Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1922, p. 1

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pa± * {: i # i v ^ 1i ."'";%. f vw >:*7 * v" i ;.• ^vJ,..'y-" '.-" s~.3 --s*£-*-. ' * •. &*#£# ~thh%*&**&. \ ^V-r J* ,<\7p VOLUME XL.VIII MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1922 NO. in WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEJK AS TAKEN FROM THE COLUMNS I OP OUR EXCHANGES ANOTHER LYCEUM COURSE Five Number* to Be Presented HMe 'This Fall and Winter Miscellaneous Assortment of News | Items In Condensed Form For Busy | feople v;i?The annual drive of the Salvation jAttny will take place some time next Inonth. Peter Umathum post, A. E. F., of "Woodstock will hold a big indoor ear* nival at the American Legion hall at 'Woodstock on Nov. 9, 10 and 11. An injunction, recently issued by Judge Claire C, Edwards of the Lake county circuit court, has placed a pad loek on a soft drink parlor at Wauconda. Woodstock now has tf company of federalized national guardsmen, the mastering in having taken place at the armory in that city last Friday evening. Elmer Green, Lake county sheriff, •ad whose term in office will expire soon, is planning on entering the real estate business at the expiration of ' Iris term. According to reports from Lake county, the Libertyville fair, held recently, entertained more than 25,000 goring the five days in which it was in session. The Chicago Cubs and the Lake Villa Biflex club will play an exhibition game at Waukegan next Thurs- Encouraged over the success attained last season, St. Patrick's parish has again signed up with the Dennis Lyceum Bureau for a series of five entertainments to be presented here during the fall and winter months. * The numbers and dates when they are to be given are as follows: The Waldorf male quartet, Oct. 17. Judge Marcus Cavanaugh, Nov. 6. Mendelssohn Musical club, D*c. 7. H. It. Manlove, the man of many faces, Jan. 9. G. E. Weaver, cartoonist, Feb. 15. According to' Rev. M. J. McEvoy, who is mainly responsible for the course given here last year as well as the coming series,' this year's entertainments will cost more than last, but the season as well as single admission tickets will be sold at the same price as last year, vis., season tickets, f2.00; single admission, 50 cents. The numbers chosen for this year's course, the pastor believes, will meet with the approval of everyone interested and will prove even more enjoyable than last year's entertainments In speaking with Rev. McEvoy regarding the course, we were told that, while the net proceeds will go to the new church fund, the signing of the contract which will bring these entertainments to our door was not mnmcTHi CASE NOWAY RESORTERS DISPLEASED WITH ACTION OF RIVER ASSN. DONAVIN SELLS HARDWARE Will Devote Entire Time to Plumbing In Future day afternoon, Sept 28. The game I made wjth the thought of making a will be called at 3:00 p. m,\ * large amount of money, but rather to •^Employes of the American Steell^jve the people of McHenry and the 4/Wire company at Waukegan are ho surrounding territory an opportunity l^tger worrying ov4r the coal situa- Df seeing and hearing entertainments ti*n as they have been assured coal by Qf the higher grade. ti|e company at a very low price. Season tickets for the eourse are \The appropriation ordinance for now on sa]e at E. R. McGee's clothing McHenry county's newest municipal- store an(j are aiso being sold by mem- Fox River Grove, near Cary, in- j,ers 0f the ticket selling committee, tends that $2,700 will cover the ex-1 Watch this paper for further anpense of that village daring the eto- nouncements. regarding the first as sning year. Iwell as the succeeding numbers. J McHenry county Woodmen will take -afi active part in the compaign to secure 12,000 new members in the state of Illinois during the coming three months. • McHenry county's Ijhota is 125. * : Woodstock is soon to have its first Change In Auto Accessory Store The auto accessory store, located in the Mrs. Christina Brefeld block on Main street, has changed ownership since last week, when Edwin Hall, who in partnership with William .t.b a.t city ,h as. secured, ,th, e Dt-» onnelly *p1la ce sinc,e its esta,,b lis,h m,e nt in, Mc- A k{- building and will open therein an «t- Henry a few month, tack, .old U. • establishment which .he tallrtJ «*«•' * J8™* ^ ».M1 K- „ f •Vat pihr sides near Ingleside. The place in *ill be a credit to that city. the future will be conducted by A large crew of workmen are now w (inployed in the erection of a big* ad- J*®88"* Sch,e,er *"*' •tion tothe Woodstock typewriter ">«"• " **mt" '°r * 1 Durant Motor company, and. also factory at , Woo,d sto.c..k *. The n.e w, a,d .d r- iriven the agency for the nneeww SSttaarr 41on, it is hoped, will be completed be- *1® , . , , . •£. In. the advent of cold weather. P* ^ ^ ^15? • The barn on the John. B.rden fi™, market, have groat hope, of develi fceated about a mile southwest of »P."« « »>»*. i» tte Jwoodstock, was totally destroyed by • n .? V^ tii Ire on Wednesday evening of last J""?- «*> **JX- rf week a. were also two stacks of ">»' »• * °Um'T 01 -. (Tain. Six horses and other live stock | ^ro8^c, ... . Jto the barn were saved. >. *The Nippersink Dairy j,, - - .. ' -.Which has been operaUng at Grays- ""chines be dehvered to him lake since the first of the year, has I Smashed Little Finger ? iold*out to fee Mer|cel Dairy com- j Walter J. Warner is nursing a badly . <rj|any of Chicago. According to re-1 crushed finger since Monday morning j>orts from Grayslake the Merkeljof this week. The accident occurred V |>eople will buy their supply of milk at the site of the new St. Patrick' ^ thru the Marketing company. church now under course of construc The Lake county board of super- tion. He and a fellow workman were ; >isors has authorized the payment I carrying a large ornamental stone up pf a $1,000 reward to two Kenosha, an incline when the victim of the acci- ^ V%is., men who furnished the informa-j dent fell. His left hand became Case Waa to Have Been Heard at Woodstock Wednesday, Bat Has Been Continued Until Monday The injunction case, instituted against the Fox River & Lakes Improvement association and which was issued for the purpose of restraining the above named association from removing the flash boards from the Fox river dam below this village, was to have come up for hearing on Wednesday of this week, but, a request by the defense to have same deferred was granted, and the case has been set for next Monday morning. The summons were served upon the president of the association just after the removal of the flash boards at the dam and, while the case will never restore the water to the level maintained before the removal of the boards, it is hoped by the plaintiffs that it fcill prevent a reoccurrence of such action in the future. The plaintiffs declare that the association had no legel right to lower the water without the consent of a majority Of the members and further declare that it is their opinion that the boards were removed out of spite. On the other hand the officials and directors'of the association, in a letter and statement sent out to the members, show their reason of the action taken. In support of their contention the directors have issued the following report: "Paid members in 1921 were 640, in 1922 only 437 paid, representing leas than one per cent pf the property owners in this . big region who are benefitted by the improvements fostered by the association. A decrease of almost 33 per cent from last year. 325 of those who paid last year did not pay this year. The revenues to Septj. 1,1921, were $11,600.00; for 1922 ^the total if $6,200.00 as follows: •1921 1922 From members . .$7,415.00 $5,032.00 directors' loans 1,700.00 *800.00 program and ,i. tickets (net) .. 2,000.00 ' ®$2.00 weed cutting ; ; ^ and incidentals . 485.00^ ^ lp6.00 The work of taking up stock, preparatory to taming over the business to Chas. J. Reihansperger, is now under way at the Walter J. Donavin hardware store on tho West Side. An agreement was reached between these two gentlemen last week whereby the hardware end of the Donavin business is to be taken over by Mr. Reihansperger and, according to Use progress that is being made, the new owner will be ready to step into the harness the latter part of this week. It will be remembered that the two gentlemen named in the above transaction came to McHenry a few years ago when they purchased the hard ware business from F. L. McOmber and which they continued to operate in partnership until a year ago last spring, when Mr. Reihansperger sold his interests to his partner. Since that time the business has been carried on by Walter J. Donavin. The outside business has .grown to such proportions of late that Mr. Donavin has found himself unable to look after both ends and therefore his decision to sell out the hardware end. mmsBwm oumc ROCKFORD MASONS IMPRESSED WITH BEAUTIES HERE Took Dinner at Justen's Hotel and TTien Made River and Lake Trip on Gladola--Brought Own Band ^ SPECIAL CARS < To Cmay Bankers to This Sunday, Oct. 1 Village Total.../..$( 11,550.00 $6,200.00 A decrease of $5,350.00 The indebtedness may be swunar ized as follows: Accts. payable to outsiders. .$1,056.00 Notes payable to outsiders.. 1,000.00 Total...., $2,056.00 Cash balance on hand was. • • 419.00 Shortage • .$1,637.00 In addition, thep* an notes payable ' to directors for loans $ - 400.00 Other advances by directors. 1,700.00 ? tion which led to the arrest and con- wedged between the stone and the . miction of Ignatz Potz, who^is now platform with the result that the little serving time at Joliet for the murder finger was quite badly smashed. At of a motorcycle cop near Winthrop first it looked as if amputation would ^ Harbor. be found necessary, but the chances According to Joe Paule, who is now Jnow are that the digit canj>e saved, serving time in the Lake county jail J More Workmen Added Hie working force, especially the it. - - . , . . . |masons, employed at the new St. Pat- *%-;*Lake resort, has announced his inten- 1.^ church w&s considerably intion of selling his interests at I creaaed the first of the week. The point to Chicago negroes, who | gi^my and fall-like days, no doubt, to make the place an exclusive reaort |^ave caus^ the contractor to put on at Waukegan on a charge of having ""•sold intoxicating liquors at his Fourth just a bit more speed in order that the big edifice may be placed under cover before weather conditions will for colored folks gv£nr? Frank C. Dunning of Elgin has instituted suit for $1,000 damages ^ ^ ^against the village of Carpenters- jmajM p^ide work impossible ville in the circuit court of Kane ^ ^'county. The Elgin man recently drove into a chain stretched across an |L» ' ; i In New Location • ^ Walter J. Freund, the West Side entrancTto Carpenter park' and id-1 tire vulcanizer, is now located in the leges that the barracade was not Inures block, ^ing {" lighted. The machine was consid- equipment from the M. A. Thelen erably damaged. harness shop on Thursday^evening oi A I n , .iofv7Q9Fi of last week. Walter has put in a stock A bill for $10,073.25> expenses o tubes, which he is selling the nine weeks' trial of Governor oi ures anu , Small, which ended in h--is- exonera-1. roduc pn tion, stands on the books of the Lake I I am now located in ^ the Laures county treasurer. That amount is in building on the West Side, where I addition to the cost of special prose- Lm prepared to take care of your tire cutors employed by Attorney General troubles. Have also put in stock a Brundage, to the expense of pro- j ]jne 0f tires and tubes, which I am curing evidence and many of the wit- seiUng at reduced prices. I handle ness fees. Hie bill has been pre- the cord as well as the fabric tires in sented to. Sangamon county. ail sixes. Walter J. "Freund, West • Enterprising citizens of Harvard I McHenry. have set out to raise $12,600 for the Finger In Cora Shelter improving aftd beautifying two blocks pet®r F. Miller, who resides near donated to the community and lying I L}. jake> met wjth a very painful near the new community high school j accident last Friday morning when building. The improvements as | ^ middle finger of his left hand was planned are the paving of the road in j^y crUfihed in a corn sheller -- •-- was No Making a total de^ciency of.$3,787.00 "From experience we know that after September first practically no revenue can be expected for obvious reasons, while the expense of carrying on the outside work of the association, maintaining the dam, channels, markers, guide lights, weed cutters, attendants, etc., is approximately $135.00 per week without repair* and general expenses. "The officers, directors and solicitors of this association have used every effort to induce property owners to join the association and furnish the necessary financial support. Confronted by the fact that only 437 members have paid, the season nearly ended and insufficient money in the treasury to pay existing debts, it is impossible to carry on activities further." Final Sever Decision Tuesday From reliable information The Plaindealer learns that a final decision in McHenry's sewefr case is expected to be handed down in the McHenry county court next .Tuesday morning. Legal arguments in the matter were heard before Judge Barnes on Wednesday morning of this week, at which time the objectors turned out in goodly numbers. It seems that there is some dispute over the boundaries of the village and in older to straighten out this matter it may be found necessary to make a survey of the entire village. While both factions look forward to a favor able decision from the judge next Tuesday morning, it is hard to make a guess 'just now what this decision will be. Beginning ne^t week Mr. Donavin will devote his entire time to the furtherance of plumbing, heating and tinwork, of which he has enough on hand to keep him and his men busy for some time to come. He will maintain his shop and headquarters* in the hardware store for the time being at least. Mr. Reihansperger, who since selling out his interest in the business to his former partner has been connected with the insurance business and employed by his father-in-law, Simon Stoffel, will not give up that line of work entirely, but hopes to be able to give over at least a portion of his time to the insurance line. At the same t^me, however, he will give the hardware business the attention it deserves and will he ' ever ready to serve the public in that capacity. A Communication McHenry, Sept. 16, WSL Mr. Schreiner, Editor McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, Illinois. Dear Sir--It is now almost 9 p. m and smelling smoke I of course investigated my house to make sure that it is not caused by a fire. As usual the smoke is caused by the burning of some garbage or refuse somewhere. While naturr.lly approving of the burning of garbage, I must confess that I think it careless to dot so at night, when few persons are up and around, all the more as one can never foretell how far a Sudden gust of wind might carry a fire. In 1898 I saw the greater part of a town of the sise of McHenry burned down because the wind spread the Are. And that was in daytime and the town I speak of had a fire department, and McHenry has NOT. You are welcome to use my letter as you may see fit.. Believe me, ( Very truly yours, T'Pr-r Oberstadt. Seventy-four members of Tebala Temple Shrine of Rockford enjoyed a most pleasant day here last Sunday. Carrying thefr own thirty-eight piece band, the delegation of Masons arrived in McHenry via automobiles shortly before the noon hour and after the band had given two selections in front of Justen's hotel all filed into the dining hall of that popular hostelry, where a bountiful repast was served them. Forming a line of inarch ift front of the hotel and headed by the band, the visitors started for Hunter's boat landing immediately after the noonday meal. Here the big passenger boat "Gladola" was boarded and to the strains of beautiful music as provided by the band the big craft slowly started its trip up the river and around Pistakee lake and bay. The shore line was followed quite closely after reaching the lake, thus giving the visitors an opportunity to enjoy the beauties of this pleasing resort region. .. For moat of the visitors the trip was entirely new and, to say the very least, they were more than delighted with the ride and the beautiful scenery and pleasing summer homes. In' fact, before the trip was half over it was decided to make a return visit to this section some time during the busy season next year, at which time they promised there would be at least double the number as comprised their party that day. On their return trip to McHenry the visitors again gathered on, the lawn at Justen's hotel, where the band gave a short concert, much to the delight of those who had been attracted to the grounds by the music. The visitors left for Rockford about five o'clock exceedingly well pleased with their day's outing and the treatment received at the hands of Everett Hunter, president of the Everett Hunter Boat company of this village, whose guests they had been. McHenry also was pleased to have these distinguished guests with us for the day and trust that "they will return next year. ITEMS OF LOCAL UffllEST AS PICKED UP BT PLAINDK4LEB REPORTERS DURING According to advertising matter af sent out by the. Chicago chapter, American Institute of Banking, special cars attached to the regular passenger trains will carry the Chicago delegation of bankers' to and from this village on Sunday, Oct. 1, the date set aside for the holding of their annual golf tournament and which is to be staged on the McHenry Country club's course. While it had previously bete expected that most of the visitors would make the trip to McHenry via automobile, the latest reports, coming thru the advertising matter as sent out to all of the various banking institutions of the Chicago chapter, it now looks as if it has been decided to make the trip via the Chicago & Northwestern. Thus the visitors will leave Chicago on the 8:15 Williams Bay passenger, arriving in McHenry at 10:19. Altho definite plans have not as yet been perfected here, it is quite likely that the members of the McHenry club will be called upon to supply cars to transport the visitors from the depot to the golf(grounds and thence to the hotel for dinner and back to the station at nigtit. That the McHenry club members will extend to the visitors every courtesy at their command is certain. The tournament itself will be open to all members of the Chicago chapter. All events will be 18 holes competition handicap play. Medals will be awarded for first, second and third 18 holes low gross as well as first, second and third for 18 holes low net. Prizes will also be awarded in a blind bogey, a mystery contest, for greatest number of pars or better, lowest number of puts and long driving contest. Officials of the McHenry club are now arranging their plans to take care of the visitors. These will be published in next week's issue of The Plaindealer. c-'tl COMMITS SUICIDE BT SHOOTING Jai Brinan Ends Life West of Town In Shack front of the two blocks, the removal of a house now located on the property and the installation of a street lighting system to conform with the system now in use on other boulevards of that city. This will give a beautiful'and continuous park extending from the Big Foot road right up to the very door of the school btnldhe was operating. Ttoe injury dressed by Dr. D. <*. Wells, bams were broken. J, •T vr:Was He a Fakir? A healthy looking young man made the rounds of the village on Tuesday of this week soliciting alms on the plea that a severe attack of influenza had deprived him of the use of his voice and also being subject to epileptic fitB was unable to hold a position. His plea, as contained at the head of a subscription blapk, went on to say that an operation would restore his voice as well as correct his other affliction. In looking over the subscription blank we found that McHenry, as usual, had been very generous with the young man in quesi tion, but since his departure a number who contributed are wondering whether or not they had been "stung by a fakir. ' IMcr BrntUltek H Regular trips to the lotus beds every day at 9:00 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Special boats at any hour. For further information call McHenry No. 7 or 77-J. John L. May, commander of the McHenry post, American Legion, attended a meeting of the McHenry county executive board as held at Marengo last Thursday • evening State Commander McCauley of Bloomington was present ^t the meeting and urged the assemblage to get busy with the campaign to be wagedin support of the Illinois bonus. The people of the state will be given ait opportunity to express themselves on the Illinois bonus at the coming November election apd Legion posts all over the state are going to do their best to see that" the question receives a favorable expression from the people of our great state next November. ' ,T ' J- " * • . ^ ~ ' V" . Unti Family Leaven Tomrvw Mr. and Mrs. C. Unti and children leave McHenry tomorrow for New York City, from whence Mr. Unti and son, Felicia, expect to sail soon for San Colombapo, Rimoltoli Lucca, Toscana, Italy, where they will spend the winter, while Mrs. Unti and the balance of the family will remain as guests of her sister at Van Nest, N. Y. The family expects to be away until some time in February. During Mr. Unti's absence the McHenry business will be looked after by his brother, John, who is thoroly familiar and capable of carrying on same in a satisfactory manner. v Bought Store Building M. M. Niesen i& now the owner of the store building on Green street wherein he ha» conducted a grcc business during the past several years. The deal whereby the building was transferred from the Hoimer estate to the new owner was consummated a short time ago. New Bakery Opened Monday After several unavoidable delays the new Perfect System bakery, located in the Peter B. Freund building on the West Side, opened for business on Monday of this week. The place is equipped with all of the very latest machinery' and presents a mot inviting appearance. t? t X'sSMSS Receives Blue Prints on Road Supervisor Stephen H. Freund is this week in receipt of the blue prints on the stretch of road, route No. 20, extending from the McHenry-Lake county line to the Mrs. Henry Kennebeck farm east of this village. Mr. Freund informs us that he will start right out in his endeavofr to secure the proposed right of way and anticipates very little trouble in accomplishing this task. He believes that every foot of the proposed right of way can be secured in a very short time. Mr. Freund also assisted In the securement of the right of way west of this village, completing the work in just a few days. This seems to indicate that property owners along the proposed route are in full accord with the state's program and are not only willing but anxious to co-operate with state and county officials. From very reliable sources we learn that the contracts for these stretches are quite certain to be let this fall, thus giving the successful bidder an opportunity to do some of the preliminary work this fall and thus place him m a position to -continue the project early next spring. As has been stated in these columns on various occasions state has not as yet decided what route will eventually be taken m passing thru the village of McHenry, but, judging from the fact that the surveys on the two stretches end at Sherman's hill on the west andItiie Kennebeck farm on the east, it looks if the state isn't going to do a thing about going thru our municipality until our people have gotten together and agreed upon a route to be followed. Therefore it appears to us that McHenry should immediately stop its squabbling and get down to real business, decide on a route and tell the state that they expect the road to be continued thru our village next year. ._ - Perfect Syatwa Bafcsry, w We Wish to announce to the people of McHenry and the surrounding country that the Perfect System bakery located in the Peter B. Freund building, West McHenry, is now open for business. We mvite the publics inspection of our shop and will be pleased to show visitors thru at any time. Next time you go to your grocer ask for Perfect System bread. A trial will convince you of its qpai- Our pastry is also unexcelled. John J. Sauer, Prop. Janes Brinan, aged shelf; years, and who has spent his entire life in the vicinity of this village, ended his liffe in a shack located in the orchard of the old Frank Hutson farm, west of town, some time during last Thursday night. He shot himself thru the heart and death must have been almost instantaneous. When he failed to put in an appearance for work on Friday morning his employer, Frank Herdrick, and his hired man went over to the shack to investigate and -there found the body. #McHenry officials were immediately notified of the ghastly find and rushed out to the scene. Later on in the forenoon the, coroner's inquest was held. Jnmes Brinan was the son of John and Kate Brinan and was born on the old Sutton farm east of this village. His parents died when he was quite young and for a number of years he made his home with the late John B. Frisby. Later on he worked about farms in that locality and during the past dozen or more years he worked on farms west of town. For some time past he has not been in the best of health. In fact, we are told that he had been considering making application for entry to the county farm at Hartland. Worry over his condition, it is believed, prompted him to commit the rash act. The funeral took place in thia^^llag•< last Friday afternoon. • v v First Uni versa list Church Next Sunday morning the Unhrersalist church will begin the work of the ensuing year. Sunday school will be held at the church at 10:00 a. m. and a most cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come at that time and participate in the organization of the work for the year. The Sunday school session will be followed at 11:00 o'clock by the congregational worship and sermon, to which all are invited. The sermon subject will be: "The Human Element in the Work of God." Good music and a profitable .hour is assured. John M. Grimes, Minister. What People Are Doing la Thfa Tfclage and the IntMediate --Other Short Paragraphs - ^| School supplies at Exickson'a. i Seven piece colonial water stt» \ cents, at VycitaTs. Carload of nut coke just reoeived. The Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry, 111. Coffee and sandwiches now served at my ice cream parlor. J. J. Rothermel, Riverside Drive, McHfenry. Stove pipes and elbows, furnace pipes and elbows at a bargain daring the coming week at Riverside Drive Sheet Metal Works. , There will be an abundance Of hickory nuts this fall, which iwa*"" that nutting parties will be quite the rule. The next meeting of the £ocial Wheel will take place at the home of Mrs. Jack Nicholls on Thursday afternoon of next week, Sept. 28. A number of our young people attended a dance given in the armory at Woodstock by the Woman's club ai that city last Thursday evening. All report an exceptionally pleasant time. Miss Verona Niesen is once more at her post at the West McHenry State bank after a several weeks' absence occasioned by an operation for appendicitis which was performed at the Wbodstock hospital some time ago. The first frost of the season visited his section last Friday night. While the frost was very light and only " ouched the lower spots, ' it was. .72 nough to give warning that cold , H*;. weather is on its way. Another change in the C. A N. W. time schedule will be inaugurated at . * his station next Monday - morning,' when the Chicago passenger will re- ,4. vert to its old time, leaving / V; Henry at 8:83 instead of 7:33. c' ' >«*i The Fox River Four orchestra af .* % this village is again filling engagements at dances in nearby tvwns aad from present indications this excellent musical organization will be kept com- . fortably busy during the fall and win* ter months. Quite a large delegation of Mc Henry rooters accompanied the Mc- Henry baseball team to Cary last Sunday afternoon. The White Wing band of Chicago furnished excellent music before and between the innings, much to the delight of the big croW# 'v in attendance. Ernest Brott has engaged his se¥| vices to D. G. Nellis, who resides on £ ' - farm near Barreville. He will vacate the Mead estate house and move hia : family to the Nellis place. Jos. Ni* and family have rented the Mead house and will move thereto from t3»| Parks flat on Waukegan street ' The wyiter'8 supply of coal for St Mary's parish was unloaded here on. Monday and Tuesday of this week. /<» The big bin underneath St. Mary*# \£ church is well filled and the pafc* <» ishioners fed that the church, schodt and parsonage will be very comfo^« * tably heated the coming winter. -v ^ A beautiful new archway of massive a r,v<" I ; ity, Fi awlw Return to Chicago Joe Hofer and family, who have been spending the summer at their cottage at Rosedale, on Fox- river north of this village, have returned to Chicago for the winter, altho they expect to pass an occasional week end here. Mr. Hofer, being a lover of the grgftt out-doors, will undoubtedly make frequent visits to the cottage during the fall and winter Carload of Boats to Mexico City The Everett Hunter Boat company "of this place is just completing a carload of row boats for shipment to Mexico City. The craft will be fourteen feet in length and will be an exact duplicate of the boats made by this same firm and now in use at Lincoln park, Chicago. The order was placed by the southern city and the boats are also for use in one of its parks. K" P - •Mi israr; '"Jfe 4 t •»* * V; ** V Royal Neighbor PaUfe Card Party Riverview camp, R. N. A., will give a public card party Tuesday evening Sept 26, at Weber's hall, Riverside Drive. Five hundred and bunco will be played. All are invited. Admission with lunch, 35c. The next regular meeting of the camp will take place on Tuesday st 7HXf o'clock. il construction is now being erected at the entrance to the McHenry Country club grounds on John street archway is to be constructed of wooft cement and terra cotta and will ha a thing of real beauty when compMal* which, ft ti feopad, wffl ha by Oc^er A meeting of the McHenry local of the Milk Producers' association wffl take place at the village hall here thia (Thursday) evening. The purpose «f the meeting is to select a delegate to attend the conference of milk buyers. Future milk prices and other wmtteifc of vital interest to members will alaa come up. Albert Purvey, •. caretaker ; McHenry Country ctifl>, has moved ' / v his family to this village from Woodstock and is now qccupying the Owen estate house near the mill pond- The members of the McHenry Country club consider themselves fo*w tunate in being able to retain the ser- , -s vices of Mr. Purvey, who has proven * 5 himself a real expert in his line. », The hunting season opened la||^..p Sunday and lovers of the sport wereout in goodly numbers over the weak^.-- end as well as every day since. While # the weather has been anything but favorable to attract ducks and geese to the waters in this section, mod hen have put in their appearance, bat 7 not in such numbers as the huntecs - would like to see. A few ducks weif bagged since the opening, while a number of local hunters have alsa v reported the bagging of the limit M hens." ... E. A. Judd of Waukegan, formerly in charge of the Woodstock ofBoa of the Illinois Bell Telephone comjiiy, was in McHenry last Saturday interviewing a number of our citizens regarding the purchase of stock il the A. T. & T. C. The American ^Hephone & Telegraph company Taaifttly set out to sell a certain aaUMM* of stock everywhere they do tMfcMas and, in accordance to their pliR» t^n 'shares must be sold in the IWfcTOf thMB aver W ' *2 .evjiwns* Seet,, 26, | territory in order to put taMi s -a***. *t4'> ' t .1 ^ •" ^ **•» •••• * • p <» .-4* * ' 77 *, * * 4*~ "* /ctf* <4i*, f- , /xj

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