Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Oct 1912, p. 7

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ry Night TeJcphOne 335 bCal Exchange t. Johns Ave. 0 CENTS ' near, the Distancm'f lay .ompany c punkin hock” the lclined to (1, Indiana, tut 1t is a ; to send a : lines via vaton Sum ‘30 ml 1m pct cent ‘y ‘15 wumd tem 1e A ~k Ior {Sch St wage The It): )(‘I‘ an A LECTURE 0N CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Suite 4. S andG, State Bank Bldg. Hui-u 678 mm PM. 111.. Pal-l“ BARBER SHOP W. Central Ave; Hi3} 45 St. Johns Ave. Chas. E. Russell Sivil Engiieer and Surveyor oncrel: Work Lake For-st, Phone 534-w Dr. I A Illi- Dr. I L Bud-u DENTISTS chephona ‘36 515 Oahood Ave. Clone-w Frudn Phony 2‘” Butter."E¢gs, and Home Dressed Poultry LAKE. SHORE CREAMERY Telephone 51 n “I m. m 3 Chonn and Orchucn Conducting 135 50‘?! Second Street HIGHLAND PARK mama-mm vonmmmmmu Ln“ Olden Il'lh Mini-15.6. Muha- Kuw-od 23% F. A; TUCKER 413 Kimball Hall, Brads Studio DR. WATSON DENTIST FrankEP. Mandy Surveys. Subdividmg, plans 8; estimate: for private public improvement work \I III-rt I. u no, VENCEL MUZIK Haul-La; Shauna In or God. F RANCIS FLORENT DR. LYMAN SEXMITH ,-Ath ’[rpiwm' 760- H “no Tm. lax-bra ad Rem E. E. FARMER Teacher 4:! French, Cornet. Voice! 4 1m: mortal. matarml. finl'o .\ L-h St Paul valls the earn]! '1 chh. and In which alum», oo- exist all the phenomena of evil. wrMChK-dnvss, disaster. disease. {Erlh- mortal b ‘h’rxl’n HM ho'nr M" ~|-t.~'l..nm~ ix armxn". ”N‘rn'llwl h .r ‘:---,e~~:s. “hr‘l't‘ U V311’Pf' ;' Iv 1.4 stcr 2;: =3 Pm wao-d M} Q lr urwlt-r [a distinn Violin lmtructor r app-)m'menrs and hapktrt a" Information address HARRY J. RICHARDS this carnal mind that ff, :5 St. Paul dwlaresA 23 liPuk Avenue Telephone 57 \K Ave. Highland Puk Tm. 374 EIG.\ nin‘ Ind Czncnl Flow- H ”VIII-D maltn' on Friday. It nuns, “llv‘l'l‘ H2» I'M» of I? \ l .\ » mu hwnwr ..r lire, inw‘ArnI-h H\u!lur. Y! lb» Renaud 1n rrvnrdvd in I\' 1.4 dwscrlhml |< wao-J {Lis Hr"2\’9‘" ”10’- WInr [a d stinuuiah it from: [hm hnmurlu], real. divin» (Inles "UL ! rvvnr ull‘lll 11nd“ J-uwus ‘Hnsl DEN TISI' n 'Jnllnr‘ 1!. Au wv ‘mv (g phynumnnu are finile ,qr whirl». disvzlmul. -i‘. 1h» ideas 01' [he «va- Le, undnnanslunal. finder; unlv-us. Hnmortal. TN». ~ Le. Hum»- nmh-rid! n ~- I?» pho'mnmnnn nr ‘- n-‘e Of a mvntallty whiv‘ u- mortal basis. namfll) ’H Um unnur ..( hr» in. morta! “h French, Violin Voice Culture 1 mind that needs to Jul dwlares, in which Euinuu Furnished Highland Park Highland Path fired! bang. Min! AI which cxpvusr-es . 15 qulln a dtmx‘- - imposed acuvny UJI vw Aveâ€" «9 Deericld Au A! PAGE 6 Highland Puk Kim! show-5 (h “l liw nmml’n ‘ divine Mn; Hi‘hlwd P-rk Phone 607 Chicago 121 are finim, rxxslrncn hsril>wL 4‘.â€" 'Sllh'r (hdl rm, l-wt n. U n will uf vh» nrwletnr. and 1~-:~ I'lfl'l.l.'l: “im l-nlievo \let (”-m mor- nrwr w1nt< him. Willi rim, or s'lKEPSt! t» Hm (n lwliew‘. he it :nml m- m‘nl, "'l‘h» npmazur himsalf ln-lipvvs in the rvallly of matter and evll: he believes he has a sick man there. to trmt. and yet h.- trlus to make that man believe that he is not nick. Obviously this method does not get at (he root of {he difficulty. It does not get at the cause of the sln or dxsease and deshny H: its effect 1! simply to produce a change of balk-f, l1 [.1 supprflclul and lnjurloua Th:I lmlnlgnnce of the countv'rfolt of the dh’lw Mlnd as a suhstimte for tha( Mlnrl is a nerlous evil. There ls nelther God nor Phrlst ln thls profess, no up- llnlnz nor snlrltuallzatlon of thought. no elevation to a higher plane of con- nclousness: the entire action la on the plane of lhe mortal. carnal mind. hence lts danger. "Rh-null suggestion, hypnntlsm. will powur, the endeavor of one human mind: no influence or control itself or another, «(Mae are all the activiten of the human ,mind. and subject to its limitations an‘l‘ evils; indeed. they are constantly being ‘llSFil for evil purposes. The Bible den :clares that we cannot obtain both sweet waters and bitter from the same {nun-7 Vtain. Since mental suggestion, hypno- 'tmm. will power are used {0r evil pill“ 'poses and actually cause evil continu-g‘ Bilv the\ must be whnllv evil, for the)“; (hnnot be both good and evil. Any teeming good that may at times result; from them must. be superficial illusory; and dangeroua They do not express‘ the activity 0! the (‘hrist Mind. and hence they cannot be divinely authoring rvn edial agent; Inna: Mods Cantu-«d. "It may he well to illustrate briefly the illfi9r9nt‘9 between the attefnpt tn‘ lli-iil lhrmxgh mentul suggestion or hyp- rniism and the healim: in ('hristian' “hih- ll \‘M'y muvh :wso-n'ozs u!‘!\' (H La vulrm'lly l;n~lm’~'tu ‘\\!‘o-n mm pox-mm [zic-s ( 'n-xgh mnnml 5.5m .Anhlhm ! .r !.'.;.nnr:.<~n. his anmunr 1s ' ...' $91“qu hvlinf {mm .1 ~ ~.: . s3 M .1 hem-r i't hmlth 1' mu "sh annfli nmnlpu .z “warn-l uf (“v pnfle Sriwnre with thv divine Mind. {or Chris. (Mn Scienm‘ healing ms been muvh vax'uJéHtMul r»~qutilig this manor. \xhil» It \‘My muvh dfi‘s‘o‘rvws and n<ks ..v‘h' tn Pm wnmrzh' ll!)-l»l’\‘tn(n‘. Uphn wrnm.’ Ind 01 Dilonndnuon. "As the “rvrking out uf (Hr own 53‘.- \'.umn is thus '4. nwnml prucvss, it 18 Hr vim) hnpnrlanl‘P that we dbnngulsh CINIH)‘ thw-n the divine Mind and ”>1 \LK‘IIVIUr‘S and lhv human mind and in imh’effi. fur the Bible teaches that it i» nnI)‘ through the Christ Mlnd that our «ulvunnn can ho obtained. "The human mind is 940 filled with “ain‘t-$115 0f Hmltuliun. mah‘riulily, mor- vwlny, personality. that It Is um it sat» influenov In use either upon ourselves or uxmn others. for 1! la [00 HAM» to h» xmnsrnrmuunn of VUHSI'IH‘)~HA~>S nut un-i umnm mke- plm-w 51d ""1 that it is the X'v‘VIIl! ¢f “I“; artful-imam, the smritvmhmriu: zhmmle character. and Ht‘v. mu! 4 Han Scivlwe makes it pus>ilulc~ for Yu i'P‘K“) this wurk hvn- and nuw thus begun to experivnm- rum.» 0 Messing“; “hivh urn the innxilum wvmpnnimvnt 0" an “UNLIhh'nml syl J dei :md. "‘ hr'htx Hansr'nrm I Is “‘1'“ :'nr 3” it Im Hu- il‘l‘lc ‘h-t‘ IHHMI of Uh! mud :m-l 6w.- "i‘hn kin-glint 'l‘kms :t is m rmnd or chm qu'rltnal illumination and transforma- v'un lu-glnS. and this must be (mummified Jay ale' day. In fulfillmem U! the Swriptuml Injunction to pray whim-u! ur-‘xslllfi. 'Iz-SU‘O}HJ. "When we think riuhlly Truth is present wixh us in nus->4. just as when w»- think {he multiphcdunn (ably, Uh ul’ nullhpmalivs is in \‘Ollsvi I‘Vf'n'l'lcd lheha \Vhwn “0 (h "Nt‘lfll uh} 1h Al the :mvod Krocens Use hum and renewal by ‘fu'ist Our 9‘ m IS! n-ughts winch im'luxlr- s‘n. mim-I'y', Imd nmrmlny am not zhv mink as at [hr ulnme Mind, I n- .I IHU‘IJHIR, Rwil xv hence the!“ are but slmply concepts (hy- human mxrhl. ut' human bent-{'3‘ ‘41 [hvnuuh rluht spirlt'ml knowing [hey u L:- murw’lwl, and “In! is wn-l‘g NHL-r (Minding: is (hv .u-llvlzy Irt' 11.. ihgwnvc Hr mind, Fell! trunking Is {In- (lxily of real Mind, namely, the min or divine mum“ «mv the activ- r II! ”,lruxh rig M cumuluusuess; hen-W- a! thmking is right knuwing 'III)V.I)IIFI} we can ngvpr know uny- 111,: that :s untrme ur unreal; for «\- u-lv. we can never know that [no nes two make nw. because tho-y 1H t. we can only [mm-Va it; so we mn vnr n-nily know mulhmg Um! Ls IIHK Hr I-VH, “v I'd” nnl) lmlievo lb. :I-ughts winch im'lmlr- s‘n. mim-I . \ v'lH-r Is All: recogulllun as an errur 2- rm‘ngmze an terror wrnen we know u truth which it mmm».-. Thus. by mum); what real Mind its, wh‘h. ngstlun Scleflce makes possible. vu- Iv» n (o «Jo-tee: and correct when 15 wrung our human sense. Hy knuwlnu u-h-r 3 ;t is not 3 )11am- M i or cansoiousness. vs} knmd. .1-,-\'.>lnpml, utmir “A c.\:.~(cncc is. “e beg.“ Hum “hat is “‘10”: in How ls Kellewed by the Mind that was an: is! our mar) erroneous concept? M. be supplanted with divne Truth; order that we mu) lu- healed an} 1! < lxvlirt‘ hem-r (I l3 this to be dune? We knsm first step in the correcxiun «A H‘I‘.’ lulvntion Bum :nwgh mvnml snggnstinn his anmunr Is In change valirf {mm a Lelh-f id mus-r i't hwxlth. This is tnwnrli nmnlmzmclon, Ivy -1 uf (“v patient}: men- vr‘.’ it umping H ta he “'1'” Hf Vh» npr‘lketnr, and m LMievo what Um mor- ‘ waa rim, or suggest: human sense I: transformed? of 0t mnfornuflon. mw- and nuw. am z‘nuv rum.» of me the inmiluMe ac- ltmin .~hnw ,l h \Vu'nn “_\' knowing wh null thinking, ur oommuninn nth. thrr nu- srluusness the 5!. Thus our h) (181M)! (1 ”II our Scll_‘ heal or of Truth, cnnxcmn's- I'igmly of lrit us All "mliih‘ is (I'm diva?» Mind Rm! its 'nâ€" V’nitp manifestation. and Unit dis- r-nniunL malarial existencn is but an ‘vrrnnn-uufl ("mm-mt. “0n ihe hasis of matter as a substan- iH'c- actuality. it Ls impossihle to under- «mnd this much less to derionstmie it. Rut when we can see matter {or what i: really is. but the prnjvcted concept of [he mnrtal mind. then we can See how spiritual Truth, the divinn Mind, eninr- ing cnnsvimxsnsss can bring about u change in consciousness and extnrnnlize ‘ihat rhanze in harmnnfous phenomena. and right living. The effect of the divine Mind upon the human mind is al- ways In brink ahnut harmony. supply- ling whnt is right and needed. removing what is wrong and not needed. ‘ "In Christian Science healing it Is the i('hrh-t Mind alone that affm-ts the 1pmient‘s cunsclousness. It alone Illu- ‘mlnes and transforms apprehension. cor- iwas the erroneous concepts. establishes Hmrmony in r-nnscinusness, and then ex- iHernallzm- mix harmony in health of had}: This ' effect frequently takes ‘place as a result nf (he reading of Mrs, Eddy's explanation of Scripture ‘eaoh- ing In 'Svienre and Hoalth.‘ There have rheen hundreds of cases of organic and :functlonul dlsenses which have hwxn healed through the reading of mm hook and, hplng a physician’s son. I ”Know 0! what I am mlkimz. I havn xn-r- mnnlly inquired inm too many such Cam‘s 10 he mistaken ' "Snch m-aHng illustrates Um rm“! that wh»n spiritual Truth enters the recor- zivp (‘nnHCiflu"nv53 H )nr‘HE-I nhnut n (‘hnnun in (unwinnsnv-ss an.‘ thvrlml- i193 ”mt vhunnu- in ‘1 wall l-mly. This is .1 totally Jim-Wm m-vthml ft‘ut". that Hf :m‘.‘ nt’ww ex ctr-m uf hem“ HJ, any! it '~' .‘mh- h'u:=\1Hw t". n!-t.\'!' u 1- ro- h "This in n cardinal feature of (‘hrisâ€" (ism Soit‘n’t‘e hpallng which distin- gliiuhok it from all other methods of mnntai thnrapeutirs, namely, that it is tin» divine Mind and not the human mimi whit-h iwaisi Those who kngw nniv or the human mind sometimes be- i-t-w that (‘hristian Science heziing re- sults fmm the action of this mind, as in nwntai suggestion. hypnotilm. or will power. and so they Confuseit with those methods. But when we know the divine Mimi, then we ran see ti’mt Christian Sriom‘e healing is Truth heal- ing. whorein divine Truth and Love cor‘: rect human error. and wherein humuni will and mental sumzrstion have no} place any mnre thnn they have in} nmthenmticx "In “M"stinn Srioqw‘eX‘w hm” o-r 191 not the thought or will of the vmistiun Scientist. It is inhwl‘f‘ltf Rnlrh' n1 ’l‘rvth film-If. the divine Principle. 'l'i ,, t‘hrislian Svientlst simply dnes 1h.- hwmm: thrnugh his cuith‘atml sph‘HIm) mulvrstnnllihs, and the truth that 15 re- thM by this knowing is the powvr “Inch corrects and heals: In acvordancc “3th vavls' stzttvmont. 'Ye shall know the truth ‘md the truth shall make you fn‘a,’ L’ pnw. IN “Sum-uso you gvt a M11 that is wrong rhx‘nugh :1!) vrlur in (-nnmutunnn. You .1.» nux endeavor m hypnunzv {he hill in vhunu" n through will puwer. m~ mental Luggwsuun, m-Hher «It: you Hnleuwn‘ l4» tun-nutm- )HHrSt-W xhxmnuh mun-snu- :.->lhm [u Yu-HtHr [hr l‘H] tn hf- oiiffcl“ «In! from wind It is Yuu knnw that there L5 suuwlhin; wrung. and you pru- vm-xl (u run-v"! it on the basis or mmho- muth-ni trmh. or _\'0\I got scum one to hrlp you who sum rectify the mistake. "TLe [uwu‘x‘ {hut currects such a "111- tlkv is hurt the- tlmuuht or will Hf the nutlrvmnh'ian Thn pnwr-r I?! inhnrent <uL-1)‘ in Hm truth itsvlf, the mathe- mMM‘H prim-H4» inw-lw-d. The mathe- mum'mn xinu-ly dues the knowing: ‘ ‘v-uuh hie (wlllivntetl mathemmicm un« ln-rwunrlinuz :H‘I] the truth whh‘h is re~ ”m'twl hx' that knuwmg . m- the [mu-l (hut nun-(~15. H‘ (M mznhnnm- [It'llll hui Hm power. he cunM just us m-H nmkv- mu n'mm two nmkv five.- -‘v-\'>-n, ‘Il Muthihg ‘.H- Munsns. just IN m-ntql dezL'rx'tiun U‘h-s lo 110 with the Mil-Is ~f )w-man er. nm'lhmg i: locust; t char. 0! wanton-non. Truth an Ind-tn: Iowa. "The i‘hvrisiian Scientist proceeds noi un the basis 0! appramnce. for Jesus isaidi “Judge not according: to the an. pmrunco. but judge righteous judg- l i i l ment.‘ He [‘rocveda an the basis 0!" spiritual Truth, the actuality 0f splritualiy heing, in Corn-ct the erroneous concepts in the illscm‘dunii ginning minui of the valiant _Lhrnuzii the right knowing uf Truih. and harmony is mus established on a Spiritual and scientific basis. It Ir: ”J! the thought nr will or the prac- iiiiuner than. does the healing in Chris-3 imn Science. but Truth operuiil‘u; . Those jpernnnun i privilege irealize i itmprdinu "Her i “Md, he: His will gcratmi i Christ .1 yisilcs wi leader. Pi "That Is n6? [he thought nr win In thinner that does the heanng {Ann Science. but Truth through a human Chanel. lrute:~~ fit “in (.‘nrtstian Science healinx. the ;i‘liristian Scientist stands on the 'Sl-iritual toundatioln that God in Spirit And His universe. including man, spirit- .nai. all lwinx included in the divine 383ml .md its pert/est nmnifestation. the divine Lift and its immortal activity. the divine {mu- and it» forever reflection. He un- «it'tilalidh‘ the turoswnt and oternul per- fet-tEnn of God‘s cruttiun, which the iiihit- (lrclzirvs was nnisin-tl and mo- ‘n-mnowl uumi 'in the twgmninx.’ "Ht‘ iii-“II UT':‘it'l’>‘l£llltit-‘ the nature and rhuruttvr 0f tnntvrial rxislrncv. and that the viirt'ulimtit m-miitiuns an earth are but thv vl'rum-uus concepts. the tnesmet’iu twin-ts, tiw illnsnry phonatm-mt of the vnurtni, cntnztl mind from whlrh nwn can i... and must he awakened. "He further understutnls tine Ulll't‘fll‘: ity of mutter and t-vii, just as the 113-? tr-munivr undc-rs‘tnmls that the sun (1092?: not r--.\H_\' mint» and tiw mirth H not rmtlly stationary and flat, «Yell though; it s“ amwurs Thus the Christian St~i-' vntint knuws that. in rvuiity thm'e is my ‘P'H‘k mun tn twat. and lm knows thisV in exactly the same way that a mathe- I nmticinn knows that two times two (ink not make tivn. timngh it i.» writrn on a; siutr‘~ when- he can see it He knows that: it makes four. rexztrtiluss of nppPar-i nnces; and it is his business to know“ that; he would not he uni’ kind of n, mathematician if he did not know it. I THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS True 33d- ot flaunt cm [dun Inuit. U114: 1w“ (Ma. l‘mt :0 Mind am! its H1 To “In: “The stone or material sense has been roiled away, and the possible at-nno- men! with Truth and Love has been demonstrated. The truth about God and man and the universe has been re- vealed to the human understanding. and (he heailng (‘hrist is at the door of every consciousness. "No longer nerd we be deceived by turrnnmms physical sense (estimony re- ufipm‘lllu; sin and iii-muses, for the poani- iuiiity of inlo-iiiuonliy nnd pructicaiiv viif‘i‘vir-minting lwnnwn what is n-ul :md what is mutual has iu-(‘n bn-Mt-vnni .umn humanity "‘There is no life. truth, inteillgenne, nnr substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation. {or God Is‘AH-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth: matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter in the unrml and temporal. Spirit in God. and man‘is His image and likeness. Then-- fore man is not mntérial; he is spirit- ual.‘ (‘Science and Health! page 468.)" “In closing, let me read (0 you Mrs. Eddy‘s scienmlc statement of being. whir'h epitnmizes the Scfonce of Salva- tion. and which when understood will enable any one to begin to work It out:â€" 111:!»ny about Cm! and H realizing the spirit M fmt Hm nlnlnriul TAMIL “o s}; punfy rum: $;'fl’i[?.1}32(‘ m! nvss, “Main t'ltulh’l‘. ”er. :m-l 5(1er virws n! (wisp-mm, expnriwnn‘e ul‘eLh-r frvNSum and harmony. better health. i!!,p!‘n\'wl morals, until we shall find” :nmin that pure conscioqsness which Jesus PHHPd the kingdom of heaan. ".\ mwusuru n{ (his 1m: his already horn in all l'lndfl. and whom closet (or SNHH an :(-r mutter». :nx Josg [np’mnt-nh‘l sou-m in demand as a test,” ITiIm realize prnhuhl) mnIe than (in; mun-Is the immvnse work that has to be Idmnnipiishui iw'tme the helirf in mate» iIiatlIt), the intiIIlgt-nm in mi], and tho,I ic-ffm-t ur the world's hatred of spiritualj [truth are wholly overcome and spiritual“ iconsciousness fully attained. But they :Iknow from the great Messing: which; have already come into their lives, that? hy “'ni‘kinK. watching. and praying; ifnithrully. constantly. patiently, for that Mind to he in them which was also! In (‘hrint Jesus. that spiritual attain- ments will follow with them. as with others, in the degree that they know filed. and demonstrate that knowing in [their daily lives. “‘Glory be to God, and peace to we struggling hearts? Chrfist hath rnued away the stone hum me door of human hope and faith, and through the reve- lation and demonstruuon of life In God, huh elevated them to possible m-one- mph! with the spiritual Idea of man and his divine Principle. Love.‘ (‘Science and Health,’ page 45.) luvnuon Pros-roux". ““hristixm Sviumists are not surâ€" prised nur discmnum-«l if they Cannot at once (lvnmnstrnu- the qunos: 01' this great ,lruth, cmmut immediutcly wil- nvss its full hulliun. us some of ih‘ unc Hm w'uve lhrir Ons- (ut' Mrs. l-de\"s .quIn is lth. [Hut 3! In be (run. and that ;\1>[1)i('z|l~lu-lt‘»‘]; \'. "Shh vii-I nHt simply Huh) her dis- wwery tn the world; she first dmnonâ€" surntm! 11, um! Hwn ufierod it as a «anHHISH':H>)r Svle'nm) fur all mankind tn mum l-_\. and tho grout strenuth of lml‘ u-uvhlnzs “1-34 In 1h? furl that any one mm prm‘e (hair truth fur himself. Onr- of Mrs. l-deV‘s' gn‘utt‘st achieve- .quIn is lth. [mu she prlwed [hp HIM:- In by (mm. and that ‘Its tracMnL’S are “The lu-livr that a personal God per- sumnlly Selected Mrs, Eddy and dict-Met! this xmvlulinn m her is simply absurd. It was Mrs. Eddy-"s mental alertness, spiritual utluinment, and purnosx (ruth- sénkinu “Man made it [vuSSHI]? for her to dlsom-n HI.- sphnual idea and estab- 16811 (no stately :ulnxs of the (‘hl'istlun Swiemw nmvmnt’nt. privilege or being under her Instruction realize In home degree what an ‘ex- tmprdinary woman she was. "Her spirituality, her deep love for “ma, her desire to know and do only His will and to he a faithful. conne- crated follower of the \Vayahowusr. Christ Jesus, these are the character- istics which made h?!‘ such a great leader. ’H. 1.5 ine'vituble. that (‘hristian Scien- E(mm simulxl love _the tuumier of this énuwement fur having brought to the fworld this Sciwire of Salvation. this Eilexncnsunblw knowledge which affords :‘loliverance from evil, this spiritual inndcrstanding of the Bible which re- fiml» the true nature of God and the {won-r of “is Christ. There are thouâ€" {Ralph upnn thousands of people in all the “mid who ate (0- -duy experiencing Emu-m ivlr'SFinL‘H as a result 0! Lbs. Illdd)” s u-uvhings, and who are demon- strating that ‘sm'ing x‘nith‘ which alone )lcuds in hwwa-n. “Sho- is luved nut only for the reve- lurlnn nr 1h» (lemonstl‘uble (‘hrist Truth which is contained in her wonderful book, 'SCit'nCu and Health with Key to‘ [he Svripiuras.‘ and her other writings, but fur her consecration and devotioni tn lh¢ welfare of mankind. She re- mained siradfastl) at her post of dutv ‘ an.) ruminuml to instruct. guidv. advisai and mlmnnish her followers, and to leadi on lwr great Pause in its stately pros-i “Those of us who have known her pernnnully and who have had the great I‘ERN‘ "Indeed. this belief in m‘nter Is the veu or the flesh that maes an Spirit. and, much must be understood and-9v!"- come before spiritual consciousness ‘nd Salvatiun can poss}bl_\' be aniline}. Chrisflun Schmce makes 1'. possible for us all to begin :0 make substantial progress in this direction here and now. Mum nus. may Loved “d Ionoud. Mmdnou (or union. is not to be wondered at. indeed Ine'vituble. that (‘hrisuan Scien- shcuhl luve_the founder of this 0 ton: Achievement. Clo-tn; [Apr-L lulliun. us some of ih‘ m demand as 3 NFL rnlmhly mnre than do use work that has to be (are the hellrf in mate» ”1.! His rmom \‘0‘ Q' all .41 and donsinq shall urmluulh; mzr I-nnfivh‘y'zF- 'mr. 1-] mf’r m: undm‘stanll- :niywd by muny ‘~-nt+-r into the shut Um dam" sum. (hinkm‘; Don’t Forget to try 3 16¢ Loafd GEARY’S SPECIAL Geary’s Ifbme Baker; Officg Ind erdn Elm Place an First Street FRANK L. SSIUESTROM Coal arid Wood Touriné Cars for Rent, Brokérs in New and Second Hand Cars Garage Phone 140 125 Wnnhinflon SL. WuukegunJll Shop phone 375 Res. phone 1127 Pianos and piano work ex- clusively. Tuning, Renting, Re-finishing, Repairing. See me when in need of a new or used piano. EARL G. ALDEN. PROPRIETOR Mden's Piano Shop GARAGE REPAIRS Good :CIothés Lend Distinctiogfn t0 the Wearer handles the finest lin ‘of fresh Candies. Ice Cream and Bakery Goods. hen in need call 580 or 340 Finest of Bakery Goods Wolff; Dunfham S nothing succeeds like success so nothing. like good\garments make; a man appear success ful. By. GOOD GARMENTS we mean the kind that fit well, hang Well éid have a certain dash to them that attracts attention. makes them stand out, as it were. from thelicrowd. (L For years we have maide distinctive clothes and we can suit the taste of all from youth to old age. Ourimportatibns include all the latest novelties as well as the staples. Our mices arelmoderate. Come in and see us. It is IQ trouble toeshow goods. Agents for Chalrilers and Hudson Cars HIGHLANDZPARK, ILLINOIS Highland Park Auto Station Straus Building . N. W. Cor. Madiéon and Clark Sts. CHICACO, ILL. LAKE GENEVA ICE ESTAgusnED mo A G. McPHERSON, Manager Entiyzutes gladly furnished on n" £ Work and Fixtures Rébert Greenslade Phonic Main ; ELECTRIC FIXTURES : WIRING. REPAIRING GENERAL MACHINE WORK 1908 as well as men's, are offered in variety of styles,but all up-m-da‘eand at prices no greater than is asked for shop- worn goods. JOHN P. KLINE combmed with great wearing quality is what we are offering for fall and winter wear. It is not necessary that shoes must be clumsy to be warm and waterproot. BEAUTY IN SHOES Manager's Residence Phone 139 111 E. Central Avenue LA 01155 SHOES 134 Second Street Telephone SOS-L Telephone 55

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