Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Nov 1922, p. 3

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!g&$ M -afill v'>t ,f.*t '. %'"' '4 $***. «fe\" ,; *: r'f.: Bfy '0.'. •; "'tk" " V* •"'** X/, these i ;to 1 t i*;r^ Bakers Raisin ries '•-r^ave baking at home Pt.VV 'V. * HS&l? L » :"'. "'-1J THERE are luscious raisin pics just around the comer, at your grocer's or ft bake shop. Baked to a turn a flaky crust filled with' tender, tempting raising the rich juke forming a delicious sauce. Once try tnese pies that master bakers bake fresh daily in your city and you'll never take the trouble afterwards to make raisin pies at home. Get a pie now and let your men folks taste it. „Msde with tendez^thin-akinned, maty, seeded Sua-Maid R&iaina. Raisin* furaiah 1560 calorics of energizing nutriment per found, ia practically prcdigeatsd farm. Also a jficc content of fooi»: iron---good food for the blodC Use raisina frequently, therefore, which are both good a ad good for you, in padding* cakes^ ' cookies, etc. You may be offered other » Brands that you know leu weU than Sun-Maids, but the kind rwant is the kind you know good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Mai J brand. They cost as Bore than ordinary raisina. Mail coupon for free book •f tested Sun-Maid recipea. Learn what you can do with luscious raiaiaa. % * ':r6J ; . my, SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin ^ Your retailer should tell yon Sua- ; hid Raisins fot not more than the follow tag prices: IhM (tmlS •. Unt • •sadlsss laa llld«d or SwJIni (11 m.)--1S« [*" CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT""! I Swa-Maid Raisin Growers, Dept. N-S41-7, Fresno, Ciliforah Please send me copy of your fast boek, "Recipes with Raisins.** Blue Pmcitmf* -STATK_ hirtd 8ton« Pointed Out to Little :%iwirl by Cbheet Whoee Fo«t»- « steps Wakened Her, m iK, v I ';>V Dublin Now Called fealladtoe. Just why the provisional goverBr ment should have changed the name of the capital from Dublin, apparently Celtic in origin, if not Id spelling, to the Balle Ath Cllath, which is the postmark on all letters which are received today from the recent war area of Sackville street, Is somewhat puzzling. Dubhllnn, the black pool, a reference to the Llffey, is said to have been given as a name twenty centuries ago, and was used by the Canes. The new name Is pronounced B«llaclee, the town of the hurdle ford, derived from the somewhat marshy crossing paved with wooden hurtles at the point where the coast road ¥(£ from Wicklow to Tara, then the caplv„ .r* tal of Ireland, passed over tha Elver •; Ltfley.--Montreal Family HeiftM. 8aw the Slgne. first Weary Willie--1 dealt yea $ hand of spades then, didn't Second W. W.--How- did you guess It? FLrwt W. W.-^I saw the frightened look on your flu»--Oregon Ponch. the Concentrated Reaourue*. **1 understand you won all money In the party last night." "Yes," -said Cactus Joe, "but It didn't do me any good. I simply bad to divide It around or else break ay tbe poker game." 8have With Cutlcura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even when shaved twice dally, 4 One soap for all uses--shaving bathing and shampooing.--Advertisement. The Taxi Driver. Father--My son Is reckless, careless and Indifferent of consequences. Friend--Good heavens! I dldnt know you had made a taxi driver out of Mm. ft*,- . His Experience. **I%Hny how a fat womkti feel8 bigger than she looks." "Who told you that?" "Nobody. I danced with one night" last !>*• ii «K f TV/- w"-- S2&<*' m, tik. n ;Xhis feeding floor will help fatten your Iff 'hogs quicker *nie hog that eats a piece of mud with every mouthful of feed is in constant danger of disease. He fattens slowly. Phm now to put in a feeding floor made with Marquette Cement. Besides help* mg keep hogs healthy this floor will save you the loss of valuable feed otherwise trampled into the mud, Jtis easy tp build and its cost is low. "Hhit Marquette dealer will Ifo B|e to talk to you about the advantages of Marquette Cement wallowing pools, < hog houses, drinking troughs and other farm equipment, Seejtupatfcei^tiu* you're in town. - ; V • , Marquette Cement Manufacturing1 - Marquette Building, Chicago Vv «• Menifee, Mo.-«-Thirty-two year* ago Silas Menifee, for whom this village was named, passed out of thU earthly existence at the ripe old age of ninetytwo years. had led a miserly, bei^ tnlt life, and it was generally supposed that he had a tidy sum of money hidden away somewhere, as he was always skeptical of benks. But a diligent search by his relatives after death revealed nothing of any value. So confident were his relatives that be had secreted money about the little cottage that they even tapped the walls and examined the legs of the chairs. Nothing ever came of the search, however, and the place was rented. Osborn Shropshire became the first tenant and prospered so well that he was accused of finding the hoarded wealth, but he swore up and down he hadn't and as none of the merchants about the village had ever seen any money that looked suspiciously old this notion was finally givea Hear Strbnge Neisss. About ten years alter the death of Mr. Menifee, known fas "Old 81," tbe Shropshire family began to be annoyed by strange noises. During the middle of the night there would be strange rappings, unaccountable from any source. Again they would hear weird moanings as If they came from some one in distress under the hearth. They became so terrifying the family dug through the floor but of course found nothing. They finally moved away in terror and the report went oat that the bouse was "banted." Two or three braver ones scouted the Idea and moved in, but they never stayed loag.. In July a family driving Sir ' •ML' -" -Vr- ' • ; *• Pointed to a Stone In the Flreplaoe. overland in a covered wagon from Ohio spotted the abandoned shack, as It is now, and got permission to make It tffelr home. They of course didn't know anything of the house's history and no one hereabouts of the older ones who were familiar with it took the trouble to tell tbem. It wasn't necessary, however, if tbe reports of the family--Robinson by name--can be verified. And It seems they are In a fair way to be. Two weeks after they had installed themselves In the old house, as tbe story goes, one of the Robinson children was awakened by heavy footsteps In the room and, looking up, saw an aged man with lowing white beard coming toward the pallet where she was sleeping with her mother. The child's screams awakened Mrs. Robinson, who says she saw the old man as "plain as; could be." When she arose straight' up in bed terrified the old &an stood still, and extended his arms, as If to say, "Be not afraid. I come to do noi hrfrm." Then he pointed to a stone in the fireplace. «8o doing he vanished late thin air. Found the Gold. Terrified beyond expression, Robinson kept to her bed the rest of the night, but next morning she hastily i^ummimed her husband, who had.rbeen sleeping in an adjoining room. 'They examined the stone to which tbe old tnan pointed and found, after a little prylqg, that it was loose. When they finally got it out of its place they found behind It a small crevice ill which there was $567 in gold! The facts as related here are being set down for a report to the American Society for Psychical Research, which will be asked to make an investigation of the remarkable story. %> ' your newsdealer has a supply of . . . . ,VWv:v • rf " i:%V reprints of The Chicago Daily News' great mystery;^ ., story, "The Green Archer," which contain^ the stoiy from the first chapter to data, _ ' i ; • ;f Every woman and girl, therefore, can still read the story from the beginning, and enter the race for the $1,000 cash prize given to the woman or girl who, after reading all the story except the last chapter, -- ^: shall then mail to The Chicago Daily News "the most complete and correct so?! it ion in all its details of the entire mystery in The Green Archer,' as it shall laterbe disclosed in the final chapter of the story, to be published Wednesday, December 13." There are one hundred and sixty cash prizes in all, totaling $3,000. Get your story "Reprint" from your newsdealer Without delay (they cost nothing), or mail a postal card request for one to " .' - • * fM THE CHICACJO DAILY NEWS 15 North Wells Street, Chicago, IU. "M -Wri <*:• COWBELLS SAVE THE GRAPES Novel Alarm Devised by New Yorker to Discourage Depredations ,»f . Nocturnal Visitors. Exasperated by nightly rnt(Js of small boys on his grape arbor, a Sheepshead Bay (N. Y.) resident has stopped their depredations by attaching cowbells to the vines. The slightest pull at the tempting fruit jingles the alarm and puts tbe intruders to flight. * Tbe sandy soil near the bay is particularly adapted for grapes and most of the other houses have large arbors in the back yard. Boys from the newer houses, which have no arbors, began to call under the cover of darkness even before the grapes were ripe. They not only took the fruit, but ruined the vines by crawling and ~tumbling over the arbor. But the cowbell alarm brings the owner to the door and a second scare is generally avoided by the boys. Set* era! neighbors, noting the efficiency of the system, have also installed cowbells among their grape vlnefe ; • " First He'd Heard of iC Some years ago I was a clerk In a small country post office and did little favors for the patrons. 1 was asked by an old soldier to write a letter to our congressman asking why things were moving so slowly regarding his pension. I wrote an exceedingly pathetic letter. A few days later I was confronted by the postmaster with this letter, to which, from force of habit, I had signed the postmaster's name, and asked in no uncertain K^jiis. "How come?"--Exchange. Three Tables In One, An Englishman has Invented a table with a zigzag cut across the top that enables it to be used in either a square or long and narrow form. * A reckless automaniac. chauffeur is a sort of Comfort Is not ati extravagance--it Is a necessity. 10 Cents Gives Charming New Shade to Old lingarfe PUTNAM FADELESS DYES--dyes or tints as y«N wtak AYaai*s Wtw or a NewPairPrss Ihat'e oer geaiealse el •rlBfl fU BONk I MHii .strata* MVWIOi ill UbU. flMM ssrj&a, tmamafci SSrtaa.Mtob.1 WIFEY WAS "WISE" TO HIM Excellent Reason Why Reporter Need* ed That Raise of Salary He Had Applied For. Augustus Thomas, the veteran playwright, said at a wedding breakfast ia New York: "When a marriage fails It Is usually because one or tbe other of the contracting parties starts out with the resolve to be false to his or her contracts. "Years ago, when I was a reporter in St. Louis, a colleague of mine went to the city editor and said: 44 'I'd like a raise. I'm married now, you know.' •"Yes, yes, 1 know/ said tbe city editor, a kindly, genial soul. 'And, of course, you need tbe raise fbr your family, don't you? "'No, I don't,' said the reporter. *1 need It for myself. My wife, you see, has found out what I'm getting MX'" . ' 1 1 , . . f r - , : • The Only Wsy. •Uo you believe that It ts pesstbia for a man to live on $20 a week?" "If bis credit ts good, yes," A minute's carelessness can undo a whole day's work. WAS WISEK THAN HE LOOKED j Bucolic-Appearing Individual Surprised the Scientific Sharps of Prom, inent Washington Club. ; YM never can tell by appearances Just who is the real wise individual. The other afternoon a number of men were discussing the latest scientific achievements in one corner of a room at a well-known club. There was a man who had all the earmarks of hav» ing lately arrived from a season's work on the farm. His head was thinly covered with hair, astride his nose sat a pair of steel-rimmed spectacles, on his chin grew blilygoat-like whiskers, his clothing hung on rather than fitted him. Finally oAe of the party, who had been conversing on scientific matters, turned and In a rather joking way asked the one of bucolic appear once what he thought of the matter, Quick as a flash came back a 15-minute learned dissertation on the subject under discussion. I afterwards learned that the one of rubelike appearance was one of England's famous scientists.-- Washington Star. Moving Literature. i Alice--"Doa't you think a cooksey book is fascinating?" Clara--**Y«% indeed. It contains so many «tlrrta| Incidents." LOOM OFurntimm Ask Your Local Dealer Write Now lor 32-Page Illustrated Booklet Tlw Lloyd ManuiacturingOnapasy Ik) Dwkl Mwwwnln--. Michigan (!6> Special Up to Date. To keep up with progress the messenger boy on the blue special delivery stamp hereafter will be seen riding a motorcycle Instead of hiS familiar old "bike." He has been a faithful boy, year In and year out. Who 1s so phlegmatic that he does not thrill and have a quickened pulse at sight of the blue rider on an important piece of mail? Yes, even though there have been times when he' might more appropriately be mounted on a turtle.--Chicago Evening Post Hooked at Last. Nere--**Yes, she dropped him a UM and he came around." Dort--"I sea. Landed him at last." * / . 8 6 0 . 4 in 60 days •hows <fea pawibOitiM towllaaaiw- Seorwafl T h e « -- 1 to thh bBdm-- for y rwmif «m| a pnSte. Uttb bomp Noataafw* I rt» for baakm, « «0Qt fWt WOMRMa Pd«oTw nm pjmrojma _ tlx oapartwity < Mi HMBWIWt as Pastor-^Doctor" Qets Jail Term. Youngstown, O.--Charged with practicing medicine and surgery without a license, Kev. .Theodore Schuster, pastor of the Evangelical church, has been sentenced to serve six months in prison |' and pay a fine of $000. rucl Chicago.--After being struck by two * automobiles during the last year, and each time coming out of the hospital as good as new, Miss Kate Plynn, a School teacher of Chicago, was struck tur a nwfp^nirffr engine at juubL Fia. X I A4 'ji:\: iv/" among --tliefood that enrldleiifUit ffiuAl, builds sound, healthy bodies. SNDS of people keep on trying, year after year, to build health from food that has been robbed of certain elements required for per* {<3et nutrition. Grape-Nuts is made from whole wheat flour and malted barley--baked for 20 hours, which develops the natural richness of the for ready digestibility. If your food doesn't enntain toe mineral properties that go to build up nerve, tooth and bone structure, there ia no other means by which J#* can get these vital elements. " A-f And Grape-Nuts is perfectly delicious-- served with milk or cream, or made into an appetizing pudding for dinner. This is one reason why so many informed people eat Grape-Nuts Get a package of Grape-Nuts from your grocer family n helo to Builder >-?mM Tom of fsor HOLCOUB * HOKE MFC. OOL ttlOV>aBw«oSc imS.a.p.lh.lai. Big Money in Amf and Navy Stores . Rrerybody's on the l o o k o u t for bm Oovernmcnt Surplus Supplies »re i bargains anyone can offer the pobUt. and Navy Stores do a tremendous bu"1" over the country. You can start DOi capital or place of bu&iue»s, II nee* show you how and help you. Mo < needed. Our prospectus tells all abool w Sroposition. write for it andlarfteftlilQf sf rmy aud Navy Goodie You DtW ever will have a better builnsss p99[ than this. Don't postpone your good! ^ OoDcr»tulMe yourself on r«»diog tfcli i WRITE TODAY! ' , United Army St Navy Stores , 62 Market St. NewerMk*- WE CAN SELL YOUR STOCKS and BONDS If you own ur seoor»U«» irf do«M(ll «t T»lao, send as • full desert pi ton m «lbl« mak«roa»Boa»r. W• l»nluin I miDinc Um t*1o«of llocks, burtl ui I ii rs ^ r HT«stnHU>ad wlUslrefcMu \ tiOQ UfOOl bte. Ttaia<Allg»tc« n«* erer. Tba M>rr1e* ts join for UM i •nsbl* roa to save or mak* KMm smutsTiii ansim ca. x i sn» $3 LtUK.\tTE&--Tott CM l«M VtV«l* •> tp*B buuk by tt>* Cfealta MM f Writ. H. & MMkIA

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