Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1922, p. 5

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- ' 'jfr' ..": ' ' ,. .. ,s ... & * *-*&** „ » * V *-«.; « j s.vpspsgg JIT' «i ,.•».«»« * *t, , , «*,& *. ^ • '»**& •«••>. " ^ - Sfe- *""" s'.f * JD. ^ •fcH V; . . ' *£ • .'I - # * • ' vol IXMTII MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1922 for quality and economy at vii TJjBjBSflSias an NO. 44 Fulton Provision Co. IF '. •' (No* inc.) ' -^COMMISSION MERCHANTS '>.- %#-» HILTON MARKET; LONG DISTANCE PHONE •'%* ncmriiwf, „ Y, MONKOB JM •FF.':- ^^3S|p' 5g5 ' Ctarfc* £" Kk w;^ SSSlfeifilcHlCAGO, ILLINOIS «Re y. IW;* U"- S" •' ' f V.- 4 Ji_ A<, ' "J vM % ^':r & -SJftT Vb&*ir': . «,•> Jn Your Kitchen-- "Z^r" t-'J\, • New Gas Range ^s* ' j &M 5*'-* •:• • • - • ' • . ; "f - 4 r5 St5'* P\ftV-,,?i- , ^ i, V, . 1 '4 #• -,i Si"3 -v#V •$$. A 'OW--at spring housecleaning time--1$ ^ the time to replace your old coal stovor^ or antiquated Gas Range with one of out .. v ^Jlfew labor-saving Cabinet models. ^ fS~ -| With enameled splasher backs and doors^l' these ranges are remarkably easy to keep cleaii " -|_you merely wipe them with a damp cloth| §r-;jt you wish, your range can be equipped witjli; an Automatic Lighter that does away with th|* ^^se of matches, t-jm *Vv> i »* * ^V;,, v '0 fiS Wes^TOfted^AS js% •4&and ElectPicCompai)/ O i ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Six million trout have recently bees transferred from the Spring Grove hatchery to Lake Michigan. The work of moving the fish was in charge of Wm. Stratton, state game and fish commissioner of Lake county, j Genoa Junction, Wis., has voted favorably upon the installation of a new sewerage system. It is expected that |75,000 worth of improvements will be made in the village during the coming summer. Two memorial tablets, containing the naipes of former high school students of Crystal Lake, who offered their lives in the 'ate World war, have been purchased and will soon occupy conspicuous places in the high school of that city The tablets were purchased by the class of *SQ. at a cost of $360. The state department of public works at Springfield on Monday df this week awarded the contract for paving sections 1 and 4 of route No. 21, state bond issue roads in Cook and Lake counties, to the White Construction company of Chicago for $214,169., The sections include a distance of seven miles north from Wheeling and two and three quarters miles south of Lake Villa. PBSMIAL ITERS COMERS AND GOERS OP A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE AS Seen BY IMaindealer Repartee* and tianded Into Uw Oflcr by Our Friends PPf , - ie Motoring Public: .£r?- - ' k" J~ K Yon will be interested in knowing that CHEVROLET is again back in its old position of SFXX)ND LARGEST producer of motoc, cags m ^ world, asd we int«jd TO STAY THERE;- : V^'T' ^ ^ _S This only goes to tl^ "THE CAR FOR fflE PEOPLE" is making itself felt everywhere and that the general public are realizing the great value Chevrolet "490" and are taking advantage of it >v- i • It will be worth YOUR while to get in touch wfth your local dealer and investigate this remarkable car /iljtfue. 'tr rjT' jiri • •r - ' j - * ----LOCAL DEALER---- McHENRY GARAGE J. W. Schaffer, Prop. Phono 33 Eat More Brud The American Institute of Baking at Chicago, has made some calculations on the relative food value of various articles of food, based upon the present alter- * age retail prices, ^ i v Commodity Retail Met i«c~Wfl1 Purchase Round St«*k. .*c per lb ..3M i'»lories Lamb Ohop»._ ,35c " " ..3W . I'ronUuBH Ham 48c " I'otatiHW 4C " " BREAD.. l«c" Milk ....Ite " " ..M7; „ Kkrs (Fr««h)...43c " " ..1ST • ' $(*MrifcS the S» periodtv •; McHENRY West McHenrv. Id. compare L&tJ-K HE Fisk Premier Tread is a tire which yields an honest, generous measure of «ervice at a low price. See this gre and compam with any at a competing price. It is your best purchase if you want a lo|| priced tire. 5; It is a FiskTire.and is Fiji character clear through. There's a Fish Ttrm of extra vwilgMr ^ 0 ft>ery slam, for cmr, trmdt MxSH-n* pNmierTma »10» »*SH-NM-akMF*kric . U.M St z IK--BstM-Ptr Rad'Top 17.M W xS'i-SH-Pty ««*-8kid CttecherCMd . . 17JS M«SH-«<s-riT Nea-SkM Om4 8«nlclitH4* IMS Hi4 -4bhRrM««M OMtf 2T.M -Xm4UON4. . BUS Time to Re-tlrof (Buy Flak) C'^i'• ; •:V'i ^."t.rr ">" •• * '-'n *' 'A f ,,, ^ .1 ^ v .-^r .if-*-* H: .-Alt "1. IsXc*.? ^ ; ' * ^•W4i4' & : * 2:;" Miller's Store is a good place to trade in all kinds of weatheri M J. MILLER McHenry, III. Cash & Carry Store E. J. Brefeld, Mm W. McHenry Friday and Saturday SPECIALS E x til i-Fa p.c.y^,^ Creamery Butter, per lb 42c Arnold Bros. Diamond A lard, lb. 14c Arnold Bros. Fey. Diamond A Bacon, per lb...32c Fresh Krisp Soda Krackers, lb._. Arbuckle's Special Blend Coffee, 3 lbs. for--$1.00 Wintergreen and FJ? Pepperment xjfxx Lozengers per lbs. 18c Mrs. John King passed Wednesday last in Elgin. Mrs. i, E. Wheeler was « Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. John R. Ksox vm a visitor last Friday. Mrs. Louis Smith passed Wednesday of last week in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer were Chicago visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer were Chicago passengers last Friday. Ezra Moser passed the week end with relatives at Bluffton, Ohio. Mrs. Jacob Sttffes was an Elgin shopper on Wednesday of last week Miss Bertha Wolff passed the week end as the guest of relatives in Elgin. H. E. Buch attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Mond* y- Miss Mary Burke passed the week ?nd as the guest of friends in Chicago. Miss Kathryn Weber passed last Thursday as the gnest of friends at Elgin. Paul Fagan of Chicago is spending the week in the home of Mm. Nellie Bacon. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughter Dorothy, were „ Chicago visitors last Friday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger and daughter, Margaret, were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Mildred Klein spent the latter part of last week with friends in Chicago!* Nick 1U Freund attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Mrs. Elisabeth Laures and daugh ter, Rose, were Chicago visitors on Tuesday. . Misses Mary Meyers and Margaret Freund spent Friday in the metropoli tan city. - Mrs. Mary Ferguson was the feuest of Chicago friends the latter part of last week. Mrs. Josephine Heimer spent (he latter part of last week with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Fred Nickels spent a few days last week with relatives in the metropolitan city. N , Miss Eleanor Phalin sfrent last Friday evening with relatives at the county seat. Mrs. Nellie Bacon «nd Miss Anna Frisby passed last Friday In. the metropolitan city. *M rs. Elizabeth Rothermel and daughter, Villa, were Elgin shoppers last Thursday. Misses Maude and Eleanor Lumber of Ingleside were guests of McHenry friends Sunday. Mrs. Chris. Blake and daughter were among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. Mrs. W. F. Vogt and daughter, Elizabeth, spent last Friday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Jos. M. Freund and daughters, Elisabeth and Lena, were Elgin visitors* last Thursday. Miss Emma Pint of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint, Mrs. Gertrude L. Miller passed the first of the week as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city Chas. G. Buss of Chicago 'passed the week end as a guest in the home of his sister, Mrs, Henry B. Dowe. John Karls and daughter, Evelyn, of Woodstock passed last Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mrs. William Bacon spent Monday with her daughter, Inez, who is confined in the West Side hospital, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block and soil, Lewis, passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bethke at Dundee. Lawrence Dona via of West Chicago passed Sunday as a guest in the home of his son, Walter J. Donavin, and family. Mrs. Kathryn Fagan and daughter, Elsie, of Chicago are spending the week as guests in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Mrs. Jos. W. Freund and daughter, Rosina, passed Sunday and Monday with the former's daughter, Mrs. M. J. Kent, in Chicago. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby has returned home from Marengo, where she spent some time with hear daughter, who has been seriously ill. O. O. Perkins of Yorkville passed the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of his son, James T. Perkins, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonsiect of Chicago spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bomslett, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis C. Westfall of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of the latter'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon StoffeL Mrs. John Reihansperger and daughter, Mazy, of West Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of the former's son, Chas., ^L Ha>h»nand family. - : ^: ^ Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, 'and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make .the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Frederick Beller in favor of Fremont Hoy and Clarence F. Hoy, doing business undt ithe firm name of the Hoy Banking ompany of McHenry, Illinois, out of the lands, tenements, goods and chat* tels of the said Frederick Btller 1 have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lots twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25) in Sunnysidc- Sobdi>» is'on as per plat recorded in the i«* corder's office of McHenry County iI!inoi3, in book S of plats on p«ge 34, in the County of McHenry and Stat* of Illinois. Also a piece of land lying in the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of section number twenty- six (26) in township number fortyv five (45) North, range eight (8) East of the third principal meridian, bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning in the center of Green street two (2) rods North seventy and three quarters (70 3-4) degrees West from the Northwest corner of lot number twenty-six (26) of the County Clerk's lat, owned by Mrs. P. J. Schriver; thence Northerly in the center of (Jreen street one hundred and ten (110) feet; thence South seventy and three quarters (70 3-4) degrees East twelve (12) rods; thence Southerly at right angles one hundred and ten (110) feet to the North line of said lot twenty-six (26); thence Westerly seventy and three quarters (70 3-4) degrees West on the North, line of said lot number twenty-six (26), twelve (12) rods to the place of beginning, situated, lying and being in the village of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois The above described premises intending to cover the same premises as are conveyed to Frederick Beller by deed recorded in book 141 of deeds on page 324 McHenry County Records. Also lot thirteen (13) (excepting the North twenty-two (22) feet) and all of lots fourteen (14) and fifteen (f5) in Orchard Beach Subdivision in section number twenty-five (26) township number forty'five (46) North, of1 range eight (8) East of the third principal meridian, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois, as is more particularly shown in the plat of Orchard Beach subdivision recorded in book 1 of plats on page 50 McHenry County Records. Therefore, according to aaid COM* mand, I shall expose for sale, at public auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named Frederick Beller in and to the above described property, on Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1922. at ten o'clock a. m., at the east door of the court house in the city of Woodstock, in the Township of Dorr, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 20th day of March, 1922. • Roy J. Stewart, 414 Sheriff of McHenry County, IIL Mrs. George J. Schreiner and lire. Lewis Adams were in Chicago Wednesday, where they visited their brother, John, who is confiaed ail the Post Graduate hospital foSewiaSr an operation for appendicitis, which was performed there last Friday. The patient is reported as doing nicely. Specimen Ballot Petition) %• Village Tn»t«4/V/ : s (Vote lor Three) ^ ^ PTPETER DOHERTY • JOHN R. KNOX r) ALBERT KRAUSE • For Village Ti V; (Vote' for Thrae); •" v-i ' '^h'A ^ii i>V lj I For Village Clerk i (Vote for One) $ • f- _ H?*/ • * s jl- « ,$• ^ : -V <• W / '* "§lv^: s* g<• y--< * -j f'** v •• v •' -t- - ^ .V> N •* - For Village Clartcr (Vote for One) ,« - £0^\ ^ •Z "|1 • WM. G. SCHREINER • F. & THOMPSON • • • r * -•* *-5 Hajari' ||ov toHca Magistral* A. r -k:i /&$<'. •< -^<ry I hereby certify that the above is a true specimea of the Offi cinl Ballot to be voted ^t the Annual Village Election, in the Village of McHenry* McHenry County, Illinois, on the 18th day oft Village Clerk. en you own Preferred Shares of the Western XJnited Corporation, all the dividends you receive We youtv:, ; -r*-J& ere is no sion to ENI miae wiai anyone, M ^>:j;>!tf?e,.?ividend3 «« t; " from normal Federal IncomeTax and State,County JligJ Jland City Taxes. Thus th* net yield is ipeater than ;!^{on a taxable security. This means a net income c v >jhat may be as high as 2% greater than the yield 'of a security which pays thg which is not tax exempt. " K - And this is only one of the many advantageous features of an investment in Wester United .^Preferred Shares. |The absolute security, the established record of the company, its sound management are gua§» antees of stability and permanence. ^hese shares may be acquired on the Partial Fpy» |nent Plan--$5.00 a month per share. ^ „-r' j m your local gas <tfSo£ INVESTMENT - - ^ ^ y • J.JV S r> V. ,.Vr. CORPORATION

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