Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1924, p. 2

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' , • ' • • ; 4' ^ ' ,T* * *• V" a ' * * ' * * i ' k•* SI .Business y '•'••• ":Tr:^\, :" >'5V«v t When you come into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and pfier you the same honest values in * quality merchandise that we would like tp have shown and offered to us if we . were the customer and you were the Jvv druggist. That is the only way in which a lasting business can be built and we believe our progress is in no small meas- ,C;.jjjre due to adherence to that golden of business *r * \ **-•* -A 7B0NE llg-JN. H. PETESCH DRUG GIST Pure Salt K-' Salt that will not get hard--MYLES MEDIUM SALT-best for all farm pun>oses--absolutely dry, clean and white •jp?- Ask your dealer for MYLES SALTi "THE SALT WITHOUT A FAULT** Send for samples and for vest pocket auto map of Illinois. HIGBIE SALT CO. 360 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. • ' ? 4 * • > a ^ICUl 1CUH nf IUS Sj^ tarn after the rigors and dullness of winter. Yow home is as badly in need of freshening up as you are yourself. Give your rooms a dressing up with SPRING RUGS, FURNITURE AND LINOLEUM Sh*esh bright linoleum and airy spring rugs on the floors, and comfortable, sanitary furniture, will ; transform your home and make it truly the "dearest on earth.*' We have the materials and want tp ^ ; OD-Operate with you in the pleasant wc*fc JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL,' • > . '\ • • - v . !PI ;-V '<"••• R-"» ih; • U ~r ,# -* . ^Dessert Qf Desserts No other goodie can^take the place of ice cream as dessert; all the year 'round. . . • C McHenry Ice Cream with good cake rounds off the meal and insures its success. Everybody likes McHenry Ice CX- - * • f - -••im McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY c. UNTI, PROP. COUWClLPtfflCTEDmGS (ITT OFFICIAJU9 MEET IN RBGUJMMfc SESSION MONDAY i Council Room, May 5, 1924. The city aldermen met in regular session with Mayor Wells presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frigby, Goodell, Justen, Overton and Perkins. The minutes of Hie last (Meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: W. J. Donavin, Ibr & supplies. .$ 20.39 Public Service Co.,-lighting sts 140.78 Public Service Co., power for electric pump .. 31.50 Alexander Lumber Co., fad,*. 10.77 Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets.. 102.50 Fire Dept., rental and storage of truck for April 40.00 Andrew Hansen, lbr on streets 15.75 Nap Lazotte, lbr on ww 7.50 111. Bell Telephone Co., calls.. 2.55 T. G. Stock, lbr on waterworks 9.00 Mayor Wells made appointments for the ensuing year, which were confirmed as follows: Motion by Justen, seconded by Overton, that Atty. A. H. Pouse be appointed city attorney at a Contingent salary of $100.00 per year and to be paid for all extra work. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Justen, that John Walsh be appointed city marshal. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Frisby, that Mame Buss be appointed city collector. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Perkfns, that H. E. Buch be appointed city plumber. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded- by Frisby, that P. W. Frett be appointed city fire marshal. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Goodell, that L. F. Newman be appointed assistant fire marshal. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, ~ seconded toy Overton, that Dr. N. J. Nye, John Pufahl and Geo. Bohr be appointed to serve on the board of health for the ensuing year. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Overton, that Goodell, Doherty and Perkins be appointed on license committee. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Goodell, that Justen, Ovferton and Frisby be appointed on the finance committee. Motion carried. Motion by Perkins, seconded by Goodell, that Frisby, Overton and Justen be appointed on the street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Justen, that Overton, Goodell and Perkins be appointed on the sidewalk committee. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, that Perkins, Overton and Goodell be'appointed to serve on the committee of public property. Motion carried. * Motion by Overton, seconded by Perkins, that Doherty, Frisby and Justen be appointed on the waterworks committee. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Doherty, that the committee on miscellaneous consist of Frisby, Overton and Goodell. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Goodell, that the ordinance committee consist of Justen, Doherty and Perkins. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Frisby, that Perkins, Overton and Goodell be appointed on the purchasing committee. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Justen, that Overton and Frisby cooperate with .Wells on the board of local improvements. ' Motion carried Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that Wm. Simes be appointed superintendent of waterworks. Ayes--Overton, Doherty. Nayes-- Goodell, Frisby, Perkins and Justen. Ammendment. Motion by Justen, seconded by Frisby, that Fred Miller be appointed supeH^fendent of waterworks. Ayes--Goodell, Frisby, Per kins and Justen. Nayes--Overton and Doherty. No appointment of superintendent of waterworks was made. The following aldermen were agreed upon to serve a term of two years: First ward, R> I. Overton; second ward, C. W. Goodell; third, ward, Jas. T. Perkins. The following aldermen were agreed upon to serve a term of one year: First ward, P. J. Doherty; second ward, P. M. Justen; third ward, R. J. Frisby. Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that this arrangement of aldermen's office terms be confirmed. Motion carried. Motion by Justen, seconded by Frisby, that the fire truck remain stored at Overton's garage until the next meeting of the city aldermen. Motion carried. Motion by Perkins, seofoded by Goodell, that Atty. A. H, Pouse "be authorized to draw up a new set of city ordinances not to exceed in cost $150.00. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seeonded by Goodell, that the city clerk be Instructed to get the bonds from the following city officers: Marshal, mayor, treasurer, collector and clerk. Motion carried. Motion' by Justen, seconded by Frisby, that "committee of public property" p:et in touch with Fire Marshal Frett and witness nearby fire apparatus demonstrations and report at the next meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Perkins, seconded by GoodeH, that the street and alley committee be authorized to order danger signs to be placed on west bridge over Boone creek. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that the oil bids be opened ^ " V- ^ A- \ '»v HOLD McHKNRYll wmwmsuM THUR. FRJ. A SAT., MAY 8-9-]O "Hie tirguwn" For Twenty Ym» the Supreml Mia- Mrplece of Western UtstnMPr,';-v -WITHKenneth tyrlan Florence Vldor v Russel Sim«*|l Haymonif Hation Pat O'Malley ••i'v iVuft • I*, 'I'I! < -- fii'f t: SUNDAY, MAVIS 1 Romance of the Southwest-MiMtbine to thrli? •«! thlak about. f'1 Marjorie Daw -----AND ' Forrest Stanley head the All Star Cast . AND THE COMEDY | "HAZEL FROM HOLLYWOOD" SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2:3* EP*WORTH LEAGUES TO MfeET AT ' WOODSTOCK, MA* If ; x • The Epworth Leagues of the ftfe- Hepry county sub-district of the Chicago northern district hold their s^ing rally at Woodstock on Tuesday, May IS. The Woodstock league will serve supper at 26c a plate at 5:30 o'clock. Following the supper games and ^general fun will be enjoyed. Then the necessary business will be transacted. The robed choir of the Woodstock church, made up of Epworth League members, will sing. Prof. Edmund So^er of Northwestern University has been Becurtd as the speaker for that evening. He will be given all the time possible as he will have something interesting for his audience.' But the program will end at about 8:50 to allow all who wish to to catch the train south at 9:00. The leagues of Alden, Crystal Lake, Greenwood, Harvafd and McHenry will send d^jntfons and It is abd boffei that the y^»r fo3k» from « duuNnts *t Cary^ Prf^Hnvflla, Jh jron, Ringwood udl' Wpjiijiii iie' represented. ' * FIRST UNIVBBSALIST CBVBGB Next Sunday Is Mothers' day. The sermon subject will be "Mother." Arrangements have been madt t<$r the Masonic fraternity to meetjwfed worship with us in a body. Special music is being prepared for the occasion. A most- cordial , welcome is assured all who may attend. Attention is called to the time of the aurvice, which Js ten o'cibck. John M. Grimes, Ministay. ttftST METHODIST CHUHCH The Order of church services for Sunday, May 11, 1£24, is ,as. follows: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m., Mrn H. C. Bobb, superintendent. Prene^ing at 11:00 o'clock. The serwion wlB be in keeping with Mothers' day. There will be special music. Epworth League at 7:30 p. m. Evef'yone wiH find a welcome at these services. Roland C. Elzev, Pastor. •1 ! '• W ^ r » TEBftA If' *• ' A RBAL ESTA^l • "i ' ; v ttrfts f^-emer of Chicago, who ha> sold more or less real estate in tllis vicinity during the past few years, closed a couple of deals at Tetta Cotta only a short time ago when'lie disposed of the farm and residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wibbolt, which he had sold to them last year and which was formerly the property of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill. He also sold the fafln and residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. Burmeister, which he sold to them about three years ago. Both of the families moved to Terra Cotta from Chicago and will again return to thfe metropolitan city. CAXtD OF THANK#* We wish to thank the many flUtljl for their deeds of kindness and sympathy in our sad bereavement. *("' Vau«hsn Jones .yfA" Mrs. Rilla E. FosC;!^ Wayne Foss. . , ' Floyd Foss. | Market jrour egg;s at Erickaon's. THURSDAY. MAY IS f f The Mask of Lopez Don't MIm This--It's a Rett Western and considered. Motion carried. The opening of the bids submitted the following: Standard Oil Co., Indiana. Ship to village of McHenry, McHenry, 111., two 8,000 gal. tank cars Standard asphalt road oil No. 4c, $5.39 per gal. delivered at McHenry. Equipped with steam coils. Oil guaranteed to contain 53 per cent asphalt. John S. Sheeby. Elgin Lubricating Co., Elgin, 111. This is to submit a bid on two 10,000 gal can road oil, 53 per cent Asphalt. Price, F. O. B. McHenry, $5.86. In steam coil cars. V. & Wadey and H. H. Fay, ' American Mexican Refining Co. Furnish road oil to city of McHenry, 70-80 per cent asphalt, .0580, 8,000 or 10,000 gal. cars. F. O. B... McHenry, I1L American Mexican Refining Co., 'J'.-, Per J. W. Sewel O. K., J. W. S. 1 per-tttrt ^Mwount in £en days. 11 So. LaSalle St. Motion , by Doherty, seconded bf Justen, to purchase 8,000 gals, of oil from American Mexican Refining company to contain 70 to 80 per cent asphalt, No. 6 oil, price, .0580 delivered, on order of street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion y by Overton, seconded by Frisby, to purchase 8,000 gals, of oil from the American Mexican Refining company, to contain 70 to 80 per cent asphalt, No. 6 oil, price .0580, for delivery on order of the street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Justen, the meeting adjourned. D. G. Wells, Mayori R. P. Conway, Clerk. f HARMONY CLUB SURPRISE TWO MEMBERS The members of the Harmony club tendered Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Feltz very pleasant surprise at their newly acquired home on John street on Friday evening of last week. Altho the victims weren't prepared, they soon recovered from the shock following the sudden invasion of their unexpected guests and within a very short time they had everything prepared for the entertainment of their friends. A fe\y hours were then passed in a social way, after which delicious refreshments were served.. Out-oftown members of the club who were present to enjoy the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Armond Bethke and soft, Armond Henry; Mrs. Theo. H. Bethke and sons, Melvin and Theodore; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frenk and daughter, Irene; Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Block of Dundee and Miss Marie Block of Elgin. *iil mi • r » . -'.Mr . >' V lis an irtip5irf&tit part of ouf biiiiness as bankers to show people hqjv to use Ibeir money to best advantage. Whether in an active business, in a saf^ Investment, fti a Checking or interest bearing account--there are best ways of ttain or vnnr mnnow Come m at your early convenience arid M( WEST McHENRY, ILL# THE U N I V E R S A L •v. • NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Alford H. Pouse, Attorney , County of McHenry,) ss* State of Illinois, ) v Estate of Mathias W '#ung, da- C6ft86d( TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 2nd day of June, A. D, 1924, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, I, as executor of the last will and testament of the said de ceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, in the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my acts and doings as such executor, and ask the court to bfe discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with <said estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if you choose so to do. Dated May 7, 1924. 48-2t Nicholas Jung, Executor. Garden tools, hose, sprinklers and seeds of all kinds at Vfiltel's hardwarm. A Welcome Member of the Family ' ' ,.v ' i - .'-v- AMOTOR car la never mace appreciated than la the springtime. It* convenience and enjoyment an shared by all the lamily--and by speeding «p day's work, it provides more time lor recreation. A Ford Touring Car provides every motor car eMeoh tial at the lowest price for which a five ps--i npi ear hat ever sold--a price only made possible by complete manufacture, in tremendous volume, in the largest awL most economically operated plants in the automobile industry. Efficiency of manufacture ls-accurately reflected in if# quality and price of the Ford Touring Car. PORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN Mh*about --$265 Coupe--9525 Tudor Smdan--ISJN Fordor Sedan -- $685 AU price* f' o. b. Detroit Tom can buy any model by making a small dowi»u payment arranging easy terms for the balance.* Or you can buy on our Weekly Purchase Plan. H'y- r THE

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