Illinois News Index

North Shore News-Letter (1907), 14 Nov 1908, p. 1

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FEN. Eoller Rink sDavis Smct loor, skates and the Winona Rem {CTRIC CO. Highland Park .y'tmtb year In .g Houfe home m ‘11!”- Chafing Dith, Coin , and every day W'e‘ 'esterday fmmabooklabcl Tel. 2794 . Efiimate t fastidious. Today I‘ It SMdI‘inEhm ' wgsifw. Km ӣ011an that ht B L , _ __nnh\v BRIEF NEWS NflIES FHHTHE BUSY MAN end was falae entries in the books of the bank. Alfred .K. Curtla, former president or the defunct but}; who was jointly tried and convicted with Mom, was given his liberty on a me- ponded sentence. ’ , ‘ {Presidentcelect William 11 Mt, Mm. Tart and Fred W. Carpenter. p11- ? vats secretary, left Cincinnati fox: Hot Swings, Va. where Hr. m will re- nnin (or rest and recreation until :l‘hnnkngiving. Wilbur Wright, the American aero- planht, was banqueted' by the Aero Club of France and presented‘with the club’s gold medal and the ~ special medal of» the Academy of Sport'- HOST IMPORTANT EVENTS THE PAOT WEEK TOLD IN CONDENSED FORM. ROUND ABOUT THE WORLD Emperor William was loves-my um sured by leaders of all parties during, tho donate in the talcum on the in tarponnflons concerning the convex-st tiou published ylth the perm-lion - v _‘.I_.. mn- r --_â€"._ , ot'the emperor in tho London Dull! Telegraph. > ' Emperor William conferred on: Count Zeppelin the Milan order of the Black Eagle. President Castro of Venezuela. has been advlsed by his phys'lcmn ,to so to Europe tor medical treatment for the malady gram which he has been Volume 2 I suflering recently. Lord Sholto Douglan, brother to‘ the present marquis of Queensbury. is held in the provincial jail Qt Nellon. B. 0., - 2 nanâ€"Ianfl for uboottng a man nunau nunâ€"n. probably 13mm. "m “.1- -r-’-â€"~‘.v+.7 1 candidate for United Stu» maggot fro Indian.- , '6';qu W. Morse, the flu Xork financier, was sentenced“: nerve 15 years in the tngx-Q_prison at Aflanta, ‘ .LA Onur‘u nf _ GENERAL NEW‘. , Otto C. Snyder of Kansas City, Ma. 1 stockholder m the Dubuque Tele- phone_ Company (tndependent), filed out: asking that the purchape of stock ‘0! the Dubuque Telephone Company by the Bell Tolephone Company, the Iowa 8311‘ Telephoné Company, and thou Incl! representatives be set aside ' lâ€" 1â€" mln‘n..n“ ..lgn lama- mu: luv-I .vr.v--_,_, on the ground. that it lain violation of the Sherman mti‘trust law. The petition by the United State! government tor a rehearing of the ap pen! o! the scum Oil Company 01 Indium [mm the ”9,240,000 fine 01 Judge La'ndis was overruled by Judge: Groscup, Baker and Seaman in the United States circuit court of appea: 1t Chicago. ‘ , 4- .- “‘_L-A_ _..., mphu Review if Happenings of Quaint Mien-t from All Parts of tho Globeâ€"Lawn Ham. and For i’rhe battleship North Dakom Wu: successfully launched from 'the yarc' o; the Fore River Shipbuilding Com pany.‘ at Quincy, Mus. __-..A.|-..b -r flu w lllluul v- "w.-. Telegram Publishing Company ~01 Lawrence». Essa, committed suicide. 1 Am womm who tried to compel‘ In. Phipps of Denver. to :‘give her 330,000 8nd threatened her with dyn mite was found to be the wife of A1- hn W. 1 Denver druggist. and the hare-I of n Massachusetts mum “to. She was thought to be mentally mmnxetl ‘ of}; o mot jealous; 84-year-old Blond - A : M--.“ m- W’! -" “"-'al __.,, nutrient of William Oswald, Telegram Publishing Company A, “A-z _..;,,1 “I n n In v. Pâ€"-_-_ , com xmed us wife,770né year’ his dolor, and then attempted “fields In n_.n_- My. persons were killed Ind m mwgbonqrexplosldnonnm pi a Tmsnmms. Ont- . . ' 1 A: friendly bout withboxinz 810'“ A -n. _-A ”ll. v Allllwuu‘l -"- , ween John Vuderbeck and H!“ M Lynch In New York remit“ In William was nvcrely can fliers of all parties gut-ins, reasons. North Dakota wag nimed Rowland. .' n Taft, nrpenter. Pfl‘ mat! for Hot Vsnderbeck’s - death trouble, An encounter between two warring factions of ‘atudents standing the University of Vtenna‘ resulted in in- jury to about 100 of the you; men. 7 _A_...‘-.| 4|... Jill: w â€"--_‘ ». A mob of whim men stormed the jail at. Blloxi, Miampgnd lynched a negro accused of assault!“ a white girl. gm. ,_ . Alberto Costa, a former mbmbe‘r o! the Portuguese chamber of deputm and one of the most prominent of the republican laden. cqmmigtod ,Iutcide. The United Stateslclrctiit court at New York decided the America: To- bacco Company is operated in vials- tion of the Shemujt‘ tauâ€"trust law, but refused to appoint, I receiver. An express train «in derailed near Grisones. France, and ten persons were killed god manyfwere-lnjmd. An explosion at the mine of Col. W. P. Bond, three mllel‘ west of Benton._‘ mi, wrecked the shut. and us a result four shot nrers wane entombod and probably killed; “ The ananeoe Itea'mcr Tum: Mam sank in a storm ad 150 pencils ware dtowned. 4 ~ , .11 ' , The second sq'tiadnon of the Amer lcgn baffleshlp float left Amoy (or the Philippines; ‘ - _ _- IIILIL‘ .â€" Invitations to a second'meonng In Washingion of the-governors or their repmntatives haw been sent out by , A.” - u... sources commission} The date ul- nounoed In Tum”. :Dooemher 8. ,Albert Runways! ,, canto-sod mt Annu- m; ‘K ., h an CMeago junior. mm of lamp.- don for his victim": We, whom he expected to marry, zwu ‘given a sen. twee (or life imprisonment by g jury It Laporte, Ind. Nat 0. Goodwin, the comedian and Edna Goodrich. a. well-known actress. were married at tho home in Boston of Mr. Goodwin’s mother. - The freight steamer B. M. Whitney oi the Metropolitan Steamship lino mu sunk in ‘the E923: river while on her way to Boston. The ion. on vol- 39‘! and cargo is about “00.0% v.1- "v-._" V the National Consgrvgflon of Burglar: robbed the home at Charles E. Tayton of Brooklyn 0! 810,000 Worth 0! jewotyy and lilverwnre,_ keeping the family covered with revolvers. A band of Bosnia refugee: blew up with dynamite the more at Konltza, Herzegovina, killing 170 Aultflnn sol- diers. . . Count Johann Heinrich von Berth storfl, who recently has repreeented {he Germnn government in mm In: been selected by Emperor William to succeed the inte Bairon von Shannan-z ‘ as ambassador to America. Counted! ‘ ‘von Bernstorfl. is n daughter of Ed- ward Luckemeyer at New York. . Gov. Magoon of Cuba issuer! a do- cree providing an annual pension 0! $5,000 during her life to the widow of the late President Tomas Escudo Palms; and $60 monthlylin nddltion dur- ing the minority of her tour 'chlldron. Vice-Preeidentâ€"erect Sherman tor- warded to Albany .ror tiling with the secretary or state; (statement of his expenses in the campaign just closed. It showed his expenditures to hove Thrilling escape; and heroic work by [Costa Rican student, Ruben. {latex-gnarled a fire which burned to the grgund the Bliu Electric. whoa! in Earth Tsunami suburb of Wuh- tngton. ~ . « ‘ Edwud M. Moran. postmaster at New York city, was wounded In the ..c-n Edam; By’a'fiunec fired by E. H. B. Mnekny, an ecogntric English Itenog- rhpher, who then. committed suicide. - 4- A-_.I._‘b ngreement for the arbunuan m. u” “Cashing: incident," In ‘decidiug me [case 0! Bare: col- lege n. the state of Kentucky [nor 3ny to' the gage. the supreme wart of . .. .m-.. n.- nigh.- puw, Wuv w-_.y-__ "w .. By the over-turning at a" rowbont, William Black and John Plum; 0! St. David, 111., were drowned In the m;- noh river. “ ‘ ' Ibly to we saw. my my”..- ““7, the United States held that the state: of the union mny constitutionnlly legislate to prevent the eoeduudon 0.! nomlnnflon’ in‘ ‘Mneuee. Edwd Ward Carmnck, former United sme- lsenator 1mm Tenant was aunt and ‘kilied in unmet. duel fl. Nuhville by Robin ' Couper, a. young ‘stmrnay. Cooper wu slightly wounded in the - “A. a.-.‘ Mom-ni'. revolver. um German! man an (or the arbitration of ‘5‘, SATURDAY,- NOVEMBER E,” 1908 from heart ' The world's prediction of when for will consumputm am; the you. end- ing August 31. ”08.019901!“ by 2.340,- 000 bales the producflq‘n of the previ- ous year. ”cording to the consul bu- reau's report. “ ' June: '1‘. Mnlhalf fi- untoucod'to 16 month at the laden] pflpon nt Leavenworth. Kanz; ldxu McConkey to one year am! one dty It Leaven- worth, Ind Felix, Nuthugson to :1: months in the county p11 by Judge nluon Purdy , u Minneapolis [or fraudulent operation of the Nicollet Crumery Company. ‘ The general committee of toretgn missions of the’ Methodllt Epiuc'rpsl church. gt its session-{y fit. you“. be- Clarenee Kiichli. 1'! you-I old. non of Joseph Kitchll of )limieepoiie, and John Conrerdy of Chinese were drown- ed while hunting in Pelican hie. Wright county. Minn. _ Cioyd Gm Hereby. nod 35 you-I. of Logansport, 1nd; I [ruin-to of De- peuw university and e junior in ‘the Boston University @1100! 01v Theol- ogy, committed suicide by Ihooihu himself in Batten. . \ . The London 'Deily Expreu um lthet the wedding of- the duke of the 3Abruzzi and Mlle Kniherine Eikinn will take him in Home or Turin some time in 1009. ‘ gan dang}; Ethirteuixing the'nppro- minion- (or the year 190'. utter vot- ing to appropriate snow of 81.060.- 51 B. Wimgn A. Adlqr._¢ormer president or the defunct Stat. Futons! tank of New Orleans, remnant! from Honduras to stand mu on on charge at 1:11an plying the bank‘s tang“. He was a- restgd and relemd on bail. It was announced .In Kan-u City reor’guhod NM“ '0! com- mérce, Is to be replaced. Dr. W. S. Woods. the damned president or the bank, and his friends hnvlnt‘ unmad- ed in buyinl' bank's stock. wâ€"-_ â€" â€"-v_..._ The steel: brokerage llnn‘ot Burn- heni, Bennett 0. Go. of Boston made Dr. 8. Ill. Cotter. s promlnent physi- cians“ heed ol’ the Oomlng‘ (13.) hos- pltel, was instantly killed In In eulo- moblle accident. ' An evereae yield 0! 28.3 buehele or corn per acre end en increased total production of 2,642,687,000 bushels of corn are preliminary esumetes en- nounced 1n the report of the depen- ment of agriculture. Whisky valued 1! $35,000 and bulldlngs worth 815.000, were de- eu'oyed by are It Deeumlleg $1.1” government loeee 8450.000 in has on the whisky. ' ' , ' _ ‘ In I letter'ln snare: to my ear- reepondents. President Rmeevelt re- plied to inquirles concernlng Judge Tert'e rellglons convictions, and in do in; so sharply rebuked NOW and re- ligion; lnlole‘nn‘ee. Doesn't. Seek Flaw: Sent, Say- tlonal Committeovpln Ward. Wuhlngton, Nov. 13.â€"-“Preeident Roosevelt, 51: month! :80. came to the decision thIt' no-coflblnthQn of cir- cumstances would Museum to be- come 3 mama for election to the United States senate to succeed Thames 0. Flatt." uddfiannal Cour mitteeman Wlmun L. Word of New York as he no lowing the White House.1 Mind I he thought Secre- ury- Root would e the neat gem; from New York, Mr. Ward replied by asking: "Would Mr. Root be u. cant“- “to?" PRESIDENT . ' Thlny Yarn Spartanbilffi. 8. mm, :i'nezro. V“ new! 3% t curse crim'lntl' 'uuu'lt on HI I." I v-uâ€""VV ”Guthrie. 0:13.. Nov. 12911:; auto election bond has mbulatod the re- turn tom 10 at the 75 counties. The m of Event! Huh bold. New York. Nov. 11.â€"-Herhert Dulâ€" ley Hale. son 0! Rev Edward Everett rifle. and one of the best known archi- -_-j -1. x1- Lanna tech cum; cm. Job Printing at this oflice. up 3 majority 0‘ "W :OkIahoma gang”- NOT A (:1an out. in for Alt-um. s. 0.. Nov. 1: 401m was Wednesdni con- me of attempt!“ ‘ It oh mu Lem Demp- Ientenoed to sum 80 '1. dead nuns homo [dent of the 11 DIE IN WREEK M "ISIILMEII SP!" WILD SCENE. OF TERROR. DIATI‘ AND DESTRUCTION FOLLOW OOUTHIRN ORAN-l. GATASTROPHE IN WEST SLAYS AND CBEMATEE Colllalon Ocean at Dodo. Wye” W 00an II Burned. and mu Many Living mid Budâ€"Md New Orleans. Nov. 12.â€"ll¢un pa nuiredudmdsmormmh jumduzmultofnwnckwm day on the New Orleans a; W! -- 41.- Wv_â€"â€"v- an run-om Emma Woodl. nluk 1m New Orleans. Between Slide]! and New 0:1qu ”the trans of the New Orleans «. NortbeutenA mum ere need by ti: Greet Northern ruined end It wee . suburban mm of this road homOm- lnzton that called Into the leer at x: locel Northeutem train from KI J auburx. mu; «mm the for :’ reu- when. ‘ 1 About 1! mue- from New One-n. Little Woode. . m and bands .1 camponmewmmh-om ‘1 rounded by’ empe’tbet the only I' â€"‘ proach to the scene of the wreck II t .' ww of the railroad. helm Ruched h tune. .I train was mm: made up and reflux tqtheddotthemndm.‘ dead and dying. Won the m petty reached Ll:- tle Woods. the scene that met the .- eyes was one of W, desolation nu deem The week had count fl! ;, ‘Vuâ€"-â€"-- w- .w W, amp wort dig-acted tow-rd «bank 3 the flunel. In this thy Md bun Mun; mecca-till. but little mom! had been (Inn to the badly Mafia. .4... Rude home! Iud Dun mo about their won“ in II 0M 0 stop the tow of blood. on! in nor inlunceo the mo:- mum-oft! unread turnou- showed am not Monolitehulboonundhun rumor. ’ , . None worked Mar tm‘m‘wn- onwalnthlscrudo m. Turin; up “36m M'MJ “mined the woun‘do'ottho Mudmd tenderly lud- out the up In them and you their A to no 1- ing until the must troll ’urlvod. Fearful mm in“. Such In an “moot oil-In u u was found when the am mh an rived m Now Orion}: with no 7- AA-__. in"; :JJJ'Jm... mu m. m: 3 shout 'm mm “bf“- Wound. Ruddy m anlewn of 007mm 14.. ‘ ho' wag-had herolully (h animating to the most utton-11h!!!“ and au- ctr quthocflortIolotbgnan .23. wounded u comma-able u pow-lino under the circumsuncu. In New Orlan- tho first toner! o! the wreck mine current than: u h’our um the wreck w. 11: so who round a: wreck “sued u: m- crammed. Subsc ribé for Tn Him-Lara! The malignto'uotmmu cho'rmmflhmmnl ThenMuflonotflsemlormo uawmmutormcuuvm nmmmmmotm Roma-nmmmbym‘ America 8m: Rm Coup“!- lnd Arbuckle Brothers followed t It cummmmawwfi burs'u “Mm“! mum; ‘wlflch will b. hold W 35. v!!! be attended by my W In. mékod his “fun-out the only “mm-stew. NrdlmdPlnnaym.mmt¢ known-I“Auulty” malonm.N.Y..n-onnoogpbd CALL DENVER .LACKHAILER MAD Only lxpllw 0' W M Cu. 'm' â€"+* in III-(Wont. Denys. Cot, Nov. tsp-Further do- velopmonu.q to tho Identity of the woman who Monday dammed In. coma candor PM": with E369 he! turned 1'“ W" " no are of her huh-III. who arrived!”- nuuo Park. 001. u I” 9' lunedtlntnhcmhm W Idler w North Buy. on. 1m. Izâ€"‘l'b Iteuner TM u- town-ab mmohwuu'l‘omhkumluudx o'clock rue-my out when as bulk explodtd. wrecking the W and cunning the death at It hilt I” W Ions. Bevan! W" I“ I!“ penotthecrew verehurhdlntoufl m byv the Mk ad my l" mug-mm, 1._ ' Lu. W {or Noon Icy. Banana. 0-. Nov. Wm“ Reilly. I mm In! ten ya:- out-ad small (or m- m. w W and given n 11!. acute-no M (I. pardon- d In. Wilbu'Tm-m'd Poole. IQ! on: city. ‘ . 11..thth mt”. II “‘1! C. It: and «by. i 001’s mo DAsHEs. LOCAL SOCIAL GENERAL ECONOMIC INDEPENDENT fix-O'olon a mantra - suicide. n;â€" Auk “Grant [I HW- Number 4.6 ’. lI.â€"-I

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