Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 May 1922, p. 7

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walcome. Phonic Jtains Long Distance Hauling McHenry, 111. J? *' r-£y*". >5. • "is^v spi n Holmes' Receipt lor making Hone Made Bread Boll <w** small potato until soft, then 4n»sh with a tablesponnful each of Hour and sugar and a half teaspoonful of sail. Add a pint, of hot potato water. When cool add a cake of yeast which has been dissolved in a balf cupful of wuier. Covet well and let raise In a warm place overnight. First thing in the* mornlnx add a tablespuonful of lard, suirar and a half teaspoonfal of salt. Add flour to make a soft dough and k nead twenty minutes. Put back in the bowl to raise until double its size, which will be In about two hours. Work down and make two loaves. Pat in greased pans, let it double Its size again, then bake in a moderate oven tor . oaebour; or some like to bake It tan or fifteen minutes longer. . , ' McHENRY ,,:l ^Flour Mills West McHenrv. 111. ***" •" "* 'vs. - **,. • * '- -y • •_ 1 •LACE YOUR '* O^EftTOPATf U ' •"» ? 5 v- *' : •-.> -. Wi * ' Tii&r^M -fe: <£¥>'& M. M. Niesen McHenry DAY-OLD CHICKS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR UVE DELIVERY GUARANTEED--CHARGES PREPAID ;ir, 16 Cents and up--Leghorn^ Rocks, Reds, W j&ndottee, A Minorcas, Orpingtons. Produced from selected flocks, for high egg production. for (tm illustrated and price list. l&cHenry Poultry & Egg Co. Phone 111-R Wt Hive Tte Rudy F«r Yw HERE'S WHERE YOU CANT MAKE A MISTAKE. Put this STEWART in your car at less cost. Backed by TWO YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEED SERVICE. "AST&WA^T the# "say--Keeps trouble awajr.*^*1-'--;-4^,n f".. " The superiorfly^of a STEWART is all in tfieirfiEART OP THE BATTERY", eootain the most durable plates made, the best separators and built for service--not a price. However we'll save money for you, if you'll let us. Suppose you let us give your old battery the onoe-over. - Inspection FREE. Solc^.,exclusively by OVERTON & COWEN WEST McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, •4- •& h- ^ >v & i«* t. 'J" i * ' " " . - • ; -I0- ^ r : y jyhen you get the McHenry ice cream, manufactured under perfeet sanitary conditions, you are < ^ of quality. It is carbonated d made up from pure'foods. ? * -I i\y& "It" Our factory is always open to inspection ^ \ y^pisw y ?<aegr.: • ;' - i y *• - ICE CREAM FACTO*! c. UNTI, PROP. r "W • y~ w> ~ - '•* »*-t. 'ji |f Cleaning can be' evei That is . .. en. Thorough J*. *£3. - - -- - *- - . >%+ «*,£»£• ••:: "*j£ . . . . i r - v- . '.W'i1" *V' t~ ^.^sfe^-^-iWTcaB be done every day oy means or - - J-theELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER. J . kr, > 1 .Ru^s, furniture, hangings, all included and V;%x v^there will be no drudgery in the opera- £ ^ simply-^oide tbe macbiae. New , m .j • *?r '< .r,;t , Electric . . Vacuum Gleaners §&*>' J i}kki mi w» v' •• '• -4 ^ ublic Service Company •^4 / Erickaati'si fm- yo«r sman grain. Monday at tibs hscne of Al. Pepping and Joe B. Hettermann motored to Chicago Sunday. Barbara and Margaret Home near Wauconda Sunday. ~ ' Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Corr, daughter, Katherine, and son, Ray, at Woodstode passed thru h«c» Sunday^'f^' Misses Smith were Chicago visitors Tuea day. Miss Helena Adams was^a business visitor in Chicago on Friday of last week. Quite a few from this place attended the dance at Powers' lake Sunday evening. - Mr. Lang of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer of Chicago were calling on relatives in town Sunday. ItafrsriMr MdLaughHn • of »ry wi** «£*•& guest of her Mrs. IX'J^anlek' Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox, son, Vernon, | and daughters called at the Courtney at Erkkra ;4; Bt/'Ow&CI 80L0N inqn Hosiery and vnderwear son's. Mrs. Victor Aim is on the sick list. Math. Rauen and family have moved to Spring Grove. , Mrs. E. E. Cropley boarded the Chicago train Wednesday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sullivan were guests of George Vogel over Sunday. FPmmmnVk vNt eil|l of» mW oodj-sit.ortcnK|a . spent. |i Henry Aubcrt broke his arm while cranking Abe MUhsr>8 recently. J Atty. Alford H. Pouse oi .McHenry was a business caller in town Sunday •nG afternoon. ... __ Mrs Algoire of Fox Lake was the Ubmyvllfe V«. Johngbqrc JW!lt of her „ Hary Tb. newly norgamted ba»UJl, A<lb< ^ m " ,J f?°sk°rg tT '" i Adelaide Coaw lus jost returned 5r°n ^ San•,^ from California, where h>, be<m afternoon, vAen they Rook nj, wj«, din ^ the fast Libertyville . outfit. T^ve. rv „ - „ , . , T . , J.. ... ... tjuite a few of our p«o{»le attended J<Anrt«s will, U.« ^ a,. baj^at Spriag «on, start ont w.«i an all home^team -Gron and the boys fed confident that they i u. . . M . .. , . will b. st*e ong enoughv t*o p•v e an, of« ^M r- and Mrs- Wm- Cornish and hter ^ ^ the amateur teroe of the ««"mun,ts RinEwood |a8t the week end as the guest of Mir. and j, Mrs. Henry Nell. Miss Cora Olson of Antioch entertained in the home of Mr. Mrs. S. H. Smith Sunday. car one day an interesting argument. Joe Miller, Gus Aim of Chicago was an over who h.a terned gun<, jn ^ of baseball I. the days gone by, will broth yic >||d fMni| affa*mr»f a aavma hAAv vtnnt rkA MMitM Mrs. Geo. Turner and daughter and Jfrs. R. L. Turner were guests of Mrs. Geo. Nobles one day last week. ! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger of McHenry called to see E. E. Cropley Sunday. Mr. Cropley is ..still co^fip^d to Us bad. OSTEND :V . attempt a oome-back with the team and if his old arm is in shape will start the opening game. His brother, Nick, will also be ready for service should the old war horse fall down on the job. Frank Freund, who has also pitched the Johnsburg boys to many a victory during the past few seasons, will also be ready to take the mound; j Thin it will be seen that the home' Garden and flower seeds at Erlckclub is better fortified in the pitching son's. department than for many seasons' Ostend school will soon be out. past. Debrecht, who has developed This month finishes the school term, into one of the best amateur catchers The grader has been at work on in the business, will be behind the }og. |our roads and they are very much Other familiar faces which will be (improved. seen in the line-up include Thelen,! Leon Lincoln motored over from King, Adams, Freund and the Frett; Hebron and spent the night with rel boys, while a few of the youngsters atives here. are also ready to break into faster | Harry Francisco and wife of Wau company. All in all, the prospects conda spent Sunday with relatives in point to a- most successful season at section. Johnsburg and one of the very best J Mrs. Delia Hobart and son, Roy, teams that has ever represented that,were business callers at the county place. Li&ertyville has always sup-'sea^ Saturday. ported a good ball club and the fans | Atty. L. W. Thompson and wife may rest assured of seeing a good came out from Chicago to attend the game at Johnsburg next Sunday aft- ftlneral of Guy Clemens Sunday, ernoon. The big noise will start] This whole neighborhood was terpromptly at 2:15 o'clock. ^ ^ sjribly shocked and pained to hear of BINGWOOD " Ladies' and children's oxfords slippers at Ericjcson's. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson was a Chicago passenger last Friday. A fine line of spraying material for bushes and trees at Petesch's. Gus Wellman went to Milwaukee Monday to visit his 9ister and family* i? * Id. Weteoa gf Greenwood was transacting buslness in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and son, Byron, spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Welter are entertaining1 Mr. Welter's, sister and two children from Chicago. Mm, T. A. Abbott and daughter, Mrs. W. H. Sanborn, of Spring Grove were Chicago passengers Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Shales of Woodstock was a pleasant caller in the home of Mrs. A. W. Smith Tuesday afternoon. Leslie Olson spent the week end with friends in Chicago and be had the misfortune to lose bis ear in a fire. O. A. Tabor had the misfortune to fall Sunday forenoon and strain one of his limbs. It is giving him considerable pain. Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Miss Agnea Bigelow, accompanied by Mrs. Bigelow and daughter from Sun Prairie, started for Washington Monday morning. The McHenxy township school exercises will be held in the Empire theatre at McHenry on Wednesday evening of next week, May 10. Everybody invited. Mrs. G. A. Stevens, lira. U. M. Stephenson,' Mrs. Rffla Foss and Mrs. A. W. Smith attended a meeting of the McHenry Social Wheel at the home of Mrs. Will Cowen at Harvard last Hwrsday. All report a very pleasant day. TERBA COTTA % J. H. Gracy was an out-of-town visitor last Thursday. Jas. Doherty of Ring<wood was a recent guest of relatives here. Mrs. Ralph Win gate was a business caller ia Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Chas. Allen "and sons of Cary were recent callers in this vicinity. Hat Brite, all colors, makes your hat as good as new. At Petesch's. J. T. Pratt of Woodstock, was a caller at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Green of Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives the accidental death of Guy Clemens. Henry Lambke, wife and children from south of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Lambke's sister and family km Sunday. SCHOOL NOTB8 Itwa of Interest From Oar Iaatitution of Learning• s / > T l T G e n e r a l : ?M> fallowing letter wis received from H. A. Hollister, high school visitor of the University of Illinois, last Urbana, 01., April 28, 1922. Mr. Oswell G. Tre^way^ Pfin^ High School, - X k; J McHenry, Illinois. % . ^ . My Dear Mr. ^Ifire»3way-^3n my recommendation, as a result of a recent visit, the council of administration has approved the renewal of accrediting of your high school for a term of one year or until June 30, 1923. The extention of credit for one year is simply on account of your building situation. It is not a criticism of your school otherwise. The enclosed card should be permanently filed in your office as property of the school and also made a matter of record by your board. With a sincere wish for the continued prosperity of your -school, am, Very truly yours, ;C. H. A. Hollister, High School Visitor. ;' Junior Motes be wonderful to ba^i freshman and know not that you know not. Ignorance is bliss Miss Pryor seems to doubt that Edmund, with all his pugilistic abilities, can control his gift of gab. At a meeting of the junior class one night last week the following colors and flower were chosen: Blue and white and tea rose. McHenry went down to defeat at the hands of the Woodstock boys. We feel that this should not happen again. Our team wants support. Are you with us? Earl has gone into the clothing business and is using Angela's coat for a model. He expects a big rush f&r orders in a short, time. The juniors agree to support him in his new business venture. 151 Sephomore Notes Alas! Some more bobbed heads in the high school. We certainly have some G^li Curds in our glee club. . Aren't Tennyson's chivalrous knights Rodolfy though? here. I "Oh Beauteous May", is quite an Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Teckler of Crys- appropriate song for the present time. " ! The high school was sadly disappointed when they heard that the f tal Lake were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday and Monday senior party was postponed. | The sewing girls are making rapid progress with their light dresses. Miss Zenith Ellis of Chicago spent How about a fashion show? #* the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doherty. You are practicing true economy when you do your trading at Eriekson's stem. Mr. and Mrs. Frank OTlaherty of Elgin spent Sunday as the guest of j relatives here. Jfah Otis Murxayj ui chDdre* «f Cornelia, rejoicing: "Florence do you realise this is our last book report?" Florence, Calamity Jane:--"Aw, we still have eight more to write.* Fwhman Notes Another "bobby" appeared In the freshman class Monday. WSai ii tf* afth cube *Mt of a Ask the ha Tbe the «3a«il6 Earl Walsh had a new coat which he decided to hang in the assembly hall. The McHenry baseball team went to Woodstock Friday and played a very good game it has been said. Ruth also believes in keeping up with the styles, because she has her beautiful black locks sheared off. The students of the high school thought they saw Angela hanging up in front of the room, but it was only her coat that some kind creature had brought in for her. Let Contracts The village of Genoa Junction has let the first two contracts for its modern sanitary nnd fire protection system, plans for which were prepared by W. A. Pierce, city engineer of Delavan. The G. M. Mulholland company of Rockford, 111., is to lay the sewers a9kd water mains and build the septic tank plant for the sum of $57,838. The Httsburg-Des Moines Stee! company is to construct a standpipe at a cost of $5,700. Work on these parts of the village improvements is expected to start during the next ten days. A test well wi'l be drilled and the type of pumping equipment to be provided will be decided on after the test, A bond sale of $35,000 to cover that part of the cost of the improvements not taken care of by special assessments was voted at the last meeting of the village board. The bonds are of $500 denomination, bear 5 per cent interest and are to be retired serially beginning in* 1924. Dr. B. J. Bill is the new president of the village of Genoa Junction, elected April 4 to succeed R. H. Bjeming. The trustees of the village are: B. F. Schuren, Ben Bill, H. D. Bannister, John Bartlett, Jr., J. C. .Katzenberg and Maylon Toynton. The Plaindealer for news. WANTED--A chance to estimate your painting work. R. I. Turner, McHenry, 111. 47-lt FOR SALE--Oberstadt residence in West McHenry. See J. C. Jlolly, McHenry, 111. - ; 32-tf FOR SALE--A three room cottage at Griswold lake. Call or write Nick Kennebeck, McHenry, 111. Phone 634-M-2. 47-3t FOR SALE By the ton, a Quantity of wood hi stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley State Bank, McHenry, 111. 28 FOR SALE--House, barn and eight lots. Will sell as a whole or will ell lots separate. John G. Schrauth, McHenry, 111. 35-tf FOR SALE--Thirty boars and females-- young pedigreed Poland China hogs. Your choice at $15.00 each. Sayer Farm, McHenry, 111. 47-2t FOR SALE--The Michael Jus ten estate house on Elm street, McHenry, Apply to or write N. J. Jus ten, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16 FOR SALE--Garden plants. Also remember that I am still doing shoe repairing as jureli as saw filing. W. H. Wood burn, West McHenry, HI. 47-2 PASTURE LAND---Situated three miles south of McHenry on Fox river. Will take limited number of heads of dry stock. J. J. Flusky, McHenry, 111. 46-tf WANTED--Middle aged woman to assist with house and garden work, other help. Mrs. Fred L. Hatch, Spring Grove, 111. Tel. Richmond 743. . 46-2t FOR SALB--Six room 'house, together with one acre of land, situated in the north end of the village of McHenry. Math. Glopsen, West McHenry, HI. Phone 606-M-2. 43-tf BABY CHICKS--Full blooded stock. Leading breeds. Low prices. Postaid, free, chicks. 111. .CS^i; FOR SALE TO SBR|£ EST. 184 acres 2 miles north of Lake, 130 acres under plow, goed set of improvements. $140.00 per acm Hoyt E. Morris, Hoy Block, Wood* a stock, DL 41-tf'r-" QUARTER OF CENTURY Items Clipped From The PlaJ»de«kr of Twenty-five Years A|s Our village policemen have bles* * i sometf ofet with new regulation ual^ ^ forms. James B. Perry attended the judi<i ' * cial convention at Rockford'on Sat& -' :^\ urday last. John Barbian went to Chicago on Monday to serve as juryman in the * ^ United States courts. ^ Wm. S toff el closed his official busW • ness at the Eight asylum May 1 aad^ti^s is now at his home hem ^18 George W. Besley has rented the George Smith residence on the West % i Side and is moving into same. * ^ Rev, Father Meehan, who has ficiated at St. Patrick's church In thi* 1 village during the absence of Fathef y ^ O'Neil, was tieated to a fine serenadf by the McHenry military band on# night last week* DR. C. KELLER Optometrist and Optician Notice to the Puhlk IftcMeitusens of McHenry are opportunity to have their eyes exam* ^ 1 ined and glasses made to order at t,' reasonable prices and under gUaran*^4vv tee. Have made glasses for til* pastfyl>^ 20 years for such prominent famiMee^v^ , as the Bishops,'Engelns, Buchs, Bohrs, §-'M-j•• Freunds, Rev. D. Lehane and manf'-' others. Office hours, at my summer %'* home on Fox river, one block nortl#^? of village limits, from 2:00 to 3:0^ ; Monday of each week. Phone 9. ^ ^ (* - ! \ Ml Mr is • •titoW# :^"V v, V| # ; RRfetpnonrrttss ffrroomm vvaarriioouuss npaarrttss ooff tthhee ccoouunntrtviy^^H -?'. Indicate that the dollar is staging a come-back, a promise of gradual xeturn to its old-time« ^ j^irchasing power. mA This is welcome B^ws 1t&r a& have been wrestling with the cost-of-living v yi It is welcome news also for the many peo- .J ^" .. i v ffc in this community- who are savmg wisely C- ^ ^ f | against the time when the dollar will buy a ^ ..... .« • . -. •:! $p,: ~"*W' full dollar's Worth againpl "Keep on saving," is Otif advice. 4 The 6td dollar is coming back. • - « »v.s«f 7ir" '• -^4 '.z/yj " >J, GERALD J. €AREY, Cash. 7- McHenry, Illinois "They're still talking about die Guibransefl and me" jtegry '• ±n}• "Some friends came over the oth^* night--all music critics. They were expectant-- they had heard about our new Gulbransen. MI played Grieg's Tq Spring It's rather difficult, youHl admit. "Everyone listened attentively until 1 finished and then what applause! % "I--who, until a week before, had been denied the pleasure of playing--holding the interest of my musicial friends! The same friends who were prejudiced against playerpianos. I was proud of my accomplishment-- I was a real musician.' "And here's a little secret: I could aaver have done it without Gulbransen Instruction Rolls. Four simple rolls and the right player-piano-- that'sV all. Just like making s with and having it oome truer _ y Jtr Ag! , N. A. HUEMANN, .. v* < • • *r VlLk: & y .i.r.. •'«{? ^ v •K tervrg FREMONT HOY, Pres. McHenry IMS®*

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