Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1924, p. 5

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Oflivlnurs •-12 a. ml 2-6 p m. ...'---TMS ^af|/ttt"J«res. itftoAlmiNe'SMi Inquire of C. W. Harrison, Ringwood, 01. ' SS-tf -rf J' :.t4V- ' vK*i.. Chiropractor ? "•• " S-'f-': ' "" •&•%? L. MINICK, D. C Palmer Graduate i •'• "55" • v. fttfdd Building West McHenry, HI. i. . ttfpfleian mil OarfjM• , : Spuria! attention given to X-liQr, diagnosis, treatments and dental iradiograph. Oftee hoars: % 9:80 to 10:30 a. «. i<i 1:80 to 3:80 p. m. V: i 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Telephones, Res., 128-W; Office, 128-R WEST McHENRY, ILL. FOR SALE--Heater, together with Will burn either soft coal or James Revor, Weft McHenry, 111 . 38 mxwm having decided JI«L BUST VILLAGE m- FOR SALB--Modern sight room house on Court St., known as the J. C. Holly home. Bath, furnace, hard and soft water, all in A No. 1 condition. Terms reasonable. Wm. J. Welch, j trustee, West McHenry. 30-tf! BABY CHICKS--In 100 lots, assorted, $12; Leghorns, $18; Barred Rocks, S. genuine for men, women and children; nates darning. Salary, $75 a full time; $1.50 an hour spare Cottons heathers, silks. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. FOR SALE--Between McHenry and Crystal Lake, a good 100-acre farm with 30 head of stock and machinery. m •! • "vV" A. wT^'-*. >* V ^5. iSj.Sj •» fM tx] ^ .. •, ' •s?' - ^'; V$} •v' -*7; ^ a r\.* * Ik*]*' ifik jii* «Jl~ <%&*** w - ** ; ' \ Edison Appoints Us Headquarters for His New Iconography The New Edison This Is the proudest event in our history, becoming associated with Mr. Edison in bringing the happiness, which lies in good music, into every home. Qoflie i£ and hear our stock of EDISON RECORDS* L* • 1 . <3&lbransenRegistering Pianos lead the worid in the number of sales and output Nationally advertised and priced. . r ,ri- -v.- Co--unity Mattel « C^ShbarbMi MoSelh'.Oovetni S«at MriStt " ' WbMe BOON Model r#uo wtnrjr , {- ' i.. Aft.-:-7 :i\;i « :> 3a -i.v • NYE MUSIC & JEWELRY STORE WEST McHENRY, ILL, " v PHONE UU | % V ^ ' s# • m ;Sf': .-••A: WvcS '#"^1 Chicago 8c North ^Western System 0,^.. ^ N,.w. Ry. c, St. P, •M • X' ' • --• " •' rw vt". *T*HEY carried the largest 'traffic in history without transportation difficulties and with virtually no car shortage. nPHEY placed in service nearly 200,090 new freight cars and nearly 4,060 oe# locomotives. TTH EY expended for equipment and other facilities, $1,076,006,(MK). and paid 99 taxes over $300,000,000. TpHEY expended for fotl, materials ail 4 supples used in current operatic a*A maintenance 'almost $1,800,000,00< paid their emploves average annual equal to almost double the amount of average TTHEIR efficiency helped all businsss and all credit by making turn-overs more rapid. f ® ^HE Transportation Act provides that the railroads may earn a 5%% return. None of the different groups did so in 1923, the average for all Class 1 roads being 5.11%, while the North Western Ripipn group earned less tha$ 4$. f I s * * ? : 4 I , ; 4 " f ; Why You Should Order Tour Ferd Car N®w Considering that, as spring proacbes, retail buying will becams r _ 9 jtfl _ - - • *i'-' than ever before. ^: tldivery this sosimcr is irnimxHawly. : ^ AS 8SEN BY PLADfDEALBK BEP0RTBB8 AMD HANDED IN BT our ramus Mrs. Wm. Bacon was a CMesgo visitor last Friday. Mrs. J. A. Conrad was a Chicago Good buildings, all in good condition.! visitor last Friday. For particulars call phone 6M-M-2j M. L. Sloey of Chicago passed the any time between the hours of 12 and week end in this city. 1 o'clock or address R., the Plain-! Miss Ruth Stoekebrand was a Chidealer, McHenry, 111. 32jcaK° visitor last Saturday. " ' Mrs. J. E. Wheeler passed last Fri- FARM FOR RENT 115 acre farm jn the metropolitan city. four miles east of McHenry on paved | Mr3. oorjre Meyers Mon. roa,l for cash rent. Both buildings day in ^ metropolitan city. land land in excellent condition. Barn {for over thirty (30) head of dairy cattle, about 30 acres in good alfalfa. All tillable land and productive. Apply to Charles W. Lehmann, Elgin, 111. Men's and boys' winter caps at Erickson's. -><,-:-T What the Railroads Accomplished in 1921 Under the Transportation Act f .. . r ^ , *J*HEY returned to the people by way of wages, purchase of supplies and ma-, terials, taxes, interest and rentals 95 per cent (estimated) of the gross income received from transportation. Chits With Your I- G« Mm. THE terrible • tempered Mr. Bang opened the letter from his doctor and found a- bill enclosed for $10.00. uIt isn't worth it; you're a robber," exploded Mr. Bang, and the bill was returned to the doctor. The next day the bill came back--but in this form; « "To getting out of bed at 2:00 a. m.; answering'phone; disturbing family; dressing; going to garage and cranking car; twomile drive in cold; saving baby's life--810.00. Bang paid without a oominent. If it were possible for us to itemise the monthly gad bill, ean you realize the better understanding that would immediately result? Gas service is one of the least expensive items in the household budget--only we do not .alwajv appreciate 4hat fact. . j N» ; . Weight Urtlfid Gls and Electric Company G. E. COLLINS. District Muwer Mrs. R. S. Howard passed last Friday in the metropolitan city. Miss Mayme Ibsh passed Friday of last week in the metropolitan city. Fred Justen attended to business matters in Chicago last Thursday. Miss Helen Sauer of Chicago was the^guest of home folks over the week end. Miss Vera Buss passed the week end as the guest of friends in Chicago. Ollie Herman of Chicago spent the week end as the guest of McHenry! friends. Miss Mary Kinney passed the week end as tile guest of friends at La- Grange. ^ Miss Catherine Ashborner passed the week end with home folks at La- Grange. Miss Esther Richmond passed the week end as the guest of friends at Wheatdn. J. Irving Tallmadge passed the week end as the guest of friends in undersigned, quit farming, will sell at public auction on the Frank McConnell farm, located 2% miles east of Hebron, 3% miles west of Richmond, at Stone's Corners, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY M commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp 116 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK consisting of 27 head milk cows, new milkers and close springers, some with calves by their side. This herd is practically all home raised and is averaging: better than 30 lbs. per cow"; 6 yearling heifers, bull, 2 years old; 5 head of horses: Team brown mares, 10 years old; black mare, 10 years old; bay mare, 9 years old; brown mare, 9 years old; 6 brood sows, 70 faff pigs, average 100 lbs.; Chester White boar, full blood. 100 full blood White Leghorn pullets, 100 mixed chickens. HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY 450 shocks hard corn in field, 60 tons silage, 5 tons timothy hay, 10 tons millet hay, quantity cut feed in barn, 10 tons hard corn in crib, Mc- Cormick corn binder, Dee ring grain binder, John Deere spreader, corn planter, 9-18 disc, mower, 2 16-in. sulky plows, gang- plow, hay rake, milk wagon, 3-section drag, heavy truck wagon, iron truck wagon, 2 International cultivators, cream separator, combination box, pump jack, milk pails, hog rack, hay rack, milk cans, many other articles too numerous to mention. Plenty to Bat, Drink and Snak* Noon at Terma of Sale--All of $10.00 W. Smith and & M SEALED Sealed proposal! op to one p. m. Mead for the various branches of work entering into the construction of a com* munity high school erected in McHenry, Illinois^ to plans and specifications by Ralph E. A bell company, architects and engineers, as follows: Heating, plumbing, ornamental iron, light fixtures, painting, hardware glass roof and blackboards. Plans can be seen at the office of the board of McHenry, Illinois, or at the office of the architects and at 232 E. Erie St, Chicago, 111., or 18 DuPage St., Elgin, 111., on or after January 24. 1924. Proposals must be accompanied Iqf a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, guaranteeing the owners against loss in case the bidder fails to execute contracts and file surety bonds meeting the board's approval within 15 days after notice has been given to bidder that he has been awarded the contract. The owners reserve the right to accept any or reject all proposals. Proposals must be sealed and if mailed shall be addressed to Joaapfc W. Freund, clerk of the board, MeHenry, Illinois. If delivered same shall fan presented at the meeting of the board at 1:00 p. m., Monday, Feb. 25, 1924. Your news items dated. Phone 98-W. always w a business vismetropolitan city last FOB. DETROIT Starter and DemotmtaM* Rims S&S.OO In order to clear up a misunderstanding among the people as to the condition of the eyes I want to say a few words to you so there will be less worry about your eyes. In the first place, anyone forty years old or more usable to read or sew without glasses, Chicago. C. W. itor in the Thursday. Edward Stewart of Franklin Park was the guest of friends here over tha week end. Mrs. Fred Justen attended to business matters In the metropolitan city. Wednesday. A. E. Nye attended to matters of «. business nature in the metropolitan city Monday. Mrs. Leah Brown of Woodstock was the guest of McHenry friends over the week end. Dr. Fred L. Minick spent the weel end ss the guest of relatives in th# metropolitan city. Leo Stilling of Chicago was a wade end guest of his parents, Mr. an<| Mrs. Ben Stilling. Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin passed las$ Friday and Saturday as the guest ot relatives in Chicago. Gerald J. Carey of Chicago was % week end guest in the home of his* mother, Mrs. Mary Carey. Louis Wrede of Chicago passed a few days last week looking after his|| property interests in this cjjy. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago^ passed the week end in the home oft her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. ^ Miss Dorothy Walsh of Chicago wa*F a week end guest in the home of her| parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mrs. Al. Wagner of Chicago spenf Sunday and Monday as a guest in ther home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L. Kelter. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Hartley of Chi cago spent Sunday in the home of th$ letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and ilrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock spenf the week end as guests of McHenry relatives. Miss Gladys Stewart of Frankliif Park passed the latter part of last week as the guest of Miss Greeta, Chamberlin. Miss Doris Bacon has gone to Kenosha, Wis., where she expects to remain for some time with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Dam. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and)! children of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr. andfcf or Car Answer this Question >.-r: is it you moat denre--in the motor cmi' t*ou«eU> ^ Vou know tliat t^c CAr wlilcli everyone speaks Jvell of is easier to sell--that you can sell then! less expensively--that you can sell more of them» nThat is one of the features which makes the Hupmobile franchise so attractive in the eyefc ' dealers everywhere. They know that no ca|| y, no matter what its price, has a betted Imputation than the Hupmobile. you sell the HupmobOa, you have the f stance of Hupmobile owners. No car is th* ;s^n • eficiary of greater good-will. No car has a proportion of enthusiastic owners. Thm Right Car, thm Right Frie$ AndthcRightMantoHandklt • art now in a position where we can talk' th sound business men who wish to plan r asgressiveness, their ability, and thsir ital behind the Hupmobile. price of a Hupmobile of pid assures you prdbpects. The good >u that these »|Mft am* of a will be favoris M#; M • & this condition is not a sickness or bad j Mrs. George Meyers, Sr. eyes. It is merely sn abnormal con-' Mrs. Allen Noonan and eons, Allen dition which can well be corrected j and Anthony, spent the latter part of with a good pair of glasses. Of I last and first of this week with relaconrse younger people have their eyes | tives in the metropolitan city. examined and we find they are either short sighted, long sighted or*we find that condition causes astigmatism. If you or your children have astigmatism that doesnt mean by any means that your eyes are had or sick. Astigmatism is merely a Latin word to indicate abnormal shape of an eye or an eye which is not perfectly Mrs. Wm. Dryer and Mrs. Alvinj Bruin of Forest Park are spending the week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Mrs. Fred Hart, Mrs. Minnie Gerding and Mrs. Laura Reinking of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of Mrs. Barbara Schiessle. They came out to assist Mrs Schiessle •! w; round. This eye is generally as good j in celebrating her seventy-ninth ir - as any other eye, but the patient is J day anniversary, which occurred as unable to see as cl<furly. Nervous- Friday. 123,607 dual nM 0ecemWr, ## a n wintm' Therefore, the only be sure of obtaining coming spring to place your order semi W you do not wish to par cash for lmH pmtmcnt doom and *as9 S fritfimrr Or pom a t*o Ford We*kb Purchos* the Nearest Ford Dealer mm dizziness, head aches may be due to astigmatism. The greatest possible injury you bring on yourself'here Sunday were: Mrs. F. is by buying ready made glasses. | bonnier and daughter, Henry Those fom a distance who attended the funeral of little Virginia Kamholz Char- Char- You never know what you've got until your eyes are ruined. Go to a reliable scientific optometrist, who does bonnier, Mrs. Dorothea Giesie, Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. A. Howe, Mrs. Peter Hawk, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kittlenothing else but test eyes and make mann and daughter of Chicago, Mr. glasses. I don't use any drugs in your; an(j Mrs. Herman Kamholz of Cary. eyes and my work in this township.^ seems to be very much appreciated, j I have examined eyes for thirty j years and also grind my own glasses.. If you have trouble with your eyes l come any Monday afternoon between j 12:00 and 3:00 o'clock. I will give you an examination. If you don't j need glasses I will honestly tell you j My McHenry office is located in j my summer home in the Lasch sub-1 division on the west side of Fox river, I within two blocks north of the river t bridtf*. Always call up bgfQ^ you com*.' v! Dr. C Optometrist and Optician Chicago Address McHenry, HL 8407 N. Paulina St. Phone 157 Gracalan* 964ft. FIRST UN1VERSALIST CHURCH The "believer" and the "moral man" have long scorned each other for lack of religion. It seems not to have occurred to them that a man might be both a believer and a moral man and yet not be religious--that "the religious element in religion" neither belief nor morals, nor m combination of the two. The sermon next Sunday morning--the last of a series of three on this topic-- will tell you just what this "Religious Element" is. It will be worth bearing. The service begins at eleven o'clock. John M. Grimes, Minister. tessful connection which yon V*na more as time goes on. up a motor car Sound and stable basis 15 m |N ot a suo* Will pibi MM# ; with tfa* HypmoMUk yw cm- ' business on an unnsnally - . good car. It has always markabiy wall built automobiW--a looked upon by man who know carets ooeoi I pbe wisest investments in the motor oar market* You can be very certain that this rnmjpaijr Which has been making roccessful motor oara lor 15 successful years, will continue year after fear, to follow the same policies whiclt has aii- Soinated today in placing the HupBM*8|i» s position of unique advantage^ •If With the Hupmobile franahtsa, yoif w£ believe, build up the kind of a business that a man is jwr^ud to hand down to his ssgp* 1 Thm Rising Hupmobu* carhas never tried Its growth has been a natural growth. Hupmobile dealers have been none but the soundest business Their success has always rested ition. .aadisi was even ^ yea tbe Hupmobile. You d» not have to ha an aul»mabtie dealer to obtam the Hupoasbile frandsat^ It is tor more important tkat you am ftmrlsmsataHy a good business man who understands amchaad^M --* who has the capital or ike bank crcSttohukXe an adequate salea and service organuEatkm. If you are such a man you can unquaatiDeak^f sanke •ood money ih selling Hupaiobilaa. Hupmobile dsafera hpm demonstrated this to be a fact; let us tell you the full story. Write us today. We believe tkat you will have sann to congratulate yourself, time after &B* la th>Jtow» «n havmg done so. > ^The Gambill Motor Company Warn aaa*s. ayes and^mitt|iin s at Eridc- 223% Michigan Avenue •v . w:; .-jg

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