Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1924, p. 5

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' **»*;^ •*-*,»• "i>,t. . ,i>"'> « w* p ™ ' VtV' "j&l-S*' ,' . , . ~ * • ' * * • <•* ;;<f " '-#55 >w; ?£$ •sfev.sftfe. £i<&S mzm "3,'f i>4Jf •*",7*'-* - !r % •*y •>• wsi^fc *• 1 r^.> - ' - ! .* • .**54® -*V vm* «V* « iKlK MoHENRY, rLiilNOIS. THURSDAY. AUGUST 14. 1924 Nix was Chicago CENTURY fv ; VOLUME 50 If|fi JsM :,J> LAKE COUNTY PRESENTS ITS Augoft 29,30, 31 1,1924 Jlat Year Day and Night SPECIAL RATES ON ',,. RAILWAY#. FlSPtJBLICA# t>AY SATURDAY, AUGUST Mth All these daily (afternoon and evening) HIGH DIVING ACTS Many Free Attractions Bareback Riding Wild Bull DANCING PAVILIoi^«. " . - FERRIS WHEEL , And Such a Midway! THE FARM ON PARADE Thousands of dollars in prizea and special premiums, for Cattle, Horses, She?p, S w I n e, Poultry, Agricultural, Horticultural, Apiary Products. Year's Roundup of Boys' and Girls' Club Activities and the State's Best Show DAILY HARNESS RACING! Running Races Every Day of the Fair, Big Purses and Special Prize Money. , STOCK YARDS DERilf AUGUST 31st The Fast Runners From Hawthorne Race Track HORSE SHOW! Stock Pavilion -- Every Day, S o m e o f t h e N a t i o n ' s B e s t Trained High School Honw - See the 1925 Models Automobiles and Trucks--Positively the best ever--The most attractive Auto Show. ALSO A Mammoth Show of Tractors and Farm Machines? "Educates, Inspires, Entertains on Biggest Possible Scale." Ever THE 71st ANNUAL LAKE COUNTY FAIR This Exhibition of Interesting and Instructive Entertainment on a grand scale never heretofore equalled at a COUNTY FAIR. • ' W. I. WOODIN, President John G. Wirtz, Secretary For the fiuest coffee try Ericksou's. Hours, 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. S. A. Fowler, D. C. Palmer Graduate l^pfROPR ACTOR W. McHenry, Mop., Wed., Fri Phone 158 ^ Woodstock, Tues., T^urs., Sat Phone 449 and reases 100 per cent Parafine Oils and G r e a s e s . When in need call phone 60-W. Always a fine line of these oils and the very best of service. --McHenry-- Labricatiug Company V. D. Wadey H. H. Fay McHenty, 111. Tfiuiii Tnmrc Kent e<~Greery^* l urn-J ul ter VoOKMt* A ^ V££X* \fMC£7P*L WE can show you a real estate bargain that you should snap up now. Old man Procrastination is the chap that will steal the profit from your pocket. Act now. /f^j£fe£Phone 3 4- JCeni &Greetr-» McHenry I F Y O U Admire a Good Job TF you admire * a good job, T tee what the lieat engineers * Ihave done in the way of building a per- > Jcct cook stove. GAS of course, --p e r f e c t l y Constructed '-burners, ele j^v -, iant baked enamel surfaces,,, and an ovent that regulates* Jtself. The.,' ^Ifher mosta®^ principle a p - ^ *p lied to th$ k baking oven if I |he last word "in stove cont lenience,J and puts her home Sfook stove on i | i l e v e l with o u r o f f i c e dding ma- XM m -**-Have You Bought : Hers? Western United Gas and Electric Company C, E. Collins District Mgr., Elgin, 111. m BP! WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY omr v AS SEEN BY PLAINOEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN IIY «; OUR FRIENDS Dr. N. J. Nye was a professional visitor in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family tree* Waukegan visitors Sunday. J. W. Smith was a business visitor in the windy city Tuesday. E. R. McGee transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. Win. Dryer of Forest Park passed the week end with McHenry relatives. Miss Milled Kinsala is spending: a few days with relatives at Waukegan. Mesdames Geo. J. Schfreiner and P. A. Neiss were Elgin visitors last Friday. " Fred J us ten attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. - Miss Mary Bonfclett is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Harvard. Dr. D. G. Wells was a professional visitor in the metropolitan city last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and son, Eugene, passed Sunday in -the metropolitan city. Mr^and Mrs. W. J. Donavin and daughters were Waukegan visitors last Sunday Ed. Harrington of Chicago is- spending his vacation with relatives and friends here. 1 MY. and Mrs. Richard Fleming were guests of the latter's' parents at Algonquin Sunday. Mrs. Henry Miller, Misses Clara Miller and Ella Ibsh were Waukegan visitors last Thursday. Mr and Mrs. John D.„Lodtz and children of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Worts of Chicago were week end guests of relatives iff and near this city Miss Ella Ibsh of Chicago has been spending a couple of weeks with her father and sisters here. Mrs. Sarah Sherbprne and daughter, Anna, were guests of Crystal Lake relatives one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nick N. Freund visited their daughter, who is receiving1 treatment at Aurora Sunday. John I. Sutton of Chicago was a week end guest of relatives and friends in this city and vicinity. Miss Eva Stilling of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenzen of Grayslake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels and Mr. and Mrs. Al. Krause and daughter, Marion, were Aurora visitors last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muckler of Elmhurst Were week end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Alfred and Seth Richardson passed Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Richaraon, at Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Becking and little daughter of Woodstock were recent guests of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and Miss Anna. Miss Helen Justen of Chicago is spending a few days as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist and Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Hartley of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and daughter, Marcella, of Chicago were week end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Ruth, of Madison, Wis., passed several days last and this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. Miss Nellie Doherty, who has been Rev. Chas. S, visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Conway were Elgin visitors Monday. Mrs. Mollie Givens la spending a few days with Elgin relatives. Misses Ellen and Catherine Walsh were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin is spending a two weeks' vacation at her home here. Thos. Knox of Chicago passed the first of the week with his mother, Mrs. Anna Knox. Misses Margaret and Marie Kinsala were the guests of rela^ves at Waukegan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R . F . C o n w a y a n d daughter. Betty Jane, were Richmond visitors Sunday. Mrs. Louis Eucher of Chicago spent a few days last week in tl*e home of Mrs. Helena Heimer. Miss Nellie Harrington of Chicago is spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton. Mrs. W. D. Wentwoijth is spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Marshall, at Champaign. Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Chicago passed the week end in the home of her sister, Mrs. A-. G. Barbian. August Trapp and " son, John, of Chicago passed a few days last week as the guests of McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. Karges and daughter, Dorothy, of Kenosha, Wis.; spent the week end with McHenry friends. Thos. Slavin of Pittsburg, Pa., is spending several weeks with his sister, Mrs. Anna Knox, on Center St. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen and children of Waukegan were Sunday guests of relatives in and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Frett and sons, Leonard and Frances, of Aurora were the guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel and QUARTER OF IVCMS CLIPPED FROM PLAIN DEALERS OF 25 YEARS AGO Last Sunday the Steamer McHenry earned thirty-seven passengers to the lotus beds. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon were made happy a few days ago by the arrival of a daughter. Last Saturday between the hoars of 4:26 and 5:10 p. ra. one hundred teams paased The Plaindealer office, this was by actual count. Our people have started a move toward the organisation of a claw in vocal music under the direction of Prof. Harris of Chicago. Last Sunday evening about ten o'clock the village jail at Algonquin was discovered to be on fire. The timely arrival' of the fire department saved the building from total destruction. E. J. Hazel of Chicago has succeeded James Walsh as editor and manager of The Plaindealer. Mr. Walsh goes to Harvard, where he will join the Herald force, his brother* M. F., being in very poor health. Last Tuesday evening while Robert Sutton was driving to town his horse became unmanageable and ran away Mr. Sutton was thrown out and the wheels of the buggy passed over hi? head, cutting and bruising h;m severely. State's Attorney V. S. Lumley is not only a good lawyer, but a taxidermist. He has proven his skill in this line by nicely preparing a large gar which he caught in the Nippersink. He says this is the largest speciman caught in this part of the country. The Stafford Pickle company has practically reconstructed their plant and now have one of the best pick- , , . . .. . , • l'ng works in the county. They have daugI*h.t ers Jspie nt the week end as the . , . , , . _AA , , , , w- r, i already received about 500 bushels of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perce Molton ! at Joliet, | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P. Walsh and ! family of Grayslake called on McHenry relatives Sunday on their way to Rockford. Miss Eleanor Smith of Lindsay, Neb., is Spending a few weeks in the heme of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin passed the first of the week in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conley and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barbian of Chicago were Sunday guests in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. "Barbian. Mrs. Stephen Heimer returned to her home in Chicago Monday morning after spending a few days as the guest of McHenry relatives. Miss Clara Degen of Kenosha, Wis., is spending a two weeks' vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.* Henry Degen, west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and children arrived home Wednesday from a trip thru the south, visiting a number of towns and cities in Kentucky, and also stopped at Janesville, Ohio, where they were the guests of relatives. Harry Kinney of Chicago passed the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of Miss Ellen Doherty. Mrs. Kinney and daughter, Katherine, who have been spending the past several weeks in McHenry, returned home with him on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Meissen and children of Hynes, Calif., who have been guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, left last Saturday for Burlington, Wis., where they are now the guests of relatives. They were accompanied to- Burlington by Mrs. Christina Bipa. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cunningham of Chicago are spending an enjoyable two weeks at their cottage on the Fox. With them are Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. Houdek and family, Chas. Venard, Misses Check, McWeeney, Wilson, McDonnell and Cunningham. Mrs. McWeeney of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Venard of Downers Grove returned to their home after a pleasant week with the Cunninghams in Woodlawn subdivision. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Dr. C. H. Fegers here last Saturday were:. Dr. Geo. Fegers of Nebraska; Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Robert Fegers, cucumbers and expect before the season is over to put up 35,000 bushels Last Sunday morning the body of John Johnson was picked up by some station men about one-half mile north of Crystal Lake with the head completely severed from the trunk. The dead man was seen with a stranger Saturday and the position of the body when found and other significant facta point strongly to murdaer attending summer school at Notre j Chas. Fegers, Dame, Ind., during the past several | Mrs. Ray Bauer and daughter, Jean, weeks, returned to her home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr'ind sons and Mrs. Sarah Reece of West Chicago spent the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Donavin. Misses Florence Vapse and Frances Steinsdoerfer returned to Chicago Sunday evening after spending a three weeks' vacation with the latter's relatives in and near this city. M. A. Conway and daughters, Eleanor and Irene, and Miss Minnie Knox left Monday for Adrian, Mich., where they witnessed the taking of the veil of the former's daughter, Marion, on Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Ernst and children of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. They were accompanied home by Mr. Ernst, who had been a guest in the Welph home for the past week. of Keokuk, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keefe and son, Joseph, Mrs. T. Harrington, daughters, Lillian and Nellie, and son, Edward, Mrs. Wm. McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schneider, Mrs. Lou Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman, P. F. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Kinney and Mrs. Kate Hanrahan of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yaeger and Will Smith of Waukegan; Thomas and Sylvester McGee, Misses Mollie and Lena McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. James Bennett, Misses Lillian and Ethel McGee and Kate Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Kennedy, John McGee and son, Charles, Mrs. John Bolger, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Fitzsimmons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kniebush of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martin and sons, Arthur, Charles and William of Grayslake; Miss Kate and Edmund Keefe of Spring Grove; John D Lodtz of Crystal Lake. Math. Weber of this village is erecting a new residence for Mr. Adams at Johnsburg. Laat Thursday the steamer "McHenry** carried seventy-five pA>ple to the lotus beds. J. H. Miller has just erected a large Vermont granite monumentIfor the late Mrs. F. Schenning of Silver Lake. Jesse R. King of McHenry is building a foundation for a new home for Mr. Conley, who ; Hires southeast of town. John Lodtz, John Barbian and John Bishop were at McCollum's lake last Tuesday and report big catches, of fine fish. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Fahr moved from their residence and will in the future live with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Phflen. The Ladies' Plstakee Bay Euchre lub met at the pavilion Wednesday afternoon and was entertained by the McHenry members. Charles, the little eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen, passed away last Saturday morning following an attack of spinal meningitis. The Wilbur Lumber company will at once commence the erection of a new building on the north side of Mtoin street which wi'l- be 126x229 feet and will be used as an office. Ephraim Goodman passed away at he home of his son, Prof. F. M. Good- Tfian here August 3. with whom he had resided since 1880. He was buried at Rose itiH-cemetery, Chicago, Aug. 5. Last Sunday about 5,000 members if tho American club of Chicago held i picnic on Fox river below McHenry. Th is is the second annual , event of this society. About $1,000 was awardad as prizes in the contests. Dennis F. O'Connor, the man who nurdcred Peter Marks of Dunham on Tuijt 2, was captured by Marshal Burke of Harvard and State's Attor- \ v'ey of Woodstock at Charlotte, Iowa, last Friday and taken to the Woodstock jail. Gus Carlson left yesterday fdt Oskarshamn, Sweden, to visit hit - mother and other relatives. In 189t Mr. Carlson engaged in the manula#" , H ture of harness in McHenry. Laat. May he sold his business to WM Mertz. Mr. Carlson will remain ill Sweden at least a year and will then -,1c return to this country. ' ^ WILL RECEIVE PICKLIES Notice i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t t h § ; - Woodard Pickle company will opeft their receiving station in McHenrf next Saturday, Aug. 9, and from that date until the close of the season >7 ^ pickles wal bi bricen in daily except*'""..,;' Sunday. Wm. A. Sayiler, - » > Local Manager. . ^ ' ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE " ^ Thte sixty-fifth annual Boone couHtf fair at Belvidere will this year be heM 1 ^ on August '27, 28, 29 and 30. ' - The fifth annual picnic of employe# of the Gossard factory at Belvider^ . v was held at Crystal Lake one day cently. The occasion was enjoyed bl i* 125. Milbum Bros., who constructed th«# stretch of highway, announce that th|f completed hard road between WooA^? ^ itock and Ridgefield will be open t# travel this week. » " i Edwin Kueper, three-year-old son e(t- -~;S 1 farmer residing near Genoa, Ill4 •; had his foot cut off one day recently v >y a mower that wis being driven bf1- the lad's mother. ' According to a school census a£ ' '. Uiken at Woodstock recently, th# trade schools of that city are expected to show a falling off in attendance aft the start of the fall term, Sept. % Last year the combined attendance i& • ' ill schools in that city totaled abotll V 1 ,onn x v-i Let Moths Rob You Before moths get in t h e i r deadly work, use CENOL-- the sure moth destroyer. Kills larvaeand eggs. Protects your clothing, carpets, rugs and upholstery. JSold by August 10, 1899 Peter B. Freund has moved into his new building in Centerville. A man and a hand organ were the attractions of our town last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers welcomed a son into their home on Sunday. Mike Thelen left here last Monday morning for Chicago, where he has a position. Aug. Buckhols, the West Side tailor, has moved into the Ostrander building. P. M. Goslett of Chicago was in McHenry last Saturday buying horses to be used in the United States cavalry. N. H. PETESCH, Druggist Cenol Agency •! V,:LIANT •J 5-I O MADE 1 <J OWDER^KJ^LN • 1.) t\ ( . (tpromotrist :iriJ /. 3407 N. PAULINA S T. CCR.^OSCOE AND UNC ? I N Avt My spectacles and eye glasses cnown all over America. Thirty yea experience testing eyes and grind glasses to order only. We make repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. Dr. a KELLER, Optometrist and Optician Chicago Address 3407 N. Paulina St. Phone Graceland 0640 McHenry, Phone 167 -Automobiles Free-3 at the- SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 112 The undersigned merchants are giving coupons to their customers on cash trade and all accounts paid. These coupons are each numbered and each one is good on all three cars to be given away at the fair; Ask your merchant for them. They can be secured from these firms: Jos. J. Miller Dr. S. J. Fowler Motor Sales Co. c McHenry County Farmers' Co-operative Assn. •v _• PAT BP YOUR BILLS AND GO YOUR PONS .~ii3

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