Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1924, p. 10

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ALFORD H. POUSE AMHM7-U-U7W.^ ^: IP*#1! SIMON STOFFEL Innuuoe agent for all elaaaaa Ot property in the bee lit WEST MCHKN^T, « ILLINOIS ftf1- ;; Opp. Community High School KENT & GREEN * Reel Estate A Insurance -v jkimifi«r Resort, Town and Farei Property Phones 34 A 86-M :: McHenry, 111. PPMM 126-W. Reasonable Bates >,«. SCBAEFB^, Draying -T'-'i McHENRY, ILLINOIS DEICKE FOR CONGRESS ENDORSED BY THE NEWSPAPERS, EX-SERVICE MEN, FARMERS, LABOR AND BUSINESS. MEN. VOTE FOR EDWIN F. DEICKE PETESCtTS DRUG STORE FOR SERVICE If we haven't got what you want, we will £et it for you. 'HOWE IBJN. H. PETESCHDKBfiCIST • . *'• . These long winter evenings is the one time of the year when one enjoys and appreciates comfortable furniture. It's a long ways between nowy and the days when you will be able to spend the evenlings out of doors, so why not make yourself and family a gift of furniture that will make these winter evenings a real joy. Our Ujie is always complete. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. Cream --Dessert of Desserts Mo other goodie can take the place bf ice cream as dessert, all the year 'rous^ McHenry Ice Cream 53 %iA good cake rounds off the meal and insures its success. Everybody likes Jee Qream. r* McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY - c UNTI- PRO& " T •V- - : %; V " I 'I ffHKLV PHB8WLS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WKK ^lIlNOURBUS* VILLAGE •& t • AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER BE PORTERS AND HANDED IN BY OUR FRIENDS Miss Nellie Doherty «H a Chicago visitor Saturday. George Buss spent Tuesday in fee metropolitan city. * Miss Blanche D. Pryor was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Jos. N. Miller was a business visitor in Chicago last Friday. Henry J. Miller attended to business matters in Chicago Monday. Louis Young of Elgin spent the week end with McHenry relatives. C. H. Duker and Gordon Stringer were Dundee visitors last Saturday. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago was a week end guest of relatives here. Dr. F. L. Minick attended a "chiropractic meeting at Elgin last Sunday. Miss Ruth Stockebrand spent the week end with friends at Naperville. George Freund of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of McHenry relatives. Misses Floribel Bassettand Clara Barbian were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Henry J. Miller and George Justen were Milwaukee, Wis., visitors one day recently. Miss Esther Richmond passed the week end as 4he guest of friends at Wheaton. Atty. W. D. Bartholemew of Chicago was a McHenry visitor over the week end. Miss Catherine Ashburner passed the week end with home folks at La- Grange, 111. Mrs. Ed. Malone of Elgin spent a few days last week as the guest of her sisters here. Mrs. W. C. Besley of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. W. A. Sayler, last Thursday, James Revor spent a few days last and this week as the guest of relatives at Niles, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly of Crystal Lake spent Sunday as guests of McHenry relatives. Thos. Knox of Chicago spent thi week end in the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Knox. Misses Cornelia Freund and Elizabeth Vogt passed the week end in th$ metropolitan city. M. L. Sloey of Chicago spent the week end in McHenry looking after his property here. M. Kuhnert of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. Mrs. Harry Alexander *of Hebron passed the week end tut the guest of McHenry relatives. O. G. Treadway of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. - Miss Mary Bolger of Hebron wit a week end guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Bolger. Mr.- and Mrs. George F. Lindsay spent; the week end in the home of the latter's sister at Richmond. Misses Florence and Eleanor Conway and Kate McLaughlin were Chicago visitors last Saturday. [ Mrs. Hans Jensen of Woodstock spent the first of the week as the [guest of McHenry relatives. Thos. Ashburner of LaGrange spent | an evening last week as the guest of | his daughter, Catherine, here. I Miss Helen Justen of Chicago spent the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Miss Zenith Ellis of Chicago spent the week end a»"the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doherty south of town. Miss Dorothy Walsh McHRNRY*S wawMcsaDP Hit. & SAT.. MARCH 7^*> * Hoot Gibson IN for Love n&M "It's a Rctl'WMtera" r 'AND THE COMEDY 5 JTONR LOVE AWFUL" JtUNOAV. MARCH •' ., ^*ELA8CO PRESENT* - !. Mariam Coopefv --IN--> * • Her Accidental^ Husband -••'v.;-':,-5AND THE COMED# *1 "BKFFL POWER" :; r: SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:3* COMING :V;::r5 WHITE TICE& "PIONEER TRAILS" * "BANKS OF THE WABASH" "DARLING OF NEW YORK" ! FIRST UNff8RBALU3"CHQKai " Denomin iltfqhalium and GOWBMH nity Service" will be the senwbn Subject for next Sunday morning- The attendance last Sunday montfeig was most gratifying. On the evening before one hunderd people ate supper at the church. There have been many evidences recently of an increase of interest in the affairs of the church. jThese things remind us of what the Church MIGHT be in the life of the Community if those really interested would express their interest by active participation in church life. The church is growing; the rapidity of its growth rests with the people who are interested in it; it depends on their expression of that interest. The time of the Sunday morning service is always eleven o'clock. John M. Grimes, Minister. Auction Sale! George Vogel, Having decided "tb quit farming, the undersigned f will sell at public auction on the John M. Frett farm, located about one mili north of Johnsburg, on the Johnsburg-Spring Grove road, on TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1*24 commencing at one o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 1# HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 10 , --consisting of-- 9 Holstein Milk Cowa One horse, 10 feet* of silage and 75 chickens, mostly Plymouth Rocks. , Machinery Truck wagon, hay rack, silo rack, wagon box, set dump boards, bob sleigh, Buckeye mower, Buckeye grain drill, cultivator, hay rake, harrow, pulverizer, one-horse cultivator, corn shelter, horse clipper, 35 grain bags. 60-gallon iron kettle, pump jack, 1*4 h. p. Alimo gasoline engine, nearly new; 2% h. p. Weber gas and kerosene engine, tackle block, bone grinder, grindstone, 2 single harnesses, 5 milk cans, and other articles too numerous to mention. V Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that aomunt aS credit of six months' time will-be gfren on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with the clerk. MRS. JOSEPHINE FRETT. Peter W. Frett, Clerk. ! - \ Auction Sale! Charles Leonard Auctioneer Being unable to secure dependable help to carry on with a dairy, I am forced to make a sale. I will sell at public auction at Crystal Springs farm, formerly known as the Jas. R. of Chicago I Sayler farm, situated three miles was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh, over the Week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint, Sunday. Atty. and Mrs. Wm. Perkinsott of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Mesdames Fred Lang and Elizabeth Knowles of Chicago passed a few day*. southwest of McHenry, seven miles east of Woodstock, eight miles north of Crystal Lake and five miles south of Ringwood, on TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1924 commencing at on« o'clock, sharp, the foUowing described property to-wit: 38 Head of High Grade HOLSTEIN AND DURHAM COWS One Full Blood Holstein Bull Hay, Grain, Etc. Twenty-five acres good standing this week as the guests of relatives in \ corn, 200 shocks fodder ^ corn, and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughter, Viola, of Woodstock were week end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mrs. Mary Powers, daughter, Kathleen, and son, Donald attended the funeral of the latters' grandmother, Mrs. Mary White, at Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin spent the latter part of last and first of this week with her mother, Mrs. B. Frisby, and other relatives here. Messrs. and Mesdames C. W. Stenger, F. E. Covalt and Wm. Spencer attended Geo White's "Scandals" at the Colonial theatre* in Chicago last Friday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowling and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Dowling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. Mrs. John B. Young and children have returned to McHenry after a year's residence in Elgin and taken up their abode on the former's farm just south of this city. Mrs. James Button again took up her abode in her home on Elm street in this city the first of the week after spending the winter as the guest of relatives at Gilman, 111. Mrs. Josephine Heimer is spending a^veek or two with her brother in Chicago.* The latter's wife passed i away only recently and he is now pre- | paring to move to this city. Mrs. Heimer will make her home with hte. For 100 per cent Insurance in all branches, call on or phone" WM. 6. SCHREINER Phone 93-R. Auctioneering ILLINOIS Aim 188 McHENRY Office Hours 9-12 a. m. 2-5 p. Hp# 7-8 p. fll i Clhiropractoif: F L. MINICK, D. IV * VVfllmer Gradual : Brefeld Building West McHenry, 111. , PICKLE CONTRACTS Contracts for the delivery of pickles are now being made. If call phone 'lSB-M. Prices: v FOR ASSESSOR I hereby v announce my candidacy*- <rf »isysiOr tor the town»' grateful for*- to be hundred for small vat run; fl.&fr»r{Oi| suppb&tf v«t£»m at &e Com hundred for largecpickete; $1.00' pfr hundred ifor nubs. The L. Woodard Pickle Co., McHenry, HI. it ing election April 1. held on Tuesday,! WM. SIMES. i . My spectacles and eye glasses are mown all over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. ^Absolutely guaranteed. >r. C. KELLER, dptometrist arid Optician Chicago Address McHenry, 111. 3407 N. Paulina St. Phone 157 Phone Graceland 9640. Comfortible lbnse Heithf Comfortable heat means health protection. Real comfort is impossible with antiquated heating methods. , Steam, hot water or vapor heat is the truly modern and trufy economical inethod of house heating. Greater comfort, better health, smaller fuel bills and less labor, with permanent freedom from need for replacement, are the recommendations of radiator heat , See us for particulars H. E. BUCH "Phone 48 McHenry, III. w ^• .. ^ Auctioneer shocks ear corn, 20 tons alfalfa hay, 400 bushels oats, a quantity of shreded corn fodder, Jarge stack of fctraw. 40Serme of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with clerk. E. J. FELLOWB. Carl W. Stenger, Clerk. TERRA COTTA Edward J. Knox of Aurora called at his home here Sunday. ! LeRoy Conway of McHenry called on relatives here Sunday, j Mrs. B. J. Shine was a business caller in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harper are the parents of a son, born Sunday. Claude Colby of Crystal Lake WM • business caller here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent Wednesday and Thursday pf last week in Chicago. < Bernard Shine of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday at the home of his uncle, B. J. Shine. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of B. J. Shine. Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin spent Thursday evening and Friday with her sister, Mrs. M. Knox. Misses Eleanor Walsh and Rosalie Stilling of McHenry spent Friday evening at the home of the former's hat*. "' Sfcff m (WSR A The County Treasurer has made arrangements(3with us #hereby your taxes may be paid at this office, regardless of %here you reside|!^Save yourself trouble and expense, paying your taxes at the 7 • .L "S'.'. W^STAfcHENRY, m. A., -!'v. = ' v'j ft*"" Every spring die demand lor Ford Cars 4s several hundred thousand greater than jhe available supply. Place your order immediately, to avoid delay in delivery , ? * /A) Detroit, Michigan* . ^ \ ~ if payment down yow name on . the praerrcd ddlvery Hat. NOTE: A amall See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealit J. TRACTOR-S a •*eS*k /W ri,.

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