Mr. Rooney of Superior, Wacoiï¬n. mid} short visit to his cousin, Mn. Fred Greenslade, this week. ' ‘ ' Mr. John Evans of Columbus, Ohio. has been: (neat 01 hi- When, Mr; F. M. Evans and R. G. Evans. '3 RAVINIA: â€"Ont oi town guem were en- terminal with luncheon on Nov. 7, giv- enhy Mrs. Times Wilder. Coven were laid for eight. 7 Mr. and Mn R Pickering of Chicago. have eaten nonunion of their nevi house recentlyï¬nidzed by Mr. I". D. Everett, on Linden avenue. Mrs. Evans “ham and son, Master vaine Wrenn spent Saturday and Sun- day onâ€: week with her sister. Mrs. C. E. Sebaufller of Oakwood avenue. _, . ‘ Wm»:-Boy wanted. a good open- ing iota lad than wants to learn the printing grade. Apply North Shore News Letteroflce, Highland Park. Dom forget to attend the n the Civicl Club next Saumhy. â€prise party lag! Saturday evening. There will be no services in the Bap- tit Church on Sunday. The building will not be ready for reopening for an- other week. m. M. Beth! of Chicago glued on friends here this week. Min Marjorie Co: of Eva'mmn visited friends in the Park. In! week. Mr. A. R. Williams attended puny at Lake Fate-t on Monday. Miss Anna Guard of Schond met has goné to Manatee for a few weeks. been visiting their gm... Midun Green. 'Mr. George Robert: and family Mil clue their house on Shcï¬dan‘ Road and board {of the winter. . ' Mr. .E. L. Webster moved his bicycle repairing shop ï¬fty feet further north on the same sifle 0'! the mad. this wqok. The members of the Highland Park Club enjoyed e game 01 indoor base ball It the Club house on Tuesday even‘mg while awaiting the election rctqrm A number of Highllnd Path young {olh attended an old taskioned bum party at Lake Biuff on Hallowpen. Dr. and Mn. A. H. Hoy.‘ and Mia Hay, who have been staying at the Mor- aine for some time past, returned to "The Virginia" last Monday. Wu it Taft winning or Bryan losing that caused a man to water his automobile at the fountain on Cemral avenue, Thunday? h was neither. It was just plain booze. “The hurse wont drinkâ€. erectqd at the grave of Mr. In. Gelden, by Mrs. James Golden 18 a ï¬ne piece of work being I credit both to the term. tary at Everett: and Wm. E. Salyai'ds, the maker 0! the same. In response to many request: our te-_ porter oi the News-Letter has hunted up the Library ofï¬cials, and 00' in style to state publicly that the Library is open from two to ï¬ve 0' clock every day except Sunday and item seven until nine Mon-- day, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The NorthShore Federated 'W. C;,T. U., will meet Tuesday, Nov. 10th. at 3 o'clock, ï¬th Mn. E. S. Wells, Illinois avenue, Lake Forest. Ill. Mn. Inst, County Preï¬dent will give her report of the State Convention. It khoped all The Executive Committee of the clan 0(1907 announces a mhtcription dance for the beneï¬t of the 1%? Medal" 9! Honor fund for Friday evening Nov. 13. Tickets are one dollar a couple and can be procured of the Treasurer of the Clan. Mire Gertrude Nevins. at the High members will be présem. year alt-Mug Mn. 1‘: W Spen- cer; ViciPnsidenL Mn E F Cary: Secretary: and Trmmr. Mn G A Wat. son. 4 . * ’ Board of Directonz~Mrs E W Sqen- cer, Mr; E 1“ Cam], Mrs G A â€non; Mr: H-S Vail, Mr: H B pretu, Mr: F R McMullin, Miss E W Townct. Mr. and MmJehn MW_have Mrs. F TerryofElm Place andSecond rec! was the victim of a Hallo‘veen The beautiful Dark Blue monument Tine Oï¬cen‘ of me' Omh' Club this Wparh Nm .a card ‘ '34:. Frank Smith whom been ill for" dune time with typhoid'tcver is ounvah‘ «cine butyu not able to go and vpu. Mr w. c. Riddick u erectihg a ï¬né m pm block home on Shite avenue west of Green Bay Road Mr and Mr: Ron Shelton who form- erly live}! n 117 Bloom street moved to Chicago this week. Mr Frank E ‘N I: buildingan'ew brick house on C -. 'e avenue watt of Arthur 3m Pam s (pact. . ‘ The West Side Eucher Club haveyev organized forth: time; god it: 6m mist: in: m 'hel‘don 'l‘humhy afternoon at thé residence. 9‘ Mrs. Herman Denzel‘. ‘1 a Mr. E. C. Diy will elect a ï¬ne new midence on Sheridan Road near Linden avenue moon from twelve 10 {oufleen thousandldolhn. MrLCharlu I. Stniba Mr. Chi!- home to in 1: ï¬eld avenue, Mr and Mn: A M. Lowrie are the hippy parent: of a bouncing baby boy. Mr. A. w. Olson moved into hi: mi bungaloa on Noah Green Bay Road? Wednepday. Mn. Olnon will cred a wit-men his two lots he recently pumhued at this place. St. Marni-cu guild of Trinity church will hold its annual “waiving sale It the Library Hall on Tug-day, Nov. 24, £908. The committee in charge cordially invite: the attendance of the pubï¬c. :Mr‘ AZIW. Flegéher has been ill, this week buthable tobeoutagain. ' 7 Clinton moved her Bonieel‘l Mr. and Mrs. M this week into Mr.“L . flit no. 117 Bloom strait;- ne' iaé arrived on Wednesday future Mdem. on “my Ind then took the train to Texas on a :rip of sight seeing and business. See Mumy _ Terry for beautiful Ex- moor lots. ï¬ne trees. all impmvemenu in. Emma!†low pflca and very easy ‘ Dr. Edward McDowell's lecture for today wit! be-on the .subject 0! Western America at the Rum-{Perk Theatre afternoon matinee. and evening. The lecturesabound in interest and the pic- ture: are beautiful. Mr. John Baiiey is iu'st recovering from a severe illneu which has conï¬ned him tohis bed for neariy ï¬ve weeks. The News ‘ LE‘n‘EI, together wiï¬ Mr. Bailey's many friends. congratulates him him on his recovery. ‘ - terms. ‘Oï¬icé. Green’s New: Store, Highland Park, and qï¬ce 108 Durham The Christian Science reading room in Highland Park is open ewery afternoon (except Sunday.) from two until Iourthirty o’clock. in the church building on ï¬ne! avénuc, near St: John! avenuc. All are cordially welcome; ' The body of a man found in the river at ThiHy-ux‘h meet a ,week ago in Chi- cago. has been identiï¬ed as that of W. A. formerly a hvnelkeeper at _Waukegan. Twenty dolian in gold and a ring were found on his body. There were no marks 0! vioknce. 7 A comer’ s jury decided that delth‘wac accidental. ’ _ Last Saturday evening the Spartan Athletic Club gave a Halloween social to a number of invited guests anda very pleasant evening was spent in games and speaking. Being so close on the eve of election a ballbt was taken as to who should be the next President. The three‘ candidates Taft. Bryan and Chaï¬n were represented by -R. M. Burgess, C.~ F. Grant and Albert Lamn respectively. Larson was truly a woman's rights man and playing upon the fact that a great many ladies were present he convinced them that Chaï¬n- would giVe them, their rights and- his candidate was elected by a big majority. The musical: at the highland Park Club Home“ given by Mr. and Mn. F. M.‘ Stéelc in honor of their daughter and her husband, Mr. mil Mn. Geo. W. Child. occugs this ' Friday evening as we go :6 press; It 9min: to be a brilliant social flair; Attila:â€"Miu Priscilla Carver, Pianiut; Wm. George Rbbem Jones. violinist: Dr. Ruth Schnaler, vocalistp assisting Lie-flames Robt. A. Childs, Wm. K Sidley. C. A.Hill. E. F. Pratt. Geo. U. Pratt. Wm, P. Sidley. Edwin L. Baker, Thou. H. Sidley, VCe Mr. W’. E. Braid cut his vote (or our movcd his mum location oh Deer- is building I New evening. Che Nortb‘ 6m NmW . A number of friends of little Mildred Shultir. dressed as hob-goblin. surprised her on Halloween. Hue! 'Bell 'dre-ed as "Puck" in Midsummer Night: Drum took her part equal. to my professional and the funny flees voulrl have [right- ened the stouteet nerve r i any onioohl' A veritable double of Mother Goo-e sky. steeper was -“ 0x1" enough to put in Ill appuunce and told the children's fortuneeiiomadenmadc weird by the manipulation oi minted light! in one corner 0! the mom. The favor: givar the little one by Mn. Shani: were in keeping with the day. The revelers in- dulged m an elaborate hncham.’l1role present were Ada Fritech. Irene Schletl- ley. Medeline Boyd. Haul und Whiliio menu Bell. Elsie Laegier.‘ Irene Friucb. Winnie Winter. Edith Davie. May end Margaret Monte. Eve and Ruby Will- iams oi Libenyville. and Dorothy Fulton of Wnukegen, a cousin of the hostess. On Satutday morning. October 3hr. pt three o 'clock. Mr Clan Muh'm nu ï¬n:te of {he Ruiimad Men‘s Home of this city. quiefly paged any aha-17a lin’ geï¬ng illneu (in; to aid age. Mr Mathias was Iconducmr on the Pare Marquette Ruh’oll In I849. He led a lite of exccdenally good hlliu and saved money, but failure in a hub nus speculation left him practically withoutincome. The Highland Park Club In! bued' In- vimions to a musical which will beheld Tuesday evening. NOVâ€" 10. Ii 3.15 o 'clock. The pm'gnm include mmy a! the best classical selections Boer m male and literature. He“ was a {mu believer in Chyi‘ianity nndwokgreatcomlonin the he: that while busine. speed-don! (and. he had up for himself mmres in Heaven .where moth and um doth mteorrupt and where thieves do not break W" and steal The inneral took placeon Monday lites-uh at two o'clock in). Pn‘or’s {immunisa- Tné Noni snafu Advisory Rondo! the Evannon.-.Qflsen’s Home net at the Home on M . («its ï¬rst'annul - ' the laving ofthe - ' reported on the ï¬ .' Board. Nov 25th. , ‘ committee: were an r- - _’ enthusiastically t6 wot"; OLD RAILROAD MAN PAC‘C‘ AWAY. m’l‘he Secretary. Mb. 353 Puncher. reported. Member: of she“!!! being present at the Home; 90 Thunday mer- noon to receive visiton. Committees hnve looked after the home in various ways. supplying clothing and other ne~ ‘ceuaries, and beautifying the mad! for the public eye with -Ihrubbery.- 1nd in! the children 3 eye! with swing: and hammocks. Sixty-ï¬ve ladies gathered for luncheon at one o‘clock after'the business meet- ing, and later flawed (0 a brief addre. 1); Prof. Wilhid E. Hotchkin. of. the Northwestern University. on .‘Tbe Rela- ition of Science to Social 3mm†Prof Hotchkin made a. um isle. tor well paid. expert worker! in the impel†mm ï¬eld of child helbinp. ghich lies to close to the foundation of†lichl life- ‘Thebeaworkthalcan bell-d i none lino good. for the end in view is an life l the mum; ~ ’ The Board eleced the followinzm for [becoming year. ' ï¬resident, Mn‘, Wm. A. Lacy; 13:. Vice President, Mrs. Chas. Dam: 2nd. Vice Presideny’Mrs. D. 1. Hunt: 31d. Vice President. Mrs. John C.- Cancun. ‘Vice Presidenme R. C. Lake; 5"). Vice President. Mrs. J. W. Keplan Re- cording Secretuy, Mrs. B. G. Poacher: Corresponding Secretary. Mrs.. George Olmstead; Treasurer, Mn. F. C. Lem; Auditor, Mrs. B. A. Greene. 1'. W010“; gym" urn-n. ‘3‘:qu Priscilia Caer Helen Mayer, ulie _ -- .5 .1\ IA- dt__.l. A I:_- P. Morgan. ï¬therhe‘ymh Lobdell, 1min anon. Helen Magnet Conflin. The Treasurer's report showed 82,7“ received during the year to be' “headed for the needs of the Home A htge‘pu: 0! thin was on the furnishing fund. {scam 11.)th K. Lye-I- E: :"Glencoe:â€"~Mrs. J- P- ï¬f‘m- 5‘“ {Funk Darling. 7 Directors [or the Noah Short -Lake Forest, Mn. Louis F. Swift, Mn. Clay- ton Park. Highland Pnrk: -Mn June: LaneAlkn. Mn. H. H. Chandler. ’ Wmnetk;:-â€"â€"Mm. N. H. Blamhloï¬l. Mn. N‘ Landon Hovt. CHILDREN'S HOME. Aï¬lim flan-and R. nu... in» will! mutton Chiupudmï¬â€˜â€ Minimum â€Ema†mwwmnw .mm ufldmm Murray h'l‘en'y. the .Saï¬Mn-l- mummhveju Manual the Gamer llama-I1 have. come smug. Rod 5nd; lupin 3mm memo-t Implant...“ Mum it Ind man-I coutlycnner.eochpq1ylptunluh‘ Mn. Jon“ I. Anni- swam.†Maw.mmw m mmâ€. 4-; imwm Ammuaa “mm .mm “mm going I cleaning pane-rant in In» malt-swam mum Inddelnnhaenmadndnlm and show- . very luv dug appearance. necenflythenrmolswudfloonq Warns-ably.†condoned todobndne-nndcrtwoumot. It. Bowmmmmxnrbthm endanuooney them but Mvepurchndongo'tgemm Mn. Melville LTSIM and her daughter. Mi- [link :3: Stone will spend sometime n Switch! en. Glance. M As a matter 'of intcmst to 6d' vertiscrs and othc 3 who “lie to see this paper gro- b-we amâ€: that We: seventeen hundred copies “ten printed and told last week Mn. Charla llama er an a dabble mm-nnldly Mona. em hetfï¬eodu-inavuycmmkum.. Min bill William can a n- Then- dsy nhemooq. winter. Someoneshooldfluthem of the American Exac- W a goodlmchthatbeua delivery mice. oedededtbepaumslncleocoe. flamingo! the mam exten- :ionoltheC. an. Electric Rodin appreciated in Glenn» but the public mldlikcwbcmundélmmd moreregululoulmviee. Mn‘l‘JiaWtolec‘m cumin-list! o! Indium nightm'smhulmhmto wheanheelcctionnmm Mr. Dunn colnlnl how it»!- {in} mumoo'mubqum onlt. tom and! Clerkâ€"Mi 0. May, ‘ In. Wd‘Pll‘k “can. an wumummmm b ‘ A Kahuna pan; mm for limo Katha-he Barth-t. but laur- nymrm-muam . WWII GUILTY m jury In the an: drunk H. Ilow.‘ the Chums you“ policeman MdWIflâ€"MW. human-Input: While in Mikemriï¬ng. had him guilty sham“! in hours m. m jmmmmlkckuve W. mwmmM-bvqnbhw now. He was the futon am they i'oddlotind‘loorwyolmuhwith mum to kill mien any were omvinced Minimal-lbw: mu Striblingl ‘lifa. Mmmodlfldnrgel agnim ‘Moooâ€"tk o! mull with a deadly hrs-pound â€d: with intent to do Ilk- um minus I- eaten-In- n; In- Alan. Tad-â€VoulnDc-rw T1 Wink: L. Tnyhr. Wk. County Wu!“ met-on. '1' Md MmWw'ammnm-o m Ova-ht. Nova-tar 12¢. eight o'do‘. It. I. J. Ban-en will'iootul'e. m Men, “In on; New m- m. mm hflm'wmbelunl‘edhy Muhammad .ln. unqmmmmdlpm mummmuumum t; a Hallo-Van party last Stun-day mï¬nMwWh-zsun- mama-story. “hemm- ofhudeathhéwueuity-dxyun hï¬l'iï¬mmwauuum â€Wtudman‘m human-mam. Nanak-am. ]. Sme‘l’ Another-W My. mmmaamur. mom NOTES. F0: Ion Pullout. gal-mun" Mutation 6.01.7 719