Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1922, p. 7

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v',vS: •' flpPI - •:!:?*& rsr;.'B «tY, /. • ihLi*m Pbooe M :• W«rt% AT LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES indeaA, are shoesof such exoelientqaaUtieaand wor offered such low prices. If you would share in the savings attend this* fciJaaarly. There are shoes, oxfords and two strap style* in rid black aw} brown leather, military heels _ 5*- , ~ BOYS* SHOES T-- Black callaklwlae* shoes, new round. uw *.: *i. -- :• Brown calf skin lace shoes, new round toe -- SS.M ' • . ' JOHN STOFFEL & WEST McHENRY Life Positive Performance, at least cost. If you let us put a STEWART BATTERY ia your car vrith, Wr TWO YEAR GUARANTEE. ^ v "STEWARTS they say- koep trouble, FA MOUS tor More Power, retkMi, SERVICE sad much longer life usage. YOU CAN'T MAKE A MISTAKE. Inspection FREE., We are exclusive dealers in this city and offer you the reliable and prompt SERVICE. .» OVERTON & GO WEN WEST McHRNRY, ILL. HARVARD. ILL. J: "V U Now is the time to get your screens ready. ;V;'A11 sizes screen cloth on hand. 2x7 ft. screen doors and adjustafale^^to;.. ,* c j d ow s c r e e n s . ? 1- y i A . . * ' * ' • " ' ^Patton's Schiiffi 'pSSt in tfi'ucii W ffolack. • f Screen moldings--all door hardware. " t"~- -Get your windows ready before the.'flies - vV ' JOHN J. VYC1TAL Phone 98-M McHenry, Dl. -?iKV x% 't.' • 'Jti * i >11 YOUR < v.;, '<•* "s »» ?* • > ' T' * V& ,i' '/• W .?< Vi •M. Will not be complete withou£j|| « liberal supply of our delicious • • 50 CEN '?** -1 We will have on SNTl >h na r.<-' £;*•' * "K M - 4 " M nd a big "'rt v J supply of both the brick as well as the bulk ice cream and will »fe' %$£• ^ y ?/•$? Iv ||^ r ^»be pleased to receive your order. ' '• r,-? ' i McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY c. UNTI, PROP. r FPR FIELD, LAWN AND GARDEN We have a full stock on hand. Increase your crop production by a liberal use of our Fertilizer. Come in and let us explain tbe various grades and how to use theft » • " O; V»> >. It* SPECIAL •m P®e Baby Chick Feed and No-Grit Smtcb ,6 : . ,fss* f ^ ^ \ KWC fMHftlY WD ErnGKNtlY , 'i,. , FEEDS, SEEDS AND FARM MACHINERY ;t ; ^ . ' ' \ - „ , |pr- >. » 'full stock on hand at right prices AT TOW SaVKX AT ALL TOES. WE KNOW « CM nUSC YOB Mcflenry Coaty Fimers' Gs^cnthe AstsatiM Phsh at McHenry. Crystal Lake, Woodstock Main Office: West McHeory C. W. Gibin, Managar x,.: 4 y ; A i•c r.* - - t•..> .. SC. ' ^ A >t4f ' ,i^.- - Fi At tsr cards ftqd noveloe|^ta|Wyt » ^row Bpall gnin, *8. iUjrme Smith was a McHenry Mqaday. Bsr Scharfer was a visitor is Tamtey.'. . Wedding belts will soon W ringing ia «ar little vitlfcge. - • Miss Clara Mertes iwnnwi oiw dsji last week in McHenry. iith are encoasm, Lon McKin- Burndahl and Marie ro were Sunday guests jieth family, Mr. Mrs. Frank Hawley of Piurk Ri4jpS «pent the weelt end in the EL C. Hawley home. Allen Bradley has < returned from Kansas City and is How working for | his brother, W. E. Bradley. | Louis Schroeder was elected school Ray Beardrley of Woodstodc was a ^director last Saturday night, when S. caller in town Saturday. jW. Smith declined re-election. Don't forget the dance at Stubby's ] -Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley are Easter Monday, April 17. 'caring fer a bright bo by girl, who Miss Rose Pitzen of Volo called on'arrived at their home Saturday even friends in town Saturday. ,ing. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer were There will be Easter services at the McHenry callers Saturday. 4 M. E. church next Sunday. There Miss (Catherine Rieber passed last wil1 be special music and all are faweek Wednesday in Chicago. j vited. , If you want a real classy Easter j Mr. and Mrs. .Toe WagnW and bonnet go to Miss Helen Adams. ; daughter, Marion, of West M< llenry Mrs. John Blake of McHenry was a utter in town last week Thursday. "Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams of Woodstock were callers in town Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Henry Hettermann yer$ McHenry caller Saturday afternoon. were guests of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence, Sunday. There will be a Mystic Workers' meeting next week Wednesday evenjing, April !9, at the home of Mrs. A. W. Smith. There is important busi- [ness, so don't forget the date and j place. There will be refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May of McHenry j M"- Gus Pearson, Mrs. Cluis. Olson visited in the home of Jos. Michels and Mrs. Claus Larson went to St. Sunday. {Charles Saturday to help Mrs. N. P. Miss Helen Adams and Mrs. Henry . Engstrom celebrate her birthday. Nell passed last week Wednesday in j They returned Sunday afternoon and Chicago. • , j report Mr. and Mrs. Engstrom nicely Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith were settled in their new home. • Sunday visitors in the home of Jacob' Mr. and Mrs. William Justen were F. Schmitt. [terribly shocked Monday morning to Mrs. Fred Diethorn of Spring Grove find their little daughter dead in bed. visited among relatives in town Mon- The little one was only about four day of last week. j months oW. Mr. and Mrs. Justen Dont forget the .danoe at. Stubby's j have the sympathy of tike Ringwood on April 17. The Fox River Four will people in their time of sorrow, furnish the music. I Carl Krohn Mrs. Frank Mathieu and her father,! Carl Krohn was taken with a stroke Theo. Meyers, were McHenry callers of apoplexy last Thursday and passed last week Tuesday. away Sunday evening. He was born Mr. and Mrs". John Freund Of Mc- May 3, 1860, at Stargo, Germany, and Henry passed last Sunday in the home came to this country on December 5, of Maty. H. Freund. ^1887, and has l^ved in or near this Mr. and Mrs. T. May and daughter, community ever since.. He leaves to Hilda, of McHenry were shoppers in mourn his loss a widow, one sister, Johnsburg Saturday. :Mrs. Voilman oft Elgin, amf twelve Quite a number of our young folks children, as follows: Mrs. Nellie attended the movie show at Wood- Vollman of Preston Ave., Elgin; Mrs. stock Sunday evening. Caroline Howard of^ Kenosha; August Misses Kate and Julia Huff of of Harvard; Frank of Elgin; William Spring Grove were visitors in town of Montana; Mrs. Kate Harrison, Mrs. last Thursday evening; Eftima Walker, Mrs. Mabel Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. John F* Freund of,Charley, Fred, Arthur and Walter, McHenry were Monday visitors in all of Ringwood. He was a member Johnsburg and vicinity. Fred Schaefer and lady friend of Chicago were last Sunday visitors in Johnsburg and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Pint of McHenry were Sunday guests in the home of "Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Millar of Spring of the local camp of M. W. A. The services were conducted Wednesday from the M. E. church at 1:80 p. m., with Rev. Ross officiating. OSTEND Just received a complete H&* of lawn mowers. J. J. Vycital. ^ „ A fine line of spraying material for Grove were Sunday guests in the and tree8 &t Petesch>g. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. King. | Pre-war prices for men's high grade Mr. and Mrs. Will Klapperich and work shoe8 at Ericksen's store, children of McHenry were Sunday I At the Qstend school election F. R. callers in Johnsburg and vicinity. I Eppel was elected to succeed himself. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund and Mrg pred Eppel and Mrs. Chas. daughter were Sunday gueate in the|Jecks motored ^ Woodstock Friday home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller. i i_st .. b themselves Let's all go. Where? To the dance! We ^ ^ Seth Richardson will at Stubby Smith's hall Monday even- work for one of the lumber companies mg, April 17. Everybody welcome. mt McHenry this season. Mrs. Wm. Freund and daughters, Many of the farmers have put in a Mane and Kathenne, of Spring Grove f€W acre8 of 8pring wheat and aH fa8t were shoppers in Johnsburg Friday. as pogsible are preparing ground for Mr. and Mrs. Fred J J son, Gerald, passed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Miller of McHenry were Sunday visitors in the hom& of Mr,, and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith were Sunday guests in the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen Mrs. John Oeffling and daughters, Norma and Verlaine, of McHenry spent Tuesday in the home of C. M. Adams. Math. B. Schaefer and daughters, Rena and Leona, and Miss Margaret Smith were callers in Spring Grove Sunday. Alex Freund and daughter, Lois, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home *of Mr. • and Mra Jos. H. Huemann. ># Mr. and Mrs. John Ratten and Mr. an<f Mrs. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove spent Sunday in fee home of John H. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Jake P. Miller and daughters, Mildred and Helen, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. J. Miller. F^eund ^ other small grains. Rural mail carrier No. 5 from Woodstock came out Monday with a new five passenger Ford. Guess it will hold all the mail Fanners begin to feel better about the prospects of a winter wheat crop. It begins to show green since we have had a few warm days. Every voter in the neighborhood turned out Saturday and voted for one new member of the community high school board aiyl they were sue cessful in electing their choice. When Warren Francisco was r» turning from the factory Sunday the wind blew three covers from Henry Hobart's milk cans and he was unable to recover two of them. Anyone finding them will confer a favor on Mr. Hobart by notifying him where they may be found. When Mr. Fred Gibbs was on his way to the factory with milk Sunday morning a whiffle tree broke and he was on the hill near C. E. Sherman's. He clung to the lines as long as he could, but the team made a get away after clearing themselves from the , „ _ , „ . , wagon. The milk was not spilled, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher but Mr Gibbg is pretty bruised, received several cuts on his face and one ankle injured. SOLON MILLS" and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck passed Sunday afternoon in the home of Jacob Schumacher. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund were entertained in the home of Joe King Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Cropley, nurse from Solon Mills, who has been caring for Mrs. Fancy dress ginghams at Erickaon's store. Mr. Phalih of McHenry was a business caller in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vogel are the Mary Freund for the past five weeks ' happy parents of a baby boy. at the home of Jos. Schaefer, has re-1 Mrs. Alice Hardy and daughter, turned to her home, and left her,Emily, were Chicago rhqppers Saturpatient well on the road to recovery.; day. , Mrs. Freund and Mrs. Schaefer ex- j Mr anfl Mrs. Geo. Noble and family press themselves in highest praise of Ringwood were guests of Mrs. Geo Mrs. Opfdey's nursing. 0*k' RINGWOOD f,, Market your eggs at Erickson's, Get your barb wire at Vycital's. Chas. Thompson of Greenwood was Victor Alms and Chas. Turner Friday, Miss Leona,Cropley of Libertyville j spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Crane and Mrs. Vogel drove >2 .<*" calling on friends in town Sunday. to Williams Bay Saturday evening. Hat Brite, all colors, makes your j ' Mrs. Will Cornish and daughter, hat as good as new. At Petesch's. Evelyn, were visiting with the for- Mrs. Rilla Foss and daughter, Dor- mer's sister, Mrs. Margaret Wallace, eas, were Chicago shoppers Saturday, at McHenry last Thursday. Mr. Burrows of Alden is spending Mrs. E. E. Cropley returned home the week with his sister, Mrs. Carl from Johnsburg last Thursday, where Krohn. !she had been nursing in the home of Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron Is 'vis- J. M. Schaefer for the past five weeks, iting her daughter, Mrs. Louis E. E. Cropley, while helping to load Schroeder. pickles in a tank .car for Vogles & N. H. Peteech and J, C. Holly of Schillo Co. at Richmond station, fell McHenry were business visitors in from the top of ^te car Monday and town Monday. .was badly hurt. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crys- j There was quite a1 little excitement * \ !- , ^/ V* 4 \i . - >» >» . - > ' 1 ^ «- • * i. ly destroy* a*v«lil other tooli KMIMERT FOR SALEr--Five h. p. Wagner eJectric motor. C. Unti, McHenry, IU. 44 WSl SAMS--Oberstadt residence ia Wart McHenry. See J. C. Holly, McHenry, I1L 82-tf m SAL® TO 194 acres i,a»Qw' noM '^^GItltal Lace, 130 acres under plow, goad "set of improvements. $140.00 per acre. Hoyt E. Morris, Hoy Block, Woodstock, 111. 41-tf WANTED--Two girls for general house work. Good wages. McHenry House, McHenry, III. 42 SALESMAN WANTED--Must stock about $1,000 worth of goods. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, HI. I" OR SALE--Potatoes, $1.25 per bushel, p. W. Williams, Brooks' place, Slocum's T^ake, McHenry, 111. 43 FOR SALE--38 bushels of good tested clover seed, $15.00 per bushel. Niok N. Freund, McHenry, IU. Phone 623- M-2. 43-2t FOR SALE--By th« too, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River VaBey 8tat» Bank, McHenry, 111. 88 STOP PAYING RENT--Look at this bargain. Pre-war prices orf a five room cottage with light and gas, lot 50x182, with a few fruit trees bearing age. Can be had on easy terms, same as paying rent. $300.00 down, $20.00 per month, including interest. Inquire- of Fred Karges, 771 Market St., Kenosha, Wis. 40-tf FOR SALE--House, bam and eight iotsi Will sell as a whole or will ell lots separate. John G. Schrauth, McHenry, Dl. SS^tf FOR SALE--The Michael Justen estate house on Ehn street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16 FOR SALE--A converted Buick truck, suitable for light commercial work. In good running order. Price very reasonable. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 41-tf FOR SALE--Six foonr -'house, together with one acre of land, situated in the nortlt end of the village of McHenry. Math. GloFsen, West McHenry, 111. Phone 606-M-2. 48-tf BABY CHICKS--Full* Wooded stock. leading breeds. Low prices, Post- ADD1TIONAL PERSONAL Plaindealer ads bring results^ Ed. Smith waa a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Mary Walsh of Chicago is a guest in the home of her parents here. Albert Justen was among the Chicago passengers Wednesday morning. Mrs. F. A. Beller and Miss Isabella Niesen were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Clarence Niesen and Edw. J. Buss were business visitors in Chicago last Friday. ^ . Mrs. M. M. Niesen and daughter, Verona, were Chicago visitors last Saturday.' . John R. Knox attended to business matters in the metropolitan city on Wednesday. - \ Edw. J. Buss and Clarence Nieeen attended to matters of a business na ture in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Donavin and daughter, Kathryn, are spending a few days with West Chicago relatives. . %' , - Noticw All those who bought chanMfc OR „ f?.50 gold piece will be fnterested to learn that it was raffled off by St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary society on March 28 and won by Harvey Baron. ,.-..»:%.,4688 4748 Official figures . as secured by Tbe Plaindealer at 2:00 p. today are as follows: , * ^ I Far Caamty Jadfiis , ! Bmw Mflrshall ... VWrCauatyCkrft Sti% ...,.6243 Hendricks . .........3087 Far Canty Tiiaaurai Walters •„ Stewart*.' ivU'v. fer « Edinger % ^ ^8M& Wandraci" ;^»16 Ehlert 1182 FOR CO. SUPT OF SCHOOLS-- Treadway .,>4454 Daka . .44P74 How McHenry Vetad In our haste in making up the first and last pages of today's issue we also omitt&l Miss Dake's vpte in the three McH«uy precincts, which la «a follows: . x vo 1st 2nd 3rd Total Dalw . •IBS 128 237 520 """ Plowiaf k I am now ready to do tractor plowing. Satisfactory work guaranteed. 44 William Justen, McHmy, HI. The Plaindealer for news. ^ W. ' Opening of Express Route I hereby wish to announce to the public that on and after April 5th I will start my express routa between McHenry and Chicago and anyone wishing prompt ser- ' vice may have same by letting Weinschenker bring your express for you. The rate will be a little more than freight. Pick-up station at 136 W. So. Water St., Chicago; Am also prepared to do your Jing cheaper than you can get done elsewhere by expressmen. F. Weinschenker. I * - * ' "> * "V ^ i ^ ;v ?i for payment of McHenry i-. < 'i •% T; pi %'M-STownshipTaxes.^The ;|pj ^ S books may be called in " :'4 hh-r \mr\y cV 4, V • % ' '% A , \ T* .'w-f -J- <• •: kiM ' Fox River Valley State Bank McHenry, Illinois - GERAL17 J. CAREY, Cash. FREMONT HOY, Pre*. "They're still talking abnii^ the Golbransen and me" "Some friends came over the WtM night--all music critics. They were expectant-- they had heard about pur aew Gulbranseo. MI played Grieg's *T« Spring*. rather difficult, you'll admit. ^ " "Everyone listened attentively until I finished--and then what applause! "I--who, until a week before, had been denied the pleasure of playing- holding the interest of my musicial friends! The same friends who were prejudiced against player,- pianos. 1 was proud of my accomplishment-- I was a real musician. "And here's a little secret: I could never have done it without Gulbransen Instruction Rolls. Four simple rolls and the right player-piano--that's all. Just like » wish and having it come iiuel" °*5s*r N. A, HUEMANN/ *' McHenry f r ^ ' \ I-' >W & ..&• * i%-' -V ^**'u. •«" hh %' %'J-t' \ A *' A. t' BPWP •is. '% & F i * tfM 4 i\ w, <,*;

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