Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 7 Nov 1908, p. 2

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Mr. Rooney of Superior, Wacoifin. mid} short visit to his cousin, Mn. Fred Greenslade, this week. ' ‘ ' Mr. John Evans of Columbus, Ohio. has been: (neat 01 hi- When, Mr; F. M. Evans and R. G. Evans. '3 RAVINIA: â€"Ont oi town guem were en- terminal with luncheon on Nov. 7, giv- enhy Mrs. Times Wilder. Coven were laid for eight. 7 Mr. and Mn R Pickering of Chicago. have eaten nonunion of their nevi house recentlyfinidzed by Mr. I". D. Everett, on Linden avenue. Mrs. Evans “ham and son, Master vaine Wrenn spent Saturday and Sun- day on”: week with her sister. Mrs. C. E. Sebaufller of Oakwood avenue. _, . ‘ Wm»:-Boy wanted. a good open- ing iota lad than wants to learn the printing grade. Apply North Shore News Letteroflce, Highland Park. Dom forget to attend the n the Civicl Club next Saumhy. ”prise party lag! Saturday evening. There will be no services in the Bap- tit Church on Sunday. The building will not be ready for reopening for an- other week. m. M. Beth! of Chicago glued on friends here this week. Min Marjorie Co: of Eva'mmn visited friends in the Park. In! week. Mr. A. R. Williams attended puny at Lake Fate-t on Monday. Miss Anna Guard of Schond met has goné to Manatee for a few weeks. been visiting their gm... Midun Green. 'Mr. George Robert: and family Mil clue their house on Shcfidan‘ Road and board {of the winter. . ' Mr. .E. L. Webster moved his bicycle repairing shop fifty feet further north on the same sifle 0'! the mad. this wqok. The members of the Highland Park Club enjoyed e game 01 indoor base ball It the Club house on Tuesday even‘mg while awaiting the election rctqrm A number of Highllnd Path young {olh attended an old taskioned bum party at Lake Biuff on Hallowpen. Dr. and Mn. A. H. Hoy.‘ and Mia Hay, who have been staying at the Mor- aine for some time past, returned to "The Virginia" last Monday. Wu it Taft winning or Bryan losing that caused a man to water his automobile at the fountain on Cemral avenue, Thunday? h was neither. It was just plain booze. “The hurse wont drink”. erectqd at the grave of Mr. In. Gelden, by Mrs. James Golden 18 a fine piece of work being I credit both to the term. tary at Everett: and Wm. E. Salyai'ds, the maker 0! the same. In response to many request: our te-_ porter oi the News-Letter has hunted up the Library officials, and 00' in style to state publicly that the Library is open from two to five 0' clock every day except Sunday and item seven until nine Mon-- day, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The NorthShore Federated 'W. C;,T. U., will meet Tuesday, Nov. 10th. at 3 o'clock, fith Mn. E. S. Wells, Illinois avenue, Lake Forest. Ill. Mn. Inst, County Prefident will give her report of the State Convention. It khoped all The Executive Committee of the clan 0(1907 announces a mhtcription dance for the benefit of the 1%? Medal" 9! Honor fund for Friday evening Nov. 13. Tickets are one dollar a couple and can be procured of the Treasurer of the Clan. Mire Gertrude Nevins. at the High members will be présem. year alt-Mug Mn. 1‘: W Spen- cer; ViciPnsidenL Mn E F Cary: Secretary: and Trmmr. Mn G A Wat. son. 4 . * ’ Board of Directonz~Mrs E W Sqen- cer, Mr; E 1“ Cam], Mrs G A ”non; Mr: H-S Vail, Mr: H B pretu, Mr: F R McMullin, Miss E W Townct. Mr. and MmJehn MW_have Mrs. F TerryofElm Place andSecond rec! was the victim of a Hallo‘veen The beautiful Dark Blue monument Tine Oficen‘ of me' Omh' Club this Wparh Nm .a card ‘ '34:. Frank Smith whom been ill for" dune time with typhoid'tcver is ounvah‘ «cine butyu not able to go and vpu. Mr w. c. Riddick u erectihg a finé m pm block home on Shite avenue west of Green Bay Road Mr and Mr: Ron Shelton who form- erly live}! n 117 Bloom street moved to Chicago this week. Mr Frank E ‘N I: buildingan'ew brick house on C -. 'e avenue watt of Arthur 3m Pam s (pact. . ‘ The West Side Eucher Club haveyev organized forth: time; god it: 6m mist: in: m 'hel‘don 'l‘humhy afternoon at thé residence. 9‘ Mrs. Herman Denzel‘. ‘1 a Mr. E. C. Diy will elect a fine new midence on Sheridan Road near Linden avenue moon from twelve 10 {oufleen thousandldolhn. MrLCharlu I. Stniba Mr. Chi!- home to in 1: field avenue, Mr and Mn: A M. Lowrie are the hippy parent: of a bouncing baby boy. Mr. A. w. Olson moved into hi: mi bungaloa on Noah Green Bay Road? Wednepday. Mn. Olnon will cred a wit-men his two lots he recently pumhued at this place. St. Marni-cu guild of Trinity church will hold its annual “waiving sale It the Library Hall on Tug-day, Nov. 24, £908. The committee in charge cordially invite: the attendance of the pubfic. :Mr‘ AZIW. Flegéher has been ill, this week buthable tobeoutagain. ' 7 Clinton moved her Bonieel‘l Mr. and Mrs. M this week into Mr.“L . flit no. 117 Bloom strait;- ne' iaé arrived on Wednesday future Mdem. on “my Ind then took the train to Texas on a :rip of sight seeing and business. See Mumy _ Terry for beautiful Ex- moor lots. fine trees. all impmvemenu in. Emma!” low pflca and very easy ‘ Dr. Edward McDowell's lecture for today wit! be-on the .subject 0! Western America at the Rum-{Perk Theatre afternoon matinee. and evening. The lecturesabound in interest and the pic- ture: are beautiful. Mr. John Baiiey is iu'st recovering from a severe illneu which has confined him tohis bed for neariy five weeks. The News ‘ LE‘n‘EI, together wifi Mr. Bailey's many friends. congratulates him him on his recovery. ‘ - terms. ‘Ofiicé. Green’s New: Store, Highland Park, and qfice 108 Durham The Christian Science reading room in Highland Park is open ewery afternoon (except Sunday.) from two until Iourthirty o’clock. in the church building on fine! avénuc, near St: John! avenuc. All are cordially welcome; ' The body of a man found in the river at ThiHy-ux‘h meet a ,week ago in Chi- cago. has been identified as that of W. A. formerly a hvnelkeeper at _Waukegan. Twenty dolian in gold and a ring were found on his body. There were no marks 0! vioknce. 7 A comer’ s jury decided that delth‘wac accidental. ’ _ Last Saturday evening the Spartan Athletic Club gave a Halloween social to a number of invited guests anda very pleasant evening was spent in games and speaking. Being so close on the eve of election a ballbt was taken as to who should be the next President. The three‘ candidates Taft. Bryan and Chafin were represented by -R. M. Burgess, C.~ F. Grant and Albert Lamn respectively. Larson was truly a woman's rights man and playing upon the fact that a great many ladies were present he convinced them that Chafin- would giVe them, their rights and- his candidate was elected by a big majority. The musical: at the highland Park Club Home“ given by Mr. and Mn. F. M.‘ Stéelc in honor of their daughter and her husband, Mr. mil Mn. Geo. W. Child. occugs this ' Friday evening as we go :6 press; It 9min: to be a brilliant social flair; Attila:â€"Miu Priscilla Carver, Pianiut; Wm. George Rbbem Jones. violinist: Dr. Ruth Schnaler, vocalistp assisting Lie-flames Robt. A. Childs, Wm. K Sidley. C. A.Hill. E. F. Pratt. Geo. U. Pratt. Wm, P. Sidley. Edwin L. Baker, Thou. H. Sidley, VCe Mr. W’. E. Braid cut his vote (or our movcd his mum location oh Deer- is building I New evening. Che Nortb‘ 6m NmW . A number of friends of little Mildred Shultir. dressed as hob-goblin. surprised her on Halloween. Hue! 'Bell 'dre-ed as "Puck" in Midsummer Night: Drum took her part equal. to my professional and the funny flees voulrl have [right- ened the stouteet nerve r i any onioohl' A veritable double of Mother Goo-e sky. steeper was -“ 0x1" enough to put in Ill appuunce and told the children's fortuneeiiomadenmadc weird by the manipulation oi minted light! in one corner 0! the mom. The favor: givar the little one by Mn. Shani: were in keeping with the day. The revelers in- dulged m an elaborate hncham.’l1role present were Ada Fritech. Irene Schletl- ley. Medeline Boyd. Haul und Whiliio menu Bell. Elsie Laegier.‘ Irene Friucb. Winnie Winter. Edith Davie. May end Margaret Monte. Eve and Ruby Will- iams oi Libenyville. and Dorothy Fulton of Wnukegen, a cousin of the hostess. On Satutday morning. October 3hr. pt three o 'clock. Mr Clan Muh'm nu fin:te of {he Ruiimad Men‘s Home of this city. quiefly paged any aha-17a lin’ gefing illneu (in; to aid age. Mr Mathias was Iconducmr on the Pare Marquette Ruh’oll In I849. He led a lite of exccdenally good hlliu and saved money, but failure in a hub nus speculation left him practically withoutincome. The Highland Park Club In! bued' In- vimions to a musical which will beheld Tuesday evening. NOVâ€" 10. Ii 3.15 o 'clock. The pm'gnm include mmy a! the best classical selections Boer m male and literature. He“ was a {mu believer in Chyi‘ianity nndwokgreatcomlonin the he: that while busine. speed-don! (and. he had up for himself mmres in Heaven .where moth and um doth mteorrupt and where thieves do not break W" and steal The inneral took placeon Monday lites-uh at two o'clock in). Pn‘or’s {immunisa- Tné Noni snafu Advisory Rondo! the Evannon.-.Qflsen’s Home net at the Home on M . («its first'annul - ' the laving ofthe - ' reported on the fi .' Board. Nov 25th. , ‘ committee: were an r- - _’ enthusiastically t6 wot"; OLD RAILROAD MAN PAC‘C‘ AWAY. m’l‘he Secretary. Mb. 353 Puncher. reported. Member: of she“!!! being present at the Home; 90 Thunday mer- noon to receive visiton. Committees hnve looked after the home in various ways. supplying clothing and other ne~ ‘ceuaries, and beautifying the mad! for the public eye with -Ihrubbery.- 1nd in! the children 3 eye! with swing: and hammocks. Sixty-five ladies gathered for luncheon at one o‘clock after'the business meet- ing, and later flawed (0 a brief addre. 1); Prof. Wilhid E. Hotchkin. of. the Northwestern University. on .‘Tbe Rela- ition of Science to Social 3mm” Prof Hotchkin made a. um isle. tor well paid. expert worker! in the impel” mm field of child helbinp. ghich lies to close to the foundation of” lichl life- ‘Thebeaworkthalcan bell-d i none lino good. for the end in view is an life l the mum; ~ ’ The Board eleced the followinzm for [becoming year. ' firesident, Mn‘, Wm. A. Lacy; 13:. Vice President, Mrs. Chas. Dam: 2nd. Vice Presideny’Mrs. D. 1. Hunt: 31d. Vice President. Mrs. John C.- Cancun. ‘Vice Presidenme R. C. Lake; 5"). Vice President. Mrs. J. W. Keplan Re- cording Secretuy, Mrs. B. G. Poacher: Corresponding Secretary. Mrs.. George Olmstead; Treasurer, Mn. F. C. Lem; Auditor, Mrs. B. A. Greene. 1'. W010“; gym" urn-n. ‘3‘:qu Priscilia Caer Helen Mayer, ulie _ -- .5 .1\ IA- dt__.l. A I:_- P. Morgan. fitherhe‘ymh Lobdell, 1min anon. Helen Magnet Conflin. The Treasurer's report showed 82,7“ received during the year to be' “headed for the needs of the Home A htge‘pu: 0! thin was on the furnishing fund. {scam 11.)th K. Lye-I- E: :"Glencoe:â€"~Mrs. J- P- fif‘m- 5‘“ {Funk Darling. 7 Directors [or the Noah Short -Lake Forest, Mn. Louis F. Swift, Mn. Clay- ton Park. Highland Pnrk: -Mn June: LaneAlkn. Mn. H. H. Chandler. ’ Wmnetk;:-â€"â€"Mm. N. H. Blamhlofil. Mn. N‘ Landon Hovt. CHILDREN'S HOME. Afilim flan-and R. nu... in» will! mutton Chiupudmfi‘” Minimum ”Ema” mwwmnw .mm ufldmm Murray h'l‘en'y. the .SafiMn-l- mummhveju Manual the Gamer llama-I1 have. come smug. Rod 5nd; lupin 3mm memo-t Implant...“ Mum it Ind man-I coutlycnner.eochpq1ylptunluh‘ Mn. Jon“ I. Anni- swam.” Maw.mmw m mm”. 4-; imwm Ammuaa “mm .mm “mm going I cleaning pane-rant in In» malt-swam mum Inddelnnhaenmadndnlm and show- . very luv dug appearance. necenflythenrmolswudfloonq Warns-ably.” condoned todobndne-nndcrtwoumot. It. Bowmmmmxnrbthm endanuooney them but Mvepurchndongo'tgemm Mn. Melville LTSIM and her daughter. Mi- [link :3: Stone will spend sometime n Switch! en. Glance. M As a matter 'of intcmst to 6d' vertiscrs and othc 3 who “lie to see this paper gro- b-we am”: that We: seventeen hundred copies “ten printed and told last week Mn. Charla llama er an a dabble mm-nnldly Mona. em hetffieodu-inavuycmmkum.. Min bill William can a n- Then- dsy nhemooq. winter. Someoneshooldfluthem of the American Exac- W a goodlmchthatbeua delivery mice. oedededtbepaumslncleocoe. flamingo! the mam exten- :ionoltheC. an. Electric Rodin appreciated in Glenn» but the public mldlikcwbcmundélmmd moreregululoulmviee. Mn‘l‘JiaWtolec‘m cumin-list! o! Indium nightm'smhulmhmto wheanheelcctionnmm Mr. Dunn colnlnl how it»!- {in} mumoo'mubqum onlt. tom and! Clerkâ€"Mi 0. May, ‘ In. Wd‘Pll‘k “can. an wumummmm b ‘ A Kahuna pan; mm for limo Katha-he Barth-t. but laur- nymrm-muam . WWII GUILTY m jury In the an: drunk H. Ilow.‘ the Chums you“ policeman MdWIflâ€"MW. human-Input: While in Mikemrifing. had him guilty sham“! in hours m. m jmmmmlkckuve W. mwmmM-bvqnbhw now. He was the futon am they i'oddlotind‘loorwyolmuhwith mum to kill mien any were omvinced Minimal-lbw: mu Striblingl ‘lifa. Mmmodlfldnrgel agnim ‘Moooâ€"tk o! mull with a deadly hrs-pound ”d: with intent to do Ilk- um minus I- eaten-In- n; In- Alan. Tad-”VoulnDc-rw T1 Wink: L. Tnyhr. Wk. County Wu!“ met-on. '1' Md MmWw'ammnm-o m Ova-ht. Nova-tar 12¢. eight o'do‘. It. I. J. Ban-en will'iootul'e. m Men, “In on; New m- m. mm hflm'wmbelunl‘edhy Muhammad .ln. unqmmmmdlpm mummmuumum t; a Hallo-Van party last Stun-day mfinMwWh-zsun- mama-story. “hemm- ofhudeathhéwueuity-dxyun hfil'ifimmwauuum ”Wtudman‘m human-mam. Nanak-am. ]. Sme‘l’ Another-W My. mmmaamur. mom NOTES. F0: Ion Pullout. gal-mun" Mutation 6.01.7 719

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