Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1922, p. 9

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Ifk st You will quickly understand the savings made possible by trading here. v .r- Lfcok at the prices. Apricots, f*t« Standard, BRi ' 24 ©an Stc Peacht-s, yellow cling', No. 2} 39c Codfish, (toneless, 1 lb... 25c Preserves, 2 lb. 11 o* japs 4Se Pure Prait Preserve*, .16^)1. j«w tie Catsup, 8 ox. bottle,.....,,. .. lie Milk, tall can.. Its Ideal Malti par can.*.... Me Fel's Naptha Soap, 10 bar*., .tte Bouse Brooms, 4 sewed 47c Condensed Ammonia lie Grandma's Washing Powder. 17c Early June Peas, per can 18c Corn, standard sweet, per can lie K i t c h e n K l e n z e r , p e r c a n . . t e Grated<Pineapple, per caif.-.fic WALL PAPER--Our stock of spring patterns are ready for inspection JOHN STOFFEL Vis- ' WEST McHENRY Our regular service charges reasonable. OVERTON & COWEN WEST MCHENRY, 11,1.. HARVARD, ILL Marengo, ^ Woodstock-McHenry, Daily except Sunday Read Down Read Up • 8 a * 1 . m . 3 p . a . L v . W o o d s t o c k A r . I I a . m . 2 p . n . S p . a , m. Ar. Marengo Lv. §'», m. 4/fw St. • 13as. * Ar. McHenry Lv. tp»tk. l-A- FARE I1.M At Woodstock, leave from News Depot, Main St. At Marengo, leave from Electric Station and Uebers Ioe Creada Parlor. At McHenry, leave froifi Riverside and Park Hotels.' Make connection at Marengo with the 8:52 a. m. electric ear from Freeport, Rockford and Belvidere to Elgin and at 3£7 p. m. ear from Elgin-to Belvidere, Rockford and Freeport. Make connection from McHenry at Woodstock for 2:41 p. m. C. &N. W. train for Chicago aod 2:11 p. m. train for Harvard, Beloit, Janesvilje and Madison, Wis For special Auto Service, or information Phone-235-W, Woodstock, IlL CUT THIS OUT FOR FUTURE INFORMATION . v.. '•iM' and bulk ice cream, the kind that lias stood the test and has been found to >]|e 100 % pure, per quart - •" • CENtS SiMr't • ' , •*/*' " v. 'v' '• ' > X";. J r |Dur Eskimo Pies are the talk of the town. You must sample them in onjer to judge their superiority over others. ifc/r McHENRY KX CREAM FACTORY C. UNT1, PROP. GRINDING DONE «0WTLY AND EFFICIENTLY •-« ' • ? ! v J We can now offer you attractive prices on the following: Manure Spreaders ' . v Discs ,iv|- : V . Hhraow* I ; = . ^ Plows Grain Drills Corn Planters , L , • „ Farm Wagons . ' '• g Portable Hog H<mn§§. '/c,,. v Give us a trial. 1We know we can pleaae yoo McHenry Canty Faraers' Gupentive Associition Plants at McHenry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock Office: West McHenry C. W. Glbbe, Manager We have just taken on the EXCLUSIVE SALE STEWART STORAGE BATTERIES in this city. fv^This BATTERY is FAMOUS for Dependable Ser? \-vice, More Power and Longer Life, at less cost to "H|you. . • ^he merit of STEWART'S SUPERIORITY is In Hhe "HEART OF THE BATTERY"--the moat ^|tiurab!e plates on the market, tbe ^>est separators '^ »nd solid construction. "A 8TEWART they say--Keeps trouble awAy." SUPPOSE you let us give your old battery the JDNCE-OV ER--Inspection FREE. ^ is reliable, ^ prompt and la •fleet April 1st. 1«U To and Fr** SEEDS SEEDS j • Our stock of seed has arrived, the very best quality "- ^ and our prices are right. % maiMM a strolp New tissue p|p||H| 0. Erickson's. jof r'Aoadqr plpiiig wh0f Dont foTZ&'mit at Stubby's, she vnt Assistiag ber oHMgmier in pr«l Easter Monday, April 17. j psnng breakfast At tills writing die Attend the $1.00 sale.of aluminum ^ ift a serious condition. ware at Donavki's next wedc. j ^ OSTEND ' Yoi cn refini.h your car yo»r»U P«kt dress-gtm-hanu rt fcfctao«'3 with a half gallon of auto gloss. J. ^ # * .. j ' Clinton Martin and bride arrived Quite a few from McHenry atomd- home fponi F]orida early last week, ed the funeral of Miss Susan Smith ! Mrs. Nina Sherman and family we Sunday visitors in the home at her parents. OF MffiST 10 (AR OWNERS here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Petee, Schaefer Fred Schaefer of Chicago were itors in town "Sunday. Mrs. John S. Freund and cUtughtwr, and •is- i Lillian, from near McHenry were visitors in town Monday. A complete stock of Patton's sun proof paint for all uses now*on hand at J. J. Vycital's. Some of the office seekers were *»; , _. lookinp after prospects in this neigh- . ^ ^ f borhood Monday. " tend«l the °f her aunt, lIUs We ^ ^ Susan Smith, here Monday. . , . Ml . __ ... M ^ * Mu.r„s . E. " Crop.le y, wIho ' h*. ,b *n head of cattle on Hie Wallis farm be- iw fed for mar|wt canne for M™. Anna Fmuid tore,. p,»„ to atten(| w ,lmii„um returned to her home at Solon Mills ' ,,„i» . n . , , . Wednesday Donavm's, beginning tomorrow _ M c . and continuing for one week. S^Uuiscannn MM . Schuutt, ao li i*fe 1lo ng res.i- ! Durkee is able' to take a ride down town and h dent of this community, passed away and dryer weather to {n faster at the home of tier sister, Mrs. John •. p , r., _ . .. , ... rPp., Sch, aeAr, near this placf I,..1 were SI.u nday visitowrs' fien the hcol"mMe reo"f Thursday noon, followng an .llness w,TOn ^ M f^ancis™. The deceased, the daugmht er oTf t.hJe M'- rout. 5 fr.o m Woo, d* late Stephen M. and Mary Schmitt, ' ^ **** °n ^ ro*d ®very and delivered all the mail every d*y. We call that a fine record. For all the bad roads in every locality the mail is delivered every day. J. N, Sayler, route 1, West McHenry, has soi«!e of the hardest roads in the county. To the Voters of McHenry County It has been rumored, among other things, that if elected to the treasurer's office I would be unable to furnish bond. I early took the precau- Since tion to inquire about this and three was born on the old homestead near what is known as Howell's Villas on Sept. 13, 1868. Here she grew up. She attended the parochial school at Johnsburg and received her first holy commuition and was also confirmed at j5t. John's Catholic church here. About two months ago the deceased was taken to the Cottage hospital at Harvard, where she remained for treatment for about a month. She was then removed to the home of her sister, where she passed away the death of her parents and up to the bunkers of Woodstock, one time of her last illness she had made vard, two in Marengo, one in Huntley, her home with her brother, Anton M. one in McHenry, one in Cary, one in Schmitt. The deceased was always a home body and outside of attending to her church duties most of her time was passed within the circle of her own and the family of her brother. She Crystal Lake, one in1 Algonquin, one in Spring Grove and one in Union seemed to think I would have no trouble in doing feo and the bankers are tbe ones who usually sign the bond and handle the money. The was a woman of a kindly disposition worst that my opponents seem able to and ever obedient to the laws of the »y about me is that I am not rich, Roman Catholic church, of which she h»t I have yet to hear of one that can was a devout member. She was a member of the Young Ladies' sodality as well as the Altar, and Rosary society of St. John's Catholic church here. , The funeral took pi church here at 9:30 truthfully say that I am not honest. If you believe, other things being equal, that a poor man is as much entitled to your vote as a rich man, I ask for it, and will endeavor, as in the place from the past, to be square with all the public, o'clock on Mon- I am a candidate for county treasurer day morning of this week and was at- solely upon my own merit and am not tended by a large following of rela- trying to ride into office with any tives and friends. The last sad rites other candidate or take any other canwere performed by the pastor, Rev. didate in with me. Hiving been con- Wm. Weber, and interment was made fined to my bed the last week, I have in the cemetery adjoining the church, not been able to see you personally so The bereaved ones have Hie heart- I am obliged to take this mens of felt sympathy Of the people of the en- answering some rumors that have tire community. „ , Card of Thanks We take this public manner of impressing our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for the assistance rendered and sympathy extended before and after the death of our loved one. Especial thanks is extended to the donors of flowers. The Schmitt Family. .been circulated I your vote. about me. I solicit Respectfully, Roy J. Stewart. A splendid line of oxfords at Brickson's. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Black Cat hosiery at Erickson's store. Miss Louise Engeln passed the week .end as the guest of Chicago friends. I Chas. Wand rack of Woodstock was in McHenry on Tuesday in the inter- SOLON MILLS Market your eggs at Erickson's. Formaldehyde for your small grain. es^ Qf j,j8 candidacy for the office of At Petesch's. Big shipment of barb wire just received at Vycital's. Frank Nimsgern is reported quite ill at this writing. Mrs. C. L. Osbofli is on the side list at this writing. county sheriff. Leo Smith of Crystal Lake passed Sunday as a guest fn the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John R. Smith, at Emerald Park. Mrs. Fiiller Boutelle and children of couple of weeks as guests in the home Henry Vogle of Richmond was seen Lf j,er parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. oh our street last Saturday. ' | Smith, at Emerald Park. Nick Jung of Spring Grove was a business caller in town Wednesday. County Judge C. P. Barnes of Woodstock was a caller in town Monday. Dr. Hepburn of Ringwpod was in To the Voters I take this public manner of expressing my sincere thanks and gratitude for the splendid vote given me at town' last Wednesday calling on the:the polls on Tuesday. Especial thanks is also extended to the men who stood with me during the entire campaign and in return for the honor bestowed upon me I hereby pledge a square deal to every tax payer in the town of McHenty. William H. AJtfcetf. sick. %' Alfred Parker of Chicago was a guest in the Elmer Coey homo over Sunday. Mrs. Grace Jackson and son, Glenn, were business , callers at McHenry Saturday. W. W. Monear and Wm. Freeman of Richmond were business callers here Saturday. Mrs. Joe Schultz was the guest of her sister in Milwaukee Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. John Pester is numbered with the sick, she being attended by Dr. Hepburn of Ringwood. A big aluminum sale will begin at Donavin's hardware tomorrow and continue for one week only. v Don't miss the $1.00 alumipum s«)e at Donavin's. Sale begins ^tomorrow and lasts for one week only. Miss Leona Cropley, who has been at home sick with the flu for the last few days, returned to her school duties at Libertyville Mondw in*. • ' ^ ~ ' TERRA COTTAR < Trade for quality and economy at Erickson's. Miss Neva McMillan is ill at her home here. Vernon Knox was a visitor in Chicago Friday. Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Florence Knox was * business visitor in Chicago Friday. Miss Marguerite Knox spent Friday visiting the Chicago schools. Mrs. A. Riley and daughter, Alice, have moved to Crystal Lake. • Eugene Leisner of Texas is spending the week with relatives here. Hat Brite, all colors, makes your hat as good as new. At Petesch's. pr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake was a caller in this vicinity several days this week. Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago is spending the week here, assisting in caring for her mother, Who; is very sick. • * --_JL:Card I wish to extend public thanks to my friends who supported me at the polls last Tuesday. Emil M. Geier. Mrs. Simon Stoffel is spending a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Westfall, in Chicago. r of Crystal Lake^;4 Republican Candidate For Sheriff OF McHENRY COUNTY Tuesday, April 11, 1«I2 W? -/v-' I* ti "V. payment of McHenry l ^ ^ i 3oWnShip TaxeC The * «.y I Njf. r I' •* ' ' M * ' '"' itf'- "' **" \' * X .. i. i •» soon* v < V ' - ' j I.--, ' , V ? V v ; * « ' .* ^'.,v • •< *.•>*?*'5, '-;4 •M' "'•i ^ •, ll GERALD }. 53:-;* McHenry, Illinois , Cash. ... f FREMONT HOY, Pr«. ' mk "They're still talking about the Golbransen aod me* v "Some friends came over the other night--all music critics. They were expectant-- they had heard about our new ^lalbransen. ; "I played Grieg's To Spring', it's hither difficult, you'll admit. „ x "Everyone listened attentively uHttt I finished--and then what applause! "I--who, until a week before, had been denied the pleasure of play ing--holding the interest of my musicial friends! The same friends who were prejudiced against playerpianos. ' I was proud of my accomplish stent--I was a real musician. "And here's a fittle secretT I could never have done it without Gulbransen In struction Rolls. Four simple rolls and the right player-piano--that's all. Just like making a wish and having it come true!" 1 -*Hs- N. A. HUEMANN, West McHenry^ pA -- f / w . .. "" JIcHenry county has several ex-service men in the poTIti< iield. Why not give them the preference, all other things being . > tqual? Take in consideration their character, ability and repu- ^ tat ion. If they measure up to your qualifications, give them s * r four support. Do you know of any ex-service main who if -1: i jjiven a public office has not filled same with credit ig h|i and his community? We do not believe you do. , ^ Z,#- n&f.: 5' - Vot§ ' «•= yS&s • - ' • ' v . r\-1 On Tuesday, April 11th g trr or MUNITY, WILLINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY ': .. tj'i . ... -• ' S-J?, 1 "ifs*! fc" ! "li ' '

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