Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1922, p. 10

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3* If e Place to w:M >'* J*.. *• v%*., v' ,4e (» *(* " wi' s<~ k '•> f <T, ^ | ' l>, [ *<*< '*" ' «*• 'kT-i# Buy Your Drugs <%<*.. \ f T*^r M"'. '••*., r, 4. 'morc iiwN. H. PETESCHOiMisr «**s <': ^ PRACTICAL FRONT •>- Pfc- - • • • " One of the best fitting, best wearing and most comfortable corsets on the American market today t•£; "^c have several styles in pink and white, I sizes up to 42, priced at $5.81, $6.00, and $7.10 '•££;<• ' Jtew line of fall anc| winter oxfords and shofes, • ^patent leather, brown ao$ Mack calf and kid ill ^J*--popular prices. ; 1 Satin Pumps 1 _$5.f#and$MI Boys' and children's shoes in good range of stylp,^ weaters and sport coats in knit and flannel. Xi.l. Boys' Mackinetts and sport models. Just the kind to keep him warm and comfortable at a popular piice.4 :t. 5 "groceries always fresh and pure '**•* v - •% "\#V< ' *•;«<* -.T V Coodt Mhrmd 1*1 Hip III Phone 117-R . J. WALSH drinking THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR IT IS KfENDANi; IT IS REASONAH£ 4 llow just a few words. We have anytt&ftt* -• thing you want in furniture, *¥ V"1 IMgs, linoleum, etc. We have it rights Am fiere in stock. We are not shoving upf* bur prices to unreasonable heights bu| . itre keeping them down where yoifc ** ' in afford to buy anything you need*v re repeat, our furniture is dependably ; and reasonable We neve^p&h ^p^ufnd nd house can do more " ,. JBp '•5 '7. >#i i .'•wi' kM':B "5'f- ' • ' H 1 1 1 pipf.ft: •. fjsi .>/ JACOB JUSTEN /-.* McHENRY, ILL. grades are; forenoon to a good team this year. Gordon G. Stringer, member of the high school |ac«ity, is m0med to hia home on a<VMBt of iUaNM* AH hop* that he wi& jtt able to iNMiite worifcf soon. A state inspector visited the school on Wednesday and expressed himself satisfied with the work that is being done. However, he expressed dissatisfaction on learning that the new school building was not under the course of construction. Last Friday was visiting day. All of the teachers took advantage of the opportunity of visiting other Schools. Supt. Duker went down to Crystal Lake, from which city, in company with Supt. Dean of the Crystal Lake schools, he visited the new school at Gprpentersville and also took in the schools at Geneva, 111. On Saturday Rorno 3obb and pupils, Lillian Buss, Mildred Zuelsdorf, Harold Bacon, Carl Weber, Augustine Freund, LeRoy Conway, Arthur Hoppe, Will Green, Clyde Carr, Wm. Nye and Adrian Thomas, motored to Woodstock and Harvard to visit the high school buildings. They also witnessed the foot ball game between Beloit and Harvard, the former being the victors. Junior Notes We are still awaiting jtfce arrival of our rings. Carolyn, Rosalie and ^Cornelia were absent one day last week. Because of the cold weather we have been unable to use the annex. In spite of the fact that it was Friday the 13th, we enjoyed our vacation very much. We wish the sophomores would have another candy sale. They surely can make good candy. Herman told us why we most leave the parties at eleven o'clock one day during shorthand. The Glee club entertained thf remainder of the high school (hiring convocation last -Urarsday. If you're in need of a good cook hire Loo Thelen. We learned in English class Monday that he can cook delicious meals. Sophomore Natas . The sophomore girls had » candy sale Monday. The sophomores hope that Mr. Stringer will be bade to scljpol soon. What happened to the crowd in the Ford sedan Saturday? Did they cut up two tires for an alibi? Miss Pryor and several of the girls went to Chicago Saturday to buy decorations for the Hallowe'en party. Misses Elizabeth V/>gt, Angela Petesch and Eleanor Walsh visited Margaret Stenger at the Academy of Our Lady in Chicago, where she is attending school. The zoology class '«nd Mr. Bobb went to Harvard on Saturday to see the high school laboratory. They also attended a snappy foot baJJ ^ame, HtY'S - * •f.'tWs sstiWi::, OCTOBER^ ; #*ja*iMOUNT NIGHT p^Wiiiiw. & H** t.v . -1N- >9 AND--- A CeUDWYN COMEDY |i|t. ft SAT.. OCT. 20 ft 21 A j^DWYN FEATUAE MA--J I M c':. ' AND:-- A S^HSHINf COMKOV ' ' • ('• ' ' * " " sunoay. ocTo»n aa : * WitHun Fcraua» 54 ' • IW • • V Roa^aad Ready l:yQ --AN»-- ' , ; 4. UltyV&flSAL COMB9Y ^ » MATINEE AT 2:39 ESDAY, OCTOBER 24 Heory Waljth^ j > AND ' H' Marjorie Da^ -INt , ^ .^AK ARROW COMEDY FBI, ft SAT.. OCT- 27 V*MAWT llMt rWlOW RHI > ifid GoM ft SAT., NOV. sm 4: be installed will ^ Mtiph interest in thi& huge plant, tidA is to be the larpest in the west wHStwe of in electric circles thru^VM^eollbfy.' In manufacturing ctecUSl ^wssrally it is realized that the plant will be able to supply a vast amount of electric power and this is fully understood as a highly important advantage to Waukegan since modern factories make great use of electric motor drive. The railroad facilities of Wapkegan --the city is includfd. in the Chicago switching district and it has access to trunk lines of railroads reaching every part of the country--are also understood, together with the facts of its location on ^ake Michigan with its harbor and its water supply. It is J predicted that Waukegan will see new manufacturing industries Added to those now in the city. The plant has been written up and illustrated in more than on*- hundred newspapers and journals of national circulation. A large model of/ it as will appear when completed is on exhibition in a window of the Edison building in Chicago. AUCTION SAUI >.,m , of household goods of the late Gertrude L. Miller at the premises on Main street, West McHenry, on Monday, Oct. 23, commencing at one o'clock: Bed room sets, bed steads, sanitary couch, feather bed, 3 mattresses, 3 bed springs, 4 mirrors, din- CHICAGO RADIO SHOW Attraetilf Large Crowds to Ooliaeum Daily Reports very favorable. _ AUCTION SALE fishM Having decided to quit teaming, I will sell at public auction at the Methodist parsonage in West McHenry on Saturday, Oct. 28, commencing at one o'clock p. m., the following articles: Black mare, 9 years old, wt. 1300 lbs.; bay gelding, 12 years old, wt. 1200 lbs.; 60 chickens, double harness, heavy single harness, light single harness, 2 truck wagons, hay rack almost new, set of dump boards, milk wagon, feed cutter, corn sheller, power or hand, double roller; single j appointed committees to take part in row cultivator, Deering mower, potato [the show and the women will have a planter, corn planter with 40 rds. of jheadquarters in the Coliseum annex, wire, walking plow, 2 sets of drags, Demonstrations of radio controlled Deering corn harvester, grindstone, automobiles and other mecbankal de emery wheel, set of heavy wagon | vices will be a daily feature. The springs, set of light sleigh runners, 4 new bee hives. Henry Ahrena, Prop. Wm. G. Schreiner, Auctioneer. When, the doors of the Coliseum were thmvn open at noon last Saturday, Oct. 14, Chicago had the opportunity of seeing the greatest radio show ever held anywhere. It is purely a manufacturers' exhibit, the first in the history of the industry, and radio appliances which have never before been shown to the public will be on exhibition. The entertainment • features of the Chicago radio show surpass anything of' the kind ever before at tempted. A special broadcasting station with- a radius of 4,000 miles was especially installed for the shov. Thursday, Oet. 19, will be society night, under the direction of Mrs. George W. Dixon and other wonpen of equal prominence. Hie Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, the Chicago Federation of Women's clubs, the Catholic Women'i clubs, the Arche club and otfceflB have e - • • 1 v."** " * -i • "When you get the McHenry ice cream, manufactured under per- $0ct sanitary conditions, you are Sure of quality. It is carbonated ^ and made up from pure foods. .. ^5' , s*~- '.v-y; "0i ^9»rfa«ory Ualwayfropeni^jpec^m is VTSitor* Welcome •-V7 • • a- ICE. CREAM FACTORY Adniniatrator's Notice C. Percy' Barnes, Atty. Estate of Anna Cathwine Bishop, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Anna Catherine Bishop, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, ^hereby gives rtotice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 6th day of October, A. D. 1922. , 18-8t Lewis C. Bbho^Adminiatra.tor. for Believes In Advertising Addressing' the Darion (Wis.) dairymen one day recently, John M.- Keeley, attorney for Ringling circus, pointed out their poor business methods and suggested as a noval advertising stunt the milking of a Holstein cow on State street, Chicago, and on Broadway, New York. -The speaker claimed that by holding up the traffic for about fifteen minutes by radl means could not help but bring the humble cow before the public mind and arouse appreciation of her "nectar of 8w Qods." He claimed that dairying is not on a self supporting basis and stated that because the dairymen are without organisation or advertisement the world has lock Interest in its greatest industry. smm broadcasting will also he shown the public benefit. Have you heard of the wonderful No Bone 3tay That's fashioned in such a logical way That is cannot break, tho it bends each way, . . Gives absolute freedom work or play? Corsetiere Miss Wheeler your measure will take, Will study your lines--then the fac tory will make A corset for your individual need--- $very stay the right length and styl ish indeed. Just phone 56-J or a.postal card send, Miss Wheeler wfll quickly yoftt wishes attend, For Nu Bone brings comfort and Nu Bone adds grace; Economy, too, has in Nu Bone a place. tor service, Mabelle Wheel ST. Auction Sale 0| Saturday, Oct 21, commencing at one o'clock sharp there will be an auction sale at the home of Mrs. John Olson, four doors north of Brewery Service station, of articles, consisting of some furniture, including electric washer and stove, poultry equipment, including mash hoppers, brood coups, and various other articles; also gar den tools, htctyiisg hand cultivator, and kwypy too numerous qwntioik, yfrn. G. Sd»rein$r, • i y . J- 6ar* of Thank* We take this moans of publicly thanking all those of otir friends and neigUbors for their kindaoM and as sistance to us in our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Clyfo Xent and Family. Hums, fa* reat. D. W. Quinlan. Plat coffee aad ton-., at Sriekaoa'a. livan, «Mlirs, dUne, i: Wingers, and 4 gal. jars, er, electric tal gas range, gas oline stove, mantle clock, watch and jewelry, silver knives, forks and spoons, silver easseroi, set table china ware, water set, cut glass, wash bowls ers, dishes of all kinds, sils, coffee mill, canned fruit, fruit jars, If lace curtains, 8 window draperies, 2 folding door draperies, 1 door drapery, curtain and drapery fixtures, 4 table spreads, table pad, doilies, towels, 6 bed blankets, 11 pairs pillow^ cases, 13 bed sheets. 8 bed quilts, 5 sofa pillows, 3 lap robes, horse blanket, 20 foot ladder, wheelbarrow, Harden tools, carpenter tools, shovels and forks, 60 ft. .garden hose. 5 gal. kerosene cam, bath room set., 2 trunks, and many other articles too numerous to mention. - , ^ TERMS, CJISH. ffq property be femovod until settled fife, ^ ; Jos. W. Freund, SxecutcHr< R. E. Haeger of Algonquin, chairman of the McHenry county board of supervisors as well as the board of review, left last week Monday for a tour of fairs, where he has been selected to act in the capacity of judge of Holstein cattle. His firsts top was at Golulnbus, O., and before returning home some time in October will have takon |n the fairs at Syracuse, N. Y., and several* ip Vermont and Canada. He has apuolhted D. M. Wright to act as chairman of the board of supervisors during his absence. Winter underwear at Erickson's. use ifi§j on at laims) nd or the piir^ae of havii^flf adjusted. All persons said;. Estate are requested imntipliate payment to the D^ted this 16th d#^ii^ Octohtr, A. D. 1922. Henry J. Schaffer, Executor. HIFW wmfi The Way this Saves Buy in# fiSfrm aaos. «'••fL k f I " '-V J"X> f m. 0f' tj&'i ' m lias been decided for many st man by jupi that one little'dollar'he has saved ey^y jday for the last five years. • S h , " wtj-1 ••'-jfVs • , s,,j '; df ' Ahs* I'll vV + \ • v -Whefi yow big T > ^ \l ip**, •'!'/ j - ; • -iwiUyou be able to seize it? •: - $ !w" * • ^ fy+s# 'T.'* i >£'*•. 4' W' ^>>»v 1 * - ^ vt v V£." f\* f'&r - Open your Savings Aecounf The amount doesn't cpunt. % Y* *"•*&*' k • a« ' * f • '• 1 " vi{ * > the thing it's the s k^.0, ... it. ?iiK •• •- .-y- ^ 4 -n i>,'x ' t--* ^ *1 . ,4 A t ^ sh*4i - _ . . ; • 'r ' * We have a limited amount of CANE-WOLA FEEDING MOLASSES, OERRON-S^H^ME^ VT* and UNICORN DAIRY RATION whleh we wllh ^ to move to make room for other feeds. CANE-MOLA is made froto' Cuban addition to having feeding value equal to corn, is a tonic and appetizer for lfSre sfock. Ftit up j ^ong, new barrels. ^ ^ ^ i; ^ "• Drop in an4 s^|jus for HRICES «D these items. ^ • 5 , . - / - % ^ J .. . ' • •?,.<•. •;» IE ARE M TBf) IUIKT FN A CWlE #F |pf * 4 .•i>; • 4 - • At- f'A >. "f'^ ?. i" ® % fat, Mi JTTPfaSB ^ . " « <" 1 ,t • ^ >•" - • -f»• t£r-+x <\ #1 * . * 4 West McHeory, IU. -• Pho&e r r% ^ ^ ^ St- ± ^ . VT> % A •. y 1% m

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