- >>4'" "• t ^5^%$w v; «^T' s«spw»ra JAEGER iFf: ^r' • QlBNERAL COflMlSSION WERCUADiJ MHMAL ATTDfTION QIV*K TO THX 8«U 0* Dreaaed Bett, riutton, ties*. V«||, Pwitfy^ i-*:- &• ;r .- ,;V 'I *.\V • f k " hr?•-: sh a • HidM, Etc., Butter and Bffi ' Jfclkis is the oldeet fcoaae on the street Tags and prfoe Uati foaiialted on Implication. STORAOE FREE M*M t ft |, PalM M. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. W»lmii Marfcat SEEDS SEEDS •&&: •>•:' -V: m- ••'- '• • • •• It is now time to place your order for Spring Seed* Let us know what .xou willneedT$Q that. we, vma$? order accordingly. MILL FEEDS OF ALL KINDS m OHNDING DONE PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY </;. ' . - •V%*> ' f e r .: ' Give us a trial. We know we can please you McHeory County Fanners' Co-operative Association Plants at McHenry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock Mala Office: West McHenry C. W. Gibbe, Manager CHOICE SAUSAGE Pork Sausage, per lb 18e 2 lbs. for.35c Frankfurt*, per lb 18c 2 lbs. for.^._35c Bologna Sausage, per lb. 18e 2 lb. for35c Fresh Liver Sausage, lb. 18c 2 lbs. for__3Sc Smoked Liver Sausage_22c * : v 2 lbs. for..49c •*»- CHOICE ROASTS Pot Roast, per lb _17e Rib Roast, per lbw__ 25c ' Rump Roast, per lb. 14e Pork Loins, lean, per lb..21c Pork Shoulder, per lb. lle , GORE OVEE AND BE CONVINCED CHOICE STEAKS Round Steak, per lb 21c Sirloin Steak, per lb. 27c Porter House Steak, lb..36c Hamburg Steak, per lb..17c Pork Chops, per lb. 23c Fork Steak, per lb. -- ._24c CHOICE HAMS Picnic Hams, per lb 15c Regular Hams, per lb.-_28c Fresh Hams, per lb 17c Fresh Shoulders, per lb.. 13c Fresh Pork Loins, per lb. 16c Armour's Pork & Beans, 1 lb. 2 oz. net, 3 cans .35c Campbell's Soups, 3 cans 35c WE GIVE 0 A SQUARE DEAL PHONE II7-M ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPT SERVICE Union Market WEST McHENRY, IIL i*K • "'%» 'i SERVICE (:*'r*4i il? True Function *\ Primative man was dependent upon ltfs own efforts for the necessities of life. Jieat and light came from fuel dragged from the nearby woods. The only power jyas man's brawn and the domestic beasts. I n i, Today public utility companies supply Tery many of our daily necessities. V This is pre-eminently true of the ga| Your Gas Company is not con^ tent simply to supply you with so many thousand cubic feet of gas. It furnishef gas when and where and in what quantity you want it. It virtually cooks your meals, Xheats your rooms, lights your home. offers you a service you could not do ty~ w i t h o u t ; and back of i t are t r a i n e d l a b o r , Substantial investment and a directing •genius, all working together to merit your i- H W-.r p|good will by efficient, faithful service. < Gas never failil k'lV "-T; i'; /^WesternUi)itedGas •^»Vai)dElectricGompaijy o ^W" •' '-'.'l,'kxr *V- K i. -• A-."A * J,. 7 V ?" '-ir! k - * j/'i .A/ii:--;,fat, Auction Sale! WEB2.Y ITERS Cku. iieeaafiik, Having rented a farm for share rent the undersigned will sell at public auction on the old Clarence Colby farm, located 6 miles northeast of Crystal Lako, 4 miles sooth of McHenry and 1 mile -west of Burton's Bridge, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1922 Awtioneer lt>MBR8 AND GOERS OP At W«BK 'Charles !**!^ IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE Auctioneer lowing described property, to-wit: 2^ HEAD HEAD GRADE „ STEIN CATTLE s't,* --consisting of-- 17 Milk Cowa HOLHaving fully decided to quit farm- /(• Seen by P^afndealer Reporters and 1 undersigned will sell at P<Mc Handed lata Our Office h/0.«r a«ctl*» on the old Han,y homartwd, Mead. . a5°*5, ^ mile south of the village of McHenry, seven miles Walter J. Walsh was a burineu^ria- north of Crystal Lake, on the Mcitor in Chicago Tuesday. Henry-Crystal Lake road, on ' commencing at one o,'c ,l oc,k , t«h. e .fo ,l - William Sime. s oa-t.te nded to busi- WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY1 1x.1' 1922 i • j„„ :i a * •*.. ness matters at Richmond Tuesday, commencing at ten o'clock the fOllow- Mrs. Frank Weingart and Mrs. Ed. ing described property, to-wit: v, . Wagner were Chicago shoppers Mon-! 7$ HEAD OF LIVE STOClf d*y- --consisting of-- Frank Sullivan of Chicago spent S7 Head Milkers and Close Springers with calve° bv iirfr hnlrmrr Sunday as the guest of" McHenry - Five yearling heifers, pure bred llnew milkers and close springers' Hoi- friend8, Holstein bull, Aaggie Segis Mutual s^n old-1 L- A- Erick8°° »pe»t ">» «f p<»r,tiac. 2 y«r. old; gnrt. bull, 2 stem ouii a years old, bull, 1 year old, ^ week M the gWjlit of ^Utivee at years old. Rockford. - j 5 Head 6f Horace Mrs. John P. Weber passed 'laat | Gray team, 6 and 7 years old, wt week with relatives in the metropol- 1250 lbs.; bay mare, 7 years old, wt itan city. j 1400 lbs.; gray mare, 10 years old, M «.ld, 2 ton, husked con. to alb, 1 ' Ga°'f * Lind,^ wt 1500 lta.; bv gdding, > y»r. -.<* ot com. 30 'chickens. ^ \V?*'A" ^ ^ Mu„, Kiluirir Pf, Richmond. iwt. 1200 lbs. Piano grain binder ^ milk wagon ' Samuel Smith of Janeeville, Wis., 23 Head of Chester White Hogs spooli of4 woven w•i re, '111ia0 galllio n gas fpTaTss ed. .t.h.e week end with friends in Sixteen broo°d SsoOwWsb ' °6 1f5a11l1l pnii«gs8 ' 11 tank cook stove and otiar articles vicinity. pure bred Chester White yearling too numerous to mention. • ' | •£**? *?"x a"end<S,to CMf, !»«• "0277. Terms of Sale: | matters in the metropolitan city one j Hay and Grain All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; ^ , „ . .! .fjx fm',s timothy hay in barn- 3 tons over that amount a credit of six I ? , f V* ^ °* Hebr0" P^ed millet hay in barn, a quantity of cut months' time will be given on good * ^ Ias* 88 ^ ^ of Mc* '.«*** *" ^arn, 300 bushels white oats, bankable notes bearing interest at the . ^ _ j 300 bushels barley, 160 bushels seed rate of seven per cent per annum.F,onbel brother, ^rley, 25 tons corn in crib, 75 shocks No property to be removed or pos- ^ .*?•_ ^eflts of retebveS at {<»™ in fieW' st*ck of straw. 'session of same given to purchaser! M _ _ U" a^" *. | arm Machinery, Implements, Etc. until settled for with clerk. | Mrs. R. T. Wray of Elgin paased a Deering grain binder, 6 ft. cut, CHAS. PEARSON, M ^ ^ue8t of Deerin^ corn binder, Deere corn jMrs^N. H. Petesch. | planter with 80 rods of wire, 8-ft. 16- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs and dis6 Hoosier grain drill, 6-ft. Deering J niece, Miss Catherine Walsh, passed mower, 16-ft. International disc puljJast Saturday in Chicago. verizer, 14-ft. Monmouth tractor disc j Messrs. N. H. Petesch and Jos. C. pulverizer, P. & O. 2-row cultivator, Holly left McHenry Monday for a Oliver single row cultivator, P. & 0. 16-hi. sulky plow, Oliver No. 7 Ford- 3 Holstein heifers each 1 year old. Hay and Grain Two tons timothy hay, 5 tons alfalfa hay, 6 tons alfalfa and clover mixed. All in barn. 100 shocks corn TEN DAY SPECIALS C. W. Stenger, Clerk. , Chancery Notice F. B. Bennett, Solicitor State of Illinois, ) McHenry County, )sg.- ' _ In the Circuit Court of McHenry two weeks' trip to Florida. County, January Term, A. D. 1922. | Miss Emma Pint of Chicago was a son tractor plow, Deere 14-in. walking Richard Thompson, Complainant, 'guest in the home of her parents, Mr. plow, Fordson tractor, heavy 3-secvs" a°d Mrs. John Pint, Sunday . tion drag, 1 two-double unit Sharpies Abby Martin et al, Defendants. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson milking machine and pump, Interoa- In Chancery Bill for Partition, wpre Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. tional 3-horse power gasoline engine, Gen. No. 20453. ^ Harry Alexander at Hebron. . pump jack, bob sled, light milk wagon Public notice is hereby given that j J. F. Adams of Elgin passed several and canvas, low iron wheel wagon, in pursuance of a decree made and days this week in %ie home of his farm truck, hay rack, bed and sideentered by said Court in the above motHer, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. boards, hay fork and 110 feet of rope, entitled cause on the 26th day of F. J. Walsh of Rockford is spend- 14 milk cans, 2 milk pails and strain- January, A. D. .1922, I, A. J. Mullen, ing the week as a guest in the home ers, set heavy brass trimmed breech- Master in Chancery of* said Court, 0f his sister, Mrs. Jack Walsh. ing harness, 2 sets heavy breeching will, on the 11th day of February, A Miss Hazel Beck of Wilmot, Wis., harness, set of backpad harness, incu- D. 1922, at the hour of ten o'clock in passed a few days last week in the bator and brooder, 2 galvanized chickthe forenoon of said day, at the east home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Heimer. -en houses, tank heater, number grain door of the Courthouse in the city of i Misses Florence and Genevieve bags, some household furniture and Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, Carey of Chicago spent the week end other articles too numerous to menoffer for sale and sell at public auction with their mother, Mrs. Mary Carey, tion. The above machinery and imto the highest and best bidder for | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lawson of Elgin plements are all practically new, havcash the following described real spent the week end as guests in the ing been used but one season. estate in said decree mentioned, to- home of, the latter's father, Mathias U1 : , nTr :. • wit- Weber 1 p'«nty E®* and Drink at Noon All that part of the West half of t Mrs. Minnie Gerding of Chicago lot number two (2) of the Northeast spent the week end as a guest in the Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; quarter of section number three (3) home of Mrs. Barbara Schiessle and over a"10""* a credit of six that lies West of the Westerly line of family. ' months' time will be given on good the right of way of the Chicago' Clifford Buss is home from Kansas bankable notes bearing interest at the Northwestern Railway Company. Al- City, Mo., where he recently com- rate °* 7 P®r cent per annum. No so the Northwest quarter of section pieted a course in the Sweeney auto prop^y to be removed or possession number three (3) containing .one hun- schooL of same given to purchasers until dred fifty-seven and eighty-eight hun- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Francisco of settled for with clerk. dredth (157.88) acres of land, more or Wauconda passed one day last week V* P0WERS, PM0. less (excepting and reserving there- the guest of Miss Dorlcaca I ^ Stenger, Clerk. from all that portion thereof which Granger. • i^t t y% t t a v • ^ * lies on the Northwesterly side of the | Miss Edythe Petesch of Chicago X U Oi\JLlL! center of the highway which crosses spent the week end as a guest in the said quarter section near the North- home of her ^rents, Mr. and Mrs. west corner thereof; also excepting jj. H. Petesch. Leonard, , Auctioneer Having rented the farm for eash and reserving therefrom a piece of | Mrs H H Hanly of Peoria spent ren^ undersigned will sell at publand ten (10) chains and ten (10) several dja * ys last wee,k as a guesvt vin lie auction links in width off from the entire the home of her parents, tir. and Mrs. South side thereof; also excepting and James B. Perry. reserving therefrom the right of way Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of the Chicago Northwestern Railway and children of Lake Geneva, Wis., company; also excepting and reserv- pa88ed the week end as guests of ing therefrom all that portion thereof McHenry relatives. which lies East of the Easterly line Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schwebke of of the right of way of said Chicago Belvidere visited Mr. and Mrs. Eara- Northwestern Railway Company). Al- Kamholz and other relatives in so a part of the Northeast quarter of this village this week. on the J. R. Jackman farm, located 5 miles north of Crystal Lake, 2% miles northeast of Ridgefield and about 4 miles southwest of McHenry, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., on MONDAY, JANUARY 30^; the following described property 50 HEAD OF CATTLE 50 ^1 , --consisting of-- . , "i j Mostly Holsteins, some fresh, some springers. All high-grade cattle. 2 section number four (4) bounded and j p. s. Webster and E. L. Wagner of 5° 8tem heif?rs: C,?m,ng 2 ***** ** described as follows, to-wit: Begin- Chicago attended a meeting of direc- Holst*Jn stock bull ning at a post *vhere the center of the tors of the West McHenry State bank ' , highway intersects the East line of heId here la8t Saturday. . u } n"'* Ma^,mS said Northeast quarter and running Mr alld Mrs Georee stenirer of ^ 1470 bu* oate' aU free frort thence south along said Baseline to Qreen Bay, Wis.', spent the first^f the f°Ul >eed;. 80 hay^ a point ten (10) chains and ten (10) we^ as ^ts intiie home of Mr ^ COr" m C"b' qUantlty °f ®traW m links North of the Southeast corner and Mrg c w stenger. stack. Grinder, 30-ft. belt, 2 sets drags, 2 Tiger cultivators, Thomas pulveriser', of said Northeast quarter, thence j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and Mr. West parallel with the Stfith line of and Mrs H_ E Maiman of Wauconda _ ^ . , . ... , said Northeast quarter to a point nine were Sunday ^te in the of Thomas hay loader, walking plow, (9) chains and forty-four (44) links Mr and Mrs H J Schaffer Emerson sulky plow, Champion mow- East of the center of said highway;) j^rs. Carl Nelson of Elgin spent a ?% hand, cultiv4t^> thence North sixty-eight (68) degrees f d j t k ^th h mother h,ller' Gale 00111 planter Wlth 100 pds* W^t «ight (.) chdus to the center Mre A. Wolf^ vdio is^lowly recover- -- a""™ """" of said highway; thence Northeast- ing from her recent severe illnees< erly along the center of said highway , Cha6 01gen and William Qlsen and to the place of beginning. All m ^^ Aileent of Chicag0 were township number forty-four (44) k d in tu„ hom. of North of range number eight (8) East brother, John O. Olsen, and family. gin®'.16 ™\lk .Can8' ,^7 ***' of the third principal meridian Al- ( Mr and Mrs Edward Dunn of ^ n«s hi g«>d sha^, bob sled, hwtmg so the South half of the Southwest Genevaf Wia.( the week end St^®' ™ ^ A ? v quarter of the Southeast quarter of in ^ h^ of ^ lattor»8 mother, ' Deermf corn bmder« J®hn section number thirty (30) township M n » wh«tin<* Deere corn planter and many other number forty-five (45) North, range . ' . ' articles too numerous to mention, number eight (8) East of the third * Plenty to Eat and Driak at Noon principal meridian containing twenty I J**' and jp ^rs" ^ ^ and Terms of Sale: 2 per cent off for (20) acres of land, more or less. All chlldren °* Crystal -Lake and Ehr. and cash on sums over $25. All sums of situated, lying and being in the Coun- Mrs" A- Froellllch and daughter, $10.00 and under, cash; balance six wire, 3-horse evener, lumber wagon, new; hay rack, new; milk wagon in good condition, milk cart, 2 double units Pine Tree milking machine, piping for 50 cows; 3 h. p. Fairbanks enin the State of A<*ele, of this village were Sunday months at seven per cent. MRS. J. R. JACKMAN. JOHN DUVAUfc::'/.^V5- Lynn Richards, Clerk. ty of McHenry ... -- .... *Ilili•in o•i s. > .' g%u ests in the home of Mrs. Barba,r a • Terms of Sale: .Schiessle and family. } Purchaser or purchasers to pay ten Mesdames Margaret Kischen, Mary ^ per cent of the amount of their bid Pekovsky, Lydia Bremer, Elizabeth Large Crowd at Card Party on the day of sale, balance to be paid Knoll, Fred Lang and William Schaid ^ publ}c card party> as sponsored when the deed is delivered. Dated Chicago and Peter Kerling of Aus- ^ ^ members of Joyce Kilmer this 26th day of January, A. D. 1922. tin, Minn., attended Hie funeral of oourt> Dau(.hter8 of America, and A. S. Mullen, Mrs. Mary Schreiner here yesterday held at the K jg hall iast Saturday Master in Chancery of the Circuit morning. . evening, was very well attended and Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 33 1 Mr. and Mr*, Walter Fay arrived everyone present apparently enjqyed First Methodist Church m McHenry Tuesday from Council, the hospitality of the young ladies to In a recent article in the Century, Idaho, and are now guests of the the fullest measure. The prise win- |entitled "The Convalescence of former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ners at five hundred were as follows: Europe," it was indicated that a need,W. Fay. , Walter has won consider- jrjrg^ Mrs. josphine Heimer; second, more fundamental than any other able fame as a ball player in the west, Mrs. Horace Ritter; consolation, Mrs. for many European countries at the where he has made many warm g g Whiting. At bunco the prizes present time wa^ a sincere soul friends thru his prowess en the were distributed as follows: First, searching and a new soul health. At diamond, "' •.**-*- Miss Hilda Weber; second, Miss Dortimes of crisis we are thankful for i Mrs. Patrick Kelleher and daugh- othy Freund; consolation, Ambrose that soul discipline of previous weeks ter, who have been guests in the home Schaefer. Very appetizing refreshand years or are at a loss because it of her mother, Mrs. Christina ments were served by the young was lacking. At the morning service Schreiner, and other relatives here ladies at the close of the card games Sunday the pastor will discuss Aris- during the past few weeks, leftrTues- Among those who attended the party to tie's Ethics and its Meaning for the day for Chicago, where they will be many expressed the wish that they Christian, Sunday school will meet the guests of friends for a couple of might enjoy the pleasure of being promptly at 9:45 at the Empire days before departing for their home entertained by the Daughters of Phone 121-I" i I ' . . ? • / *%£ »,•* NtJRSE •k - -Vv- } .- Hi i'li. V McHenry, HI. Phone 85 Reasonable FRED WBINSCHENKER " • I Is "%!• ^flaying and Transferring j v I^ouk arid Short Hauls * ' T ip • ' * Anywhere McHenry,;-' • •; H '« ; Illinois. j .c^L j CLEAN - UP? "SALE Men's* Wdmeii'a, Children's k-""'Jlundrdds '"of pairs of odd lots and endg, v |>roken lots and short lines, sacrificed withfcut regard to cost, profit or former price. • Included are women's high top tan Russia Nlalf and black kid, also black and browav . |>xfords, Cuban or military heels. t % JOtIN STOFFEL WEST McHENftY + OPENS JAN. 28 Style Just a few days' wait saves many do!lata ^ on good'furniture. Many will buy fq#.„ ^ the entire year. Come early if possible!* 'i jO. a Elffln. 78-74 Grove Ave. x" } Ofo? t1 J --• ^3 l^svS&l iRocMord, Opposite Court Hoaw j.* $%h-- Dubuque. 57fe-M4 Main St." -a" r'.-% uriira, 31-33 ittand Ave. ftm - Delivery garsbeitfri:' SFreeport, IW-lW Galena St. „ Waterloo, 3S2-3H E. 4th St. ; Beloit, *17-6ii 4th St. f Joliet, 215-217 leffersOn St. 'i Janesv Ule, 2t2-204. Milwtukei lfc 'K.nu Claire. Masonic Temple. ,i Oshkoah, 11-13 Main. " Peoria. 325 South Adams St. ATTENTION' ,€7' N6w is tlic ngtit time to Imng your aufomof or tractor in for overhauling so as to have the machine in shape for the spring driving or work. We pride ourselves in having one of. the most completely equipped garages to be found outside of the larger cities, which, together with expert workmen, places us in a position where we can safely guarantee the public the; best work and service to be found anywhere. We are experts in automobile as well as tractor repairing, so* bring in your machines NOW and have them put in order. .j- * •- : , - ^ V v. "•? k "ri CENTRAL GARAGE J REPAIR SBOP JOHNSBURG, ILLlNUli r: H.'M ' i v I CEMENT We Sell Marquette Cement ^.Contractors and builders rely ott the excep- % tional quality of Marquette Cement. ;. v ?;|This exceptional quality results not only froi|i« ^ ^;;'-'ihe unusual purity of the raw materials from V which the finished product is produced but * < ilso from the extreme care exercised in everp ; ; Retail of manufacture. An attractive colo& V s; strength and fine working qualities are conse* i . ^uently characteristic of Marquette Cement, . A p r^he Marquette plant is served by five greats trunk lines which make immediate shipment; ' > ^i^Af any quantity of Marquette, typical - V Marci uette service. ' J : / ; Bemember these points and that carry *\ i MarquettetComant» • _ McHenry Lumber Oo A Quality & Service Kirs. V>VJ« •4^1 7 ," ^ .,«rsi :