Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1924, p. 4

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ITEMS OMNTEREST AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS DURING WEEK WHAT PEOPLE ABE DOING IN THIS VILLAGE AND IMMEDIATE VICINITY F , Radio tubes and batteries at Nye's, Fresh and good groceries sold by iis. Smith Bros. Buy your real estate thru Kent & Green, McHenry. Latest records, sheet mwfc M»d piano rolls at Nye's. Great values in hats, going at $1.00; $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00. Blake Sisters. The home bakery sale as conducted by the members of the Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church at the city hall last Saturday% proved a success, the ladies having^been successful in selling everything they had on sale. Freeman Edgar is the name of a baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Loren O. Martin at their home west of town on Wednesday of last week, June 25. Needless to say that Loren is one of the proudest young daddies In this s e c t i o n . ' ' / • . Mcllenry'sr second shipment of oil was applied-fco our streets the first of the week and if the pleasant weather continues for a week or so we will have little reason 4XJ complain regarding the dust nuisance for' some time to come. Miss Helen Powers, who underwent a successful operation for appendicitis at the West Side hospital in Chicago a short time ago, Was able to return to her home here Monday. Her many PLAY TWO GAMES TOMORROW HOME CLUB WILL MEET WILMOT r AND CRYSTAL LAKE The McHenry team has two games scheduled for tomorrow, the Fourth. In the morning they will meet the Wilmot, Wis., outfit while Crystal Lake will be their opponents in the afternoon. / Wilmot is coming to McHenry with an abundance of confidence as they are one of the few teams who were able to defeat the home crew last year when the boys who made up the home club were playing under the Antioch banner. Wilmot shut out the Eagle Lake, Wis., team last Sunday by a count of 4 to 0, the game having been staged on. the grounds of the losing team. The Eagle River team is made up of players from Racine, Wis. The morning game will be called at 10:00 o'clock. Carroll and Kingsley will form McHenry's battery while Wedekind and Franzen will perform in a like capacity for the Badger State boys. McHenry fans have never seen Carroll in action and are anxious to see him perform. He is very popular liere and no doubt will be given a hand when ho takes the hill for the home team. The afternoon game, which will be called at 2:30 o'clock, will see McHenry tackle the Crystal Lake outfit which is coming to McHenry for the express purpose of handing our boys a sound trimming. Crystal Lake has never yet put together a team which has been able to defeat McHenry but this year Crystal Lake fans believe this very feat is to be accomplished. According to information coming from nere monuay. ixer ...»«? , Crystal Lake the visiting team will be friends will be pleased to learn this for this particular comgood news. bat and rumors also halte it that the A storm which very much resembled tornado clouds, passed over this city about 5:30 on Tuesday afternoon. Considerable wind accompanied the followers of the club are coming to McHenry intending to carry home some of our worldly goods. A.. big crowd is sure to witness the struggle. passing of the clouds and our citizens Davjson ^ Kin>Jsley vi]1 perform 1 for McHenry but we have not learned who will work for the visitors. On Sunday McHenry will entertain WEEKLYJTON1LS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK JN OUR BUSY VILLAGE AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BY OUR FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihans spent Sunday in Chicago." Misses Mayme and Vera Bliss WW Chicago visitors Monday. Leo Thelen passed Sunday as the guest of his mother in Elgin. John W. Fay and 'son, James, were Algonquin and Elgin visitors Sunday. Mrs. Alsena Smith spent a few days last week as the guest of relatives at Elgin. , Charles Frett, Jr., of Aurora spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. . . R. F. Conway and daughter, Betty, and Audry Rothermel were Elgin visitors Monday. M. A. Conway and Win. Quinn attended the K. of C. picnic at Woodstock last Sunday. Mrs. John Bolger and son, Clarence, of Woodstock were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. ' Mrs. A. Hi, Pouse and littl^yson returned home from St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs! C.BE. Martiij and son passed Sunday as the gues^ of relatives at the county seat. Misses Eleanor and Mildred Kinsala passed Sunday as the guests of relatives at Burlington, Wis. . James Burke of Chicago passed the week-end as a guest in the home of his aunt, Miss Ellen Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dryer of Forest Park passed the week-end as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway spent a few days recently with their daughter, Marion, at Detroit, Mich. Frank Stoffel returned home • last Friday from a several months' stay with relatives at Denver, Colo. Mr.*and Mrs. John Aylward of El CLASSIFIED DEPARTNERT FOR IU NT--Two nice, Phone 149-J, McHenry. arge parages. 4-It. FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms. Cajl phone 143-M, McHenVy. 1-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of «orn fcnd oats. A. P. Freund, Meitenry, phone 649-^f-2. 2-3t* FOR SALE--Four aerees of alfalfa hay. Inquire of Mrs. Jos. H. Justen, McHenry. 2-tf. FOR SALE--Pure bred Guernsey bull; also Hocking Valley hay loader. Geo. E. Adams, Ringwood, 111. 4-lt. FOR SALE--Several pieces of standing timothy and alfalfa hay. Mrs. Magdalena Bohr, Mcfrenry, 111. 4-tf FOR RENT--Eight room flat, modern. $30 per month. Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry, 111. Phone 614 or 75-J 52 FOR SALE--A membership in the McHenry Country club. For further information apply at The Plaindealer office. 47 WANTED TO BUY--Small house in .•ity of McHenry. Will pay cash and will not ask immediate possession. Kent & Green, McHenry. 48-tf AMENDED AT THE 1923 SESSION 5: OF LEGISLATURE , % . _ .... <*4 The section of the motor vehicle law in Illinois applying to lights wasj-l'1^ was becomingly attired in grey SATURDAY EVENING The marriage of Mrs. Rosemae Berry and Mr. Eugene Cox occurred Saturday, June 28, at 7:00. o'clock at the home of Mr. Andrew Gruno, Rev. Dick of Crystal Lake officiating. The BIG BARGAIN--Must sell 16-foot motor boat, fully equipped, ceder hull. 3% H. P. engine, reverse gear, $125. Tel. 616-W-2, Pistakee. LOST--Ford tire and carrier; also license plate No. 702067, between McHenry and Johnsburg on Wednesday night. Finder return to this office and receive reward. " 4-lt* FOUND--On Volo road between Henry Kennebeck and John *S. Freund farms, last Saturday night, a wheel with spare tire. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. 4-lt* amended eft the 1923 session of the legislature and thus the amendment i3 not fully understood by many motoristSi • The law says:" On approaching another vehicle approaching in an opposite direction, and within not leiss than 250 feet of same, any person in charge of a motor bicycle or motor vehicle shall dim, drop or extinguish such headlights." • j Owners of vehicles equipped .with anti-glare lenses tlpt deflect the rays are not allowed under the provisions of the act to keep on their bright lights when meeting other vehicles; the only exception being those cars equipped with devices that throw the light down on the road by means of tilting the reflector or lamp; this type coming under the head of "dropping" the light. Investigators for the club have ascertained that visitors from other states in which certain types of lenses are , Approved by law, are the most frequent violators of the Illinois law. NOTICE Examinations for Teachers' Certificates will be held at the Central School in Woodstock on Friday and Saturday, July 18 and 19, 1924. The examination will open at 8:30 a. m» Friday. x Hattie C. Dake, Go. Supt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman and children of Chicago spent Sunday with L.'F. Newman and family. They were accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. E. J. Buss and daughter, Betty Jane. silk canton crepe and wore a corsage of^pink sweet peas. After the ceremony a four coarse dinner was served, the decorations in the dining room being pink carnations and in the living room, pink peonies and snap-dragons. Mr. and Mrs. Cox will be at home at Oak Grove farm, Crystal Lake. Come in early; get your choice in hats. Bfoke Sisters, W. McHenry, Ul. breathed a sigh of relief after darkness had passed over. ' Lawrence Huck, a member of the j automobile firm of Jencks & Huck of ; the Cary agprefjation ort the home lot.: ein were Sunday Pi,ests in the hllme this city, who has been receiving treat-: Cajy gjnce hpr last app<?arance jn Mc-; of Mr an(1 Mrs m. A. Conway. ment at the Montrose hospital in C l- Henry _has strengthened up consider- Mrs Mary Caiey of Elgin spent the cago during the past three weeks, is; abJy ^ should ^ in a position 0fj week_end as a guest in the home of again able to be up from his bed and -ving the home lads a reai argument,] her daughter, Mrs. R. I. Overton. has returned^ to his home here. Game called at 2:30 o'clock. The rural letter carriers, in common j with most of us, will be given a day of LONG DISTANCE PHONE CALLS rest and an opportunity to enjoy out l. \ FREE FROM FEDERAL TAX nation's birthday tomorrow (Friday.) ! • Patrons of rural routes should bear After midnight pn Wednesday, July this fact in mind- and if they want 2, any toll or long distance telephone | home of Postmaster and Mrs. E. E their Thursday's mail, they will be message will be free from the federal j Bassett. obliged to "call at the postoffices for , tax, which has been same. - i APril 1' 1919' Miss Helen Heimer of Chicago is spending a few days as a gu^st in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bicklkr. Miss Gertrude Kisch of Evanston is spending the week as a guest in the in effect since; Mr. and Mrsr Harvey . Baron and ^ stated Mr. Wilburn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Sayler called on L. P. Bending of Woodstock, form-1 manager, of Woodstock, this morning, j friends at Hebron and Genoa City last erly of this city, has just purchased a "This tax of five cents on each message Sunday. home at Belvidere, where he and his of over fifty cents added materially to family are now making their home, the cost of telephoning, especially on Mr.^Bending is a foreman employed by toll messages over moderate distances, the Sanitary Scales company which! sa'd manager Wilburn, and its removal only recently opened a new factory in - W1~ll permit more liberal use of the the Boone county city. - I service without adding to the cost. The members of St. Clara court,' Mr. Wilburn also stated thkt the Tele- W. JC. O. F., of St. Mary's church will phone company, anticipating an insponsor a public card party to be held j creased use of the toll service, particin the McHenry park on Pearl street, ; ularly to nearby points, has provided on Thursday afternoon, July 17. Prizes additional' equipment and personel to will be awarded the winners and re-jmeet; the demanS. fi,. freshments will be served. In case of! SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS rain the party will take place at St. TO MEET AT WOODSTOCK Mary's l^all. The public is cordially FOR SALE--1924 Maxwell coupe, refinished and completely equipped. Good as new. Also Velie touring in good condition. Both are' bargains at the prices we ask." G. A. Stilling's garage, McHenry, 111. 52-tf FARROW CHIX in 100 lots; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds, White Rocks, $11.50; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Minorcas, $12.50; Leghorns, $8.50; assorted, $7.50. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria. 45-tf 9'hone 162 , The Best Service Always : * ' * : ^ ^flERNHARD * Expert Shoemaker East Side Service and ^ Transfer Station Herman Schaefer & Co., Props. General Garage ^ Moving Phone 49 :/;\VlfcHENRYt ILL. Hours, 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. & J. FOWLER, D. C. ^„ vy paimer Graduate ^ - CHIROPRACTOR McHenry, Mon,, Wed,,VFfk< , • Phone 158 -1 ': (,v A',.-. •['f' Woodstock, Tues., Thurs;> Sat iPhone 449 West McHenry, Illinois WE ^ KNOW WEA/f HOW. YOUl Mrs. B. Popp Phone 162 West McHenry ES CARD OF THANK8 I wish to thank all the ladies so kindly helped with the Food last Saturday in the city hall and also to thank the city for the use of the hall. « Chairman Food Committee of* ! the M. E. Ladies' Aid Society M'HENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. InsntMoe for C -A Farm andi 'Proper^r Pt«iection at Low G«t ;. ° • Agent* McHenry, Michael Freund, phone 148- J; Johnsb;:rg, Ringwood. t M. N. Sfehmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Gx;ove and Richmond, Fred Meyers. We keep tab on the public taste, ard you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating; consumers. We find it pays us to keep just what our customers demand, so we Th ver try to sell you "something just as good." Our years of experience are at your service and rea y to cater, to your wan s.. M. M. Niesen M yHfnry Phone 4# HOW (hup Is GilS? Gas is cheap, yjlettii 1ft ffrir Wea fOf how cht-ap Sa# °" •If >t»u were to let yv.ur dishes aceunmlat.e for a week, a modern gas water heater would.fmnish enough hot water to dean up tlw w hole stack at a cost of two cents. That, is how much it costs. But how muchVis it worth to you to be able t«Tturn <a faucet, in kitchen, lath room, laundry, and toilet and have a big stream of steaming hot w ater flow in&iautly on signal. As summer comes on you will appreciate more than ever the lavor savint' there is in water-- h o t . w h e n and where you want it. We Recommend HUMPHREY G/VS WATER HEATERS mstern United Gas and Electric Company C. F-. COLLINS*. District Manager o invited. , Birchmont farms, owned and A council of Sunday School workers has been called to meet Sunday afterducted by John L. Nicholson & Son and . noon, July 6, at 2:15, in the Woodstock located near Ingleside, has been placed on the honor roll by the Nationall Holstein-Friesian association by reason of some powerful test records as established by their herd recently. Messrs. Nicholson are building up one of the finest dairy herds to be found in this section. The McHenry team dropped a 5 to 4 game to the Cermaks in Chicago on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The local outfit led the Chicago team up until the eighth inning when the Cermaks tied the count and then won out by scoring a run in the ninth Baptist church. The presence of all District and County Sunday School Association officers is especially desired, but this is an open meeting to which all interested in a more adequate religious education program are invited. If you believe in a future for Sumlay School work and like the challenge of a great opportunity, come next Sunday afternoon. ADDITION A I, PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schau of Chicago passed the w%ek-end in this city. Mrs. S. S. Wegener of Wilmette is Davison and Kingsley did the battery j spending a few days with McHenry work for McHenry while Muzzy andi (ioldwaite performed for the winners. One of the chimneys on the Pries block on Green street was stmck bj lightning during the electrical storm which passed over McHenry about six o'clock last Saturday morning. Luckily there was no one near when the bolt struck which sent a number of broken bricks to the sidewalk and| street below. Outside of destroying the top of the chimney no other damage was done. . James E. Nicholson, junior member of the firm of John L. Nicholson & Son, who own and operate a fine dairy farm near Ingleside, who received a badly lacerated foot in a tractor accident on the place a short time since, expects to be able to leave St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, where he has been conlined since the accident, today (Thursday.) Altho the injury is mending very satisfactorily it will probably be another two months before he will again have the use of the foot. Miss Mary Bonslett, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett of this city, underwent quite a serious operation for appendicitis at the Mercy hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, last Friday evening. Her father left McHenry immediately on hearing of his daughter's illness, arriving in the Iowa city the following .lay, wher£ he found the patient,in a rather serw^us condition. Mr. Bonslett returned home! in the home of her parents, Mr. Monday and the patient's sister, Mrs. Mrs. A. G. Barbian. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns and son, Robert, of Oak Park passed the week-end here. Edward Harrington of Chicago posed the wcek;Cn I as the guest of 'I.U.Henry relative. Mrs. Jos. Frisby and children of Chicago were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Clayton Wilson of Chicago was week-end guest in the home of Mr.oan l Mrs. Franklin Ensign. • + Mrs. Anna Ai<^her of Washburjj, 111 is spending several weeks in the home of her son, Dr. F.'J. Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wirfs and Mrs Reiser, of Waukegan were the guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Frank Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday as" the guest of his mother in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson arrived in McHenry from Tildon, 111., last week and-expect to spend the summer here. M rs. W. J. Donavin and daughters returned home Sunday from a week's visit with relatives at West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lawson of Elgin spent Sunday as guests in the home of the latter's father, Mathias Weber. Mrs. Katherine Adams of Elgin passed the week-end as a guest in the home of her son, George, northwest of town. ^ Mr. and Mrs. C. G. jBurkhartsmeier and children of Chicago spent Sunday and Arthur Muckler of Elmhurst is now at her bedside. Miss Bonslett left McHenry a short time ago in company with Misses Eleanor Ph&lin, Nellie Doherty and Len6ra Freund, the young ladies having secured positions in the Atty. and Mrs. Wm. Perkinson of Chicago were entertained in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Winkle, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch, Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Iowa city for the summer. Miss Bons- Adele, Mr. anw Mrs. Clarence Martin lett's many McHenry friends sincerely1 and daughter, Rita, passed Sunday as hope that she may soon feeover from her illness. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mt-s. Wm, Conley of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home ef the lattc-r's parents, ;Mr* and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom and daughter, Irene, of St. Charles spent Sunday afternoon with L. F. Newman and family. Clarence, Leo and John ConWay of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of their father, P. F. Conway, south of town. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson passed * day last week as the guests of relatives at Elgin. , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groom of Elburn passed Sunday as guests in the home of the former's sister Mrs. W.lF Vogt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wagner and Mr. ahd Mrs. Ed. Wagner of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter. . Mrs. George Adams and P. F. Conway spent a few days last week as^ guests of the latter's daughter, Mary, at Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. EM. Martin and daughters and Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock called on McHenry relatives last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago were week-end guests in th£ home of the latter's parents, Mr. and- Mrs. Theo. Winkle. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray and^children of Geneva, 111., were Sunday guests in the home of Miss Kate and Thos. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chicago spent the week-end as guests in the home of the latter's parents* Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gamer and sons of Chicago were week-end guests in t{ie home of Mrs. Garner's parents, Mr. ahtL-Mrs. John Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brahan and Miss Florence Quivey of Elgin sp^nt Sunday as guests in the home of Miss Kate and Thos. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and son, Eugene, passed the latter part of last week as guests in the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanGils, at Joliet, 111. Mrs. Fred Heckman and children of Fairburg, 111., are spending a few weeks as the guests of Mrs. Etta Cooney at the Kelter cottage at Lake Defiance. Mrs. George Meyers and grand children, Arnold and Joyce Chesnut, passed last week as the guests of relatives in Chicago, Oak Park and Morton Grove. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Heimer of Chicago passed the latter part of last and the first of this week as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel, Mr. and Mrs. Nick N. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mrs. Rothermel's sister, Mrs. Perce Molton, at Joliet, 111. Mr. and Mis. Harry Kinney, son. Edward, andi daughter, Catherine, cf Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Miss Ellen Doherty. Mrs. Kinney and daughter remained and expect to spend the summer here. mm® wm ighting the Streets of 137 Communities No. 1 in a series of statements about this Company's business. • Q Q THE electric business of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, in addition to supplying electric light and power to 160,000 homes, stores, offices and factories, includes electric street lighting in the following cities and towns: The announcement that the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has hern awarded the Charles A. Coffin Medal for 1923,is a tribute to the territory in which this Company operates as welt as to the service it renders. This award (ru made to this Company in competition with the e'ectric tight and power companies of thf United Stufes "for distinguished contribution to the development of electric light and power for the convenience of the public and the benefit of the industry"- Addison Algonquin Antioch •> Area Arona Park Barrington Bartlett Bensenville Benson Bourbonnais Braceviile Bradford Bradley Braidwood Bristol Burnham Burr Oak Campus Carpentersville Cary Chicago Heights Ci'irago Riiige C'.illicothe CL'uro Coal«Ctty C'-i ncll Ci >o Crystal Lake Dana Deerfield Desplaines Dwight East Brooklyn East Dundee Eileen Elmhurst Elmwood Park Elwood Evanston Fox Lake Fox River Grove Frankfort Frr: i k'.in Park Gardnuf ' • Glenioin •* G!envif# Glenwood Grand Ridge Grays Lake Haivey . Hitzelcrcat Ho ry . H tfhlnfid Park Htihvvood H<ilside H >mewocd 'Itasca Joliet Kankakee Kinsman X>acon La Grange La Grange Park Lake Bluff Lake Villa • Lake Zuiictr Lansing La Rosa Lemont Libertyvill# Lock port Long Point •* . Lostant Manhattan Manteno Mattcson Mazon McHenry Melrose Park Minonk Minooka -Mokena . Monee j Morris Morton Grove Mt. Greenwood Mount Proepact Niles Niles Center Northbrook North Chicago No. Chillicotha Oak Park Odell Palatine Park Ridga Phoenix Plainfield Pontiac Ransom Riverdala River Forest River Grova Riverside Riverview Rockdale Romeoville Rose lie Round Laka Rutland St. Anne Schillar Park) Seneca South Chicago Heights So. Wilmingtato Sparland Steger Streator Thornton Tinley Pack Toluca Tonica Touloi, ^ . Varna^'- ' Veroqjj. ^ ' Washburn Wauconda Waukegan West Dundee Western Springs Wheeling Wilmington Winthrop Htttot Worth Wyoming YorkvMe Zion These cities aod towns served by the Public Service Company have at their command the greatest pool of electricity of any territory in lhe world. This electricity supply comes not only from the Company's great generating plants, but also from other interconnected super-power systems, including that of the Commonwealth Edison Company whose vast, p&nts provide Chicago with its electricity. ' And in keeping with these activities the gas business of the Company is constantly increasing. Last year this Company produced for customer use, 3,535,537,(XX) cubic feet of gas, an Increase of 448,195.000 cubic feet over the preceding year. - • • PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 Mysore mjlcs--202 citin and townt "Ufttjt Got fixity v G. E. McCOLLUM, District Managpr Crystal Lake, Illinois

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