Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1924, p. 7

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VOLO FURNITURE Round Lake •'W . ,P •'v Young Folk* and Home Makers who lire close to a Leach Storfe w!U •ave a lot ol money these day8. You can buy a complete home outfit -W^\for W9^p**fc~aips.a«ia *' things of ei>||ilgpiL|^|ty at prices ktMamat ill thaw itorw. ve Ave te Court etteSl.M'V ^ St. tukct A, emple. ~ SL South AdaOM St. 432-48* N. Witti __ IXATIIS ->v4s# m-mm w M-J; " Mmm <s&m * '*Sr Mem cars drive through a third memb#, not the springs. The springs only support the body and assure easy 'riding. A Buick rear spring accidently broken cannot misalign the axle and prevent driving the car. THe Buick axle remains in fixed position. Consequently the adjustment of Buick four-wheel brakes is not affected by the deflection of the springs. S-3t-lS>NP automobiles are built SteR, will build thenog McHENRY, ILL. HARVAR1>» IM* better automobiles are built. Buick will build maS •«- -it fhif season NOW REAL the higEMBt of the season. Wm hava juat raised oor prioMUpkin and want m and aDother fura ybu can trap or boy--well tnrfke it PAY YOU BIO. Ship quick while our demand lists. Take immediate advantage of these I MU8KRAT m Lstt. ua ZJM.U M I N K ILMMj* MII.4JI MStoTJlkm.lN •.ISb&S .fci KJ0tolt50 14J0U11OO S K.U N K. 10.1UMI "^xtm fee A MOto 5.50 5.10 to 425 4J0fe 12S 2J»to 1.50 4.75t»4« 175toSJI 2J5 to 2.15 2J0 to LOO ISOte 2.75 2.«5to 2J5 1.40to 1.15 2.00teL75 1.851s .75 1.00 to .60 .75 to 2S 2.15 to 1.751J0 lo 1 JO l.lOto .85 U«r or DAILY Tkird Prise 10.00 fast «mt at 'md. Th--s uUMiMb high prices are based on the well-known "SHUBERT" STANDARD OKAODK} and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. S's, No.4*t,poor nnpfime and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. Tar roa ONE OF ova nuzcst - ----r--j HwlfrlM sas.00 nUK^rltj diy ft* the three beat handled! Shipassa* sheet consist of not less than six legally caught raw for Aiaa The ih» fua are handled determines the winners. Qet some at this j 4Up "SHUBERT" all the fan yon have on hand at one*--go get 1 1 ship--ship ship--qmtek. Our checks will make 70a happy. ON WITH TOUR fUSS SHUBERT inc. " , CHICAGO Lake Wi thru Winter aadire ear for all the fan ly at Erickson's store. Jos. OTJoraoy of Chicago spent last We<toeedey at Fish Lake. Frabk Bmit du^td two carloads of stews to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor of Round Lake were in town Sunday. v Miss Georgia Vaaay, is bearding with Henry StadtftW it Wauconda. Mrs. Andrew Gsfke.ef Rour^ji Lake was a business caller in town Tuesday. Jas. Kirwan returned to his work at Wauconda after an extended illness. Jos. Lenzen and Frank Rosing attended a pigeon shoot at Fremont Sunday. Miss Estfter 'Russell of Quentin's Corners spent the week end at her home here. Miss Adeline Rossdeutseher of Long Lake was a week vend guest at her home here. Clyde Wright of West Fremont was a caller at the Thomas Fisher home Monday night. ~ Several farmers from this vjcinity attended the Keller Bros.' sale at Long Lake Tuesday. *> Misses Esther, Orpha and Zelma Russell attended the ski tournament at Cary Sunday. The young folks will be entertained by Miss Corrinne Blumgren of Roseville Friday night. John Kaiser, Jason Walton and Frank Rossdeutseher were on the jury at Waukegan the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Kreuger and sons of Wauconda called on John Walton and son Friday evening. Chas. Stevens of Chicago was a guest of L. A. Huson and family on Wednesday and Thursday last. Misse? Orpha aRd Zelma Russell spent Saturday evening with their aunt, Mrs. Johli Converse, at Fox Lake. A son was born" to 'Mr. and Mrs. John Dolezal of San Francisco. Mlrs. Dolezal was Miss Lida Russell of this place. Thru the efforts of Wm. Hironimus, state road patrolman, the roads have been cleared o# snpw ami . open to traffic. ' • .. ;• The Vasey school, one mile south east of Volo, burned down Monday evening. Mrs. Peter Wegener was the teacher. In spite of the extremely cold several peopf^ from our village at tended the card party at Round Lake Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lenzen entertained a few friehds at a chop suey supper Sunday night in honor of their fourth wedding anniversary, The Campfire Girls met with Vera Vasey last Saturday. The next meeting will be with Esther Lusk at her home Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Fort Hill are entertaining an infant son, born to them Monday, Jan. 21. Mrs* Davis was formerly Miss Cecelia Wortz of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer of Waukegan are tile proud parents of a scat, born to them last Tuesday. Mrs. Brewer was formerly Miss Helen Henkel of this place. , •Sunday guests of Mr.( and Mrs. Lewis Lusk and family were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Halleck and Mrs. Lucy Clough of Wauconda; Mr. and Mrs. ^Lincoln Lusk, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and family of Libertyville; Mr. and Ifrs. Harry Lusk and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kappel and daughter, Frances, of Grayslake and Mrs. Edw. Lusk of this place. A wedding, which will probably be of interest to many in this community, was solemnized at the Fremont Catholic church on Tuesday, Jan. 22. The bride is Miss Loretta Amann, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Amann, of Fremont and the groom is Henry Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner of Grayslake^ Epth are well known in this town, w- ^ - RING WOOD B. T. Butler of Chieago .spent the week end in town. Miss Mary . Smith was a Chicago shopper last Saturday. - All wool, part wool and cotton bed blankets at Erickson's. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn were Chicago passengers last Thursday. Mrs. Nick Young transacted business in Woodstock last Wednesday. E. J. Hopper attended a Woodman meeting at McHenry last Saturday night. * . * Mis* Bernice Smith attended a teachers' meeting at Woodstock last Saturday. Miss Mary Kimagern spent Sunday with he^j sister, Mrs. Henry Kennebeck, at McHenry# Edward Harrison of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Harrison. Mrs. Adelaide Coates of Solon is spending several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates. S. Peck of "Harvard was in town last areek looking after the interests of the Bowman Dairy company. The Ladies' Aid society will give a dinner at M. W. A. hall next week Wednesday, Jan. 30. All are invited. a business trip Widfcaaday. Mrs. Sam Dtekson is recovering from an attack of la gyf|pe. Mr. and Mrs. McGul apeni Saturday evening with Mr. and lira. Sari Converse. • Mildred Hoffman was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Albert Stubbings, at Wraonda Sunday Al. Irwin and James Dark motored out from Chicago and spent the day at the G. J. Burnett home. Willard Darrell attended a Farmers' Protective association meeting at Libertyville Saturday afternoon. Leon Smith .and friend. Miss Bump, of Algonquin spent the week end with His home folks at Orchard farm. Mrs. Joe Dowell visited with her paints, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baseley, at Wauconda Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visited with the former's sister, Mrs. W. Cobk, at Wauconda Tuesday afternoon. Xiilian Winkler and Fern Grantham of-Wauconda and Joe Passfield of Volo attended the ski jump at Cary Sunday. Al. Staples, who has been at the Burnett home for the past few months, returned to Evanstofl Friday for a few days' visit. , If you intend having an anetion sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. Willard Darrell returned home Friday from Galesburg and reports interesting sessions held at the ninth annual meeting of the I, A. A. Mildred Hoffman made her usual trip to Chicago oh Thursday and Friday and received instructions on the pipe organ under Prof. Van Dusen. Mrs. Lyle Litwtler of Round Lake spent from Friday till Sunday at the home of her parents and was accompanied home by her husband, who spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the euchre dtttb party Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pratt at^Wauconda in honor of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jo? Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell saw the basket ball game between the Grayslake town team and Wauconda town team at Wauconda4 where Grayslake was defeated, v ^ * • v ipSTlND , Henry Hobart'sold his drove of fat hogs to Wattles and is to deliver them Wednesday. Orville Hutson came out from Chicago to be present at the funeral services of his aunt, Mrs. C. B. Durkee. If you intend having an auction Ale, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 98-R. Neighbors are glad to hear the Rogers farm house will be occupied in the spring. So many farm houses empty makes it look lonely. Mrs. Florence Dana, who lived with Mr: and Mrs. Durkee before her marriage, was present at the funeral services and stayed the remainder of the week with pa, as she calls Mr. Durkee. Relatives here received cards from Myron Francisco stating he was improving as fast as could be expected. Had been confined to the house four weeks and dreaded the other two with his broken limb. - Seems quite like old times to see milk teams on the road. People were glad to have an Aiderstanding and have the milk work off their hands. There will be" peace for three months, then if necessary look for a hotter battle. A report cbmes from Crystal Lake that the Bowman, patrons are on a strike again. Bowman asks them to sign a contract for one year and the patrons say no and some perhaps. All have kept their milk at home again this Tuesday morning. , The Woodstock rural mail carrier did not make a trip last week thru here after Tuesday. The road leading past the Wallis farm was drifted badly, nothing but a good team of horses could make it. The family living on the Wallis farm deserve praise. They made some kind of a machine that cleared the road of the snow and drove from their place to the road leading south from Ostend corners and back, then south to the top of Snyder's hill end back. The road is clear. SOLON MILLS Visit the 10c department at Brickson's store. Chas. Westlake spent Baturday in the windy city. Edwin Vogle was a Chicago passenger Saturday evening. Mrs. Fred Wilson entertained ten ladies from the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Marengo have been visiting in the Geo. Vogle home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cottington of Milwaukee are spending the week in the L. S. Overton home. Dwight Osborn of Elgin spent Friday night in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. t Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner have been spending the past week in the Geo. Noble home at Ringwood. Miss & teaching at the week end at here. It is ttipertid tkat Chas. Aubert has an attadt of afpendicitis. Dr. Hepburn of is in attendance. Eunice Austin of DeKafe and Myrtle Gustaveson of 8t Hharies spent the week end in the Xd. Austin home. C. L. Osborn has just completed filling his ice house. The quality of ice was excellent and about fifteen inches in thickness. Robert Turner returned home from Woo&tock Friday, where he been spending a couple of weeks with his son, Harry, and family. The pot luck dinner, held at the home of Ada Overton last Thursday, was a complete success in every way, the receipts being about $7.00. The next one will be held at the church on Feh. 8. Miss Baxter will entertain. JOHNSBURG ' Harvey Nye af McHenry called on friends here Sunday. Little Miss Oliva Hettenaan is a victim of scarlet fever. Al. Pepping of Spring Grove called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Niesen were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon* Joseph Regner and Peter Smith motored to Chicago last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, of Spring Grove were callers here Monthly. Math. Smith and family were McHenry callers Tuesday afternoon of this week. Miss Pauline Freund boarded the train for Elgin at McHenry Tuesday morning. Miss Coletta Freund went to Chicago last Saturday, returning Monday of this week. Louis Adams of McHenry called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams, Saturday. Miss Emma Freund of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund. Alfred Debrecht motored out from Chicago last week Wednesday after spending a few days with his brother, Emil, and friends in the city. The card party, which was announced for Sunday, Jan. 20, has, on account of the cold weather, been postponed to Sunday, Jan. 27. The Foresters had a nice crowd at their dance on Tuesday evening Quite a few from McHenry and Spring Grove were in attendance and helped to make it an enjoyable affair. Hettermann Bros, have just in stalled a Bare us horse shoeing rack, designed to make it possible to shoe vicious horses without endangering the workmen. This is one of the very latest devices known to the horse shoeing business Mid , henceforth it will not be necessary to turn away any steed on account of its viciousness. Hettermann Bros, believe in keeping abreast of the times, thus their latest acquisition to their business. f.'SS't- * ' v\Ve keep tab on ttaepublic ta»te, mud you will f ' always find at our store the groceries most in •demand by discriminat* ^ ^ing consumers. ^We find it pays us to keep just what our customers demand, so we ^pever try to sell you 1 ^"something just as good." ^Qur years of experience ^ tare at your service and ^ iready to cater to your wants. M. M. Niesen' McHeary Phone« J» the time to join our CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB The pennies, nickels and dimes that slip thru your fingers will easily take cafe of your payments. FOX RIVER VALLEY STA1E BARK JANUARY 30 Dancing every Wednesday evening during • January and February-.-if, w : --at-- if;fe:' Jonas' Hall, Johnsburg COFFEE**- NO A '•C* "4* fWfRICE If you are not satisfied with your coffee, try (HITS. We have three splendid brands at 39c, SSc and 30e per pound. One of these issure to suit you. We grind it to your order and fully guarantee it v EXTRA SPECIAt ^ Children's Fleeced Vesfe and Pants ...__lleand 2k We have grouped these gannents in two lots to clow oat at Me and 25c. JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY * ;•*> /f*, *; ' * v*** & * 4; <" V%:§ : . , - t r / " f • ^ - i Baking Success and Economy Is just as near as your telephone. Just call up your grocer (or our mill if he does not handle It) and order a saek of EARLY RISER flour and baking success is yours. You want the best when it comes to bread and pastry, don't you, especially if it costs no more? EARLY RISER flour is the answer. There are hundreds of housewives who will testify to the high quslity of EARLY RISER flour. BecaVise of the nearness of our mill EARLY RISER flour carries very little, if any freight or unnecessary middlemen expense. You get sll quality at lessooat. ^; 1 , /' V*- - V -*• 't: McHenry Ffour Mills W&ST McHENRY. ILL. It;mm CHAIN (TLAKB ARK ASSOCIATION WW1 • Incorporated under Illinois Laws, Not for pecuoiary profit Room U#6 -- I# No. Gla^k Street, Chicago, 111, ¥1$ Telephone, State 5814 tw-swv:.- - :'3j 'SfcfS-i&k • This association takes this means of informing the people living in Lake and McHenry Counties that it has completed its organization and adopted plans for the Financing, Development and Operation of the proposed Park to be located on Grass Lake and Fox River, under conditions that will appeal to everyone who has money invested in these Counties^ We w»t Mdent of these CuiiWii and all o< those who own summer homes on these Lakes, to becoflM familiar with what is being planned, at the earliest possible moment All newspaper publishers, property owners, bankers, merchants, professional men, hotel and restaurant owners and breeders of pure bred horses, cattle, sheep, hogs» poultry and pet stock are requested to fill out and mail in the accompanying blank, upon receipt of which we will gladly send printed matter that will explain all details. Tbf Illinois Chain O'Lakes Park Association - !• No. Clark Sttsjfcv'fJ' Chicago, Illinois ^ Please send data concerning the prapaeed Chela0*Lahea PMfc to thai anHwileatd; \ 1 •• .,t.< " , * t n* ^ • •.-* • '• „• ~-\T • Nawae Poet Qffios- Street

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