Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1922, p. 8

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Lake Hfcrald: On Saturday of tfct officialr from the *iffice of ti» American Terra Cotta & Ceramic company^isited the Company's factory at Terra Cotta and made an inspection of the plant. Among those who visited the factory was Mr. Kurtzwile of the drafting department, who will be in charge of the drafting room at the April 1,, Jack Bjoritawi who been in charge of tha facb>ry d department, will now be associated with the sales force, to which he will no doubt prove a valuable acquisition in assisting to solve the many architectural problems which arise from time to time. NOTBB Itenw af UAtfll From Our laatHaat Learning wm. 1111111 * ware gpth were so. odd * r peculiar in their % A. Leath & Co. Stofltt Elgin. 7*-74 Grove Ave. Rock font. Opposite Court H«m |)i|hni|tic, 576-5M Mail* St. ^ Aiiror:t,"JI-.W Island Ave. K ; KrefpoM. (liilt'iM St v~ , Waterloo. JU-314 K. 4th St. %, i, ll. loit.M7 621 4th St. Joliet. 215-21? leflerson St. Jancsville. 2O2-204. Milwaufc ivau Claii e- Masonic Temple Oihkoih. 11-13 Main. Peoria, 3iS South Adam St. ^" 'Chippew« Falls. 12 W. SpfinR^. LADY ELGIN HOME OflTFIT CHARM ilv Pour rooms of Leath qualify furniture. The very newest itjles. Young people should see our Lady Biffin Home Outfit at a very special price. "I would like a Udj •**« E # , v • • . ' -y " • Says (math's furnishers \th#. , At last the teachers have discovered We wonder if after all they think Senior Notea • J'/"- 'tnt're so dreadfully bad. The English IV data is studying We wonder if school will close two Hamlet. weeks earlier than the other schools The report cards for the third quar- which had a spring vacation. ter were given out Thursday. j irishmen have red hair and are fond Wanted: Advice as to whether or Qf jokes. This man has red hair and not she ought to bob bar Hair. Notify „ fond of jokes. This man is an Dorothy Walsh. Irishman. The members of the sewing clan have finished their dresses and are now Vorking on their hats. Tuesday morning the civics class accompanied Miss Pryor to the else-" tion polls and learned how to vote. N Mr. Moser is now wearing his hair parted in the middle. We appreciate' his kindness in giving us a change of scenery, The seniors discovered^ that only CARLOAD OF WEST McHENRT, ILL The undersigned will sell at public auction at Overton & Cowen's byn, West McHenrjy llU, beginning at l o'clock p. m., on * * ' , ' - One Carload of Farm Work Horses MARES GELDINGS Weighing from 1200 to 1600 pounds; from 5 to 7 years old; r - , v > all well broke. • TERMS--A credit of 6 months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest No property to be removed until settled for. < r "in •' SOMERSll&i? EDDY L. H. FREEMAN, Auctioneer C. F. HOY, Clerk Nothing is better than wisdom, Bread is better than nothing; Therefore bread i% better than wisdom. ' < No cat has nine tails, „ *, • . One cat has one more tall Biin no cat; j One cat has ten tails. Mr. Treadway was so pleased with tfee lovely dresses that the girls in sewing class made that he insisted six weeks more of school kre left for Upon having their pictures taken (the them, so they've begun to talk about giris) jn them. graduation dresses. | Florence: "Oh. girls, did you read Next ^Tuesday, April 10, the county about the Boy Scouts who drowned election' will take place. We're all week? Wasn't it terr^W*? ; waiting in suspense to see whether or , Cornelia: "Where?" • •. not Mr. Treadway is nominated. j Florence;- "In the paper," ^ If anyone has a dynamo or motdr Goodness knows that after all the in need of repair just apply to the mateHal the EngHsh II people have girls of the physics class. They're reading on debates they had becoming experts t iHr that kind of OUght to be able to successfully comwork. , " . pete with any debating team in the Three of the senior girls visited the county, ' . * •> < McHenry jail Monday night after g;gns of gprfng^ - V E - LAY' Held at Saturday mo And Dem Everett The beautiful <tieplay of instruments in the window of Hp Everett KiHdc store this week waa ltkiMle by thrl|pe Music House of OWiage for the {Mrpose of introducing their line of instruments in this vicinity and to further stimulate interest in the splendid McHenry band. - Saturday of this week a co#ps of expert demonstrators from Chicago will be in attendance and all persons interested in these instruments will relative to thenij particularly the sax- _ river, ophones. £ Tbo4^3|MeMat!|tf. :itt;JK) way. be n M i W i j f r " r*i r p -- o f the opjuiUlllktm idfaijtoll by this demonstration and much valuable information is obtainable at no cost. In addition it will be well worth while to inspect the complete line and listen to the music of the demonstrators. All bandsmen and prospective bandsmeh are cordially invited to call and get acquainted. is fouHfjHilty and asJ of fSHHftl costs, the^'i'1- , company of" Wbttfor nine and*-0 \ . one-quarter miles of paving on sec-Pf .^^ tions 1 and'4 of route 21, Lake county,. ' , J when the bids for the paving wereff opened at Springfield last week. The stretches included in these two sec-'#^'*'x"; tions include seven miles north frompLf-' .^f>] Wheeling and two and a quarter milesf south of Lake Villa. % rMschool. Since then they've resolved to always keep within the law, because the jail beds didn't look very comfortable. Several of the high school/girls attended the Garrett {jrlee club concert last Thursday evening. After 1. New spring'MMji^';li^|iWfc 2. Hatless girls. ;/ ,X' 1 3. Gingham frocks^j^'^sl;^'-;^"^' ' 4. Unprepared lessons. . 5. Muddy floors in the halls. Warning to the public: If you a*e any sophs going to school looking seeing .the good looking young minis- jjj^ they are asleep, remember that ters some of t£iem decided that per- they have their heads full of arguhaps a minister's wife's life isn't so mentg. And don't forget that some bad after all. . day they might figure in debates as Sophomore Notes important as the Lincoln, Douglas. Why does Miss Peterson have to ^hemt have the front row always filled? j Favorite sayings of the teachers: "Editorials" were the main topics • jnjss pryor: That isn't ctfte. Anyamong the sophs Tuesday. one could do that. We wonder what keeps Weston out Miss. Peterson: of school. It must be spring fever. Wfcy? KT FOR COUNTY JUDGE " f t ' A. M Schmitt, Pres. Phone «-W-l MeHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 0«» The cheapest and safest insurance cm earth. Rates and other information maQr be had upon application ' Michael Freund, Agent, Mclftwrry Cassells: Ahuh. v. ^ Kisch: Don't ask me iflt's right! *|. N. Schmitt. Secy, j asked you. Phone U3-R-I I Johnson: Not quite so much talk- » ing and please more work. Moser: I don't know about that. " QUARTER OF CENTURY liens Clipped From The Plsind--for of Twenty-five Yean Ago fi •t", 'fef ¥ *** • > } '" V OF HARVARD Who do YOU want That is the Real Question It is not a question of the present lawyer wanting toke^ the office. # i| is not a question of anotheir lawyer wanting it. It is not a question of what any lawyer wants. " s > 'The present county judge was nominated by the coi&iy central committee, which consisted of twenty-niitt mitl and NO WOMEN.V V Did this committee consult you or your wishes? | If not, to support their choice? ' Exercise your right as ati American citizen 1o do ywr ' own thinking and to make your own choice in the primaries April 11. ^ Mr. Marshall has not attacked his opponent's record or character because he does not believes in that sort of A campaign. •*- - • -- • - shall in his administration of public office. VOTE FOR HIM • W:X ••' a j«.'4 Ordinary irons make sad ironing days. Possibly that's why they are called sad irons. But a great many have been driven into obscurity »>y . The"5- '* '1 ; Electri4 _ - - Iron Do you know that millions of Electric Irons have been s o l d ? No o t h e r electric appliance is so widely distributed. tf you want to know why,^ 4 Jfflu know '4 ' • 4 ,; ^old on Monthly FtynoiNI Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS tetAL GlOAUty AUOW s NO WASTE • - ouvt ie as and coffees TCASt VOOR- TASte OUR teas appeal to the woman who knows teaquality. Our coffees pleaae the man who wants the best at breakfast time. Our foods are of the finest type --(fur salesmanship ig &g near faultless as we can raajce it. We want a chanee to please you. Watch for Mr. Happy Party SPECIAL Brick Cheese, per pound ....H Cm •FRETTS* " Y.' * V t. PHONE 3 :vr ^ «T. H. Miller Is ttliloading' * car of stone this week. / Adolph Fischer of titis village has received the appointment of night watch at the Elgin asylum and has gone down to epter upon his duties. The store building of Owen & dhapell is undergoing quite.extensive repairs. They are putting a new roof over the entire building, after which quite extensive changes Will be made in the interior. • "** Married-^At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sherburne, in this village, on Tuesday afternoon, April 6, 1897, by*Rev. J. R. Clark, Clayton C. Harrison of Ringtrood and Miss Floiyi W. Sherburne of McHenry. j The McHenry Creamery company commenced taking in milk on Tuesday morning and in a few days expect to get in shape and everything running smoothly. The services of Chas The farm house of John May, onehalf mile north of Johnsburg, on what is known as the old Frett farm, was totally destroyed by Are, together with its entire tcontents, on Thursday afternoon last. The family barely ed what clothes they had on. The re was caused by a defective flue. About six o'clock on Thursday evening last our citizens were startled by that dread alarm of fire and in a few minutes the streets were thronged with men, women and children. The fire originated in an empty ice'house connected with what is known as the Howe block on the corner of Water and Pearl streets and before it was subdued it had destroyed the whole Howe property, consisting of seven buildings, including stores and residences; also the saloon building and residences o^ A. Engeln and the residence and barber shop of Geo. Rosenbergef on the south side of the prop- ! erty. It was only by the superhuman efforts of our citizens that our village was saved from total destruc tion. A strong northeast wind was i blowing and the burning shingles were (carried to the extreme portions of the village. During the time many build i ings were on fire. The Universalist church barely escaped destruction. In all six families" were made homeless, |viz., John Young, George Overocker |D. B. Woodburn, Fred Karls, Anton (Engeln and Geo. Rosenberger. Jos, I Bishop, who had a barber shop in the Howe block, succeeded in saving the most of his furniture. The spread of the fire was so rapid that yery little of the contents of the other buildings were saved and that in a badly broken condition. The losses are afe follows Anton Engeln, building, stock and furniture, $6,000; insured for $1,200 Geo. Rosenberger, building and furni ture, $1,500; insured for $600. G. F Boley, $500; fully insured. Howe block, $2,500; insured for $800. Hie loss of the tenants of the Howe block wiii probably foot up about $600 with no insurance. Following some older children Into a thick wood on the Wilmot road j near Antioch about dusk one evening ' last week, a four-year-old son of Ray Gates was lost. A searching party , made up of more than thirty neighbors* and friends hunted until nearly midnight before the child was ilound. A shout from one of the searchers awaken the child, who had fallen m it'"- -i"7 iS&'. ' 5v: -b-.k Tv-W • tstA£. < ' M M V?;*' -,'W ,\ TOTE FOR A Young Man Not in Politico •Has Never Before Sought Public Office m>'*w fantry, on the battlefields, of France, he passed through experiences which proved him equati to any emergency. Among his most arden^. supporters for the office of Sheriff of McHenrj^ county are the men who served with and und^iP him overseas^ They speak in highest praise o|| intelligence, moral and physical firmness and* fearlessness in the most difficult situations, *n4l V uf his pleasing-and lovable personality*. |^lii» candidacy for Sheriff he has made but pne pledge, which is t<^ enforce the laws honestly, impartially *and without fear or favof. iZ-vfs*. , b • M • t •yattwiiiili v >*: i A '"3f* ' M"" Leads and Lights the Way KW £3*t£>0S^ " ::lte •y • ,, ^ K * *. ' »?«• fi i. t ,v • '** M. •;«?fc.f' " V & *-\ ft y./ ' Nearly every stockholder of the Western United Gas and Electric Company lives in this! Jm vicinity. It is the only large public utility company in Illinois owned to such an extent? bf the people at home. ^ j Our ability to provide fer the enabled us to delay the increase in rates untilf after the war, instead of during the war» as| was done by almost every other utility in the^ state. It would not be difficult to prove that| aur business policy and foresight have saved our patrons many dollars in the cost of gas since the outbreak, of the war, and we feel that the sense of fairness possessed by every person will govern all opinions at this time. We, respectfully suggest that you compare our ownership and our rates with those of otherpi communities in Hindis outside of Chicago^ ? <%y;; "h *' . '..j, "if " -vrJ M' W- : W' 1 Sfe r%< .A' •a-: •fei£*%$' and El ectric Coinpdi)/ v.-,., "dir. tikm •m. 4'-VM /Jkfi «. % 'i , . r / ?-~K

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