Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1924, p. 7

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V"y_ < -'" '"' '. f" ~ "•i ' " "v" "'v "' i" ' " -- ? • -- 7" • * " •I - ;..'S,;. - yTr^f,' r- ••„ U • V • f;i. - •;:.. >;..,^;; ;,W r „ : Vjs? ***•;- -^y ?p . ? " * ? . . « - * * / * r % k ** «" V ^ \A •* % & * * -jf f t4 ' * * • T , * ** 1 * * * * * \ , i t J S \ , > i » , w . . i . «-.*,> -• x V , i i * * * ,x * * W - ? " r 1 ALFORD H. POIJSK For 100 per cent Insurance in Me- evening. Mrs. Matthews filled one of Carl Green of Kansasville. Wii„ All branches, .call on or phone ,.^ / WM. G. SCHERE1NER f rfcHENRT ' :r 1i ILLINOIS POUSE Attorney-at-Law . . " . . _ .. • " : i Phone 2& ft vpfeat McHenry, HL East Side Service and Transfer Station Herman Schaefer A Co., Props. * General Garage Moving - Phone 49 :: McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-R. s SIMON STOFFEL 5;|nsurance agent for all classes of property in the best com panic*. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS Phone MS The Bast Service Always ; Phone 126-W. BERNHARD POPP Bxpert Shoemaker West McHenry, Illinois Reasonable Rates A. H- SCHAEFEP ' DrSyi? * ' McHSKRY, ILLINOIS m %mnu m mcu N'HENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE Fluff and R«e Rugs made to order |BC B PAPP I'HONKIU IIRd. B. FUIT WEST McHENRY Itsnrnte for Farm arid Residence .-Property . \\ • . 4^rtB4tect ion: ^ ^ > ••; Agerebi Mc#ifefft^r, Wrt^hael Fi-ettna, filivsii® lt& J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. j Srhmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove and Richmond, Fred Meyers.. Admitted and ^vdcomed where pipes omicigarettes cannot enter ' Chew BEECH-NUT Chewing Tobacco while at movies, the* atre or on factory floor. Quiets nerves and sharpens wits; stimulates good work and cletyr thinking. Over250MiHioa Packages Sold in a Single Year ****** "»o VOLO Joe Wiser drove to Dixpn Saturday. Billie Rossdeutscher is home on a Vacation. Mrs. Passfield called on Volo friends Saturday. Merril Clark of WaocOnda was in town Sunday. Mrs. E. Davis wm a Grayslake caller Tuesday. « « Mr. and Mrs. F* Hkbnimus spent Sunday in Elgin. Fred Jacobson is employed at the seminary at Area. Mrs. Mae Candless made a business call here Saturday. Miss Delia Kirwan called on relatives here Saturday. Get the famous "Black Cat" hosiery from Erickson's store. Adeline Rossdeutscher was a Chicago shopper Wednesday. D„ V. Wait transacted business in j Waukegan last Thursday. The infant child of Lds Benwell is ill with infantile paralysis. Mr. "and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Round Lake shoppers Friday. Mrs. Myer is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Rossdeutscher. Charles Jensick'was a Sunday visitor at Joe Rossdeutscher's. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Wegener were McHenry visitors FrftJay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Henry were week end guests at J. Wiser's. Mrs. Frank Henkle and daughters motored to Waukegan Sunday. Mr. an Mrs. Unsworth of Chicago called on Fred Dunnill Sunday. You will like the Bradley sweater after you buy it. Smith Bros. Mr. Carpenter and daughter of Elgin were Volo callers recently. Mr. ahd Mrs. Herman Molidor were guests of relatives in Volo Sunday. Chester Hironimus visited his grandmother, Mrs. Dunnill, Friday. i Lloyd Benwell and little daughter of Guinee were callers at Joe Vogt's. Mrs. James Kirwan was a dinner guest at Mrs. A. White's Wednesday. Mrs. Rose Dunnill spent Wednesday with her daughter, Agnes, at Round Lake. Mr. Henry is spending a few days at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. Wiser. Dr. Vaupel and family of Chicago spent Sunday with Wm. Duesing and family. Mrs. Peter Wegener entertained your baskets. Office phone 93-R, McHenry, IU. The Lady Foresters enjoyed a nice card game after the meeting here Tuesday evening. Miss Barbara Althoff and brother, Bernard Althoff, motored to Woodstock last Sunday. * Frank Mathieu, Theodore Meyers and Mr. Meersmen motored to Chicago on Tuesday of this week. Misses Mary and Katherine Althoff and their uncle, Henry Althoff, motored up from Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Hubert Michels and son, Charles, were visiting with friends in McHenry one night this week. The men and lady Foresters will hold a social meeting here in the parish hall on the evening of Nov. 6. Stephenson underwear for men and boys, Dolby's for women and children is good enough for all. Smith Bros, Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and Mrs. N. M. Schaefer were visiting with their mother, Mrs. Schaefer, in McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horrick of Woodstock called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith vhere Tuesday night. SLOCUM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson spent Tuesday in Chicago. Henry Geary was a business caller at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Friday callers at McHenry. Robert Laure of Area was a Sunday guest at the G. J. Burnett home. Our price *is not highest, but no on«f beats our merchandise. Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Granger entertained friends from Chicago over Sunday. Mr. and MrsvH. L. Brooks were business callers at Libertyville Saturday afternoon. Walter Winkler was a Sunday dinner guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daughter, Darlene, and Joe Kir£ spent Monday at Waukegan. Ed. Railing of Waukegan spent Sunday at the homes of Joe and Ray Dowell respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston were Sunday afternoon callers at the Darreli- Matthews home. Miss Corinne Btomgren is enjoying a two weeks' vacation visiting relatives the offices of the chapter during the evening. Sunday guests of Mrr and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and family were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and Mrs. Frank Kaiser of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Peck and son, Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mamie Smith went to Beloit, i and friends in Chicago. IRTHSH To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains laking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop.* lv. McHenry 7x35 a^n., 11:35 a.m., 2:35 p.m^ 7*00 p>d|> Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m.t 7:43 p.m. Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m.f 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 8:25 p-BS, Arr. Chicago 10:22 a.m., 2:17 pun., 5:17 pan., 10:17 pan* Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.C* McHenrv House ' TICKET i Northwestern Hotel McHenry 18 OFFICES McHenry M-R Wis., last week Wednesday to spend a few days with her friend, Mi^s Beatrice Schmitt. Misses Coletta and Pauline Freund were out from Chicago Sunday to spend the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Freund. The forty hour devotion starts Emmet Geary of Fremont township was a Thursday afternoon caller at the home of his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Matthews near Cary. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Al. Staples called on the Ritt family at ! here Friday. There will be a mission j Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon, j priest here "to help out during that Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Mon- : time. The closing will be at 7:30 Sun- d«y and Tuesday with her daughter, i day evening. : Mrs. Lyle Litwiller, at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Schaefer andj family and Mr. and Mrs. Math. Ruenzj of Spring Grove motored to Zenda, \ Wis., Sunday to visit with Mr. andi Mrs. Anthony Starck. J Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes, Mr. and; Mrs. Jos. Thelen, Mrs. Swan Johnson1 and little son spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer east of McHenry. The next dance at the Johnsburg hall is advertised to take place on George and Phyllis Eatinger of near Wauconda spent Friday evening at the home of their uncle, Joe Dowell. vMr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daughter, Darlene, and Joe Kirk were business callers at Aurora last Thusday. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were Saturday evening callers at the Darrell-Matthews home. We are now selling a splendid new line of wool and wool mixed dress goods in a variety of patterns. L. A. Wednesday evening of next week, Erickson. Nov. 6. The Fox River Four of Mc-j Henry will furnish the music and a j good time is assured those who attend. Mr. and Mrs. John May and chil-; dren of Spring Grove; Mr. and Mrs.1 Basket socials are now ' in or«|er. Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner sell your baskets. Office phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell of Grays- Sunday. | of this place accompanied Miss Mary Mrs. Allen of Milwaukee Was o Schmitt to Sublette, 111., last week, pleasant caller at Mrs. J. Kitwan's where they spent two days as 'the guests of relatives. A big truck, while being driven out Mr. and Mrs. Tromblee and daughter, jacob Adams and Miss Agnes Schmitt lake spent a few days last week visit- ' ing at the homes of their sons, Joe and ! Ray Dowell. I Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and Mrs. J. -R. Knox of McHenry spent Friday afternoon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell have pur-' chased a new Oldsmobile touring car. i Ed. Railing, agent from Waukegan.! made the sale. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children of Crystal Lake were Friday Sunday. j Mrs. Frank Rosing spent Tuesday j with her mother, Mrs. Wagner, inj Fremont. I Joe Lenzen and Henry Casler made a business trip to Lake Zurick Friday evening. Mrs. Jennie Cossman of Ringwood called on her sister, Mrs. James Kirwan, Sunday. David Alexander and Adeline Rossdeutscher called on friends here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen and Mrs. J. Lenzen were Sunday guests at the John Lenzen home. Mrs. William Guge of Kenosha visfrom Chicago, tipped oyer between th^ John Smith and John Huff farms last Friday. The driver struck a pile of sand and lost control of the car. The Central garage was called and after a fe^ hours' work the machine was righted again. Hettermann Bros., garage men 0f| evening callers at the home of Mr. and this place, have engaged the services! Mrs. Ray Dowell. of R. G. Varney Of Highland Park, who went to work this (Thursday) morning as their salesman. Mr. Var- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Monahon and Mrs. Dave Williams and <son of Lake Forest were Saturday callers at the ney has had a great deal of experience W. E. Brooks home. in this line of work and, while he will act as a general selling agent, he will Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick and Mrs.; Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, i w ited her sister, Mrs. Earl Davis, the, extend special efforts towards the sale j Chicago spent the week end at the _ uick models are equipped with Buick. four-wheel brakes* designed integral part of the car-atno extra charge. Disc wheels for any model $25-- extra. foods if) V-U4M OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, Whifebettar tii----nMfa*a*a hulfav Buick wflTbnfld fore part of the week Mr. and Mrs. Alex Riether and son, Char]es, of Milwaukee visited Mr. and Mrs. Casler Saturday. Friends of Earl Potter are glad to welcome him among them again. He left the hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson and daughters spent Sunday in Deerfield visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hamilton. Mrs. R. Dunnill, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus of Round Lake spent Saturday and Sunday with Elgin relatives. Mrs. Katherine Frost spent Sunday in Kenosha visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Dowe, and son, Nick Frost. Misses Agnes Larson, Orpha Russell and Ruby Peterson attended the teachers' institute at Libertyville on Saturday. Two loads of young people attended the card party given by the young men of Round Lake. All report a good time. Basket socials are now in order. Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner sell your baskets. Office phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. David Alexander aiid Buster Brown Matthews of Long Lake were business callers at the Lenzen garage one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Round and son of Kenosha and Miss Genevieve Glossen «f McHenry were Sunday visitors at Joe Vogt's. of Globe radios and electrical supplies, with which lines he is very familiar. OSTEND Anchor Hot Blast heaters at Vycital's hardware. For your feet--Honorbilt shoes, Rollins hose, Converse rubbers. All at Smith Bros. Mrs. Nina Sherman, husband and little son, Buddy, were Sunday guests of the former's parents. Joe Greener has his corn husker set on the Hoppe farm and will husk the remaining corn this week. Come to the basket social at the Ostend schoolhouse the evening of Oct. 30. A good program. Did you notice the new building erected on the Hobart farm, built to shelter hay loader and rake? Fred Eppel and wife and Tony Freund and wife attended a party in Woodstock Saturday evening. \ Basket socials are now in order. Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner sell your baskets. Office phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. When you are contemplating building of any kind call on or phone 93-R, Wm. G. Schreiner for insurance. McHenry, 111. Mrs. Hoppe and son, Arthur, drove to Chicago Monday, Oct. 27, and visited Mr. Hoppe's grave. Monday was G. J. Burnett home Mrs. M. Eatinger and son, George, of near Wauconda were Wednesday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mrs, J. W. Pfannenstill, daughter, Mae, and son, Arthur, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Bloomfield and daughter, Marjorie, at Elgin. - Miss Orpha Morlock visited her parents at Rosecrans over the week end and attended a teachers' meeting at Libertyville last Saturday. Mildred Hoffman and Miss Myrtle Darrell saw Gloria Swanson in "The Humming Bird" at the Gem theatre at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ray Dowell accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis to Waukegan Thursday and saw "The Covered Wagon" at the Academy theatre. Miss Lydia Reese »and Leslie Bauman of Barrington called on Miss Orpha Morlock last Wednesday evening at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr., at the Hoelscher farm. Mildred Hoffman attended to her pipe organ lessons and practice lastj Thursday in Chicago. She is making rapid progress along the art of work. Miss Frances Lindquist and Mrs. Beulah McNeil of Kenosha and Wm. Mr. Hoppe's forty-sixth birthday. Brooks of Waukegan spent the week Mrs. Daisy Jecks was very agree-! en(j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. ably surprised Sunday when an auntj Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wiser, Mr. andj and two cousins from Delavan drove Mrs. Henfy spent Sunday in Lincoln park, Chicago, and also visited Miss Carmel at the St. Joseph hospital. The Ladies' Aid will hold their annual bazaar on Friday afternoon and evening, Nov. 14. Supper will be served from five until all are Everyone welcome. in and took dinner with her and her husband. Some of Henry Hobart's friends called and surprised him Wednesday evening, Oct. 22, his birthday. They brought the oysters With helped eat them. John HarrCl* and some friends mo- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary visited at H. J. Schaffer home at McHenry last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Geary remained over night^and spent Wednesday there. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pfannenstill of them and j Area spent last Thursday at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. Mrs. Pfannenstill called on Mrs. G. J. Burnett in the JOHNSIIUKG Wm. Althoff transacted Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and^Mrs. Jos. Adams passed a day last week in Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer motored to Woodstock last Friday. Joseph Regner and Joseph. Thelen motored to Chicago Sunday. John Jonas of Chicago was out this week attending to business matters. Order your winter supply of potatoes at Erickson's store. In sack lots, Miss Agnes Sohmitt and friends were visiting at Starved Rock one day last week. Joseph Schaefer sold three lots in his subdivision Sunday and expects to sell a few moi-e. Joseph B. Hetterman and Joseph J. Freund motored to Waukegan one night this week. Basket socials are now in order. IM Auctioneer Wife G. tored out from Chicago Sunday and I afternoon. • in | called on the former', brother. Joe Mr. and Mrs W.llard Darrel and Harrer, and sister, Mrs. Frank Kaiier. daughter, Myrtle, and .on W.lham, The friends came out to look at Oiejand Mildred Hoffman saw "The Covfarm just vacated by Don Hall. They ered Wagon at the Acadany theatre at Waukegan Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. *H. L. Brooks, Miss Frances Lundquist and Mrs. Beulah McNeil of Kenosha, William Brooks of Waukegan and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington attended the barbacue are thinking of making a purchase. A company of relatives and friends tendered Peter W. Freund a very pleasant surprise at his home last Thursday evening, the occasion being his fortieth birthday anniversary The,^ ^ gunday time was sepnt at dancing, followed j ^ ^ ^ T u by the serving of refreshments, j Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.j Nick Kennebeck and children, Mr. and , Mrs. Chas. Botts and children, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart and children, Mr. j and Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J Young, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Freund, j Joseph Schaid, Rouse, Misses For Those Chilly Hours-- For those chilly hours in the morning and at night, in the spring and fall; for that extra heat you need in mid-winter; for the rooms that won't heat when "the wind is wrong"-- USE A Westen)Ui)Hed Gas ftod EledrtgCcmiDanv Kansasville, Wis., aaf Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell of Grayi* lake. The latter will spent a few days at the home of their gra~nddaugfe> ter, Mrs. Robt. Kirk. * TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Examinations for teachers' certift* cates will be held at Woodstock community high school, Woodstock, qil Nov. 7 and 8,1924. Hattie G. Dak* Co. Supt. of Schools. S -- • - If you reside in McHenry townsh|p your legals belong in The Plaindealer. Dont' let anyone tell you any different. Our prices for legals are the same as any other paper published la lUr Henry county. Coming soon, a carload of fancy Early Ohio potatoes. In sack lots, at the store, 90 cents per bushel; delivered, 95 cents. Order your winterV; supply at L. A. Erickson's store. •. C.VTMiii Tnmrg Kent c""Greery^ 1UIIM 1 UflL'hJ yU ter A ^ xewo. LAT£ W E can show you a real estate bargain that you should snap up now. Old man Procrastination is the chap that will steal the profit from your pocket. Act now. JCenl 6'Green^ Insist on Exide Batteries for your new Radio W. L HOWELL & CO. Phone 101-R. McHENRY, ILL. New Line of HARDWARE .The Hibbard-Spencer Line 1 have just filled up my store with a brand new line of Hibbard Spencer Hardware, and in the future will be able to supply your needs in this line. The stock, besides a full line of building hardware and supplies, also includes COOKING AND HEATING STOVES Our stock of kitchen stoves, enameled inside and out, together with an-asbestos lining, are the best obtainable on the market and are guaiar teed to give best of satisfaction. We aim to handle nothing but. the best in hardware of all kinds and are marking our goods at prices that should attract your attention. PAINTS, OILS, ETC. , Also Automobile Radiators that guaranted noi to freeze. JOHN BRDA Phone 161 McHENRY, ILL. ANNOUNCING ..RADIO.. EULL STOCK OF Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary spent Suiyiay evening at McHenry. The former attended the movies at the Empire theatre, while Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary visited at the J. N. Zimmer home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, accompanied by Mrs. Leslie Turnbull, Leo Schaid, Walter | Misses Bell Taggart and Delia Kir- Lillian Schaid and t wan of Wauconda, attended the worthy Kathryn Wallace. An unusually • matrons night of the order of the Eas- Um# wn hjftd b^ alL j tenx at Palatine last Friday Radios and Supplies NQ W j/ARBIED Let us give a demonstration in your own home SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KNOX MOTOR SALES llncolo Phones SO and 31 «M IllVltUI •*» Fordson -. %•-- • ' r McHENRY,-ILL. McJienru ill. n E. Collins, Dist Elgin. III. "EXIDE" RADIO A AND B BATTERIES Will improve your Radio set

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