• • •wm Save $10.00 ON YOUR New Fall Suit! :v. n , . , i n • i i n m » < • " ' » - ' 1 f jl"- We can tqake you a saving of $10 on a Suit if you buy of us before the present supply is sold. Theae : Suits were bought at a price so we can sell them for lessthen we will have to pay for a new supply--90 do not delay your purchase until too late. Call and we will be glad to show you our stock of Suits and let you judge oftheaovinfir wiM ^ make for you. ; JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. m V'.'; . - \ Undertaking Enbikninf OFFERS A SELECTION veryseldom found in a town many times the size of McHenry. Our aim to keep our stock up to the standard has been quite successful even during the trying months when factory deliveries were so uncertain. We attribute our home as well as our out-of-town patronage due to our splendid selection coupled with fair prices and prompt deliveries. Let us fit up your home. ' " ' , Y ' JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS tfft &:• • C r A desire for service has animated us in the assem' bting of our perfectly matchless line of General Merchandise--Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Etc. It is a good sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet the wants of all the people, but that is just what we are doing. We are prepared at all times to give you the best of the market-- clean, fresh, satisfying groceries of every dCK scription. Try us next time and well make good. Also see ouf line of samples from the famous International Tailoring company. The snappiest. Sue on the market today and prices right. Talant.A«n UJB • • • *•_./ . \ ' WEST McHElSJRY J. WALSH 3:'-- -V. V- ' In changeable weather like we are jaow having, better wear They may save you a cold. We offer them in Ladies' worsted, per pair 50c and 65c Ladies' fleeced lined, per pair 35c Misses' worsted and fleeced, per -- Pair _________ j___30c to 40c Boys' worsted, per pair_ _45c to 65c Boys' fleece lined, pr pair_25c to 35c Men's wool and part wool, light, med. aad extra heavy 35c to $1.00 r ; ^ Buy Armour Plate Hosiery SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS MMMR --OUR BIG THEATRE mm every mm except mum & WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. OCT. 30* WM. FOX ^ " presents George Walsh ^ |N--_ • $ Potting One Ovtil TkMtoqr of • double, an icdM. I millionaire and • ffiri and -- t A,Keystone Comedy A CLEVER DUMMY v SATURDAY, NOV. 1 4 A Western Feature ' f •Roy Stewart Josie Sedgwick • -IN Wolves of the Border --and-- A tysckSwain Comedy '•% LOST A COOK *,-*• t'iifj - Are Now Located at Fax Lik|i Whore feood Hauls Are Made The Stilling A Stock carp seining gang is now located at Fox Lake, where they began operations a trifle over a week ago, and since starting in £heir annual work of clearing the waters of this specie of the finny tribe they have made a number of hauls, the best of which was made last Saturday, when about 2,000 pounds of carp were taken. That these gentlemen, who have been seining this class of fish for several seasons past, have made a study of carp is shown from the manner in which they go after them. Before starting this year's work it was their intention to begin operations at or near the mouth of Fox river, but upon investigation they found that the carp had moved. After a survey of the waters of Pistakee lake and bay and there following the channel into the chain of lakes they discovered that the carp had moved into Qcass lake. Here they remained only a day or two when they moved up into the deeper waters of Fox lake and where th^ have been ever since. It is the seiners' intention to work in Fox lake for another two weeks or more, when they will again return to Pistakee lake and bay, where they expect to keep ofoupied until thti freeze-up, According to the information given us this week, the market for this class of fish should be far better than ever before. It' was only a few years ago that these same fish brought but 4 and 5 cents a pound, while this year's prices are expected to go as high as lljUld 12 cents per pound. ' . The fish, between the time that they are caught and shipped to the Chicago markets, are kept in what they call a carp pen, or stockade, which is constructed in Pistakee lakp near Half Moon island. Here they are fed and kept alive. Some years ago, when carp seining was first introduced in the waters here, the fish were all shipped to eastern Markets, but during the past few years they have been going to Chicago, where a ready sale has been found for them. That carp fishing has become a well established business is seen by the fact that buyers call around at different intervals and thus the bargaining is done that eventually brings them to the Chicago markets. IjHen^ ofInter«st From Our Instltu Another interesting feature about! ^ ^ these specie of fish is that they can be kept alive a long time. Years! Mike Harvey is a^lMrtr pupil in ago, when they were shipped from | i^om three. this village to New York City, theyj Hallowe'en party Friday evening. - ^ SUNDAY. NOV-? : MUM; • 1*# •> ' A •---present®-*-1* ~ William Farnum IN # y . for Freedom and Sunshine Comedy \ MONEY TALKS MATINEE AT 2:3# AdipUsion. 10 and 15 Cen$0 - - if*;: -- TUESDAY. NOV. 4 'THE VITAGRAPH presents Too Many Crooks ~ f IHURSJJAY NOV. 6 fA ROAD SHOW , Wf».,C. Cushman's successful cowft ? • opera A Toymaker's Dream 20 People A Chorus of Artists Special Scenery t'J. ;V>5' ! •jMty* >msm, u '? 1 * V- ^ "Gftttin'g tfiere" tn aiiy vocation oir cannot be construed as a trifling task. • t, % But the courageous man does not flinch l)eforethiff " 1 knowledge--rather does he derive a peculiar relish if^ ^ |SU^Iing that which is difficult. This Institution numbers amotig^its savinga depositors many serious-minded {People intent on reaching^ t . their individual goals. - Newcomess find always a spirit of fftendliness and encouragement. ^ W ' * - tO " 1 ' ' » * • *••*"*„ * " • ' * <\"'~ SCHOOL NOTES I were known to be alive when theyJ reached their destination. In prepar-l ing them for shipment they are1 packed in ice and boxed up, same as you would pack a fresh piece of meat! during the hot summer months. On their arrival at their destination they l Sophs all excited, Walter Vogt of rpom three is reported seriously sick. The school is raising a fund for the Roosevelt memorial. Repprt cards for the work "in the are unpacked and all are dumped in-1 are this week * I L<ti*n4- mm wf A%tl«r AVOfMini to large v.te. Tho» which hayel Fir.t q^iy Thut,- died while being shipped are placed] an into cold storage and the live ones are kept in the vats, where they are fed and further fattened as you wo fatten a. hop. ^^1 after a few days' absence on account It will be remembered that Mr. ... of sickness Miss Helen Howard of Elgin visited in rooms four and five several Some very interesting work in [designing has been done by the fifth I grade. Violet David is back in school Dorothy Carr and in Jack Walsh little fresh Stilling had several hundred catjgg dumped into the mill pond last sum-? mer. This was done for experimental reasons more than anything else. I a^8 a® wf® The lower end of the pond, as a re-1 ue arriaor suit of the carp, is now entirely fl« V»r.n. Wentwortt. were v,.,tors from weeds and undergrowth, while! 00 'a 1 wee a great improvement is also notice-1 * no^ 1 , . able in the upper end of this body .of 1& W. O.M»s. Peter Weber and A ntwater. It has also been brought top"'* wer« «f. l,1« notice that the carp have also great-1pa® ^• ly increased their number and thual ®^°0 ,, . it may be seen that a double benrtit "•»» W »»h«! to » F'"^ has teen derived. First, it has as-K Wl" " sured the Borden company of a clean lin K°° ^on 1 ,en" field if ice, and, .i.t .h as also np-r±ov.reann aa II Fruit showers seem to be the ram* wond, er.fu ,l 'b reed,.i ng fi~e ld,, .fo r .tUhea f«i_suh .II i"n the elemen. tar, y sch. oo.l , ea, ch ,r oom „No sei• ni• ng w.i.ll. Vb e d, one in t.1h e^ pond. 1I h*avin g . surprise, d • their teacher by a thi.s .fa l„l , ,b ®u t the owners of- t4h. e vbi.g;„ I| fruit shower d. uri.n g the past week, a.. fV,„ afi suh wi1l1l alnl ow ttLhe m *to remain tthi,earrea |I The school is ju. stly proud o.f. th,e .fo r ano,t,h er year, w,h en .tn. ey expect Ii number of alumni who are a.tt end- t. o ma.k e t,h e ,l arges.t carp Uhaou.iilos oevueorr lI inK* so_m e .h igher ins,ti tutio.n s of .le,a rn. made in waters o.f northT ern Inlil«i nois.l|i ner . S.o fa.,r as we have been able to aacectain there .are nineteen away to 1 :h: [Woodstock American] | school this year. Miss Anna Weber and William | University of Illinois: Louise Howard, both of this city, werejEvanson, Floyd Cooley, Emily Smith united in marrisge at 6130 o'clock on I Arthur Hunter, Ellen Walsh. Monday morning at St. Mary's! University of Wisconsin: Edward church, the Rev. D. J. Conway tfflci-1 Bpnslett, Bernice Bonslett, Charles ating. . - I Whiting. TheJ- bride vor0 a* blue tailored I Beloit: Wiadfred Bradley, Ellen suit, with becoming hat to, match and I Spencer, Mary Harrison, Mildred carried bride's roses. She was at-1 Welch, Opal Cooley. tended by her sister, Miss Emily I Leland Stanford; Paul Stephen- Weber, and the bridegroom was at- Ison. tended by John Riley. I Loabtrd College* Glenn Wells. Following the ceremony the young J Notre Dame: Cteo. Phalin. couple left for a short wedding visitl Northern Illinois Normal: Sarah in Chicago and on their return will]Dodge, Leona Cropley. make their home with the bride-I Ellis Business College: Florence groom's father, Charles Howard. (Hanrieon. THEATRE • . 6 WM. C. CUSHMAN'S MUSICAL COMEDY" The Toymaker's s! Ie' and a Cbonis of Artists :v-'T The bride has been employed at the Hans Neilson tailoring establishment on Main street and the bridegroom has been employed by the Woodstock Typewriter company.. , „ . Both are popular and well liked byiver^ ^e, . , . , . many frieids, who extend congratu-'""' ot ^ " a 8 lations and best wisher, for happiness and success. Shower For Brkle-to-Be In honor of Miss Julia May, who is soQn to become the bride of Math. W. Schaid, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schaid a company oi thirty friends at a shower at their home at Griswold Lake on Friday evening of last week. The guests all brought gifts of various kinds, which will assist greatly in SPECRt SCENERY : m A. KM. SUM* •ywiri PRICES: 75c and $1.00 '• vx-;. ANP WAR TAX ..jsC REX ALL COLTS WIN Chevrolefc On Display . J. W. Schaffer, proprietor of the!making the home of the guest of McHenry garage on Pearl street, lias I honor complete. The evening was in his show room one of the latest Ip^gsjed in a social manner, the amuse models of the Chevrolet roadster, J ments that generally go to make up for which he is the agent. The car Ian event of this nature being thoroly has been drawing the attention of a J enjoyed by all present. At eleven number of prospective buyers and the I o'clock dainty refreshments were local agent feels that this territory J served, after which the jolly occaoffers a good selling fi*}d fa(p, this 19ion came to a close and all departed particular of car. |for their respective homes. Carload of Minnesota pota-1 Carload of choice eating apples will toes now on track. Telephone your I arrive next week. For information to Mr If- Fhoji»4ft. • (consult D. Segel, McTjgnry, 111, .-•'itm' Defeated Sauthgr'* Cuba on Weak Side Alleys Last Thursday Rexall Colts, by rolling steady baH, succeeded in_ trimming up Smithy's Cubs on the West Side alleys last Thursday night. For some time past there has been some dispute between the players of the two teams as to which was the better and to settle the question, for the time being at' least, the two teams met for a three-game engager ment on the evening as above mentioned. Martin Schmitt, leader of the team bearing his1 name, set a pace for the evening by nicking the pins for an average of 165 2-3. Bill Cowen ran him a close second by hitting the wood for a total of 486 pins, while W. F. Vogt was thjrd with 468 pins. The line-ups and scores folww: Smithy's Cubs-- Bonslett 179 129 Schmitt .*....140 195 168 W Pateke C108 146 156 • ' • ' • ' - • " * - • • • • . > • Kimball .., , Overton ,5^5 •Ekstrom ,, 136 168 153 ...4SB ^ 108 . .. . 108 696 799 687 -rolled for Bonslett. Rexall CoUfci- A. Patrice W7 144 119 Vogt ' i t o -'35S Cowou 196 147 Knox 140 12S 155 Schoewvr ...... ..,.. 154 131 156 750 731 731 Now Overland Four Here The new Overland Four, the very latest small type car made by the Overland people, is now on display on the rfoor of the Overton & Cowen garage on the West Side. The machine is fully equipped, and outside of being smaller, is built along the same lines as the car that has made the Toledo manufacturers famous. The local agents are most enthusiastic over the new car, which should prove a big seller in this territory. Join the Red Cross, Nov. 2-11. THE WE CAN surni Yw[ lie Satisfying the inner man is our business and when your table is laden with food stuffs from this store you are assured of the purest in the land. We always carry a fine line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery and our truck delivers to your very door. M. M. Niesen McHanry PhMwMT i'V../ V+. - \ f • V__ * . '