Fluff MRS. B. HUENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FHtE , INSURANCE C0. €» Insurance for Farm and Residence Property • "* CM Protection at Low Opal* i .. Agcrfl Mtfffenry, Hfih&ael Ffetmd.lftione 148* 1 J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. aod Rag Rug. made to order I Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove PftPP PHONE i*2 I and Richmond, Fred Meyers, run WEST McHENRY DANCING AT JOHNSBURG HALL • Tues., Septfi 16 As Good as aVisit TUST as good as a visit is a three minute sta- J tion-to-station telephone call. Evening, and you are away. YCM picture mother and father in the living room at home. The glow of the light shines on mother's soft gray hair and father's glasses. Mother is darn- ' ing stockings. Father is reading the evening paper. At intervals he repeats some bit of news or a joke to THE Illinois Bell mother. If you could only 1 Telephone Com- be with them for just a few minutes! You can, and for a small sum. Go to the telephone and ask Long Distance for your home telephone number. In a few minutes you will hear mother's voice and fatHexV&reeting. Let "Long Distance" take you home for a visit. . . t' yHE Illinois Bell Company employs every Proved method of obtaining economy in operation without impairing the quality of its service. As more telephones are added,operating costs i necessarily increase ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One PpUcy - One System - Universal Service His care faultless perform, ance frequently lures a Buick owner # distant and remote places "but wherever lie goes duickAuthorfaeaService is near at hand. V4MV OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL.* HARVARD, ILL. When automobile* are boflt, Buick will build thai tfJMB Medium COM BUSTY -PHILADELPHIA 'I,!'. A • ' ' v 8LOCUM LAKE New dinqer sets just received,,. J. J. Vycital. ;'Mi" , New line|>^&eM material at Erickson's. If you dont trade hare we both lose. Smith Bros. Walter Winkler spent Sunday with his home folks. Mrs. Jack Geary went to Chicago Sunday afternoon for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnin and children visited the former's father at Elgin Sunday. v Willard Darrell was a business caller at Rowsen's Bridge Sunday morning. ° Mr. and Mrs. Shales of Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Crystal Lake business callers Saturday evening. Anson Davis of Wauconda spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. - Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were business callers at Crystal Lake last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dowell and children were Waukegan business callers Monday afternoon; Mrs. Page Smith was a Monday afternoon visitor of her sister, Mjrs. BC. Harris, at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell iccom- Mr. and Mrs. Burmister of Chicago, who have spent the past three weeks at the Hoelscher farm, returned to their home last Thursday morning for a few days, but are now visiting here again. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Friday at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Mrytle, accompanied them on a business trip to Barrington in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks left Friday via train for Mikkelson, North Dakota, where they will spend a few weeks visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Jack Pesheck. They will return home with their son, William, via auto. \Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Johnston, and Wilfred Green of Wauconda drove to Oak- Park Sunday, where they visitedf/^fr. and Mrs. Harry Green and Mrs? Florence Green, who is recovering from a recent goitre operation. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley and daughter, Leila, of Wauconda, John Davis of Crystal Lake, Lillian Tidmarsh and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and son, Russell of Batavia, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mrs. Ella Parks of oanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis to the i Park Ridge, Raymond Fues of Wood- Elkhorn fair last Friday. Mrs. Mort Baseley of Wauconda called on her sister-in-law, Mrs. Joe Dowell, one day recently. Chesney Brooks attended the openng of the stadium at Grant park, Chicago, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Gilder of Chicago arrived at the G. J. Burnett home last Saturday and will spend a few days there. Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were Tuesday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Henry Winkler and daughter, Lillian, were Thursday afternoon visitors at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Al. stock and William Steenen of Chic^gp,. JOHNSltU ltG John tanas boarded the train for Chicago Monday. School suppliwT of all kinds at Erickson's store. Joe Frett was. a business visitor in Chicago Saturday. Miss Laura Smith passed Sunday with friends in Chicago. Miss Eleanor May of McHenry was visiting with relatives here Saturday. Frank Mathieu and Peter Meersman motored to Chicago Tuesday of this week. We buy groceries in small lots often with her parents #t Union Grove. Rev. James of Gray slake was a caller in this community Monday. Miss Dorothy Dillon spent the past week with relatives in Waukegan. Have Vycital install your furnace now and be comfortable next winter. Mrs. Wm. Duesing and daughter, Katherine, spent Thursday at Ringwood. Miss Orpha Russell began teaching in the Pomeroy district last Monday morning. Mrs. James Kirwan and Mrs. Jennie Cossman spent Thursday last in "Waukegan. Edward Lusk, Davis and Frank Walkington are attending high school at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey, Vera and Walter^ attended the Elkhorn fair last Friday. Henry Grothendiech and family of Park Ridge visited at the Duesing home last Sunday. Miss Reafer of Wisconsin is teaching the brick school and making her home with Mrs. Levi Waite. Lloyd Fisher, Math. Rossdeutscher and Arthur Kaiser motored to Silverlake, Wis., Wednesday evening. Mrs. G. Wegener and sons, John and Len, of Grayslake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frrfnk Rosing.' Messrs. Ben Walkington, L. V. Lusk and Clifford Benwell are at Barron county, Wis., this week buying dairy cows. \ J\ Mr. and' Mrs. Earl Davis have moved into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing, who have moved into their new home. Attractive merchandise at right prices. Erickson's. Mrs. J. M. Phalin was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent the week end at her home here. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove called on relatives here Friday. Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. B. J. Shine. Miss Mary Riley of Chicago was a guest at the home of her niece, Mrs. B. J. Shine, Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Conway and son are spending a couple of weeks with her parents in McHenry. , Robert V.' Knox left Tuesday for the University of Notre Dame, where he will attend school the coming year. Howard Phalin arrived here from Kansas City Thursday „and spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Tuesday he left for Notre Dame, Ind., where he will attend the university there. Vernon and Mabel Knox, Glenn and Vera McMillan, Evelyn Schoenknecht and Edward, Vostry entered hig"h school at Crystal Lake Monday and Marjorie and Harold Phalin, James, Frisby and Robert Conway entered the McHenry high school Wednesday. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Anna Leisner here Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person, Mr. and Mrs. Ifeisler, Fred and Carl Bergman, Dr. And Mrs. H. H. Bay, Mrs. Ballou, Mrs. Alice Hlish, Mrs. Clara Miller. Mr. and Mrs. James Lane, Miss Cruden, Harry Brantingham ancj daughter, Georgia, and Miss Mrs. Kate Townsend returned to her. Alice Bergman, all of Chicago. home at Grand Rapids. Mich., Tues-' Mrs. Anna Leisner, for many y^ars day after visiting for some time with j a highly respected resident of this many friends and relatives here. j vicinity, passed away at her late home Mrs. Ann Vasey passed away at j here Wednesday , evening, Sept. 3, her home Monday morning, Sept. 8.! nfter an illness of twenty-nine months. JURORS ARE SELECTED FOR McHENRY COUNTT CIRCUIT COURT . . .. , »» T i T.i and sell many, result, fresh groceries Staples visited Mrs. Lyle Litwiler av Smith Bros. - her home at Round Lake Saturday.' Willard Darrell attended a committee meeting at the Farm Bureau office at Libertyville Thursday evening last. Mrs. Clara Smith returned home last Saturday from a week's stay with her daughter; Mrs. J. D. Williams, at Crystal Lake., Mr. and Mrs. George Windle returned to their home at Evanston after spending a few days at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell leturned to their home at Grayslake Sunday after spending a few weeks with their sons and families. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were Sunday supper and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and daughter, Mary Alice, were Saturday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson. Slocum Lake school opened Monday, Sept. 8, with and enrollment of twenty- nine pupils. Miss Orpha Morlock of Rosecrans is the instructor. Mildred Hoffman spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago and spent Thursday night with her cousin, Mrs. W. L. Spaflford, at Jefferson Park. Mildred Hoffman, accompanied by Mrs. Fannie Carr, were callers at Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs. Carr spent the day with Mrs. Osman Hale. Mrs. J. P. Morlock and daughters, Esther and Orpha, and son, Judge, of Rosecrans were Sunday afternoon callers at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Willard Darrell were Wednesday afternoon and supper guests of Mrs, Harold Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson. The Blomgren family entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson, and family of Algonquin and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson of Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dowell and family called, on the latter's mother, Mrs. Ann Vasey, who is very ill at the. home of her son, J. A. Vasey, east of Vole. Mrs. Bert Dowell received word early Monday morning of the death of her mother, Mrs. Ann Vasey, who resides on the Vasey homestead east of Volo. Miss Corinne Blomgren was the guest of Miss Sarah Dowell at RoSeville Friday afternoon and accompanied them on business to Crystal Lake. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago returned to their A harvest festival will take place at the parish hall on Wednesday evening, Sept. 24. Miss Coletta Freund was visiting with friends in McHenry last Saturday evening. Alex and Miss Genevieve Adams spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Miller and family called on relatives here last Thursday evening. Now is the time to do your fall painting. Use Patton's sun proof paint. J. J. Vycital. The Smith and Horrick wedding dance will be at the Johnsburg hall on Tuesday, Sept. 16. Tickets, $1.00. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen from here and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams of McHenry motored to Joliet Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tonyan and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff at McHenry Friday evening. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Peter May of Spring Grove called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer, Monday. Raymond and Charles Schaefer spent last week camping and fishing on their grandfather's farm near Volo. , 'Miss Dorothy Elvermann of Wilmot and her friend, Roman Terry of Brighton, Wis., were Johnsburg and McHenry visitors Sunday. Quite'a few from our village attended "Huckleberry Finn" at the Empire theatre in McHenry Monday evening. All reported the show as very good. Mrs. Jos. Stilling and daughters, Rose and Margaret, Mrs. Katherine Stoffel of McHenry and Mrs. Mary Kessler of Milwaukee, Wis., were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber last Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Althoff and daughter, Barbara, accompanied by Mrs. Louis Althoff and Miss Martha Althoff of Kenosha, spent Friday afternoon of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Sattem at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Hettermann Funeral services were held at the Volo church this (Thursday) afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and children attended the wedding of the latter's brother, Roy Davis, and Miss Alice Junge at the Junge home at. i Round Lake last Thursday*. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Sarena and daugh-j ter, Alice, of Wausauka, Ind., and Mr. j anJ Mrs. C. Osborne and daughter, Eleanor, of Morgan Park were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Dillon. Those attending Wauconda township high school from the north end are Vera Vasey, Dorothy Dillon, Emma Vogt, Georgia Vasey, Grace Duesing, Clifford Wilson, Arthur .Martin, Earl, Maurice and Erwin Townsend. The club girls %nd their leaders, Mrs. L. V. Lusk, Mrs. D. V. Waite and Miss Esther Russell, will give an achievement day program at the Volo M. E. church Friday evening, Sept. 12. Mr. Douschuck, our farm adviser, will give a talk and the Ladies' Aid society will furnish lunch. All are most cort dially invited to come and see what our girls in this community have accomplished this summer under the fine assistance given by their leaders. Volo Ladies' Aid Society The ladies of the Volo Ladies* Aid society enjoyed a very social time at the home of Mrs. S. J. Russell Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Kate Townsend gave several recitations which were wonderful for a lady past eighty-six. The next meeting will be at the home of Mis. L. V. Lusk on Oct. 2. SOLON MILLS Get your- tablets and pencils at- Erickson's store. A large selection of dishes at Vycital's hardware. ---, Bird Hodge is visiting friends at River Forest this week. Solon can once more boast of having a good general store. We are glad to learn that Mrs. E. Cropley is again, able to do nursing. .. Miss Emily Cole went to DeKalb Tuesday morning, where she will attend school. Mrs. Victor Aim was in Chicago Saturday to see her son, Stanley, who is attending school there. I Miss Leona Cropley has gone back to Libertyville to teach another year with advanced wages. This makes !ler husband passed away two months ago. She is survived by one son, Eugene, of Chicago and three daughters, Alice and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Terr$ Cotta and Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago. The funeral was held at her 'ate home here Sunday and burial was in the McMillan cemetery. ,When you are contemplating "buildin? of any kind call on or phone 93-R, l Wm. Q. Schreiner for insurance. McHenry, III. For 100 per cent Insurance in --all-branches, call on or phone WM. G. SCHREINER Phone 93-R. • Auctioneering dcHENRY :: :: ILLINOIS . Thirty citizens of McHenry have been selected for a special panel of petit jurors to report for duty in the McHenry county circuit court qa Monday, Sept. 8. The list follows: =f Riley--Ellsworth Howard, Ralph • Metcalf; Marengo--Albert Bowers; . Chemung---George V. Andrews, Aug. . Breitenfelt, Thomas Barrett, Chart. Bauder, H. W. Butts; Alden--Beat Anderson; Seneca--Charles Carlson; Coral--John Bauers, Charles Bowers* Clarence Lockwood; Grafton--F. C.„ Beckert; Dorr--William Forrest, F. G. „ Bosshard, Jay Conway, Grover Beam; ' Greenwood--Albert George, Elmer Aav^g; Hebroh--Clayton Barker, L. J. Burton; McHenry--Henry Freund, C. M. Bickler, John E. Freund; Nunda, --Clarence Draper, Otto Berkley; Afc.'>?••" g o n q u i n -- J . W . B u e h l e r , J o h n A l * , bright and Frank Bohl. : V: The names of those who have beetir \ drawn to serve on the September term of the grand jury follow: * *,1 Riley--Frank Griebel; Marengo-** William Doherty, Richard Wolebeft^ ' ^ Dunham--William Wendling; ChCmung-- M. A. Stafford , R. E. Lush; Alden--William Shields; Hartland-- S William Mackey; Seneca--R. If. Beam; Coral--Wayne Ackman; Grafton-- F, C. Beckert; Dorr--Frank J.„ Wienfce, F. B. McConnell; Greenwood ' --Herbert Eckert;- Hebron--J. S. Losee; Richmond--J. B. Richardson; * Burton--N. N. Weber; McHenry--r- - Prtrick Cleary. W. E. Smith; Nunda-- T. W. Ames, Ed. Kruse; Algonquin-- Horman Henk. Paul Rosenthal.- Miss Anna Knox and Elmer Winkle* m*nn of Elgin were guests in the h; me of the former's mother, Mrs. Anna Knox, on Center street last Thursday evening. Starting next Sunday and contin*-> * in? thruout the week the Class A sh4 C ass B medal plays will be started at tha McHenry " Country club. Only those who have not already been in possession of the medals will be olliged to qualify. Qualifying rounds : may be played any time thruout the I week. ALFORD H. POUSE Attoi ney-at-Law Phone 26 Wast McHenry, BL. East Side Service and Transfer Station Herman Schaefer & Co., Props. General Garage Moving Phone 49 McHENRY, ILL. Phone 162 The Best Service Always BERNHARD POPP * Expert Shoemaker Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Phone 126-W. Reasonable Rafess and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Freund; her fifth year. left last Thursday for "a trip. They! Miss Emily Cole, Mrs. R. Lynn and visited Devil's Lake, the Dells, Chip- [ daughter, Helen, and Mrs. Lyons mopawa Falls, Minnesota and Iowa, re-jtored to Chicago Friday. Miss Cole turning home Tuesday evening of this returned home Saturday. week. They were much elated over Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester and son, the wonderful trip they had. George, started to Cincinnati, Ohio, On Monday of this week Miss Mary by auto Wednesday. They were Klein celebrated her name's day by j called there on account of the sickness entertaining a party of her young) of their daughter, Anna. friends at her home here, where theyj Mrs. Fannie Overton, who has been enjoyed cards and dominoes. A de- stopping with her son, R. I. Overton, j licious luncheon was enjoyed. At at McHenry has just returned to her West McHenry, Illinois A. H. SCHAEFER * Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS Leath's Say it With Values Yet value at Leath's Is so closely connected with high grade quality that the low prices have a double meaning. All signs on the road to economy point to Leath's. Biffin TO Orovf Rocltford SOi W. Stat* Aurora tl Island Dubuque 676 Main Preoport S W. Main i ' Waterloo 500 L>afayatte Belolt 817 Fourth Joliet 215 Jefferson Jan«aville 202 MilwaukM Eau Clair* Masonic Bld£. Oshkosh 11 M.iln St. Peoria S2S 8. Adams Deeatur 43! N. Wattf A. LEATH & CO. home n ay a F 8Q j Burnett | cart's M'ss Alvina Schumacher won home here in the north side of town. first prize and Miss Margaret Stilling j We certainly welcome her back. first in dominoes. A merry crowd weeks' vacation at the home. Hermie Carr of Chicago, who has been spending a few i were delightfully entertained at the Fin ome, was a rjnrrpll Mat I home of Miss Efla Huemann on Thursand supper guest at the Darrell-Matthews home. of young people Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley have just returned from an extended three weeks' motor trip to Thousand Islands in St. Lawrence river, Montr6al, Can., day afternoon of last week. The Lake Champlain, Adirondack Mts., „ . , , 11 eyent was given by Mrs. Cecelia Fox Fort Ticonderoga, Catskill Mts., New 1 aJ . ,arr8 1.U T n ?.a Mnn an<* Huemann in honor of Miss v^ ritv Washington. e.r lo,d of bran at Lak. Zqnck Moo- be *> for ^ C°Unty F,"° in the near fuiure. Miss Smith was Bureau. Farmers Jfrom this vicinity are hauling it. Miss Katie Slavin attended the funeral of a nephew, Harry Handgarter, at Woodstock last Tuesday. Mr. Handgarter died from the result of a mosquito bite. Miss Alice Johnson of the "Flats," who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hajwiey, in California, returned to her „ home last Saturday after a month's absence. Mrs. Emilie Smith and daughter, Ruth Frances, of Edison Park were Sunday guests of Mrs. Clara Smith. They were accomupanied here by J. D. Williams of Crystal Lake. s* Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago, who have been visiting relatives in Michigan, returned .to the Burnett home last Wednesday. presented with a beautiful gift. A delicious fruit salad, fancy sandwiches, angel food cake and coffee were served and enjoyed by all. Those who made up the happy gathering were Misses Katherine Frett, Margaret Huemann, Barbara Althoff, Carolyn Miller, Hildegr.rd and Amelia Weber, Mamie Smith, Barbara Smith, Mrs. Peter Oeffling, Laura Smith, Ella Hnemann and Mrs. Cecelia Fox. . r VOLO School shoes and stockings at Erickson's. Dr. Vaupell of Chicago visited at his farm recently. Mrs. J. Capella of Chicago visited relatives here last week. In wet weather it surely pays to buy Honorbilt shoes at Smith's. Miss Larson spent the week end D. C., and Gettysburg. The trip was made with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cowen of Harvard in their seven passenger Buick , with four breaks. They judged from what they could see that there were five Buicks to every other make of cars and the reason was thoroly demonstrated that they are real mountain climbers and the four wheel breaks are the only thing in the mountains for safety and also their cooling system, which is unsurpassed. They noticed other makes of cars by the wayside letting their engines cool off, while the Buick still rambled right along. Mr. and Mrs. Cropley are the owners of a Studebaker now, but when they get a new (Jar it will be a Buick, for th«y rode '3300 miles in one on the trip. TBBRA COTTA Dishes,, disks*. Bargains in dishes ONLY THE GULBRANSEN REGISTERS "TOUCH" A piano, played by musio-rolland- pedals, that positively registers personal "touch!" Which means--a piano all folks can play as skillfully, with all the expression and feeling possible to the best hand-playing! This is the latest and most amazing development in the art of piano-making--a new-dav musical instrument indeed--the Gulbransen Registering Piano. Registering your "touch." This is the thing about the Gul- 6 Four Models-- $45« - 653# bran sen that has so stirred the .;.«4toagination of the music-hungry public--that has awakened, too, the interest of many capable pianists in the artistic possibilities of the Registering Piano. 2 Years to Pay Mail This {Shifty Address. Nationally Priced - $415 _ $7M Nye's Music and Jewelry Store PHONE 12M WEST McHENRY. DLL. (julbransen THE REGISTERING PIANO