Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1919, p. 7

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/. : v"v' y' p--'~ TF.:' *t ?f0 * FOR Drugs and Patent Medicines MAIL ORDERS •PHONE 60-W. •HONE mi N. H. PETESCH DR««gisi SFEClAt SALE ON WE have been able to secure one lot of. U. S. Army four-buckle, all-rubber Overshoes. These Overshoes, are the regular U. S. Army equipment, first quality and government inspected. We are offering them at less than regular wholesale cost. While they last, per pair $2.95 Louis A. Erickson West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY Shoe Repair Shop I WISH TO ANNOUNCE that I have opened up a first-class Shoe Repair Shop in Centerville, McHenry, and am ready to serve you. My equipment is of the very latest type which assures my patrons the best of workmanship and prompt service. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. J. E. HAUSWIRTH McHENRY, ILLINOIS BIG SALE! Every Friday and Saturday Gome in and 9ee for yourself. We handle only .the best grade of meats. We also have sugar if you need any. Phone your order and we will take care of you. 'PHONE 39 EAST SIDE li When In Need of Underwear for protection against the cold, you will do well to inspect our line of men's, women's and children's underwear. We have them in both union suits and two piece garments. Men's heavy fleeced union suits, all sizes --(US Women's fleeced cotton union suits, all sizes. $1.51 Misses' fleeced cotton union suits, all sizes, <§., 75c and up to $1.25 * Children's two piece garments, 49e and up to 75c JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY BtNGWOOD Frank Hawley spent Sundayljfcifh home folks. Miss Massman spwt Saturday in Richmond. Mrs. H. P. Bucklarid is in failing health at present writing. Miss Dailey spent the week end with her uncle in Greenwood. Mr. and Mp. Will Beck of Dundee visited at Charles Peet's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of tirove wePf" in- -town Sunday. Mrs. G. A.*Ai^d- Mrs. W. K. 1 Srat!ley were El^ia shopper^ Saturday. is Mrs. Orr of Richmond spent Sunclay with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Darrow.' Roger Stevens, who is attending school at Terra Haute, Ind., was in town Sunday. Miss Varina Wentworth of Mc- JHonry spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Carr. Mrs F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. K. M. Bradley were Chicago shoppers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter of Kenosha spent tile week end with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shales of Antioch were Sunday guests in the W. A. Dodge home. Miss Sarah Dodge, who is attending school at DeKalb, spent the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs: Frank Johonnott at Richmond. ' Choice Minnesota potatoes, a whole carload now on -"track. Telephone your orders at once. Niesen & Segel, McHenry, 111. Mrs. Grace ^fcCannoQ, in company with her cousin, Mi». Clara Starritt of McHenry, returned home Saturday last from a visit with her uncle, John Thompson, in southern Minnesota. The Ladies' Aid society will serve a chicken pie dinner at the M. W. A. hall on Thursday, Nov. 6. Dinner will be served from 11:80 until all are served. Remember the date and place and bring all the family. Mrs. Mattie Walters of Woodstock underwent a serious operation in Chicago last Thursday. It is reported that the operation was a success and she is comfortable. Mattie has many friends around Ringwood and all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Hattie Stevens is seriously ill at an osteopath hospital in Chicago at present, but plans are being made to bring her home this week if possible. Her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Johonnott of Terra Haute, Ind., is with her. Her many friends hope she will soon be able to come home. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay were host and hostess at a birthday dinner given at their home on Saturday evening. Plates were laid for eighteen guests and all spent a very pleasant evening. It was an occasion where four birthdays of the Fay family were celebrated at once and was an event to be long remembered by all present. RIDGEFIBLD Mrs. Draper visited at Woodstock Friday. Mrs. A. Anners spent Monday at Woodstock. V W. L. Jhankt Was a Woodstock caller Monday. W. H. Levey was a Chicago passenger Thursday last. Mrs. Carrie Johnson was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. Miss Luretta Wagner was a Woodstock caller Saturday. Mrs. A. G. Levey was shopping at Crystal Lake Monday. F. S. Morse was a Crystal Lake business caller Monday. W. H. Levey was a business visitor at Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. F. Bockhus entertained outof- town guests Sunday. Miss Cora Lockwood was home from Dundee over Sunday. Mrs. S. Mavis and children spent Thursday last at Woodstock. F. J. Wilkins was a business caller at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. F. Bliss and daughter, Laura, were shopping at Woodstock Monday. F. Wille and Mrs. H. Wille spent Thursday last with Mrs. H. N. Cooper at Elgin. Miss Laura Bliss entertained the Woman's club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Misses Katherine Jus ten and Helen jWallis spent Sunday in the former's home at McHenry. ' Mrs. H. N. Cooper and children of I Elgin visited Sunday and Monday in the home of H. Wille. Mrs. W. F. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, were shopping at Wood stock last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Olmstead of Woodstock were business callers here Thursday and Friday. On Sunday morning, Nov. 9, there will be communion services and also several babies to be baptized. ' The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet at the home of Mrs. C. E. Lockwood Thursday afternoon, Nov. 6. Mrs. J. Kresl and daughters, Ruth and Marion, were having dental work done at Crystal Lake Thursday of last week. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and son, {Harvey, of Wheaton visited in the I home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I J. B. Lynch, from Wednesday until | Saturday last. ! TERRA COTTA i Miss Frances Knox was a visitor in Elgin Saturday. Geo. P. Bay was a business visitor in Chicago Thursday. Henry McMillan attended Hm sale in Woodstock SatimJay. Ball Band rubbe"and woolen footwear at L. A. Etiekson's. Vernon J. Knox spent Qfaaday at the home of M. J. Walsh in McHenry. Mi£s Elizabeth Liddle "was a business caller in Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Stella Peck spent Saturday evening and Sttnday with Elgin relatives. J. H. Gracy left last Thursday for Nevada to see his son, Royal, who is quite sick. Miss Mary Conway was the guest of Elgin relatives Thursday evening and Friday. Mrs. Wm. Coleman left last Thursday for Marshalltown, "Uu, where s^c is visiting relatives. " Michael Knox and son, Harold, attended the sale of Hotetein cattle in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Irma Long of Crystal Lake spent Friday evening and Saturday with Miss Florenec Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox returned last Thursday evening from their wedding trip and will live with relatives until their new hone is completed. , ^ < Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Phalin and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foley and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Foley, were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin at Grayslake last Wednesday. V:?:;y SOLON MILLS^: i ;>• v Geo. Vogel spent Monda^ Chicago. • Gus Wellman spent Friday at Janesville. * • J .-v., Jack Pester spentoneday recently n Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner spent Saturday at Woodstock. Dr. N. J. Nye of McHenry was a professional caller here Friday. Mrs. E. E. Cropley entertained company from Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Cornish is nursing in file Arthur Bell home this week. Wayne Foss of Ringwood was a Saturday visitor at the Coates home. Miss Vera Turner spent Sunday in the Oscar Yanke home at Spring prove. Mrs. Russell Turner is at Volo this tveek, visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry grapple. Chas. Haldeman transacted business at Spring Grove last Saturday morning. A fine line of shoes can be found at L. A. Erickson's. Our motto is to please you. Miss Ethel Paaske of Hebron was a visitor at Richard Aylward's one day last week. Chas. Westlake spent Saturday at Beloit, Wis., with his sister, Mrs. James McCannon. Mrs. Wm. Cowen of McHenry was a Friday visitor with her mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mrs. Walter Cropley is at McHenry this week, helping to care for her father, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vogel and children spent Sunday in the Oscar yanke home at Spring Grove. Ben Johonnott of Chicago is here Spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward and Frank Aylward of Hebron were Wed nesday callers at the home of Richard Aylward. OSTHND~~ Mrs. Clara Harris is a victim of a severe cold. C. E. Jecks expects to start for Oklahoma soon to look after business there. Several from here were at Wood stock Saturday to take advantage of dollar day. Corn husking will be the order as soon as the wet from the heavy rains dries off. Henry Hobart and family attended1 the funeral of Homer Wattles in McHenry Sunday. Watler Huff, a forme rresident of this neighborhood, has rented the Charles Thompson farm near Greenwood and will take possession this fall. Elbert Thomas is not out yet His fever runs pretty high at times, but all fevers have to have their run. Little Everett is gaining fast, cannot get enough to eat without injury to himself. A Real Show Coming to the Empire theatre next Thursday evening "The Toymaker's Dream," which is heralded as being brand new from start to finish and with the handsomest chorus of ten of the prettiest little girls ever sent out of Chicago. The show opens here for the season and it is stated that for the one performance only the author,' Mr. Cushman, who will be very well remembered here for his clever work in the past, will play the leading comedy part. The balance of the cast are all artists and on£ worthy of special mention is Miss Patsy Conroy, who is not only a clever ingenue, but is a headline vaudeville artist with her violin work. Another real vaudeville feature is that clever team, Sherman and Karr, two nifty boys with nimble feet. Taking it all in all, it can be ranked among the best attractions on the road tod~y and Mr. Smith is proud to personally guarantee it to his friends and pat- Sewing Machine Demonstration ' Miss Gerbow, of the White Sewing Machine compnay, will be at the store of N. A. Huemann on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, Nov. 3, 4 and 5, to demonstrate the machine and show just what can be accomplished on same. The demonstration is free and the ladies of McHenry and vicinity are invited to come in at any time on the three days above mentioned and see the wonderful work that can be done on the White machine. Join the Red Cross, Nov!. 2-11. v;« , „ " > - . * N V ^ > V ' . •\/ • v: TO WORTHY EXPERIENCED TENANT FARMERS If you are aspiring« to become the owner of a farm, in thii community, and have your own equipment for operating 1%, but have not sufficient funds to make the required cash pay-" merit on the farm you would like to purch'ase, come in and talk the matter over with us, and if treasonable, we will arrange to supply the shortage, thus rendering it possible for you to OWN YOUR OWN FARM. HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY, ILLINOIS The operation of Electrical Appliances is greatly facilitated by convenient outlets. ^ There are (jnever loo many of these in any house. " • / : In -Iniany ahtmses wired years ago before Appliances had reached that efficiency that has brought them into general use, baseboard and wall outlets are lacking. It's an easy matter to add these to any installation. The expense is moderate. The investment pays. We do the work ic Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Good Measure! Most everyone is looking tor their money's worth. tile yen stores can offer many advantages. heath furniture is real quality and the most beautiful. Come and look--prioeaai'e no higher. *- Says E "O! Hubbee, what can I do to please thM?" Says Leath's A. Leath Ac Co. Stores Elgin. 7#-74 Grove Ave. Rock ford, Opposite Court Houae Dubuque, 571-584 Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Freeport, 103-105 Galena St. Waterloo, SU-314 E. 4th St. Beloit, 617-621 4th St. Joliet, 215-217 Jefferson St. Janesville, 292-2M, Milwaukee St. Eau Claire, Masonic Temple. Oahkoah, 11-13 Main. Furnishers of Beautiful Homes THE UNIVERSAL CAR Keep the old Ford running--itU never wear out if you let ustake care of it. Briug it in and we'll make it run like new. These war-time days call for saving. There's not a bigger saver of time and money than the Ford car. But it must be kept in running shape and that's our business. Ford mechanics, Ford materials, Ford excellence with Ford low prices. Let us look alter your ear. Beware of Poor Quality STAR GARAGE John R. Knox, Prop. t m '»• ; .WWWBOTI Notice to Hunters Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing are strictly prohibited on ,my preiaises. Violators will be prosecuted. 18-tf John Degen. Bead The Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings. His Teacher Won't Know Him is an expression often heard in our boy's department. The style and fit of our boys' suits are so fetching that they change an every day son into a subject fit for Sunday. Like everything else, there's a knack in dressing a boy to look his best. It comes easy to us and we're only too 'glad to serve our city by beautifying , ll| school rooms. Steel Fibre Boys' ClothM Suits $8.50 to Overcoats $12.90 to $2%M .Mackinaws.$f.75 to $15.99 Boys' Waists, Caps, Un <derwear and Stockings. WOODSTOCK. ILL. ALFORD H. POUSK Attorney* at-Law Tkm 26 =Weat van. .•••..' ^-z•sm4 . : % •»ii. •4$ ci* V;.* Telephone Nol ItS-S SIMON STOFFEL Imrtnct agent for all dami ef v ^ litupa^ in tha beat «apate 1 WT5ST HcHKNKT, - ILUNOlf "J ft

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