Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1922, p. 7

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falsky is spendlngT Mis* Lelah Claxton is spending a j ]sst of Chicago rel-1 few days as the guest of friends in j I Chicago. D, f. *?. v>.; t WHEAT MAKCS GOOD flOUR EBE'8 no d e n y i n g < P* that statement. Wein- §ite an investigation of our Wheat sources. Ifo comes fflom grain that has attained fttll, ripe growth in a fertile sell, Ali the nourishment that nature has planted in ft grain is in the flour that We make. y«»H «*** : :i#; : ; l M c H E N R Y Flour Mills «' ^ West McHewv. Dt --Your You need ammunition for the battle of life. A good, healthy body Is essential for the campaign. There's one sure way to secure this healthy body. Buy our pure groceries, we will sell you the best, at prices as low as some people charge for the other kind. M. M. Niesen McHenry PJtone 'f V, THCKtS HtAT IN FOOD AS WElA. AS f UEt 50 VET 6000 GROCERIES T&ir >fOOS*- YOU'LL warm up to our foods this winter if you will try them and they will warm you up. We have a stock of eatables that will help you solve your daily food problem and we have a way of waiting upon the wants of our customers that prove* to them that we really want to serve them. Watch for Mr. Happy Party •FRETTS: iMARKET U GROCERY ST WEST McHENRY, ILL PHONC 3 m Each one of our customers has a credit account with us which enables purchases to be made of Electrical Appliances ON EASY PAYMENTS Outstanding in this extensive family is the FEDERAL Electric WASHING MACHINE an addition to household equipment of great economic importance--a machine that takes over the hardest work in the home and does thoroughly aF a cost of about 5 cents a week for current. You can buy the FEDERAL for $5 down and $6jg$ ' a month Particulars at our nmmttqf Sales Room Crystal Lake Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ' t) * : ' ' fiv TT l11®* <*Uin8 tor Eskimo , * Pies'be sure that you arif . Si . getting the home product. ^ Our name, McHenry Ice Creanfc^. v1 company, is plainly printed on the ". "*t|r " wrapper of every f>ie put up '• Look for i t . v - w> " V • v m- ' "v *t. , 1 'a* 11 i •Mii "f ' fj McHENRY Id CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. m Buick Cars ?!#*• • &r-J are now at the lowest cost that they were ever built, considering the quality and refinement. Every agent says he has the best car to sell. We do not ask you to take our word for it that the Buick is the best car on the market for the money* Ask any Buick owner. We will be glad to show you the new mmHs at any tim<r and give you a demonstration. "5 * ; OVERTON & COWEN West McHenry Harvard wen iqyEB mmmis are mi bpkx will wild theh SOLON MILLS |T'J JOES, Trade your farm. See Quinlaiu .^ For rent. 10 Mrs. Kirk Cranet, is visiting at All- rQuinlan. tiloch this week. j The famous Bhiel Mr. Coey boarded the train for Chi- | Erickson's, citgo Tuesday morning. I Mrs. Ben Schaefer was a Chicago Wm. Stainer's family are numbered visitor Monday. among the sick this week. . 1 Miss Susie Smith passed a few days Have you Seen the new 111» «f| recently at Harvard. ladies' oxfords at Erickson's. 1. Arthur Adams of Woodstock was a Earl Monear has the agency for [caller in town Monday, the Studebaker car for this locality, j Miss Barbara Smith passed the Mr. and Mrs-, 3. R., Turner were]week end as the guest of friends at business ^visitor* at Richmond Mon-i Woodstock. day- ' Mrs. Anna Bugner pasfted several E. E. Cropley Wasa business visitor tdays last week in the home of her sisat Mike Justen's at McHenry Tues- :ter, Mrs. John H. Miller, at McHenry. day. j Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nettnin and Dr. Shingleman of Chicago was a [family of Chicago were Sunday guests Sunday evening guest in the home of in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Abe Miller. t Schaefer. Several front here attended the j Miss Kathryn Regner of Chicago horse races on the ice at Lake Geneva ' passed the week end as a guest in the last week. Ihome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Math. Jung of Rfngwood was a John Regner. business caller in Solon Mills Friday 1 Mr. and Mrs, Jos. B. Hettermann morning last. [and children motored to Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Marengo i Wis., last Sunday, where they were were over Sunday guests of Geo.!the guests of relatives. Vogel and family. • t . • ' j Mr. and Mrs. Lawrencc Baer, Mr*. Jack Pester and Chas. Westlake; M. J. Freund and Miss Catherine drove to Fox Lake last Sunday and i Haskamp spent Sunday as guests of spent the day fishing. j Edward Baer at Techny, ill. Howard Westlake and family of! Mr. and* Mrs. Jos. Nett, who have Bristol, Wis., were over Sunday guests resided here for some years past, at the Geo. Richardson home. have moved to Grass Tjfiro where Mrs. Will Cornish and Mrs. Victor they will go to farming on the Mrs Alms were callers at the Dr. Deucy. Peter Brits place. home at Richmond one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Karls, re- Geo. Turner, who has been doing speeted townspeople, were given some fishing a Fox Lake, reported genuine surprise at their home last a fine catch of about one hundred one Saturday; in honor of their twenty day last week. fifth wedding anniversary. Even the Mrs. Robt. Turner returned home little folks assisted in the event by Saturday evening from Aurora, where giving the couple a good, old fashioned she has been spending the past two charivari. Among the guests presmonths with her -son, Louis, and fam- ent was a woman who acted as bridesily. maid for Mr. and Mrs. Karls at their The ladies of Solon Mills tendered wedding, this guest traveling eight Mrs. Victor Alms a surprise one day miles to be present on the happy occftrecently, ^the event being the anniver- sion. The sudden ajtd unexpected insary of her birth. She received sev- (vasion of their guests found the vks eral nice gifts. j tims of the surprise anything but Mr. and Mrs. tear! Monear returned, prepared to receive them and for a to their home at Harvard the fore few moments they were unable to part of the week after spending sev-, realize the meaning of it all. Howeral days with the latter's parents, ever, it soon dawned upon them that Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson. , it was their twenty-fifth anniversary There was a large jcrowd in at- j and within a few minutes everyone tendance at the basket ball game j was made to feel at home. The enwhich was held in the Solon Mlils Im- • suing hours were very pleasantly provement club hall Saturday even- spent and after partaking of delicious ing. The Richmond club played Solon refreshments the company, after and the final score was 19 to 37 in wishing the host and hostess another favor of Richmond. j twenty-five years of wedded life, re- Mrs. E. E. Cropley returned home j turned to their hfimes. Those who last Friday night from Johnsburg, 'made up the gathering were: Mr. where she has been nursing in the an(j Mrs. Math. Schaefer, Mr. and home of Mrs. J. M. Schaefer for the Mrs. Lawrence Baer, Mr. and Mrs. past four weeks. She left Mrs. peter Smith, Mr. * and Mrs. • Fred Schaefer greatly improved in health, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels, which her many friends will be glad j§r- &nd Mrs. Peter Weber son, to learn. Martin, and John Huff. Quite an unusual lot of excitement \¥Q* SALE--Oberstadfe residence West McHenry. See V. C. McHenry, 111. WANTED--Position on a farm by William Treest. Has two grown sons. Phone McHenry 6Z2-M-2. 35-lt Dfy son's. For RINGWOQD • geods and notions a$ forick rent. 10 good farms. D. F. occurred in town Monday afternoon when the W. J. Overton fiat, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Alms and Mr. and Mrs. Will Cornish, caught Z Sm *bMh"" soon extinguished. The dun.g«> were ^ <^«J> M»" ^ McCanl>>I1 ^ 8 - ;ited friends in Woodstock Saturday. 4 OSTEND _• Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin and For renti 10 good faitni •; ®. * daughter, Julia, spent Sunday .in Mc- Quinlan. Henry. A large stock of wall paper at Ertek> >> CCllaarrkk Hall of son's store. 'guest of Mr. and Mrs Special sale At Walsh's on Friday Tuesday. Woodstock T. A. was a Abbott and Saturday. > . It'is rumored that George Collin has sold his farm in Bull Valley. Roy Hobart has been quite ill the past few days with a severe cold. H. N. Thompson has a car load of rijngton Saturday. The Ladies' Aid society will serve a dinner on Thursday, Feb. II. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Will Be^h and Miss Martha Dailey were shopping in Burhorsfes just unloaded from the west. Mrs. Oscar Prahl was quite ill several days last week with a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and son, Byron, spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Everybody has just gone "dippy" F. R. Eppel and wife were business ! oyer Eskimo pies. They are on sale at callers at the county seat Monday! ^ McHenry House. afternoon. * j Miss Mary Smith returned toRock- One new pupil this winter in our ford Tuesday after spendingi»yweek school. The family lfves in the house |end ^th home folks. / ^ on the Sam E. Clark farm. j Mr. and Mrs. Oliver LaWrence are W. A. Sayler and wife will 3<>on ! entertaining a baby boy their move to their West McHenry home. home Wednesday, Feb. 1. Their farm is rented to Frank Herd- Mr and Mrs. Clarence Ritter and rick. The man that ranted the Kaiser farm moves from the Frank Wattles family of Kenosha spent last week with relatives and friends here. Mr. and MrsV Ben Justen and chil farm. He is busy moving machinery dren returned Tuesday after spending I several days, with relatives in Chicago. | Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Rager's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antclilf, at She was years of age and had never other place. and hay. Miss Ammie Francisco has been afflicted with rheumatism ever since we have had so many heavy white frosts, not serious, but qtiite lame. Hazel, the old family horse owned : Richmond. by Joe H.™-, one he purely at « Gmmtaa H>w|ey ,w.y ^ the arm w . early Sunday morning at the home of recently. She «. n-urlytoty her son. E. C. Hawley. She had been 'making her home here for the past few months, coming from Barrington, TERRA COTTA ' -* v *where she had lived with her son-in fder rent. 10 good farms. D. ?.1Jaw, Mr. Waterman, and family. Thru Quinlan. jher frequent visits to this village she Fine qpality. metx's wsiric shosa had endeared herself to many of our Erickson's. ^ ' 'people, as she always- Jiad a sweet W. F. Burke of McHenry visited smjle and a pleasant word for everyrelatives here Saturday. 1 one. She leaves two sons, E. C. Haw- Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent Satur- jey 0f Ringwood and A. Hawley of day and Sunday in Chicago. ? Elgin. Her daughter passed away Real bargains for all on Friday and several years ago. She also leaves Saturday at M. J.#Valsh's store. !a number of grandchildren, besides a Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and fam- host of friends, who will miss her ily of Marengo visited relatives here greatly, but \^e must not wish her Sunday. i bact; for she is "Safe in the Arms of Wm. J. Wingate of Crystal Lake Jesus." E. C. Hawley and family was a business caller here one day have the sympathy of the entire comlast week. Imunity in their sorrow. A short Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin are funeral service was held here with spending their honeymoon with rela-1 another service and burial at Elgin tives in Cleveland, Ohio. _ (Tuesday. You have never heard of Eskimo j , . pies' Well, you're missing some-! Jo® Garwood, sixty-two, is dea Ling good. On sale at the McHenry Burr Smith twenty-four, re- ™ g goou. ceived a fractured skull when a ma- House. , „n<vj a,;.'chine in which they were riding overof '» •»« road near Fox Lake cago Fnday by the death 1of ^ father Mr Watt She >ccldem-^cculTOi ,t the thec,«y until S"°?"y 's.m. spot where Dr. P. C. Regan, . * , _ . ' years ago. The two victims were day evening and Saturday at the ~VCi\a "* i- -J-f j r 'Jfc - -4. home of the Knox. tatter's aunt, Mrs.. M. residents of Grayslake. , • « . ' - "• 5'* V ' " vmv'm fdi<, Si.Jb Market your eggs at Erkkstn^a. ^ ' ' • '•Tis - ' in Holly, 32-tf FOR SALE--A few choice Poland China gilts bred for April farrow. James Hunter, West McHenry, III. 30 FOR-SALE--About 50 tons of alfalfa hay. Inquire of Frank Hironimus, Round Lake, 111. Phone McHenry S28-W-1. i 35_3t FOR SALE--By the ton, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley State Bank, McHenry, m. 28 FOR SALEr--House, barn and eight lots. Will sell as a whole or will sell lots separate. John W. Schrauth, McHenry, 111. 35_tf Peoria, 111. 84-tf ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Allen Noonan was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Pearl Claxton spent Saturday in the metropolitan city. Rev. Fr. Ouimet of Elgin was calling on McHenry friends Sunday. Joiin F. Claxton is serving on the grand jury in Chicago this month. Chas. Bechtel of Chicago passed a few days this, week with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer left Monday evening for Marshfieid, Wis., to attend the wedding of a niece. Mrs. Chas. Newman of Rockford spent Thursday evening and Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Her son, Raymond, who has been here the last few months, accompanied her home. A. SI. Schatitt. fkiMfc ltd. Pfaoac 43»-W-l MefflSNRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL ^ FIRS INSURANCE 00. and safest insoraft& oil ; earth. Rates other information maj1 be had upon application ^•3 Kiefeael Frecmd, Agent, McHettfSr i A FOR SALE--Two cows coming in soon, 3 two-year-old heifers, silo filler, 12x30 silo and mower. Ben Adams, West McHenry, 111. 34-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16-tf SALESMEN WANTED--To solidt orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address The Victor Oil Co., Cleveland, O. - - 35-lt* FOR SALE--Ford touring car, 1920, model with starter. Also a Ford truck, 1920 model with starter. Inquire- of Schaefer Bros., McHenry, 111. Phone 49. u 36-St BABY CHICKS--Full blooded stock. Leading breeds. Low prices. Postpaid. Alive delivery. Big catalog free. Capacity, 1922 million and half chicks. Farrow-Hi rsh Co., Peoria, 111. 85-tf FOR SALE--Seven passenger Lexington Minute-Man Six touring car in fine condition. Will be sold cheap. Can be seen at the McHenry garage, N. F. Steilen, McHenry, 111. Phone 111-R. 35-tf BABY CHICKS--Lowest prices. The kind that grow fast and make the best layers. Eleven varieties. 95 per cent alive delivery. Postpaid. Write today for free catalog and price list. Universal Baby Chick Co., TheKOHLER Automatic POWER and LIGHT Plant --requires no Storage batteries for power and light --produces standard 110 volt electricity --has a capacity of 1500 watts or two electrical horsepower •gragperates simply At the touch * of any button anywhere on the circuit Write for illustrated literature. Come in and see the plant in' operation W. L HOWELL t CO. Pictorial Review H That dress you an going to get will make up the prettiest with a Pictorial Review Pattern. We have them from 20c to 35c, none higher. Also have Pictorial Crocheting and Knitting book. Pictorial Embroidery book, Pictorial quarterly FathaoM book. JOS. J. MILLER McHenry, III. A Coffee Discovery According to an Arabian legend, Hadji Omar, a pious Dervish, was outlawed from Mocha in the year 1285. When almost dying of hunger in the wilderness, he roasted some of the small round berries he found growing wild in the thickets. A few of the roasted berries accident! y fell into his drinking water, and thus coffee was discovered. > ; Ym Find It Here Many people in this '• and vicinity have discovered that they can get the best coffee at our store, the kind that pleases their taste and suits their pocketbooks. Call or telephone. We want to show you. : Ask us about Old Reliable Brand. In one pound cartons, price 35 cents. Cash & Carry Store E. J. Brefeld. Mgr. W. McHenty We've be.oxi thinking as #e * rode o%t into the country, how rnuoh fara machinery , there left out of doore exposed., to rain *nd* the amo* and the sutiy. and hoar aueh longer- thin : machinery would .. laa* ** it *ere > properly housed1 ^ i* , \ We realise that ^ you farmers have not had an awful lot 0rf money to spend in the last t year or two, bu^ \v the money you •"W would put i4Sto a maohinery shed is not .8PENT^v.^b • INVESTED witha ! sure, and *.41* profitable return if i:.- maohinery is • standing out the open, we would like to show you how you oan put up a good maohinery ^ shed .for ver^J> v,f '\ little money. i^r • We thank you. MoHENRY LUMBER CO. Mr. Peter M. Justen will again be at your service this season Remember February 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th; 20tfi» 24th, 25th, 27th March 3rd, 4th, 13th, 151^^ . and every Friday evening from Februat^r 3rd to March 10th, 7:00 to 9K)0 o'clock. • ' <( •' ;y(, •>*' ' i. -V*". s' * , - * •* ^ * $ 'ii, * .-V - ••••:& 0y No Charge For TJUis Service , V ' * ^ J j- >-.'£3 ^ ,* McHenry, llliaois GERALD J. CAREY, Cash. •> FREMONT HOY, Prw.

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