Fran Oar ItMtftfr i of Learning • mm Senior Notes : '; sby «M absent »y ILE Extr* buckram hat 50c. Apply to Mary Bolger. Viola was happy Tuesday after- Reason: »>• finished her Pryor says we don't ever pat anything over on the teacher. Wonder if she really knows. F. I. & L (Continued from last week) The engineering committee recommends for 1922 tiie following improvements: 1. Maintaining a ad improving the channels for connecting lakes and the maintenance of markers, channel lights and the locks at the McHenry dam. * 2. Maintaining the lock-keeper who in 1921 systematically adjusted the height of the McHenry dam and maintained a standard navigable sanitary . - . . . ' , -- . » !s t a t e o f w a t e r a n d p a r t i c u l a r l y a s a n i - AM --I flew in Uw window Prthy „ow of ^ w,ters „f ^ distri(.t W»» " to Uk<! which w„ accomplished by the r.i- lJi^li»of the "w«vi«s>ec owls" who went to .ing and lowering of the dam as the w „ teachers «*ws- „ . conditions required. This cost is ap- ' t i jjf": proximately $350.00 a year, son. Rose Feffer and Mary Bolger K took the teachers' examination at Woodstock Thursday and Friday. The high school students were made I S. The ftirther diking of the west bank of the Fox river north of the McHenry dam at an approximate cost of $,1000.00. This work would happy with gifts of several packages be a benefit to the waterway and also 5 o_ f s~e"eTd s,v due to the kindn.e .ss of. Co l. a .b.ig ,b enefit to the owners of the ad,- I. C. Copley, ©or representative, who „ is running for re-election. Junior N«ta . joining farm land, which is compara tively low, and altho net necessary to entered mainta'n a navigable stage of water, Frtoy mommg an owl ~"j~~ this improvement would protect the the achooihouse and perched upon the • j- • • „ . .. . window. Was it a green owl? adjoining farm lands in extremely . . .. „ < high water which develops from Miss Pnryyuov sent to Mr. Mowr rar 4 na.t ura.l s, ources d, uri.n g som_ e peri.o ds ; flower vase. When it was brought , year * she declared he f»s certainly the: 4 A * ^ stingest man. marker - How sweet t)* fregies «nd sopte ,n ,pI>roxim,te c„st o( ,180 (1C ^looked Fnd«y w\ e" *7^" | 5. It is recommended that , ribbon. H»m«t w.ft her gr«en u instol|e(i (or the «r«m of race, , « • « -- i - -- • T h e c o m m i t t e e a l s o e n c o u r a g e s a program of sail boat racing for 1922, least ten additional marine lamps are recommended at ere a fast boat r- % . - • „ ^ past years, many Hm wtid have every member and resident of the disbeen saved. v trict. For the proposed iiaprovenWta of Rapwt of Treasurer the engineering committee fotrtMjl, Bal. on hattf Ott. 18, *20..$ 60.82 the association should be in apositfofi Deposits bjj" Secretary..... 17,681.01 to appropriate! $10,000 to $15,000. Total receipts 17,642.73 The regatta committee reports a Orders drawn on Tree*, paid 17,472.52 very successful season of races held under the auspices of the association during the season of 1921 and the expense incidental to such races wasj met entirely by the entrants to the port the financial position and actions of his office in the su stptoNRfnts which he hasi to .pM^e as brief as pc|p^|Kf^|)e showing details in whilp .jiMM&l active supporters, are' undoubtedly interested. When the present officers and directors were elected in January, 1921, there were no established records, list of residents or methods of procedure, and the secretary kept a races, thereby not being an expense Leaving "a balance of....:. 58.69 j record of all matters passing thru this to the association. | The foregoing report is true and j office as the association expanded. Very successful races were held on corresponds with the secretary's re- A complete set of accounts was estab- Treasurer's bal. Dec. 81, *21 Orders on Treas. but not paid, now standing. " 'as? m.2i 111.52 lished in permanent form and they are open to inspection at any time; also card index of members and of other Smock and Miss Pryor with her green sweet peas. Sophomore Notes mends a stand which will cost approx Emily Stoffel is absent from school . ™ mounting of the marine lamps and the engineering committee recomon account of scarlet fever. Scanning is so much fun. We've imately $30.00 each. 6. It is recommended that one or two additional weed cutters be purchased and operated this coming season, due to the wonderful work aceven tried it walking instead of saying it. ' We can t think of any . complished by the two weed cutters of We're too downhearted thinking of ^ ^ ^ exams. . . cost approximately $600.00 each. All ,e ,lg. SC ®°... the members who desire having weed been accu o ving cutters remove the weeds from their patent leather tops. ' .. . private fronts should notify the secre- Mar,t,r aret and Cornelia had a little fta ry as early .in the season" a s possib,le . •»« f"' °*°r f ' A" T?. e' 7 The engineering committee ^e_*as 00 or, recommends that our superintendent The members of tl«channe,s ^ from M cl.a. ss. think that- they . k. no.w„ • nearly 1 to November 1, o.f eac,h year, in ord,e r *al l of the test for nutrients in food to ,lo o,k af_t er the weed, cut't ers and, „ other property of the association. Did you no ice' . . The cost of maintaining our sujterinlted us ^ on y. tendent of weed cutters and two weed two pacit&ges. w . , cutter 0perators runs approximately sophomores are all going to have a ^ ^ of the sophs before exams-cutters and operators wUl de- Geefkids, now's the time to study. vel<* a" agonal expense propor- StUrely that ^y^dVyou" know what the holy approximately $500.00 be appropriated ' for oils, tools and repairs of all equipment. 9. It is further recommended that considerable additional dredging be done in 1922. The channel between Channel lake and Lake Catherine should be widened and deepened. The channel between Channel lake and alliance was? Have you got your outline done? I know I'll flunk this quarter. Freshman Notes Three mice have been caught in the basement already. Some of the girls are even afraid of a dead moose or The* msoeowsien ter apI. class is tmnaaVkiinn«gr Lake Marie sh_o uld b, e wi,d ened and dresses and hats. Hope they will be ^"ened. J|" channej Ibetween don. s<K,n. You will probably notice ^ then when they wear them Barter. tw«l™ed a"d *'™'K><t»ed. Tile chan- W. are reviewing in all of our ,r»m^0,[ '»k' studies tte #rst three days, of 41. >» »nd. week. You have probably he^ ^ «» ^ . o,f w.h a.t .h appen the ,l_aso.t McHenry dam ^to fa c^ilit a^te b o^ats go- fof Monday Mr. Treadway distributed ^is hedging there should be a sufamong the students of tlie school ficient appropriate made. thirty dollars worth of government1 10. The en*g* ineering committee fur^ seeds. If you have received some do *eco"m«™U ftat the; J«»P« ntf destroy than, they an ratable. :«»"<» a»«>onbes be consulted with Kr. Treadway hu more seeds if you reference to mstalhng a dike or prof tec ting wall on the south side of the putting them in the form they are in at the present time. '*i: Report of Festivities Committee Our festivities committee arranged number of interesting events during thfe season. The major event was our Fourth of July festivities, which cov-, ered the whole district and provided entertainment for not only our membership, but all the residents and visitors to the district. It is pleasing to say that the activ-' ities of the festivities committee showed a prdfit to the association/ which is evidenced by the annual financial report. j Altho the above report is lengthy, I have felt it my duty to caU particular attention to each of the subjects above referred to due to the fact that .bend of the Fox river, or the east ADDITIONAL PERSONAL 'approach and the north side of the Miss Lena Stoffel passed Wednes- re(j bridge located across the Fox day in the metropolitan city. river above Grass lake, due to the Mrs. Henry J. Alberg of Chicago fact that the natural course of the spent the week end at the home of ^ver is eating away this bank and is Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes. 'endangering the public road at this Mrs. F. E. Boger and son, Arthur, point. passed Tuesday and Wednesday of j n The engineering committee furlast week in the metropolitan city. I ther recommends that pulmotors for Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chaffee and the purpose of saving human life be daughter, Elizabeth, of St. Charles purchased and stationed somewhere in were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ^ following districts: One for J, Beihansperger one day last week, j Channel, Marie and Bluff lakes; one Miss Hattie Dake of Harvard, can- for Nippersink and Grass lakes; one dictate for county superintendent of for pi3takee lake and bay; one for schools, was calling on voters in Mc- Fox, Long arid Petite lakes; one for Henry on Wednesday. Miss Dake the McHenry district. has already made quite thoro canvass of the county and feels very much encouraged over the prospects of winning out at the polls on April 11. These could be stationed at points SHOES! The time of the year when mud and wet weather are plentiful, you will need new shoes to protect your feet and thus save doctor bills. Below we list a few of our many remarkable low figures: Men's Dress Shoes.. $Ut to UM Men's Work Shoes.$2.7S to $1JN Ladies' Dress Shoes-!*.&• to $?.§• Ladies' Every-day Shoes. ttett totlJM Boys* Dress English Walking Shoes, black or brown.93.49 Beys' ever} -dsy Work Shoes 11.98 MILLER HcHttkry, Itt. $5 paid down puts it in your house $6.50 a month equal to^ ; 22 cents a day completes payment lor a FEDERAL Electric WASHING MACHINE .with a Swinging Wringer Electricity to do a week's washbeg costs about t costs' ' Demonstration at any of our Sales Rooms Public Service Co. Fox lake, Channel lake, Fox river and port as sent to each member, Grass lake during the season and, The accompaning secretary's redeveloped a great deal of enthusiasm port will familiarize you with the not only among the members of the financial condition of your association' residents of the district. association and residents of the dis- and the booklet of by-laws show you | The checks received by the secretrict generally, bot also among the how the matters of the association are tary were recorded and tHen transvisiting public, and it is recommended handled. A list of the names of mitted, together with a bank draft or that this spectacular sport be in- members will enable you to know your checks for such payments as were creased this coming year. neighbors who are members and sup- J received in currency, to the treasurer. The committee's recommendation is porting this worthy cause and those This method has now been changed that for 1922 all races should be oper- who are not. j by the new by-laws and a'l payments ated in classes such as now are uni- In view of the improvements, aecom- Should go direct to the treasurer. form thru the country. That these plished in 1921 and the evidence that! Disbursements were made by check classes be established and races be what an association of this kind means ' signed by the president apd secretary heid in accordance with the power of to the district, I cannot appreciate and paid by the treasurer. All disthe boats and eliminate the old style that any broad minded, progressive, bursements were approved in meetings class of handicap race where time al- public spirited person who is inter- 'of the board of directors and recorded lowances are given and the committee ested in the district can offer any ex- in the minutes. invites the suggestions of the mem- cuse for not supporting an association J Prior to the meeting at which the bership in preparing the 1922 pro- of this kind and it is therefore my present officers wtere elected, there sincere hope that at the end of 1922 had been collected subscriptions this association will number, as it amounting to $842.50 between Oct. 18, should, several thousand members. ] 1920, and January 11, 1921. This Before closing I wish to emphasize amount formed the starting point of committee that the season's program the fact that, following the policy laid the secretary's financial records and of motor boat and sail boat races be down at the beginning, all officers, di-, is included herein. established early in the season to rectors and committees served with- J The directors held eighteen formal cover the whole season so that entries out compensation; further that where meetings during the year and many can be made in ample time and other practicable they furnished the asso- other informal gatherings. Four preparations for such races accom- ciation with labor and materials at (general meetings of the members plished in due time. cost. In addition they made casft do- were held. The regatta committee expresses nations as large or larger than other ; All moneys received for memberits thanks for the hearty co-operation members and spent their own time' ship or donations has been -acknowlof the membership daring. the 1821 and money in traveling for end boostseason. ing the association. Report of Legal Committee^ I The large volume of detail devolv- Our legal committee dictated the ing upon the secretary as the associadirectors' actions on all legal matters, tion grew was handled by stenographpassed on the validity of all contracts ers and clerks at the secretary's office entered into by the association, made at $ost. The association paid only the necessary legal reports to the sec- the regular wage rates of the inretary of state and redrafted by-laws, dividuals. In conclusion I wish to express my sincere thanks for the hearty co-operation of the officers, directors and members of the Fox River A Lakes Improvement association. A. V. Hannifin. It is further recommended by this ^SVorld'i Lowest FULLY EQUIPPED Automobile f. m. K PVmt, The c.People'* Cur See it , Compare it $W it as Our Gm$t McHenry Garage J. W. Schaffer. Prop. New Rubber 3 Belting W*' --TPRICE PER FOOT--r- ^ Inch. , 2 Ply 3 Ply 4 Ply f«» I M M 1 1-J , .93 1-2 .#9 •» i ; S • $ ... M 3s • MM AIno pulleys, hangers, shafting, leather belting And n tame supply of hose. Used belting at a sacrificed price. Money returned If goods are otherwise than represented. Write for prices on any width np to M Inches. CLINTON SUPPLY CO. 117 S. Clinton St. Phone- Chicago, 111. -Main 5064 >&V7- The KOHLER Automatic POWER and LIGHT PlaUt --requires no storage batteries for power and light --•produces standard 110 volt electricity --has a capacity of1500 watts or two electrical horsepower --•operates simply at the touch of any button anywhere on the circuit Write for illustrated literature. Come in and see the plant in % l. HOWELL ft Cfc r • McHenry, III. m IF WITH HEALTH YOU V#OV)LO BE BUESStD OR&ER NOTHING BUT "THE TCST G OOD f i e a l i l i ' I s t h e greatest blessing with which man has ever been endowed. The best way to make certain of not losing it is to indulge In the foods that yon know are up to the highest standards. We sell foods vhose purity is ^ell known. • " ^ > ;^.V KtfUcfc far Mr. Hippy fluty •FRETTS iMARKET U GROCERY Really Utehable flak-Woodwork KEEPING dust and grime out df -. the home is the housewife's coi*» attaint worry and problem. Most of all, keeping the walls and T< Ceilings fresh and clean is of the Hiatmost importance both for beauty and sanitary reasons. ' Health, Color, Harmony and •njoy* tnent of the home go hand in ham| where inside surfaces are treatad with Bradley St Vroomaa Washable kterior Colors They are perfectly sanitary--be« cause washable. Any surface may be kept clean and fresh by washing with a sponge and cold water. No more time and trouble is required than is necessary for washing yoOr windows. And please remember that theas washings do not mar or streak the finish but simply renew its beauty while cleaning it thoroughly. Paint Doesn't Cost MoM| --It Saves It! Unlets your home is protected » and outside by repainting at once every four years, you will lose, in repairs and lessened value, from fhre to ten times what the psint and la^or woold cost n in the i i'cHenry which has also i ublished whenever call* d upon, expense to the association. The records show tjiat the receipts were recorded in over twelve hundred items, while the disbursements cover over two hundred items. The treasurer and secretary are bonded to the association by the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland for $6,000.00 each. The 1921 membership was six hundred and forty with a number of additional contributors e# amounts, less than $10.00. In this connection yfra will note that 640 members at ten dollars each would bring in only $6,400.00, while the gross amount received for memberships and contributions was $10,- 352.65. This partly expresses the arduous and persistent work done by the officers and directors in raising funds. It is not a small undertaking to raise $4,000.00 for an association of this kind and this amount was brought in over and above the ordinary membership - fees already amounting to $6,400.00. Actual gross deposits with the treasurer, including the opening balan<:# » at October 18, 1920, amounted to $17,642.73 and withdrawal orders issued on treasurer amounted to $17,- 584 04, leaving a balance available of $58.69. As indicated on the statements herewith, it was necessary to borrow $1,600.00 in order to pay current indebtedness at the end of the year. Insurable property of the association is covered by fire policies. Two requests are made which will be of v; ciation P«^t-f||a|^|!*e«y mem and get' * mSmbershipr"' fPofn everybody he knows in the district. ^ * ^^4 Don't let them "dodge." Get the check payable to the association and .4-1 mail to treasurer. „ • Second--Print all names and addrsses and be sore to get complete - Vg" address. "V The secretary refrains from per- ^ sonal mention of the officers, directors ^ and members to whom he feels in- ^ debted for assistance and co-operation * »<£ only because it would be a duplicate, of the lists printed in the by-laws '• booklet--that is to say, every one of <^he members. v' Respectfully submitted,. C. Kier DafiKr ; DR. N. J.NYE j'hysieian and Surgeon X-Ray Treatment and Radiograph Office Hours: 7:00 to 9:00 a. ' jk 1:00 to 8:00 p. rtu « ' . s ^••>#1 7:00 to^9:00 p. it. 'Phone M-R :: :: McHenry, 111.^1? ;r -i*©? A. M Sclimm. PrsS- ' M- N. Schoiia, Secy. . PhoreM*-W-jp * : Phone feB-R-l - McHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL 4 EIRE INSURANCE CO. • - • '" V",' . ' ? : Washable Interia* Colore are adastaMs far «ae in every heme--eeftac* e* man aten al»o Meal for hoepHale, tSSStSM ea« ether a«bUc tutldlnca. ' FOR SALE AT OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS # sit Vb OS WELL G. TREADWAY Republican Candidate. For County Superintendent of Schools Oswell G. Treadway, superintendent of sehools, McHenry, 111., announces his candidacy for the office of county superintendent of schools. Mr. Treadway is a graduate of the [Western Illinois State Teachers' college and also of the University of Chicago, and his experience has familiarized him with school work in all its phases, having served four years as a country school teacher and ten as superintendent of village and city schools. t In 1911 he was chosen superintendent of schools at Richmond, which | position he held until 1918, when he 'entered the service. He is now serving his third year as superintendent of the McHenry schools. He entered the service from Woodstock and trained at Camp Grant with the 86th division. Later he was transferred to the 123rd machine gun batallion of the 33rd division and saw eleven months service in France. Mr. Treadway is a member of the National Educational association and has always been active in local and state organizations as is evidenced by the fact that he has held the various offices of the county organizations and j is now president of the northeastern section of the Illinois State Teachers aS If Elected, Mr. Treadway pledges to the voters the same economical and 1 efficient administration of the schools ] of the county that has always charac- Doaavin's Hardware Store h\zTk ta ** •choo,"',,<,,,r his supervision. The cheapest and safest insurance 'oft^.;.;.? earth. Rates and other information may be had upon application * " j Michael Freund, Agent, McHemy \ ^ What Number Did y „ It is always the best.practice to consult the directory before you make a telephone call unless yofjrr.' 4 are positive of the number. When you call for thfee . 1; number of a telephone which has been discontinued!' > ' if the called subscriber has moved or the numbed*V v ^ has been changed, it is necessary for the operator t|| , I pass this call to another operator, who checks thil •f number called and advises you in turn of the erro||SS*: This necessarily slows the service. ' The directory has a page on which numbers fr^i/ " quently called may be noted for ready referencjp' , ' This list should be checked «nd corrected with eac|l- „ new issue of the directory and all other handy list! should be discarded. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONIC -.. •• : -• m. ANNOUNCEMENT HUDSON SUPER SIX ^ ^ • P kit.;. We wish to announce that we have taken the agency for HUDSON and ESSEX automobiles. You know that they are real automobiles, at a very Moderate price, so nothing more need be said. ?THE HUDSON COACH at $1935, (delivered) . , < THE ESSEX COACH at $1470, (delivered) There are seven other models ranging in price from $1195 to $3120, delivered in McHenry, freight and tax paid. At these prices HUDSON and ESSEX cars repre>- sent the greatest automobile value on the market. We have a HUDSON COACH on the floor now and w i l l b e g l a d t o < convenience. H" : STILLING^ GARAGE Phone 28 g. A. Stilling, Prop. St v" liSatiii yAiiuua *. • * >. If. Is L ' it: t: m ^eLsL-. "