Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1919, p. 8

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m^- '" i *ijpV<v ;•&•. : r&IQfrfm ' ' ; ???gs*^%p-z*i- Save $10.00 ON YOUR mm fck.!<f ••4Lf* New Fall -- h l ,m ' . > We can make you a saving of $10 on a Suit if you buy of us before the present supply is sold. These Suits were boufht at a price so we can sell them for less then we will have to pay for a new supply--so ^ r do not delay your purchase until too late. Call and we will be glad to show you our stock of Suits and let you judge of the saving we will make for you. JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. OUR BIGIMertakiag OFFERS A SELECTION very seldom found in a town many times the size of McHenry. Our aim to keep our stock up to the standard has been quite successful even during the trying months when factory deliveries were so uncertain. We attribute our home as well as our out-of-town patronage due to our splendid selection coupled with fair prices and prompt deliveries. Let us fit up your home. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS A desire for service has animated us in the assembling of our perfectly matchless line of General Merchandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It is a good sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet the wants of all the people, but that is juit what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market-- clean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every description. Try us next time and we'll make good. Also see our line of samples from the famous International Tailoring company. The snappiest line on the market today and prices right. :: :: Telephone 6&-R Goods delivered. WEST McHENRY M. J. WALSH --DO! WE-- Ever Run Sales? We have never had a socalled sale where a few get all the best bargains. Nor have we ever bought cheap stuff to have a special sale. From time to time we have small lots of good merchandise to close out, which we put out on the counter at a price. If you come to our store frequently you have a chance to see these bargains SMITH BROS. i*HY nwHAL no* COMERS AND GOKRS OF A IN OUR BUSY VILLAtrJS As Sew by Plaindealer Reporter! n| Handed Into Oar Qfice by Oar Friends Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly were Chicago visitors Monday. Misses. Pearl and Lelah Claxton s^ent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Alta Wentworth passed the week end as the guest of Chicago friends. ® Miss Mayme Barbian spent Friday last as the guest of relatives at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Whiting were visitors in the metropolitan city last Thursday. Lester Sherman, Ray*" Page and Clinton Martin were Chicago visitors last Friday. Arthur Patzke passed a few days last week"" as the guest of relatives at LaCrosse, Wis. Mrs. J. E. Behlke of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her father, J. J. Buch. Mrs. Barbara Engeln and daughter, Louise, were Chicago passengers last Friday morning. Gerald Carey passed the first of the week as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxfon and son, Will, attended the dairy show in Chicago last Thursday. Miss Lenore Freund passed the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. M. J. Kent, in Chicago. Thos. Kane and Robert Thompson attended a Masonic meeting at Crystal Lake last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton and children and Miss Elola Boyle were guests of Elgin relatives Sunday. Miss Verena J us ten of Chicago was week end gupst in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mrs. F. V. Cobb and daughter, Gladys, of Hebron were guests of McHenry relatives last Saturday. Miss Maud Wilson of Macon, 111., was a guest in the home of Mrs. S. Sherburne a few days this week. Messrs. John Lehm and Orval Hutson of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the J. F. Claxton home. Wm. Buettner and Jas. Maloney of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walsh. Misses Fannie and Maude Granger passed the week( end with their sister, Mrs. Harry Alexander, at Hebron. Mrs. Mollie Givens and daughters, THEATRE SHOWS EVOtY NIGHT EXOTT NOWAY » WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. OCT. 16 WM. FOX • ; preaenta Gladys Brockwell INPitfalls of a Great Gity Gloria Swanaon & Bob Vernon ---IN Whose Baby ""'""'Mir . '1 SATURDAY, OCT. is - "THE TRIANGLE , --•--pre cents Barney Sherry. IN Who Killed Walton and -- A Mack Sennett-Keystone Com Skidding Hearts V SUNDAY, OCr. 1» , -*M. FOX "-f _--present* Evelyn Nesbit Thaw and her son RUSSEL THAW INThe Woman Who Give A story of an artist's model who hated her own beauty by Isola Forrester, directed by Kenean Buel. <> and ' A Fox Comedy MATINEE AT 2:3* A|dmission, M and 15 Cents TUESDAY. OCT. 20 THE VITAGRAPH oresents Corinne Griffith IN Thin Ice ---and A Triangle Comedy |r MEN OF-- " 'jV i f r ' r r McHENRY, ILLINOIS #9 and women, too, need Checking Accounts quite Its much--perhaps even more--than do those of larger interests.- . • ! Thfey can not afford to run the risk incurred, thru keeping money in a pocketbook or safe--or to^pay a bill twice, for want of a receipt. •' SV A Checking Account here guarantees protection for funds--and furnishes a valid receipt for every disbursement. • West McHenry State Bank \ Thos. Kane was an Elgin visitor Sunday. • Earl Whiting wasft Chicago vis* Leone and Kathleen, were guests ofl^r Monday. t Elgin relatives the latter part of last j. D. Lodtz transacted business ia week- I Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and Miss Nell Mrs. Clara Starritt was a guest of Doherty passed Saturday as guests friends in Elgin Sunday. of their sister, Mrs. Ed. Malone, atl g. JJ. Freund was among the Chi- Elgin. Icpgo passengers last Friday morn* Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Groom of Evan- [ jng * ston were week end guests in the I Dr. C. H. Fegers was a businesp home of their daughter, Mrs. W.F.J visitor in the metropolitan ci|y last Vogt, and family. I Friday. Paul G. Barbian of Chicago was a| Mrs. John Carey and daughter, guest in the home of his parents,| E velyn, were Chicago visitors last Mr. and Mrs. A. G. 'Barbian, the lat-1 Friday. ter part of last week. I Miss Celia Merry of Hebron was Miss Eleanor Whiting passed sev-1 a week end guest • of Miss Esther eral days last week as a guest in the 1 stoffel. home of her brother, Raymond, and I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCabe and family at Lake Geneva. Mrs. John Gibbs motored to Elgin Mr. and Mrs. Jas T. Perkins and I Sunday. s daughter, Adeline, passed the latter I Geo. A. Stilling attended to busipart of last week as the guests of|ness matters ii> the metropolitan'city relatives at B^oit, Wis. I Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson andl Chae. Unti attended to business daughter, Charlotte, passed Sunday I matters in the metropolitan city as the guests of relatives at Belvi-1 Monday. dere, Rockford and Caledonia. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield and I pa88ed Sunday as guests-of relatives Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wright of Wood-|jn Elgin; stock were guests in the home of I Russell Bowdish of Urbana, 111., Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett Saturday. I pagsed the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Judson and Jfrien(js here. son, Victor, and Miss Lillian Smith! Miss Lillian Breyer ofChicago of Hebron spent Sunday as guests I was tjje guest of McHenry friends in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. |a few days last week. Claxton and family. I Miss Flossie Conway of Harvard Mrs. Howaxd Christensen and son, 1 passe(j Saturday and Sunday as the Mervin, and Mrs. Ford Jackson and I ^uest 0f McHenry friends. daughter, Constance, of Spring! j,jiss Rose Laures passed the week Grove were recent guests in the home I en(j as a guest of her sister, Mrs. H. of the former's mother, Mrs. Eliza-1 christensen, at Spring Grove. beth Laures. I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and Carleton D. Ross, a former resi-Lon Charles, spent Sunday as guests dent, dropped into town from the I re]atiVes at Malta and Dekalb. West last evening. Mr. Ross is again I j^r an(j Mrs. Theo. Kalin and doing newspaper work, being ®m" I daughter, Marion, of Naperville were ployed as city editor on a small city|week end guests of relatives here, daily near Portland, Ore. I jflr alMj Mrs. Chas. Pich of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and I ca^Q were week end guests in the Dr. A. L Froehlich motored to Beloit, Lome Qf ^er father, Peter Thelen. Wis., last Friday. They were ac-l j^jrs. W. F. Bassett returned home companied . home by the formers' | Monday evening from a two months' daughter, Mildred, and Misses Op&l| visit with relatives at, Minneapolis, Cooley and Ellen Spencer, who spentl^^ the week end at their homes here. I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. Sutton and M. A. Conway and family, Mar- Jaon> Robert, of Chicago passed the tin Conway and family, P. H. Con-1 week end as the guests of McHenry way and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I relatives. W. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh,! Mrs. N. H. Petesch and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. I Angela, passed the latter part of last Walter J. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. |week as the guests of relatives in Phalin and Mrs. John Carey attended I Chicago. the funeral of Miss Delia Conway atl i^rs Howard Christensen and son, Kltfin Tuesday. I Mervin, of Spring Grove passed Chas. Newman, who had been atl Monday in the home of her mother, Detroit, Mich., where he was em-1 Mrs. E. Laures. ployed in the factory of the Bur-| Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs*. L. I. Edrough Adding Machine company, I jnger an(j Mrs. David Johnson were passed last Friday as a guest in the I among the Chicago passengers Wed home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I nesday morning L. F. Newman. He was on his wayl Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel returned to Cleveland, O., where he has ac-1 home from Chicago last Friday cepted more acceptable employ-1 evening, where she recently underwent. * I went an operation at the West Side Jay Comiskey passed Sunday as a I hospital. guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs.! Dr. D. G. Wells was called to Mon J. H. Miller. Mr. Comiskey, who hasltreal, Can., last Friday, owing to the been in the employ of the U. S. gov-J sudden death of his brother-in-law, ernment since his release from ser-iHe is expected back home the latter vice several months ago, and who!part of the week. since then has been stationed atl Mr. and Mrs. Henry BueM aod Tobeyhanna, Pa., has been trans-1 daughters, Lucile and Mildred, and ferred to Sparta, Wis., where he re-! Mr, and Mrs. frank Fortman and ported for duty on Tuesday morning I daughters, Florence and Dorothy, of this weeC | of Chicago spent Sofa0ay In the home The Only To an Advertised Ideal Seldom do you hear of an entire Organization taking pride in an ideal. Rarelyy@u a pm&m built to hit so high a mark, v ' But that's, how Fisk Tires are madee-*®by men whose aim is-- ' "To be the Beat Concern in li\e World to Work for and^ the Squarest Concern iii Existence to do Business with. Next l inlf-- BUY , For Swilc BJf OVEKTQN ft COWAN Tim* t o TIRES Keep Comfortable Yet Save Expenae A Gas Room Heater will, enable you to keep the chill and dampness out of every nook and corner of your home. You will find it unnecessary to start the furnace yet if you own one of these convenient and portable Gas Room Heaters. Moreover they are attended by no dirt or ashes, no smoke or fumes«and require no expenditure of effort and costs very little to operate. Let us show you the Radiantfire and Hot Spot Heaters at our office. Western United Gis & Electric Go. ..nWf-V of Mrs. Barbara Schiessle. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the, home of Mrs. A. Wolff and family. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Weingart and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Deinlein at Libertyville. Mrs, G»o. Turner and Miss Mae Aylward of Solon Mills passed several 1## |n the " ;A * - Wet Umbrellas THE green cord that connect* your telephone to the bell box is an eiaential part oi telephone equipment 1 There are many ways ia which this cord can be to injured u interrupt the cenrice Almost all forms of moisture are conductors of electricity, and wet umbrella with its folds touching this telephone cord will short circuit the wires and cut off service. Recendy, after » heavy rain, ninety-six telephones were put out of order by wet umbrellas coming in contact with the cord. A care lessiy handled gla&s of water, an overflowing ink-well, rain from an open window, the careless mopping of office floors,--any one of thcut ^ft your telephone service. Pieaee protect the telephone cord, and all interior wiring and telephone equip pent, from moisture. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY ALFORD H. POUSE Atterney-at-Law West McHenry, Telephone Nft 1M-K SIMON STOFFEL bMUrance agent for all claaaea of property in the b*st companies WEST McHENKY. • ILLINOIS D. Segel I Tuesday home of Mr Chicago visitor * .,m£m

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