Can You Justly Say; , "There's a Reason" r For not-having a Bank Account? Did it ever occur to you that a Bank Account, even though it be a small one, is the safest way of doing business? Why not open an Account with this Bank TODAY. We know that a careful consideration , of the business methods of this Bank will lead you to conclude that it is to your advantage to do your banking business J. A. Conrad, Cashier McHENRY, ILL. The Golden Rule * of Business into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and offer you the same honest values in quality merchandise that we would like > to have shown and offered to us if we >j|^vere the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which t lasting business can be built and we believe our progress is in no small measure due to adhepeace to that rule of business. - THONEtuuNT- H. PETESCHPKPCCIST Make Your Home Pleasant With Good Furniture FURNITURE RUGS Really good furniture will give you comfort, the satisfaction of long wear, and the great pleasure of an attractive home, furnished in good taste. UNDERTAKING-- JACOB JUSTEN Mo HENRY, ILL. is Pf.v' McHenry Ice Cream THE reason our ice cream has grown so popular and is now considered the finest and best obtainable any .where is because of the fact that nothing but the purest and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before it reaches our factory. The cream is sediment tested, pasteurized and goes thru all of the various operations known only to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our plant it goes thru a .spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the,very latest type and design and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern cooling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the customer. We pride ourselves on the completeness of - our modern plant and invite inspection at any time. Demand the best by calling for McHenry Ice (Dream. m McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M tfr, , ' • '• »vmm*. : WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK L 'IN OUR BUSY CITY i ' J AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER RE ' PORTERS AND HANDED IN BY QJUK FRIENDS Henry Miller spent l*st Saturday at Kenosha, Wis. " Jacob Justen was a business visitor in Chicago last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers passed last Saturday with relatives in Elgin. Wm. Smith attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Tuesday. Michael Weston of Woodstock spent last Friday as the guest of relatives here/- * " Miss Charmayne Cleary of Elgin spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. Mrs. Margaret McCarthy parsed a few days last week with relatives in Chicago. Dr. H. H. Hanly of Peoria attended to business matters here the firsf of the week. *Mrs. Edward Brahan of Elgin spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Kate McLaughlin. / John L. May of Madison, Wis., spent the week end as the guest of friends here. Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel and daughter, Audrey, spent last week with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox are spending the week as guests of Chicago relatives. ^ "*• Mrs. Al. Wagner of Chicago spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. E. F. Kelter. „ Miss Louise Breen of Harvard spent a few days last week as the guest of Miss Mary Bonslett. ( Mrs. Mary Kelley of Chicago passed the week end at her summer home in the north end of town. Miss Rose Freund of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of her father Michael Freund. Mrs. Patrick Sheehan of Detroit, Mich., spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buch of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Miss Florence Hatton of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wynkoop of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. „ Miss Dorothy and Walter LaSalle of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abrons and children of Rockford spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mrs. Jos. Hahn and three children of Racine, Wis., are spending a few days in the home of her sister, Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. * Mesdames George Meyers, Wm. Marshall, Ross Wheeler and Paul Meyers spent last Saturday with relatives at Wauconda. Miss Elsie Steffens and Edward J. Brefeld of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Misses Gertrude Kisch and Erma Hofeman of Libertyville were guests in the E. E. Bassett home on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Grueiifeld Of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and liftle daughter of Chicago spent the week end in the home of the former's father, John Boyle, west of town. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Miss Minnie Conway and Wm. Conway of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Dalin of Chicago spent the first of the week in the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Sayler and daughter, Joy, of Woodstock spent the ! latter part of last week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. * Mr. and Mrs. Math. Schaefer and sons, William and Ambrose, and Miss Dorothy Freund motored to Holy Hill, Wis., last Sunday morning, where they • passed the day. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stupful and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bachman of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Misses Dorothy and Anna Knox, Bess Billinger, Walter Knox and Ben Billinger of Chicago and Miss Eleanor Larkin of Elgin were week end guests of Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox Miss Lona Wads worth of Kenosha, Wis., and John H. Brefeld of Wauke- McHBNRY'S HONE or AMUSENENT %E CANT PLAY THEM AL|£> " SO WE PLAY THE BEST" £ THURSDAY, OCTOBER^ Shirley Mltoo rr IN LOVE LETTERS -- AND AN EDUCATIONAL COMEDY * FRI. A SAT., OCT. 3 A 4 - r Blanche Sweet j: _ AND-- 1 All Star Cast * -T--IN-*-- ^ Those Who Dance A Daring Drama of the Dizzy Age Big Thrills, Romance andAjl*' venture in this Big .. Production --and--\- PATBE REVIEW SAT. & SUN.. OCT. 4 BIG TIME &S SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE 2:30 Admission 10c-20c t SUNDAY. OCTOBER S A PARAMOUNT PICTURfe " When Satan Sleeps Big Time Vaudeville AND-- A FOX COMEDY TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7 . Richard Talmadge -- IN Through theFtames AND A FIRST NATIONAL COMEDY John P. Schreiner was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Frank G. Spurling was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Peter M. Justen attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. n. c. k: ein attended to business matters in Chicago on Tuesday. Carl Brafeld of Chicago spent the week end with'McHenry relatives. Miss Charlotte Frett spent last week as the guest of friends at North Prairie arH Genesee Depot, Wis. Misses Mildred and Eleanor Klein spent several days this week in Chicago, shopping and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Werden and son of Wauconda spent Tuesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Meyer. Miss Florence Krussink and Al. Frazer of Chicago were recent guests in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. ' Misses Mayme Donahue and Apn O'Neil of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitf of Belvidere Were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kamholz. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughters spent Sunday with Mrs. Erickson's mother, Mrs. Henrietta Ramsey, at Caledonia. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller, who for some time past has been employed by the Illinois Bell Telephone company in Chicago, was forced to give up her position ii} that city on account of ill health and is now at her home here. Her many friends hope that a rest will soon restore her health and thus enable her to again resume her position with the telephone company. CL^IED^MTMEN? FOR SALE--Child's white enamel bed and bassinet. Phone 126-J, McHenry, 111. . 17-lt FOR SALE--Dining room chairs and sideboard. M. L. Solomon, Pistakee Bay. , Tele. 652-J-l. 17-lt* LOST--A bunch of keys. One bearing No. 279. Finder kindly return to The Plaindealer. Suitable reward. FOR RENT---190 acre farm three miles south of McHenry, Phone Chas. Knaack, McHenry, 111. Phone 608-M- 2. ' 17-2t* FOR SALI&--Membership in McHenry Country club. For particulars address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. - • 15-6t* gan were Sunday gu.e sts, ,in the. h.o.m e FrnODR SoAaLiEu-- Cr«hvo ijc e ib_ ui-l.djii ng ,l o.t in of the. latter's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. , ... n T R f in n "est location. Will be sold re e | cheap to close estate, Kent A Green, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chapell of | McHenry. Phones 34 or 147-M. 9-tf Chicago, Miss Amy Chapell of Okmul-! gee, Okla., Miss Maude Granger of j MONEY To loan on good farms; Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alex-! first mortgages only. Write or teleander of Hebron were. Sunday guests of Mrs. Alsena Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. L. H. Owen and son, Charles, of Cushing, Okla., arrived in McHenry last Friday via automobile and expect to spend several weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. Alsena Smith, and other relatives in this and other cities of this section of the state. They left Cushing on Tuesday of last I week. ,, phone A. A. Crissey, room 203 Com-j munity Bldg., Marengo, 111. Phones! 23-M and 993. , 9-tf | THE^MID WEST HOSPITAL, 1940 Park Ave., Chicago, 111., registered: school foi* nurses, is offering to young! women desirous of becoming graduate nurses a two .year course of training.1 Uniforms, board, room, laundry and j expense money furnished. The Mid West hospital, 1940 Park Ave., Chi-j cago, I1L «• 14-4tj , . *5* at - buy Only whaf & if > ' ' « Rule-4 "I'm sorry, madam; you came to tis too i«te. Thij stock is worthless,"--that is 'the pathetic new*- ^ banker all too often has to tell his friends, Consult Secure in advance all the information necessary t<| decide what is a safe investment and which woukJR he aa unsafe speculation. - . . We will gladly investigate your prospective investments without charge, and through private channel! of information, give you the warning or endorsement: that will enable you to save or make monejp. > S •j WSST McHENRY, ILL. \zgr. tmim ERICKSON'S Light Percales, short lengths, while - our small stock lasts, per yd.. 1% A|1 Linen Crash Toweling, per yd._-18| Fruit of the loom Muslin, per yd 201 9-4 hK'achcd Pepperil Sheeting, yd. .5711 9-4 unbleached Pepperil Sheeting, yd.ITi 45 in. Pillow Tubing, wear well quality, per yard lie Men's HeavyJPlain Blue Overalls, 1.75 and 2.00 values, special 1 AQ for this sale.. .. Sanitas pattern Table Covers, 54 in/ each -- Box Writing Paper and Envelopes, white and tinted, 50c value, - special . . . -- 35f Set of six grape cut Water Glasses_$1.0| Colonial Tumblers, special, six for 19c 3 10c pkgs. Steel Wool. S. p. S., 30c pkg--r. - 2% Sanolin Rugs, eadi. r - - Genuine Thermos pint size, each_.r r -- Thermos Bottle and Lanch Box, each 98c 1.85 6" cup Aluminum Percolaters, each 5lf 12 cup Aluminum Percolaters, each l.ll Post Toasties, small pkg. .... 11 Post Toasties, lnrge pkg ^'-...jS..1212e Kellogg's Corn Flakes, large'pkg.. 12 KeHogg's Corn Flakes, small pkg._ if" Qimpbell's Pork and Beans, can__ %Vi0' Campbell's Soups, per can. •He Manor House Coffee, vacuum packed, per lb 49c Owing to the fact that many of the prices quoted are below the wholesale price, .we reserve the right to limit quantities of any itelfea. * N L. A. ERICKSON WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS \ it. Sale Begins Friday, Oct. 3,*and Continues (hrodut Sat., Oct. 11 We can save you money! Come in and make us prove, it. Buy where you can save the most. That's what we do. And this very habit of ours is what enables us to save so much for YOU. The values shown here prove tis to be a real Economy Stolid; High-grade bulk Cocoa, per lb ft Del Monte red Alaska Salmon, per 1 lb. tall can S$t California Peaches, large can 21c Sardines in pure imported Olive Oil per can lie Pacific Coast Sardines, io Iprge oval tins, mustard or tomato 1 Tsauce. -- JLiJC' Fine quality standard packed Canned Corn, per can 12H* Early June Peas, per can.; __.12H® P. & G. White Naptha Laundry Soap, per bar --. 4c Jap Rose Toilet Soap, per bar--... 8H* Olive Cream Toilet Soap, per bar. 8^c Kirk's hard water Castile Toilet Soap, per bar --- IHs* Large Aluminum Dish Pan, each.. 18c Aluminum Waler Pails, each ... Aluminum Double Roaster, each.. 18c Aluminum Preserving Kettles, 8-qt §8c Aluminum Berlin Kettles, each 18c While Enameled Dishpan, 14-qt.T_. 85c White Enameled Water Pail, lfrqt., 18c Grey Enameled Preserving Kettles, 25c Grey Enameled Saucepans, each... 25c Grey Enameled Wash Basins, each, 25c Grey Enameled Dishpan, QQ/» 14-qt, extra special value.. 0%/C White Coffee Cups, cups only, each !c White Coffee Cups & Saucers, ea£h lie