘écugfigy.'â€"Efil:3cfiiightsl rate-m ’hent. janitor service. Rents muonuble. é: upeqtion invited. .D. M._Enkine38;fi . PM ""'$.p:a2i;iaa.i.iéa.- if y mauumdehongms V 234 ‘ - V o.. w..- _._, 5n: fionh anJ {he at er mm in Highland Park $1600 and 700 also a modernl-mom house with 2 acres 'of ground a bargain .for $6,500 Mia. Ald- ridge. 418 Glcngoe'nve. Tel; 2532 R SALE or might went [2 room house Sheridan Road and Bmdway.9mom house Ravinia. A“ modern Improve menu; large cornerlots. Frank C. Clark (owner) 826 Clark 8!. Telephone I68 11",: EVEN Room; modern house and ham. Lot 701190. 35000, Mash. H K; Coale Phone 178 7 725 (t HOICE Wooded lots cut R R. in C Highlznd Park $15 per ft. H. K. Coale. P11006178 ‘ 25!! HAVE five hundred fifty feet Lake Shore pe for saley a: the re- markhble fipmre r3 $8.500 which is about §I§ 925.3. I! van with a btrgain address A u 59‘) :‘Jot;"e";s;'t;}aufj.‘§m;e m 2 MRS. J. LVMHler'No 1. 000 N Green Bay - Road has a number of choice, pieczs of pmpeny for sale boxh improved and unimproved. Call telephone 289 1'! you rich choice buildingptoperty chap. AéRE Farm‘adjoihing town. ,fifi an excellent ha in addres‘s P. ( Box 73.3. Mrs. J. L. inst Tel. 289 E Can Print anything from 2 Visitors Card at 50 cm. a hundred to a thousand page. volume. North Shore News Letter. 16 Laurel ave. Phone 92, p'h'one' 2691; LIVER 0mm» and 5:: rapher wanted for general office war in old established business house. Dom apply unless you are thorpugh on Oliver and confident [on can can}! {17200 per week 77‘- -n .10 m nun-Jun“ yvu u... .. to scan. Prospccx of increase to $18 00 Give in“ details or no notice taken. Ad- dres American Salésbook ConceTZSHigh- [and Pitt, Ill. H Wu- nun-w. --T_, ,v , Shore NeWSoLetter. Highland Park, Ill. or Lawyer’s family preferred. Addnu Box 146, Highland Park Post Office. giving qvery particular, terms, exact 10- cality. magnum; reference. _telephpnc n r __ ._-â€"-.‘l“ NTED‘TO Rent by single gentleman W with bat ntercnces. a large outside room or two rooms. and bath” cool ex. me. in up-todate modern bout: at at; quiet neighborhood; loated nqar Lake in Kenilmmh. Glencoefir Bigh- land Parkr with gyivalc family, W: NE large mom wish’hoafd for one of ’ two at 316 g‘hurel avenue. '86-! »HQIC!:"-:orse.ind ofic‘u h‘fiefifi‘ze ’ 1W0; mun . __~__, A An Calendars. filonh “Show: News-Letter, Highland / IURNISHED Rooms from mod dollars W vermmmtaww rlNB Bufialo Robe (or nle.‘ E uire ’of J. M. Bilban. 1 9t'. so eitherfi‘o create I 800“ mum-ion L_s- “A COTTAGES ansilood *9" We”: HOXCE Wooded Real Esme. Em . and West sides; from $710815 per nut“ |W0 Old heatin stove: for sale. News Letter e; - NSURE 0“ Bnmd- 1 re pm .A'!‘ To Rem-5 rooms 104 Walnut we. and Second st. Highhnd link. 68-“ ACRES. firmly wooaed 2 miles wen L on Ridge road, $250 an pen V cash K. Coale (Phone 178. . ' A ti .001) um qr_W9n}al\ mpg E Can Pfint_ withing fmflafiYisiton OMAN for washing and cleanin “7 North St. johns ave. ____ 27-5 ‘ILL care for'a biaiiéfluring the win- !qu fox its use. Apply for particuIan I“) ISIT1( \ as 9001: and second girl to- OMAN {or mhing and cieanin “7 50. St, Johns ave.1 . ANTED Woman fishes 3"“ ‘Cook- Wraifipfiufii'fi gether. DUHG lady will- take lilain sewing. In ,Llr.‘) n__|_ ”““ "'"’ "'" '"7‘hlind Park. ' Adda”- hm" “6 H18 1â€"14â€"3Pd. Yam-er F. '0; Box 733 wtmm' Lottie, Iva-elm?! WWII-l, . -..,. v. :r.- No time to call To? ihipe'ct-ioh. n: u! Adda-3;. (I) News Letter . lâ€"Pd-136 to? me :bové' dauppglnt: Mes situatipp a_I am bank at located 2;: ,Doctor's‘ - Address Post Oflice. I 17-5 to sell $321!” 142 0:”me [I in I‘ll" "v- w- 'râ€"‘ ‘ nuance m etc. receive the can“ RalEaamDe mum. Imendonolour D M Pn‘eCo all «mun; team mm- '11ng W .3 loan as the rum wattle: abate! a “me. Pro-peel: look good“: ‘Vm mm. ‘ ‘ ' A Th ‘Exgcutlve Commune of . the Alumni Anodntk'mptfilie glass 0: 1997 We paged. In the course or an hour. two dead cows and more than any dead pervaded hean and than were when! tacks I_u the dust. fitfiMVQEW'mu-Ifi and being W of the nan-vanity players. A, lérk! for thaAehcgnplonshlp or the maiden your fire. elevate your mind. lncreaup your m Ind remove all bit- temelp mom your nature. ' Little walla had gone to church on n certaln Sunday mornlnx. The hum-fa "announced that In the evening lull text wuuld be. “An angel enme down I'm heaven 'zmd took n llve coal from the altar.” ' VIWMW "' exclaimed he. utter deep thought. (“there has been an automobile Inga; hem2"~â€"Inulsvllle Courier. Jour- Afler the service Was over Willie's mother “ted him what the text m to be In the evening and he promptly re- mild. “An Injuh came down I'M New Haven and took a live colt by the Inl- Wee'Spmmie shims his pretty toy To the great delight of the Japanete boy. ter.‘ That's what we are doing and the re- sult is we ate turning out I_ dun ol wdrk that satisfies you. We um your [3111in laundry also, which we can doexception- aiiy nice, and will not rob you either V “The bestis none toogoodior our patron's" _ Reliable Laundry Phone t0? Highland Pag'k Tel. 'M 104. 1303 Gm! AV“ LL The Mk 0! ml came "nun-fi‘ , meat. Inch 3' W?) -l “F1214; . ‘K ,2 fim MWW_ byte; ball 1m sherioci: n'a’m became greatly in- Singer and Meda- U Wfllon Sunni Multan Do you know a good piano? WAUKEGAN- " PHONE 247 209 N. amass: STREET Former Superintctdcnt of Decorating Section. . of Marshall Field 5: Co. “watchman or ph'm, willreceivethc all: MM" and execution "M'- ..... r M n. 1W Iv..- $593. amuaumaufiman-uhw JOHN. L.. WEBER Interior Decorator SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. "Hinds not. Ila-on. “6 0"” an? n‘ mmmmm tom. W 'mrkd.‘ “m1: md‘whi'eiatlnwuid were ”inwmwto'mtkivr Winn of (Input mdn’u holio any, Thiswluborehomtho chiefdcpsrmtofmm withoutopeningthepukmmu mitfl‘Youmundthooedocu- mute the dawn; ho unfit-ks uholidny;ldo.”Aldtheme-enger «tried the rampant! pacing. back withhimtoBerlin. Itinuidflnt whenthehiaerheudofithom muted: “Ah, Bismuck hugn'du' privilegu flux: 1.” prod of an artistic bumper-malt. Doe-auhiverm up widow: yonrlpinewhmyvuliltamhu- tiful music, or read ulovely potm, or look stumped: painting? llf not, thognteno-fnrtmchldf} «calmer “All great utinb had an and critics experience thin nhivering new” ention of the bnckhone below 3 won- thyworkofnrt. Someofthenemen mtheuhivernnnm;the workthntdoesnotnvokcitflnypmâ€" nounoo n fnilun. It on spine Ihivern but to manic. Thoviolinio- lothntprecedentholnntnetoffltw senei’n’l‘hnin’netnup innentmn- olo movement thntwrinkhthnhnck otmyeont.” oou vbun um: omvum The man powerful calls of Del"! “Imam-unim- Origin 0! Wm - ILLINOIS [1:65; udemy-‘u .- n. 93?..111l1moM-fl3. 1 Ilia-l.-- w... 8..” :5 Clad! RAF-alga)? éflgygmu» II... 3 kn I.. ah. v.- I. ' EM "'â€"' g...’ may na- lll. I. -. u .- Wagt‘ W --'M mt“ Witâ€"'03; Team-f? filimf '. Pastorâ€"A. A.“ Sunday W“! n. E 9:00_ 3.. =5»: Econâ€"E. 938a! gaging. can... at... gala": P I. $302: '5“: P I: D!â€" 3: v. I. mane! 7-08. I. I; GERMAN bum C3030.- $33.? I. 9-. lo. alinnnww.”l. If as. "not... gallaau v. I. . 13w... I‘E4‘0i. a". U. ' éc'u-umnâ€"s"w ‘ £00 a. In. ' My Servantâ€"{:00 .- ' Friday Blue Clanâ€"l: p. I. SACRED mural-am ..l§ g c.3303. oak ‘ .I 0." avg E .h also“ g 20:39 EO.A§ . g I..." .I .A oufii’ I!" .I J .2253! has .I ‘ to"; has.” .230 .0 4â€"13.! .aaiiflfig lid-ah" 7 1 OONGBIOA'HOHAL a!!!“ Futonâ€"B. l. M. The and“ um. flannelâ€"0:“ t I. _ Morning ”ml-41:0. n. n. The am new» on“ ad loft I010 Clanâ€"~13 :30 D- II- mmmx. m "it. 00 s Ii. Young People'- Iâ€"Ifi. O. I. W: 00’... Fla Tunâ€"'13 {0017's. ”nonâ€"10:507.. I. My labialâ€"18:00 log. um WMTIONAL Err?“ nounâ€"1:00 g"; fit“ nun. ‘ loathe-4:“. "acorn. mm (mm). nunâ€"Btu]! ,ann “vacuumâ€"it‘llunfla» uni-mum Winn-all um mummy.“ Ildblll “hum mfl-flâ€"MA‘HONAL CHURCH. IVANO-JCAL (“f-)- 9mm cmmcn I. Lying-mu An. emu! W. [480 An. .3. “cl. ‘10:“; u.- 10:10. 1U it?“

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