V V-' '»*'V* sA-^v,•w.fofr •ar«» K£3R:-'.«* "MT **•?, -- ? A* * J > Buy Your D"# $* * „A,f~ *' • - .' •-" ?-\ ' • ' ... «v« :J' V •/ V. - : &;* *' ;.: . • . -'r-.iis-V--'- . •-•»•• -• V , " • n m t t m N , H. PETESCHSMMHI .Good Eats, I For Thanksgiving IW New Navel Oranges, sweet and juicy, per doz,..20c ? Finest Quality Late Howe Cranberries, per ^[t.. 16c fextra Fine Sweet Potatjpes, 6 lbs. for_ _J^2Sc |/ ,|lonarch Mince Meat, large mason jarsat--_,-;5#e y " ftichlieu Condensed Mince Meat, 12 oz. pkg. J for 51c • Monarch Pumpkin, finest quality, large can _2$c |;4'^3 lb. box Monarch Coffee, nothing finer $1.25 Our Famous Japan Tea, finer than ever, per lb. 8#c Canned Peas, Monarch and Richlieu, sweet and }&•* .•* tender, per can 21c, 22c, 25c, 39c and Nc v Canned Corn, Monarch and Richlieu, finest qual- ^ ity packed, per can 20c, 22c and 25c '• v .- *: C, r' A complete line of canned fruits, vegetables, pickles, cf; olives, catsups, salad dressings, etc, Goods Delivered 117-R M. J, WALSH lor Watr and Miijler '^DEMONSTRATION 7 " ^We have made arrangements with the manufaciurers whereby the wonderful Thor Washer and |lf angler will be demonstrated at our store on ' December 4, 5 and 6 v . We have been successful in the sale of a large numfoer of these machines in this territory during the sis Jpast few years and will be pleased to give yotr ? ; ' names of scores of satisfied owners. During the demonstration we will have at our store a Lady ^ iPem.onstrator who is considered one of the very fj/in her line. We therefore extend an invitation to the ladies of this community to attend this dem- ^ Jonstration and have explained to tbem the merit* r these wonderful machines. '•P & JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. the Pjyrty For the Home Dinner * • •• ' no other dessert or refreshment can the piece of ICE CREAM We make it in all standard flavors and sell ; ' in bulk °r. bri^»« Spe^ ojdefs given - ' \ expert attention. f e - " . * Alio » complete Hffe&ffcaflf afid fancy tiox candies, fruits, cigars and tobacco \«v*vV rK £->- £dkl * V • '> . }*•***• /*" • McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. Items K Interest Vm 0«r ** L*w"Nr ' ' Junior Notti ff ' -' Enprlifeh III had tMr flrst oral themes last Friday. We must say the Spanish are very polite. No es verdad? Mr. Stringer insists that irregular verbs in Spanish are easy--after you learn them. We wondtr if Miss Aafcburnar was surprised by our ballads. Some were very tragic. The junior class have received a number of copies of plays and are trying to decide on one to give. The stenography I class had a speed test one day last week. Pamel^ won out, writing 66 words per minute. Most of the members of the athletic association are trying to sell five season tickets for basket Ml. Wont' you buy one? t Upon inquiring, the Spanish class found that very, very few heard their wonderful songs last Wednesday. What a shame! The seniors thiiik they're bright because they had the lowest percentage nf failures. Now then., what about us? The only class witfc students on the honor roll. I move that a crank be placed on the assembly hall pencil sharpener.' A Junior. I second the motion. Another Junior. Attention Messrs. McCarthy and Weber, the motion eanjed. Can you tell us why-- ^ The seniors act so dignified? We have to give oral themes ? Some people must be talking alftthe time? '-'I •"$]'. > 1 The girls* gjitt pttiod seems so short? • • All the teachers have a fondness for front seats? ' The teachers always look up at" the critical moment ? xMr. Duker visits our classes just when we don't know our lessons? . Senior Notes Maps were handed out to the members of the American history class to color. The seniors, after a few lectures, have decided to "sober down," especially Red. We wonder what the cause was for all the aches and pains in the senior class on Monday. The spnior class is having a contest, it .seems, to see who can talk any faster than Pauline. What's the matter with Leo's "speaking" and Floyd's "music?" We say they're all right. Wonder if Red thought it would be too much trouble for Alice to take care of the money for the tickets. The season tickets for the basket ball game were given out at a meeting of the Athletic association last Friday morning. Pauline Freund and Doris Bacon sighed sighs of relief on last Frk|*y morning.. Reason: They gave their mile long speech for English IV. Mr. Stringer said in Spanish class Monday that the juniors hand in their school notes every week. He also suggested that the seniors reform and not be so silly. The seniors may again talk when they come into their assembly in the morning and after school. Miss Kisch has taken pity on them or else that agonizing silence was too much for her. On Monday night of this week the seniors went to the theatre to prepare their English lesson for Tuesday. We are trying to work out a debate in regaVd to a proposed new'constitution for Illinois. Sophomere Notes Harold B., in Eoology: "Oysters lie in beds." We have prospects for a high school paper. Bring on the gossip! Carl Weber was absent Monday and Tuesday on account of sicknes.s. Mr. Stringer gave us a few "tips" on the slience of good salesmanship. Did Sir Roger go to a birthday party? Or what was meant by "party spirit?" The Girls' Glee club is plftnnin^f to have new Christinas songs for practice this week. 'Die girls have volunteered to make caiVy to help the community Christmas tree along. » Oh, these dark days! Ask Mr. Stringer his idea for supplying the rooms with light. O Harold, from whence do come-thy enormous feet or could ypi| not see t h e w a s t e b a s k e t ? ' • * * Has anyone . noticed 0 Mildred's strange habit of thinking Out loud? Miss Ashburner has. Why didnjt Harold take the floor in convocation Tuesday when Miss Pryor offered it so kindly? It sure takes Herman to "jar" us up. We think the boy has bright prospects as a lawyer. The girls are progressing in thetr j basket ball. There are about thirty. girls that practice now. All those having two red marks on' their report cards are barred from1 the gym. T6o bad. Sniff, sniff. Quite a number of the high school students attended the funeral of Ralph Ritter Monday afternoon. Don't forget to turn out Thursday night, folks. Big program for the community Christmas tree in the gym. Owing to the fact that Red Winkel doesn't eat candy, he is going to give away what he buys. Everybody be on hand. Willie Green no longer sits back of his body guard, Cart Weber. Miss Pryor says everybody likes to see Willie's sweet, refreshing smiftft. Oh, Willie. If you hear a few moans or screams issue from the lab in the next week you will know the zoology girls have started the delightful work of disseet- McHFMRYf •• ;#s - WSMiSSBSl- *|ltM*SDAY. NOVEMBER 23 PARAMOUNT NIGHT Mav Me j -ANDThe Lather Pnshers NOV. &£*26 . ; i - A N D T H E - -- > LEE KIDS > * ... - . M IN Pair of Am •UNDAY, NOVEMBER 26 TOM INk lM Toaf, AND ' UNIVERSAL COMBPY ' S MATIN BE AT fc3» Itltfili ir.ij ; • • *¥lfESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, lithe Days oi Baffalo Bill •;'"V ---avdm* x y;- Herbert Rawlinson , --ikP-- # ' " Another Mia's Shoes -i >3 couitfG . A CAT., DEC. 1 A S The Eternal Flame ing crabs. This is the reason we had no school notes last week: Mr. Stringer: "Miss Pufahl, did you write the school notes?" ' •' Pauline: "Yes, Millie and I had them up in the typewriting room last night and now we can't find them." Mr. Stringer: "Miss Zuelsdorf, db you know where they are?" Millie, di%amily looking up from a book she had been readfng: "Me? I ate 'em." (No wonder she Rooked dreamy, she got insomnia and indigestion from them.) Progressive Twelve Tl»e Progressive Twelve were entertained at the home of Mrs. 3. W. Rothermel on Riverside Drive on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 22. This being the last party of the season, the eight members receiving three or more prizes daring that time entertained the four losing ones. Five hundred was the afternoon's diversion, all twelve members receiving lovely prices. At five o'clock a sumptuous dinner watt served. " J R.*. AR'R&.&RT MPII D No Hunting or Trtmpa--ing Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing on my premises art strictly prohibited. 2f-4t ' Peter M. Miller. PbUnkr ads bring result*. |4ad Miw at Marfk : A of ejHHKld interest to.a large of the young people of this cNggiiiuty was solemnized at St. Mary's &ffinolic church in this village at nine .o'clock on Wednesday iaW|>- ing of this week, the contMetiag parties being Mr. James C. Halpin and Miss Theresa A. Schaefer. The single ring ceremony was performed by the pastor of the church, Rev. Charles S. Nix, in the presence of a congregation that was made up mostly of relatives and close friends of the pair, after which nuptial hight mass was celebrated. Attending the couple were Miss Louise Stilling of this village and Mr. George Lowe of Chicago. The bride was attired in a drees, of white canton crepe with side train. Her veil, arranged in cap effect, was held in place with silver ribbon and lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore a dress of pink crepe de chine with hat of the same shade. She carried a bouquet of pink Killarney roses. Immediately after the mass the bridal party, together with about thirty immediate relatives, gathered at the home of the bride's parents on Riverside Drive, where a wedding breakfast was served and where the couple was showered with congratulations. The laride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Schaefer of this village. She is a young woman of a most pleasing address and is popular among her many friends. The groom came to McHenry from Chicago a year or more ago. He is the telegraph operator at the depot, where he 4ns been giving satisfactory service ever since coming here. to New ie their hom To the couple their many fri expend best wishes for a life of pihess and proi A M F.RICA f^UIGlON NOTBS The b^ ftas Seen rented to St. Mary's p<t4i>fr for their fall festival during THatfdngiving week. The last Thursday of November will again persuade the disabled veterans of, America that they can be thankful for comrades who will always remember them. The new officers of the Legion for 1923 were installed last Thursday evening, Nov. 16. There was s very good attendance and we would Bike to see more at the coming meeting*- Plans are being made to put on a big Mardi Gras for the New Year' dance on Saturday evening, Dec. 30. The plans for giving a home talent show are also progressing nicely and the boys expect to be in training for their parts in the very near future. The state bonus application blanks will be ready within the next three weeks and there willv be two forms. Form one is for all ex-service men and women and will be mailed to each post. Form two will be for the females and heirs of deceased soldiers and same can be obtained by writing to the Service Recognition Board at Springfield, 111. It. has come to the attention of state headquarters that there are insurance agents who are using the name of the American Legion to further their own interests. No one has the authority from any of the department officers to (use this name in endorsing any insurance proposition. If you know of anyone who has been guilty of this offense kindly let us £hi« year from [W e, the second annual of one of ' ie contributic ich was ot^umwmn by National Commander Ah Owsley, then director of Ameri< for the Legion, will be. joint auspices of the National Education association tiw United States Bureau Won- #1 Salvation Army . Drive U Mrs. W. F. Vogt, who is ch of the McHenry committee ha^fhgt charge of the Salvation Army cam-?* paign for funds, informs us that shef1 hopes to havp a report for next week's^ issue of The Plaindealer. While thd various solicitors have been at worl^ on the drive for two weeks or more. l\ not all have turned in their reports^ j, while others have not completed theif . \ canvass. McHenry's quota is ?30(| " *" - and, while the chairman and her co» '{"-.uS workers would be very puck elated Uji be able to report an "over the top5 Y % campaign, this does not appear likel^f - .J at this time, altho there may be manjjt* who have not been seen and who wish to contribute thsir mite. To tRbse- ^,^ who have not contributed and wish fci '» ^ do so we are sure that Mrs. Vogt wil| / appreciate their "handing ;©r sending ? > their alms to her. It's a cause that i of Ottr support. Card of Thanfe,, - C " : ^ We take this public manner of ex|;^'|fl pressing our sincere thanks for the many kind favors shown us during our recent very sad bereavement^ Especial thanks is extended to th% donors, of flowers. ;£. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ritter and Family^ Keep your feet warm and dry. Ge your rubber foot wear at Erickson's* -3d A-:" • are anxious i v v:-; ',, ^ ' " . - v ' - V J - We a r e a n x i o u s t o . s e e e n c $ * V 4 V :- wiibadi ivviida uuaali iinn It tt pDrroosspneerr . * t V?. *"^* *^* v *rX\ - Building up a good bank bbfq*fkc 3 ' • ince and wisely investing thtft' • Jtooiay me>ns: future prosperity :4?$t ' ^-.-4i- tor aod ,Ms iX'W' "K J. lor you aod this communitjs^ • - 'if . • • • • ft-'.: You are cordially invited' to S rf "" f\ J consult us id regard to the safety ^--V- J '^V "R 7"'•fa J* -at any investment Vithout the ? ^ ^ ' - - M a s l i g h t e s t o b l i g a t i o n , ' ; , v ' ^ 1 T 1 • k < « , t . ' * • , f - ^ v - ^K ^ ^ : * v* , X' .Is x "4 k"*** % * ** vv • * '• *•>, •*!»' i, : /v mS? '* •: >•. ' til • SVSSSE M v, :v:i- - H \ > * - SATURDAY-MONDAY -TUESDjAY NOVEMBER 25th, 27th and 2#th * ' X We havfe set aside tor this sale about 150 pieces of high gfade aluminum '"C * * *are regularly priced at $1.00 to r» • . J, " A"" if . 2 QT. DoljBLE BOILER® •SA" i V'- 't H J -4r ^- ASSORTMENT CONSISTS OF-^t- , ^ 8QT. PRESERVING KETTLEJ 10 QT. DISH PANS | OT eONVE^ ' • -A "•-'-Hi: ^ETTllES r,/v'% .'7V«W \ .k¥ 2 0T. PERCOLATORS , 4 QT. TEA KETTLES - jr ROUND ROASTERS To enable us to name the very low price of 49c lor each pfece cjf this line aluminum ware, we are making the terms of this sale cash and we require a purchase of $3.00 of any other merchand^ with eech |wece x>| alumi* num ware. GENERAL MERCHATMD1SF WEST McHENRY, ILL. i' -.-X - "' * AtrZ ; I 'i ¥"•