¥m. d • )|.l^l Infill llJIIiUWl# IIII . ip 11 ii ii . • Mi l l * ~ r - P f f ^ J jPP *HE McHENKY PLAINDEAI ,ER. McHENRY. TIX. Help That Bad Badk! Why be miserable with a "bad back ?" It's time you found OUT what ia wrong! Kidney weaknaaa aften causes much coffering from backache, lameness, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizzinesa and kidney irregluarities. Neglected, it may lead to dropay, grave) or Bright'a diaeaae, but if taken in time it is Dually easily corrected by using Doan't Kidney Pillt. Doan'» hav« bdped thouaanda. An Illinois Caa* k^MiRdn ildstStwy" Mrs. S. A. Charlea, •08 3rd Ave., Sterling, 111., saya: "I Buffered from rheumatic pains. The trouble settled in my Joints and my knees were so stiff I could hardly bend them. My Angers .were swollen and pained me. I wouldn't even wring out clothes. My kidneys acted too freely. I felt mora tired in the morning than when I "went to bed. A friend advised Doan's Kidney Pills and I got some. Doan's regulated my kidneys and cured me of the rheumatic pains." G*lOou'i«iAarSiM«,W*tlM DOAN'S •y.I'LV rosTBunuuiw co. buffalo, n. y. Your Best Asset -- A Skin Cleared *By Cuticura Soap :I8 J Better Thiari Pills For Liver Ills. NR Tablets tone and strengthen orrrans of digestion and elimination, improve appetite, stop sick headaches, relieve biliousness, correct constipation. They act promptly, pleasantly, mildly, yet thoroughly. N? Touifta,T< Akigfct 'V They're Practical Men. "Would you call a successful author one who makes from $10,000 to ' $15,000 a year, but will be forgotten .12 months after be dies, or one who literally starves to death and is fajaous ever after?" "Well, I would say the second type %as» the truly succesful author. but I fear his landlord, his butcher and hltf .tfeker wouldn't agree with me.*V-Btp> . ttingham Age-Herald. Eases Colds At once! Relief with "Pape's Cold Compound" The first dose eases your cold! Don't Stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and Snuffling*! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends air grippe misery. Relief awaits you! Open your e)ogged-up nostrils and the air passages of your head; stop nose running; relieve the headache, dullness, feverfthness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. 'Pape's Cold Compound" is the fnlckest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on Pipe's!--Adv. High Buildings. The five highest building* are: Woolworth building. 805 feet: Metropolitan tower, 700 feet; Singer building, G12 feet: Municipal building, 582 feet, all In New York city; city hall, Philadelphia. 547 feet 11H inches, aftd Ulm cathedral, ° Ulin, Germany,. OSS feet. The greater pert of Chilean coal ts SQ soft that fully 30 per cent of it la wasted at the mines.; j Ask for "HILL'S FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST HILL'S CASC4RAp> QUININE SQL . >sW *homid£ r Standard cold remedy lor 30 JMt| ^ --in tablet form--safe, nirv ne opiate*--brtaln up a cold in 24 hours--relieves grip in S darm. Money back if it fail*. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. ' At AUDwmg Stmrm FOKKER DEVISED ? K RADIO AIRPLANE f AaMfterdnm.--U. Fokker, the Dut?h airpMtne expert who worked for tie Germans during the war, stated, |n an interview, that he had made millions of marks out of the Germans, but would give half of them to prove to the world that he was never anti-alty. "I was making airplanes before the war broke out." he said, "and when tfce Germans asked me to make airplanes for them I could only agree to do so. It was purely a financial matter. "We dfre having an airplane exhibition here .in Amsterdam this month and I find that all the English flying men who come here are good sportsmen. They don't nurse any grudge against me for making airplanes for the Germans, but the Frenchmen-- they never will forgive me, I fear. My machine brought down too many Frenchmen, and they don't Uke mj name." Germans Had 3.600, VAr-r'V;- M. Fokker said he'ttallt 3.&i0 wpplanes at his factories In Germany for the Germans to use in the spring drive of 1918. but the allies had five to one. So the German army haA to quit. ; "If the war had gone on for several more years how far would the airplane have developed?" M. Fok-' ker was asked. His answer revealed what he declared had been a great military secret. "We would have put the artillery out of commission," he said. "We would have made the big guns as oldfashioned as spears. It was. all the fault of the array red tape in Berlin that It was not begun sooner. "It wBs like this: In 191G the artny authorities asked me if I could make a wry cheap airplane with a very cheap engine, capable of (lying about four hours, which could be steered through the air by wireless waves. "They intended to load each one of these airplanesvwlth an immense bomb and send them Int'o the air under the control of one flying man who would shepherd them through the sky by wireless like a flock of sheep. Be would be able to steer them as he pleased, and send them down to-eartfe In exactly the spot he selected. "The Germun idea was that It was a tremendous waste to send shells made their great mistake. They decided to make the airplane Itself. The war office bungled along with the manufacture of planes for many months, and when thev had finally turned oat a few machines they found that they could not be depended on. "In the summer of 1918 they came 1jto me and gave me a nuge order for through the air by means.of explosives^ wlre,essjsteered airplanes. I had Their idea was to put all their explosives into the shells, and then move the shells to their destination by petrol power. They had really lost faith in the use of big guns. 'Of course, each one of' these airjust got ready to manufacture them in ! wholesale quantities when the end of the war came." M. Fokker displayed « photograph | of« an airplane without an engine. "This is my very latest idea." he said planes with Its epgine would be blown 1 Proud,>'- "!t ,s a 8eCTet as -VPt up when the bomb exploded. The whole thing was not much more expensive than firing long-range shells, and it would bp far ^more sure and more deadly. War Office Bungled. Ing contests with such machines would be very much like coasting contests on the winter runs In the Alps. An air coaster could be towed by another airplane to a height of 5.000 feet or more, and then the airmen could cut loose and plane down. I think the day "My plans were accepted by the : will come when air coasting without authorities and then the war office 1 engines will I* a great sport." . ' •?.* ." NEGROES JOIN TO SLAY ALL WHITES Helena, Ark.--How the "ignwince and superstition of a race of chndren was played-upon for monetary gain and for the banding together of negroes to slay whites" was revealed In a statement issued here to the Associated Press by E. M. Allen, a member of the committee of seven, who has heard virtually all of the prisoners' confessions following the uprising in this section of Arkansas. The committee of seven is composed of lending Helena business men. It had been authorised to carry on the Investigation both by the municipal nnd county authorities and by Gov-, ernor Brough of Arkansas. The Harebrained Scheme. Mr. Allen's statement follows: "The present trouble with the negroes In Phillips county Is not a race riot. It Is a deliberately planned Insurrection of the negroes against the whites, directed by an organization known as the Progressive Fanners and Household Union of America, established for the sole purpose of banding negroes together for the killing of white people. - - "This union was started by Robert L. Hill, a negro, twenty-six years of age, of Winchester, Ark., who saw in SIGNED FISHING TREATY FOR CANADA PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandrn a -8 tope li airKkUlnC j Restores Color and Besnty to Grnr anti Faded Hair DOC. *n<1 ti "0 at ENR !«t*. [H1nro» Cbrrti. w kg. u-ti.-e ur. y.T. hilNDERC^RNS h™iotw e*inamm. etc., stope P»«a. ensures cmlurt to tba ret. mtkes -welkin* »&<-- bv mail or At Prof- :1ata. Hucox Cbemlau Works, t-atcfaogtta, N. T. to SHINE A COLD STOVE and Easy Ifee E-Z STOVE POLISH Wf lieud . Mis t -- KeaUy to Shine *r '• (AAHAS MARTIN * MAKTIN. CHICAGO fHECKLES W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 44-1919. ) i^lniiK rights M. liters, it<>iueeu th<- UmieO States and Canada ure safeguarded tor tile people of hot h nut ions by u treaty. These are three who signed the latest fish treaty In Washington on behulf of the British empire. They are. from left to right: Ronnld Lindsay, counsellor to the British embassy; Sir IWiugliis Hasten, chief justiee of the province of New Bruuswjck. Cun.idu. and W. A. Vuud. superintendent of Cauudlitii fisheries. / ' it an opportunity of easy money. He hud been a farmer all his life, but lately had been posing as a 'private detective doing work In this and all foreign countries.' "He started his first union in April. He organized the 'ltatio lodge' in >Iay. He chose Ratio because his mother happened to be living there. "lie told the darkies he was an agent of the government, and because the senators and representatives at Washlngton^ were vyhite men and in sympathy with the white men of the South, it was impossible for the negroes to get the righfk that had been promised them for service In the army, and so the government had called Into existence this organization, which would be supported by the government In defense of tfie negroes against the white people. "He told th&n that it was necessary for all members to arm themselves for the day when they should be called upon to attack their white oppressors. "The slogan of the organization is 'We battle for our rights.' The password wn§ 'We have- Just begun.' "He told them that those members who were unable to buy ammunition would be supplied from the government storehouse at Winchester. How the Money Rolled In! "Negro men were charged $1.30 entrance fee and negro women 50 cents. At the second or third meettog he would bring I>r. V. E. Powell as examining physician for the government In Its work of registering the negroes. "A certificate was filled out and signed by the doctor and given to each negro upon payment of 50 cents. This certificate was supposed to be the registration document. "Those negroes who had from $5 to $25 were enrolled in an advanced section of the union nnd upon payment of whatever sum he (Hill) could procure in excess of $5 a certificate was given entitling the holder to attend the congresses of the union at Winchester and speak on the floor of the meeting regarding any questions brought up and to assist in keeping the Constitution of the United States from being questioned. "Another form of extortion was to sell shares of $10 each to the negroes in a building to be erected at Winchester. Hill would find out what negroes possessed Thrift Stumps and Liberty bonds and would issue a certificate stating that so many shares hud been purchased at $10 a share, and all negroes buying five or more shures were told their names would be engraved in the building. "In other words, he had so planned his cnmpnlgn that any negro possessing from 50 cents to $50 was given an opportunity to invest In something connected with the union." THE FOLLY OF' BUYING IMITATIONS 'A patient bnylng a cheap, low grade imitation is the only party who suffers damage. For the manufacturer of the original remedy such imitations are l^ly a proof that its merits are realized. Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is a flrst'class remedy for constipation, indigestion, headaches, and other stomach disorders. It acts safely and without griping. It enjoys now a 30-year reputation. It has befcn imitated in every respect: the preparation, its name, label, lately even the advertisements and the package. Therefore we must insist that our customers be sure to investigate if they are getting Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine and not a cheap, low grade, disguised imitation. Trlner's remedies are sold at every drug store.--Joseph Triner Company, 1333-43 S. Ashland Ave, Chicago, 111.--Adr. Teddy Came First. Bernice was fond of Teddy, our faithful old watch dog. One evening when her mother had Informed her that after dinner t^ey were to visit a friend. sheVuimiy exclaimed: "Oh, I can't go; I have au 'pointinent With Teddy."--Exchange. NOT STRONG ON GRATITUDE Careless Driver Apparently Unable to See Wherein He Had Been ; Given Any Helpt The horse had run away, and was tangled tip In the wire fence at the side of a muddy road. Its half-witted" owjjer had' kicked and sworn and tried to lift the animal till he wuj& out of sorts and covered with mud. A well-groomed man came along, took In the situation, and suggested: "Spring the fence back, then he enn get his feet ^reo." The owner of the horse did as he was told. "Now give him a cut with the whip and he'll get up himself." This the owner also did- Then he looked nt the horse, up nnd ready for travel, looked- at himself, covered with mud, and looked at! the Immaculate gentleman In the road. Wrath filled his soul. "Well, he grumbled, "thank you just as much as If you'd helped me." State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County--ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County ana State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUXDKED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1SS6. (Seal) A. W. Gleason. Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Exports to Asia Grow. _ Exports to Asiatic countries show lar>;e increases, the British East Indies receiving $12,000,000, Japan S30.000.u00 and Siberia $11,000,000 worth each. Tough. "Things can never be the same." . "What has your husband done?" "Used a can opener on hiy first plel** Constipation, HeadadMb Cplds, Biliousness endad with "Gucarets" ti. Nothing takes the joy oat ef Mi quicker than a disordered liver m waste-clogged bowels. Don't stay dek, bilious, headachy, constipated. KemsVa the liver and bowel poison which la keeping your bead dizzy, your taagaa coated, your breath bad and stomach sour. Why not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy fha nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic jmm ever experienced? Cascarets gripe, sicken or inconvenience Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh plHa. Thi work while you sleep.--Adv. , •,'" •7 : i Dangerous Suggestion. "What it high-pitched voice baby has in its cries." "For heaven's sake, don't say outside or we may1 get into oyer its high bawls." TOO SHORT TO DO UP AND STILL FALUNG A little "Danderlne" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty. < " Save the Babies Imkvrr MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hartfty rAsthe-tsair of all the children bom in civilized countries, twenty-two per or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirty- Kr cent., or more than one-third, before they are five, and ooe-hfcif 1 ey are fifteen! We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would aaMRk many of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that maay Of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic prepar; Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints eootaBi more or less opium or morphine. They are, in considerable niimilifisa deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation'and leal to congestions, sickness, death. There can be no danger in the use of Ca#> toria if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher as it contains no opiates or narcotics of any kind Genuine Oa^torSa always lx>ars the signature of Four Million Postal Cards a Day. The government printing otlice nt Washington prints and delivers four million postal cards a day, or about a billion and a quarter In a year. If these were laid end to end on the earth's surface they would encircle the filo])£jnore than four ttrr.es.--~ The high road to happiness: Never say a word that hurts another. Paw Broke Faith. "Well, son, what seems to be tlM trouble?" ts> "Paw drowned all our klttews.*^! "My, what a heartless deed." "Yeah, he promised I could do MS?* They Are Certainly Not Fate '1 "Say. pa." "What Is It now?" "Are brunettes « IT'S NOT YOUR HEART; IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS LONDON SHUNS SKYSCRAPER American Architects Get No Encouragement to Extend Building to Great Height. London.--The old qiiestfin <of whether or not London Is to have skyscruiiers is being revived because of the high price of property In the business section and the lack of space In office buildings. Generally speaking. London does not like tall buildings. Percy Tuhbs, past president of the Society of Architects, declared that If the skyscraper was to come It would be necessary to widen the streets. "Space In Ix>ndon. however, is not so scarce as it Is in New York, which is an island." he said. American architects who are here erecting u huge apartment store have repeatedly a^ked permission to extend the main building high enough to accommodate uot only the present business of the concern, but to provide for the future, and.hava met with ito encouragement. BRAZIL IS PICKING UP Now Exports Food She Formerly Imported Herself. Freight Trade for First Half of 1#1t 8hows Balance In Her Favor. Rio dc Janeiro.--The foreign trade of Brazil during the first half of 1910 Is regarded as very encouraging. Increased exportation of some of Brazil's stnple commodities, such as coffee. rubber, cacao, chilled beef, hides, oil bearing fruits, etc.. as well as the high prices which these articles have commanded, leaves a very respectable trade balance. That Brazil has rap- Idly forged ahead commercially during the years of the war Is generally eonceded. The country's agricultural possibilities ure as yet practically unexplolted. nnd the war acted as a stimulus toward ascertaining the Wide range of her productivity. Brazil has o been able to expoft to Europe foodstuffs which a few years •go she was not able to supply to Jierself. In the same way animal husbandry Is* making strides which point to making meat products one of the country's chief exports. While Brazil has always been a cattle producing country. It Is only during the last three or four years that she has been looked upon as a world supplier. More recently several large modern packing houses have been constructed or projected. These are financed principally by American packing Interests. In the Inst year the federal government, through the agricultural department, has devoted considerable attention to. the Importation and purchase of animals of pure blood. It is proposed to carry on an extensive educational campaign among the live stock breeders of Brazil to Improve the standard of cattle. For this purpose the government intends to make lib* eral money appropriations' To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abuar dant.--Adv. She Indorsed It. A blithe and sweet young thing walked Into a bank the other day and addressed the paying teller: "I want to have this check cashed." "Ye». madam," replied the teller; "please indorse It." "Why, my husband sent It to nt% He is away on business." "Yes, madam, but Just Indorse It. Sign It on the back, please, and your husbund wlll know we paid it to you." She went to the desk, and In a f?w minutes returned to the window with the checked indorsed: • "Your loving wife, Edlth."-*-Sal»» Francisco Chronicle. What Did She Mean? Edith--This new hat I bought Is a, perfect fright. Marie--I'm sure It becomes yon. dear.--Boston Trunscript. Point of View. "Has our client a good case?" "Good for several thousand dollars." --Pittsburgh Dispatch. lOdney disease is no respecter of peraonn. A majority of the ills afflicting E'ople today can be traced back to the dney trouble. The kidneys are the most important organs of the body. They are the filterers of your blood. If the poisons Which are swept irom the tissues by the blood are not eliminated through the kidneys, disease o£ one form or another Will claim you as a victim. Kidney disease is usually indicated by Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, pain in loins and lower abdomen, gall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. All these derangements are nature s signals that the kidneys need You should use GOLD MEDAL ] lem Oil Capsules immediately, soothing, healing oil stimulates kidneys, relieves inflammation stroys the germs which have caased lt» Go to your druggist today and get m box of GOLD MEDAL Haarfate Ofi Capsules. In twenty-four hoars yea should feel health and vigor returning After you feel somewhat Jngreved continue to take one or two eafasiss each day, so as to keep the li at rises condition and ward off the danger el other attacks. Ask for the original imported GOI& MEDAL brand. Three aisea. klaacj funded if they do not help yoa. Injured- The certificate in the pochet of each garment insures your absolute satisfaction as to-- Fabric -- Tailoring--Serric* --Style--Fit Voputar <£cfcs ffict C i n c i n n a t i --W HERE'S FANTASTIC FISH YARN .Five-Dollar Bill . Comes Up ;Wi*h Bait Within Net Cast at Galveston. v Galveston. Tex.--Many and tiaried are the fish stories which come to light in Galveston during the course of a season, but there are none of the fantasy vouched for by L. Sandel of Galveston antl party, who recently Journeyed to Anderson's Way, down the Island. A party, consisting of his father and mother, and an aunt and uncle were with young Sandel on the trip. It became necessary to make a cast for bait and young Sandel waded out into the bay and cast the net. He brought it to Jhe shore well filled with" mullet, cratis and other species of fish, and reposing on tHte bottom of the lot was an oyster shell wrapped In a five-dollar note. The bill vns partly destroyed, but the serial number and the figures were still plain. ®nd it was accepted readily at a local Jbank. Time Is the physician of soma. Necklace 3.900 Years Old Gift to His Bride Glen Cove, L. I.--Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Jackson Seaman announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Pilling, to Julian Lansing, which took place at their home on Oak Lane. The ceremony was In accordance with the custom of the Society of Friends. The bride wore white chiffon over Ivory satin, with a court train. Her deoorntions were a long string of Egyptian carnelians dating from about 2.000 B. C., a gift of the bridegroom, nnd a string of pearls encircled by diamonds, a gift of her mother. Man has all the best of it. He has to shave only once a d§y, but a woman has to stop and powder her nose about every twenty minutes.--Detroit Free Press. MINERS AT WORK 200 YEARS Hudson Bay Company Conducts 3ecret Operations for More Than Two Centuries. The Pass, Man. -- Investigations which were begun by mining experts in the wild region north of here, shortly after the recent gold strike near Athapupuskow, are said to have disclosed the fact that mining operations have been in progress in the Hudson bay region for more than 200 years. The Hudson Bay company, which holds perpetual land grants and mineral rights, hq^ been doing the mining, according to preliminary reports re^ reived here. It is understood that the mining industry in that region was more or less of a secret, but that the only reason for secrecy was to keep adventurers from trespassing on company property. . George Washington' was very foad of carrots--so fond of them that ^S never bad the heart to eat them. ... Middle Aged Womeiv Are Here Told the Best Remedy for Their Troubles, Fnemont, O.--"I was passing through the critical period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all the Bymptoms incident to that change --heat flashes, nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, ^ BO it was hard for me to do my work. Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me aa the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved be. I feel better and stronger in every way since king it, and the annoying symptoms nave disapared."-- Mrs. M. GoDDKa, 925 Napoleon St, Fremont, to takin pe Ohio. North Haven. Conn.--"Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when passing through change of life, a hero Is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms. --Mrs. FLOSESCK ISSLLA,BOX 197,. Korth Haven, Conn. |h Stack Cases IYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND lias the greatest record for tfce greatest good CfWA l.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYWN.MASS.