Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Oct 1924, p. 7

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• • ' S" •<•.'•• -»v /•' •'*1 • V:-'V ^ ' •' '"• •' ' /. "\"- "»> For 100 per cent Insurance fa •II branches, call on or phonfe WM. 6. 8CHREINER Phatta 93-R. - Auctioneering V McHENRY :: :* ILLINOIS! Phone 26 ALFORD H. POUSE* M'.' r;," f **' **w' Wm^i- West McHenry, HI. ;V East Side Service and Transfer Station g^r~\ Herman Schaefer ft Co., Props. ; r"-' • General Garage ' Moving ; f*hone 49 :: McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS 162 The Best Service Always BERNHARD POPP Sxpert ShoemakW v' West McHenry, Illinois Phone 126-W. Seasonable Bates WK.U HBENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Insarance for Farm and" Residence f 'Property v . Good Protection r.i Low Cest liftoff and Rtf (tw Bade to order • •#^.v ; MSIVRCO . DR . lPUflPilP WESPTH OMNcHE E!«N2R Y ... '. Agents • McHenry, Michael Freund, phonel48- j j;'- Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. ; Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove arid Richmond, Fred MeveYs. „ 11II111111II '• 11111! II11 <1111111111111111H f j 1111II11111IIII11111111111111! 111111111111' Drop* -^^Ritchen Snowy white is this new kitchen fixture--while porcelain endmel on Armed rust-resisting metal and white <mbossed glassuarp. Easy to keep spotlessly clean. Light turns on and off at this handy , pendant switch and you can also plug n your iron or xxister here. See die picture at the left. YOUR kitchen is the workshop of your home and should haVe bright, cheerful illumination day and night. Let us install one of these new all-whit# , Day lite Lighting Fixtures in your house or apartment We furnish everything including a new Mazda lamp for lighting the fixture. Easy 00 monthly payments with your electric bills. ™ I -- - Only X0"* Extra Offer--Installation free on outlet now in ceiling of your kitchen. A free demonstration may be had "• tn your home without obligation. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 9,000 Hilar* mil -202 ciImi and townr with tims «r I G. E. McCOLl.UM, District Manager IN Williams St. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Phone 25 i i i i i t J i i i i i i i i t i i i i i H i i i i i i t m i i i i i i i i n m i i i t m i i i i i i i n i i i M i i i m i i i i t n i i i Buick open cars#'# their light stonn«eurtains.that open close ^doore. axe snug W comfortable. Infine-weather driving there's nothing like them fvrecd motoring enjoyment. / <5/ C/ •/ F M OVERTON & CO WEN MCHENRY, ILL. HARVARB, ILL. y JOHNSBURG Joseph H. Huemann transacted business in Chicagb last Friday. The very best quality groceries at rfock bottom prices at Erickson's. Forty-five and 100 piece dinner sets now on display at J. J. Vycital's. Miss Rosina Schaefer spent the week end with her sister, Dorothy, at Elgin. Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer and her sister, Rose Pitzen of Volo, were Elgin visitors on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak and family of McHenry were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzzarde of Thursday. VOLO * . • Get the famous "Black Cat" hosiery from Erickson's store. Rev. James is attending Rock River conference at Sterling, 111., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutscher have moved into* the Ella Moore house. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington visited the Gratton family at Greenwood Sunday. Mrs. Peter Engeln of McHenry Visited her mother, Mrs. Wagner, here recently. Supt. T. A. Simpson and Mr. Hoffman visited th£ Voloschool last A. H. SCHAEFER *Draying 4i 1 McHENRY, ILLINOIS FIRE Chicago were guests of their latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Sunday. We are now selling a splendid new line of wool and wool mixed dress goods in a variety of patterns. L. A. Erickson. When you have that next auction sale, either farm or household furniture, calf or write Wm. G. Schreiner. jphone 93-R. • Miss Katherine Frett and Miss Amelia Weber motored out from Chicago Monday after spending a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettermann aijd Mrs. Joseph B. Hettermann motored to Burlington last Friday to Visit with relatives. Mrs. Henry Stoffel, Miss Agnes Lar son and Miss Una Wiser spent Saturday in Chicago. •o Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln and children of McHenry visited at Michael Wagner's Sunday. Dr. J. Odgers, our district superin tendent of the M. E. church, was a Volo caller lastxweek Will Rossdeutscher, who is employed at Joliet, is spending a few days' vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tromblee and family attended the ball game in McHenry Sqpday afternoon. Mrs. Rose Dunnill spent one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Will Hironimus, at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker of Lib- Mrs. John Cossmann and children of j ertyville spent Saturday night and Waukegan were visiting her parents, ; Sunday with the Lee IlUson family. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M» Schaefer, a' Mr. and tyrs. Earl Davis, who have few days last week. j been out of 'town for several days, re- Mr. and Mrs. Al. Pepping and fam- turned to their home here Tuesday, ily of Spring Grove were . Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hanson of Wisconsin guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. ai*e visiting their daughters, Mrs. Joseph pettermann. ! Feter Stadtfeld and Mrs, Earl Town- The Daniels big medicine show at! send, this week. Johnsburg hall, Johnsburg, Oct. 2,! The Daniels big medicine show at and ten days following. The biggest Johnsburg hall, Johnsburg, Oct. 2, and free show on earth. j ten days following. The biggest free Quite a number from Johnsburg show on earth. and vicinity-attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and the late John Meyer at McHenry on: Miss Agnes Larson, our teacher, vis- Wednesday morning. j Amil Simon and his two children' returned to Chicago Tuesday after! ited Miss Larson's parents at Union Grove, Wis., Sunday. John Meyer, daughter, Alice, and spending a couple of days with Mr. and little son, Louis, of Ivanhoe were call- Mrs. Frank Mathicu. ing on friends and old neighbors in v.-ere out from Chicago Sunday to' this year. spend the day with their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen are spendand Mrs. John V. Freund. ing a two weeks' vacation with rela- The Foresters will hold another fcives in Minnesota and Iowa. They dance at the parish hall in Johnsburg are motoring, thru in their new Oldsc; i Oct. 9. Music will be furnished by mobile coupe. the Fox River Four. Everybody wel- The Vo!o Girls' Sewing clubs, the «»me. "Be Squares" and "Jolly Bunch," won Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Hettermann over $37.00 in premiums cn their and Henry Hettermann went to sowing which they exhibited .Wheatland, Wis., Monday to see their Lake county fair. mother, who had another serious at- Durley Cunan is staying with the tjick of gall stones. ; Dr. Taylor family at Libertyville this Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen, Mr. and year. Durley is attending the high ljlrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove and school at Libertyville and is captain Miss Emma Freund of McHenry were of the second foot ball team of that Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. school. and Mrs. John H. Freund, Sunday. Davis Walkington and Edward Lusk The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Elizabeth are playing foot ball* with the first Simon of Chicago was held here at team of the L. T. H. S. this year, three o'clock last Sunday afternoon. They have played two games this Quite a number of relatives and season with Elmhurst and Deerfield. friends from Chicago, McHenry and They were defeated in both games, this village attended the funeral, j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Converse re- Rev. Wm. Weber officiated and ren-| turned home Monday night from a dered a very nice sermon. G3SAE) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoglund and this vicinity Friday afternoon, children of Chicago were week end: Miss Marion Huson of Elgin was a g 'ests iir the home of her parents, Mr. visitor at Lee Husons Saturday afterand Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. noon. Miss Huson is supervisor of ~ SLOCUM LAKE v H. M. Hoelscher of Chicago spent Sunday at his farm here. High time to have a furnaee installed. Let Vycital do it. The very best quality groceries at rock bottom prices at Erickson's. George Doty of Chicago spent Saturday afternoon at the W. E. Brooks home. Henry Geary and son, Jack, were business callers at Wauconda last Tuesday.' Claude Colby of Crystal Lake recently installed a radio in the R. Mc- Gill home. We buy groceries in small lots often and sell many, result, fresh groceries. Smith Bros. Ed. P. Pfannenstill of Area spent last Wednesday afternoon wit^ his parents here. Mrs. Frank Dickson <jf Wauconda spent Monday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sam Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daugh ter, Darlene, were business callers at Aurora last Wednesday. jtyrs. Emmet Geary of Fremont township spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Langdon and son of Chicago were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews' of Crystal Lake spent last Thursday With relatives at Oak Glen farm. Emmet Geary of Fremont township was a business caller at the Henry Geary home last Monday. Messrs. L. Irwin and James Dark of Chicago were visitors at the G. J. Burnett home Wednesday. Miss Edith Converse and Alvin Case of Roseville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Willard Darrell unloaded a carload of oil-meal at Lake Zurick last Thursday for the Lake county Farm Bureau. Willard Darrell and C. A. Bevans of Wauconda wer<> business callers at Arlington Heights last Tuesday evening. Roy# Winkler returned to Chicago Sunday afternoon after spending n week with his parents and friends here. J. ^. Pfannenstill and daughter. Mae, and son, Arthur, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pfannenstill at Joyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr., delightfully entertained the following guests at their home at the Hoelscher farm on last Tuesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and son, William; Mr. and Morlock of Rosecrans, Roy Winkler of Chicago and Walter Winkler of Wauconda. Euchre and various game3> were the pastime of the evening. At 10:30 the guests assembled in the dining room, where a two course luncheon was served, to which each' Mrs. Harry Matthews, Miss Orpha did ample justice. - i i t Misses Pauline and Coletta Freund music in the Woodstock public schools. Area. SOLON MILLS „ Emily Cole of DeKalb visited her parents here Sunday. -- Born, to Mr,,and Mrs. Chas. Vogel Friday morning, a son. '• Milton Bennett of Fox Lake la visiting in the John Pester home. Many from these parts are attendfcig the Wilmot fair this week. | Lotis Overton and mother of Minneapolis were callers here recently. j Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell drove tOj Elgin and attended the show Sunday. motor trip to Waterloo, la. Mrs. Converse's sister, Mrs. W. H. Humby, and her two little daughters of Waterloo returned home with them and will remain here for a week's visit The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church wish to thank the people of this vicinity for their generous help with finances of the church for the past year. The pastor's salary and all other expenses have been paid up to the first of the new church year, Oct., 1924. Mrs. Mabel Benwell and son, Lee, Mr. "and " Mrs. George Yonke ofj her brother, Hubert Davis, mo- Mrs. Kendell and Mr. Abel of Barrington were Sunday afternoon an ! supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. ' Chas. Bonnin accompanied hid daughter, Helen, to Elgin Sunday night after she spent the day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and chil-; at the di en were Sunday guests at the home c f M r . a n d M r s . B . C . H a r r i s a t W a u - i conda Sunday. ! The Daniels big medicine show at; Johnsburg hall, Johnsburg, Oct. 2, and ten days following. The biggest free show on earth. j Mr. and Mrs. George Bagley and! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shurtless of Chi-1 cago were week end guests at thel Blomgren home. ! Harold Wheelock and lady friend,! Irene Wheck, of Chicago* were Sunday afternoon callers at the Darrell- Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, spent Saturday evening with Mrs Converse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mildred Hoffman entertained Mr Constance Boehnam of Maywood over the week end at the home of her Williams Bay visited in the Chas.' Vogel home Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. John Lodtz and chil-, dren of Crystal Lake called on friends j here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Reynold of Mound Prairie were Sunday guests in the E. E. Cropley home. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bell and daughter >f English Prairie were visiting at Arthur Merrell's Sunday afternoon. The Daniels medicine show of Janes- #ille have given a very interesting entertainment here the past ten days. The Social Wheel met today with JWis. Edward Cropley. Oct.' 16 the ladies have their annual church fair. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of McHenry are spending the week with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson. Mrs. Clay Hardy and daughter, f B o k f c nfl| bnfkl tored to Chetek, Wis., last week. Mrs Benwell received word that the buildings on her farm near Chetek were badly wrecked in a cyclone which passed thru that place on Sunday, Sept. 21. „ KINGWOOll" Mrs. Martha Bradley of Woodstock is visiting relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beck of Dundee were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet. Julian Butler of Chicago spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, and family. & Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon spent the week end in Elgin with their daughter, Mrs. Malissa Gould, and family. - There will be no church services next Sunday as the ministers are all attending conference at Sterling, 111. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rife and two attended Elizabeth Cole's wedding at, daughters of Grayslake were Sunday the home o^her mother, Mrs. Ida Cole, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowen of Harvard passed several days this week in the home of the latter's mother, Mr3. Fannie Overton. Mis. R. I. Overton, son.wJick, and daughter, Gwendolyn, and Miss Walsh pf McHenry attended the Show here Friday evening. Wiins Gardner got a dirty puncture visitors in the home, of Ifr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Libertyville spent the week end with' the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. The Home Bureau will meet\pext medicine ^ Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the home of Miss Myrtle Biggers. All members are lequested to be present. I>ver the eye while playing barn yard I Mrs. G. A. Stevens, Mrs. F. A. olf the past week. Lookout for Andy Hitchens, Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mrs. tit the Richmond township fair this week. Miss Maria Brown, who has been at lier sister's, Mrs., Fannie Johonnott, 4or some time past, accompanied Wm. f)illie of Harvard home last Saturday for the winter. Mrs. Hubbard of Harvard, mother of our former teacher, Wm. Rawson, passed away at her home Saturday. *Wm. Overton and James Jackson of this place attended her funeral today. Mr. and Mrs. Bur Bell and daughter Sunday dinner her sister, Annabel, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Hines and Mr. George of Elgin; Victor and Mabel Siegler of ^Spring Grove and Vnie Austin of Martha Bradley attended the Social Wheel meeting at McHenry last Thursday. Louis Hall and wife are moving from the Mrs. Minnie Coates house to the rooms over Hawley's store. Mrs. Coates expects to move into her house in the near future. The Home Circle will meet next Wednesday, Oct. 8, at the home of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens.' Those who will assist in serving are Mrs. Lewis Hawley, Mrs. Geo. Shepard and Mrs. Emma grandmother, Mrs. Elvira Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and children, Francis, Adelbert and Norman, of Grayslake were Sunday guests of the former's parents here. Mildred Hoffman and Constance Boehnam of Maywood were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Albert Stubbings and Mrs. Ida Darrell at Wauconda. Willard Darrell accompanied Mildred Hoffman and Constance Boehnam to McHenry Sunday and saw the ball game between McHenry and Algonquin. Mrs. Charles Rossman of Elgin and Mrs. Will Wright of Barreville spent Tuesday at the G. J. Burnett home. Chas. Rossman accompanied them in the evening. Week end guests at the G. J. Burnett home were Mr. and Mrs. Al. Irwin, Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, and Mr. and Mrs. Gross and son, Joe, of Chicago. Lyle Broughton of Wauconda and Miss Katie Slavin of this place are both erecting new summer homes at William's park at Slocum Lake. The work is being done by John Dobner of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and daughter, Frances, and Mr. and Mrs. Wa^ne Bacon and two children of Crystal Lake were Thursday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Roy and Lillian Winkler, accompanied by Miss Orpha Morlock, Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, were Saturday aftenoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. . v Mr. and Mrs. Jade Geary called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund at Volo Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary, accompanied by Dan and Mary McCabe of Burton's Bridge, attended the bunco party given by the Young Ladies' soT dality of St. Patrick's church at McHenry last Friday evening. Miss Lillian Winkler and Messrs. Walter and Roy ^Winkler and George Passfield, Miss Orpha Morlock of Rosecrans and Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were enter Brown. Lunch will be served an 5:00 j tained at the Darrell-Matthews home o'clock and everybody is invited to j last Friday night. Three tables of come out and enjoy a pleasant after- bunco were played and Miss Lillian noon. The program will begin at 2:30! Winkler won high score. Delicious n m j refreshments were served and all en- ECONOMYV A FULL LINE OF • ' Coal and Wood Heaters NOW ON DISPLAY--ALL SIZES Oaks and Hot Blast Heaters M , P-l 9he IMPROVED gg§ PERFECTION Oil Heater m " 1 . 4 * i h PERFECTION OIL HEATER Just the thing to take the chill out of the room these mornings CALL-WRITE--PHONE JOHN J. VYCITAL McHENRY, ILL. rtlONE *-M Drttera for Qmlitir Prodveii aa<l* fer tbe WILLIAMSON HEATER CO. Cincinnati, U. S.*Ar= Why We Sett NAVARRE PEARLS CHARACTER is quite as essential to the commercial institution as to the individual; a reputable merchant is judged by his wares--• by the dependability of the merchandise he sells. We asked for, and secured, the exclusive agency for Navarre Pearls because we knew much of their high character; because we were acquainted with the financial responsibility and unassailable integrity of the firm back erf them; because we knew that Navarre Pearls would meet the exacting requirements of our discriminating; clientele, and not merely maintain, but enhanc|p our reputation as purveyors of the absolute best. Pearls are the mode of the moment. Lovely woman, no matter how lovely, may emphasize her charms by wearing Navarre Pearls. Our displays are completely satisfying; your early inspection is cordially invited. Nye Music & Jewelry Store WEST MCHENRY, ItX. 1 -iU

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