Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1924, p. 10

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F?" '•' !£;'• •v,**•«*• --fi0?'w-:»* ";* rt^/isAafevjour rather Had upeited •» wi* - f • «i *#*8£*> »*&«•v • mm $ iTrrwra *v< >-&*&&¥• in Woodstock Ifi A Savings Account! •^•Vf. -Vf • for you at ^6uf birth anddepo$!ted$l each week for you until you reached the -.. J. £ age of 21 years, how much would you 5 t Uaye received on your 21st birthday? \ At three per cent interest, compounded semi annually you would hare received, s#j,523.04. 1... H^V £jp« Statf y%ur sayings today. •'*•;, --Pi s&sps ' - *4 C •$' i Rivet Valley ite M J. A* Conrad, Cashier ' ' . cl;' , . 4 • ' ' '^fV^ .*;V> v McHENRY, ILL. S?" ki s v•• • t&P'V £#•• ;• i-v-' .• p.; : ** • . -,** of Business you come into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and offer you the same honest values in quality merchandise that we would like to have shown and offered to us if we were the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which -4 lasting business can be built and we believe our progress is in no small measure due to adherence to, that golden of business* 'PHONE 118-JN- If . PETESCH DRUGGIST Make Your Horn Pleasant Witfc Good Furniture *r ibi •', £fV' * FDRMTURE RUGS 'Really good furniture will give fbu comfort, the satisfaction of l&ng wear, and the great pleasure 6f an attractive home, furnished & good taste. LINOLEUM UNDERTAKING JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. McHenry Ice Cream *T*HE reason our ice cream has grown so popular and is now considered the finest and best obtainable any where is because of the fact that nothing but the purest, and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before it reaches our faccream is sediment tested, pasteurized and goes thru all of the various operations known only "to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our plant it goes thru a spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the very latest type and design and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern cooling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the , custorner- We pnde ourselves on the completeness of our modern plant and invite inspection at any time. Depend the best by calling for McHenry Ice Cream. McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M COMERS AND GptS tf A WEEK IN OUR TOY CITY \8 SEEN BY Pf,A IN DEALER REPORTERS AND BANDED IN BY rutVuTVn* 1w mniwu%numoa Jos. N. Miller was • Chicago visitor last Friday. Henry J. Miller was a business visitor in Chicagw Friday last. Jacob J us ten and son, George, were Chicago visitors last Friday. Leo Thelen passed Sunday as the guest of his mother at Elgin. Atty. A. H. Pouse and J. E. Pufahl were Park Ridge visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger passed last Thursday in the metropolitan city. John Brda transacted business matters in the metropolitan city last Friday. • Mrs. Anna Baron passed the week end as the guest of friends in Chicago. Dr. D. G. Well was a professional visitor in! the metropolitan city last Friday. *' , ' , : Miss Margaret Stenger passed the week end as the guest of friends in Chicago. J. B. Kelter of Chieago passed the week end as the guest of McHenry relatives. Mr. and |rfrs.(Walter J. Donavin and daughters were Elgin visitors last Thursday. Clarence Martin ot Park Ridge spent the week end with his wife and family here. John R. Knox attend^ to matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city last Friday. Harry Wightman of Highland Park passed last Thursday as the guest of McHenry friends. County Judge Charles P. Barnes of Woodstock was a caller in town last Saturday morning. *' Mr. and Mrs. Vincent - Martin of Wauconda were guests of relatives here last Saturday. Miss Mary Bonslett lias returned home from a visit with relatives at Aurora and Elmhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers motored to Ft. Atkinson, Wis., Sunday. Glenn Wattles of Chicago passed the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Behlander returned home last week from a visit with relatives at St. Louis, Mo. Atty< and Mrs. Ray M. Weinke and sons of Chicago passed the week end as guests of relatives in this city." Mr. and Mrs. William Aylward of Hebron were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Margaret McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and little daughter of Chicago passed the week end with friends at McCollum's lake. Miss Gladys Rietesel of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rietesel. Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin passed Saturday and Sunday in the hon\p of her mother, , Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Meyer and son, Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly were DesPlaines visitors last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Miss Irene Conway and Wm. Conway of Elgin were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago passed a day last week in the home of her son, Chas. J. Reihansper ger, and family. Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock passed the first of the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoffman of Chicago were week end guests In the home of' the latter's mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer. Mrs. T. F. Cooney and grandson, Billy, who passed the summer at Lake Defiance, returned to their home in Cleveland, Ohio, last week*. Howard V. Phalin of Notre Dame, Ind., passed the week end in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Phalin, south of this city. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walsh of Walworth, Wis., spent Saturday and Son day as guests in the home of Postmaster and Mrs T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Vogel and son and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Gruenfeld of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenfeld. Mrs. Ellen Ensign of Richmond spent the latter part of last and fore part of this week in the home of her son, F. M. Ensign, and family in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schuenemann of Chicago passed the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schuene- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schick and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rutisheuser and son, Marvin, of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and daughter,' Marcella, of Chicago, Mrs. John Montgomery and daughters of Forest Park and Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and children of Elgin wer<s week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers in this city. Glenn W. Wells left here last Sonday afternoon for Chicago, from whence he boarded a train late that same afternoon for Berkeley, Calif., where he has gone to resume his studies in the university in that city. Mr. Wells is making satisfactory progress with Us school work in the western city. BOnt OF AwBa&MEOT 'WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL gO WE PLAY THE BEST" TrfUKSOAV, OCTOBER l« "RIDERS UP" It's a Race Horse Plctu^i? . * ANDTHECOmOY • flYING rcvnt ,'1 ••»» •Vji"'1" -- FRI. & SAT.. OCT. 17 & 18 FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION Flowing Gold* THE COMEDY "GOOD NEWS" SAT. A SUN., OCT. £8 * til ' •' '• BIG TIM l£ SPECIAL 1 SUNDAY MATINEE 2»3$| Prices llc-Mc SUNDAY, OCTOBER Id "Top of NewiYofk" WITH May McAvoy A Gripping Drama of New York Life AND THK OUR GANG COMED* YANKS VS. GIANTS TUfcS. ft WED.. OCT. 21-jWL Richard Talmadgo -IN- "Fist t» -a- AND -- THE STAR COM&DY "DRENCHED" Atty. O. G. Treadway of Chicago was fL McHenry visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Philip Bryer of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Elizabetb Buss. , . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hunt of Oak Park were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mr. ^nd Mrs. Guy E. Still and son of Woodstock called on McHenry friends last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund of Woodstock passed Sunday afternoon as the guests <of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schuenemafln of Waukegan passed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. » Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins and children motored to Yorkville last Sunday, where they ftere the guests of relatives. x William,-Edward and Sylvester Tonyan of Pistakee Bay were Sunday vi»> itors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. John Rebletz and daughter, Florence, of Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley and son Walter, of Woodstock yere callers a the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Say ler last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock, passed Sun day in the home of .the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Misses Carolyn Miller and Catherine McCabe, who are attending the Marinello school in Chicago* spent the latter part of last week at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pallock and daughters, Dorothy and Lorraine, Mr and Mrs. Otto Gross and. son, Wilbur, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Jus ten. James B. Perry, who has been spending the past several weeks with his daughter at Waterloo, la., is spend ing a few days with McHenry frieipds before going to Peoria, where he expects to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. H. H. Hanly. Needless to say that Mr. Perry was much pleased to'be back and shake hands with his many friends, who were just as pleased to have him with us once again. MRS. ELIZABETH BUSS SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY TRRRA COTTA Harold and Robert K&ox visited friends in Chicago Sunday. Mioses Eleanor and Vera McMillan were visitors at Waukegan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent tiie week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thoraquist of Chicago were Sunday guets of Miss Alice Leisner. Rev. M. J. McEvoy of McHenry was calling on friends here last Thursday. Albeit Davis, of Chicago spent the week end at the home of Henty McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. J. Flanagan and daughter visited friends here Sunday evening. Miss Eleanor McMillan of Elgin visited at her home here Saturday and Sunday. Howard Phalin of the University of Notre Dame spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mv Knox and daughters visited relatives Sunday afternoon. ^ £' Miss LaNette Covstt of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Marion McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. E RESOLUTIONS *-% Whereas, Our Heavenly Father, mercy and kindness, has called to ever-' lasting peace and glory after a long __ _ And painful-illness, our beloved neight -i # ixr j 4 ' Wilcox and 5^ Kitty Wells, of Riverview camp, £the h^om e TT^t'Pert 8md,T*,|N<'- Royal Neighbor, of Am.r. ot B. J. Shtne. J ^ resoIved, ^ 1 R»vei Ttew camp, No. 6818, R. N. of ' hereby extend to the bereaved family Mr* and Mrs. Nels Person of Chi- CCUTU BUtsill ounimv wifji ci>a iafra*>;o sister, Miss Alice Leisner. Robert V. Knox, who is attending school at the University of Notre Dame, visited at his home here from Friday until Monday. McHENRY PHOTOGRAPHER DIES Just before locking up our forms be» fore fcoing to press this (Thursday) morning we learn of the death of H. C. Bobb, McHenry photographer, which occurred in Chicago at eleven o'clock last evening. . Carload of potatoes, suitable for winter storage, now on way. Telephone or leave your order with M. M. Niesen. Phone 40. • " Read The Plaindealer for news* our expressions of sympathy in this hour of trial. And be it further resolved, that resolutions be entered in the local paper and in the minutes of the camp and a copy sent to the family. JJrs. Mary Green, • l(Iw. Kath. C. Schneider, ' Mrs. Maud Rothermel, Committed These beautiful fall days are pftfc. ing of great advantage to our citizens. This is especially^ true of the sewer contractors, who are full advantage of the weather by working at top speed. One of the contractors is making connections ^ the rate of about one a da v. >•.*!* • yrt,' f If r f •' N-f *. between your business and our judgment • -- *v • -- V • Whether you are business man, farmer, professional man, or industrial worker, out banking knowledge and judgment your service. are Check up your ptans with our' experience* Take advantage of the rich harvest of knowledge we have garnered from our association^ with many individuals and many enterprise^. We are ready any time to' form that impo£ tant partnership between your business and our judgment which & our idea of Banking • -y 'vS' * .1 . ' *V'- • . " * West Mchenry Mi Bani WEST McHENRY, ILL, i '< 0 1 The home of Mrs. Elizabeth Buss on Waukegan road was the scene of a happy gathering on Monday evening of this week when a number of her friends, unexpectedly and without invitation, arrived in a body to remind their victim of her birthday anniversary. The occasion was planned and executed by her friends as a surprise and this it truly was. The guests of the evening, loaded with "good things," arrived at an early hour and for several hours thereafter the home was one of merriment and happiness. Of course, the occasion could, not have been complete without the customary refreshments, the guests having seen to it that there were plenty of "eats." Those who made up the happy gathering were: Mesdames Peter H. Weber, Henry Kinsala, N. J Justen, Edward J. Buss, Louis Althoff, Jos. W. Freund, P. M. Justen, Joseph May, Henry Heimer, Emma Mudgett, Elisabeth Laures, Emma Freund, Careline Schiessle, Delia Matthews, Misses Clara Schiessle, Vera and Mame Buss. .WEEK END SPECIALS ' Friday, Saturday and Monday, October 17,18 and 20 todies' Aprons and House Dresses, piade of gingham and percale, y^ues uj? tfi *7Qr* 1.50 each, special at - - -- - - »-- *». -- - v*One lot of Men's Fine Goodyear Welt Dress Shoes, 5.00 and 6.00 values, this sale, 3.98 per pair.: " x - . - " "iS&si."-: . . One lot of Ladies' and Girls' Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords, broken sizes, to-close out QQ per pair 10-quart Galvanized Water Pails, 25c: Value (one to a customer), each..." ^ . . Kerber's Fapcy Picnic Hams, for this sale, per lb...~* > -m m •'» -- -- - • C'i /'i&V"'. One large assortment of Pencil Tabl^. A ~ ERICKSON r:. te:v »d .0: ftJte hPi- J;

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