Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1924, p. 4

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-->» -V; A'-lTA P. A v.*. i \i- 1 AtWittf: RADIO ' 0 "Think of what back of it" - £ ' Model 20, 5 Tube, $100 A Complete Line to Choose From In Atwater Kent / Radio you have a wide assortment of styles, sizes and price!* to choose from. Yet each Receiving Set and Lbud^ Speaker is built with the same high quality characteristic of ALL Atwater Kent products. Before you invest a single penny in Radio equipment, come in and let us demonstrate this remarkable line. Ours is a fully equipped and authorized Atwater Kent store--a place where you can get reliable information and service on problems pertaining to Radio. Your call shall not obligate you ill any way. A 1924 25 BOWLING SCHEDULE SEASON STARTED LAST WEEK e AND ENDS IN FEBRUARY Model 10, 5 Tube, $85 You can't buy ' better performance at any price! AUTHORIZED DEALER West McHenry, E PHONE 123-J The race in both the Regular and Business Men's leagues is now on and will continue until the last week in February. BUSINESS MEN'S SCHEDULE First Meeting Tuesday, Nov. 18--Artificial Stone Co. vs. Fords. Wednesday, Nov. 19---Central Mar ket vs. Buicks. Monday, Nov. 24--Artificial Stone Co. vs. Central Market.' Tuesday, Nov. 26--Fords vs. Buicks. Tuesday, Dec. 2--Artificial Stone Co. vs. Buicks. Wednesday, Dec. £--Fords vp* Central Market. Second Meeting Monday, Dec. 9--Fords vs. Artificial Stone Co. > - Tuesday^ Dec, K^-Buicks r#. Cep tral Market. A:r • Monday, Dec. 15-- Artificial Stone Co. vs, Central Market. Tuesday, Dec. 16--Bjj cJts vs. Fords. Wednesday, Dec. •17--Artificial Stone Co. vs.rBuicks. * • Monday,. Dec. 22--Fords vs. Central Market. Third Meeting Monday, Dec. 29--Fords Vi. Artificial Stone Co. ' Tuesday, Dec., 80--Buicks* vs. Central Market Monday, Jan. 5--Artificial Stone Co. vs. Central Market. Tuesday, Jan. 6--Fords vs. Buicks. Monday, Jan. 12--Buicks vs. Artific'al Stone Co. Tuesday, Jtfh. 13--Fords vs. Central Market. Foarth Meeting Monday, Jan. 19--Fords vs. Artificial Stone Co. - Tuesday, Jan. 20--Central Market vs. Buicks. Monday,' Jan. 26--Central Market vs. Artificial Stone Co. Tuesday, Jan. 27--Fords vs. Buicks. Monday, Feb. 2--Buicks vs. Artificial Stone Co. Tuesday, Feb, #--Central Market vs. Fords. Fifth Meeting Monday, Feb. 9--Artificial <$tone Co. vs. Fords. Tuesday, Feb. 10--Central Mairket vs. Buicks. Monday, Feb. 16--Artificial Stone Co. vs. Central Market. Tuesday, Feb. 17--Fords vs. Buicks. Monday, Feb. 23--Buicks vs. Artificial Stone Co. Tuesday, Feb. 24--^Central Market vs. Fords. REGULAR LEAGUE SCHEDULE First Meeting Thursday,. Nov. 20--Mohawks vs. Rexalls. Friday, Nov. 21-*-Frett's Market vs. Hudsons. Wednesday, Nov. 26--Mohawks vs. Frett's Market. Friday, Nov. 28--Rexalls vs. Hudsons. Thursday, Dec. 4--Mohawks vs. Hudsons. Friday, Dec. 5--Rexal's vs. Frett's Market. Second Meeting Thursday, Dec. ll--Mohawks vb. Rexalls. Friday, Dec. 12--Frett's Market vs. Hudsons. Thursday, Dec. 18--Frett's Market vs. Mohawks. > Friday, Dec. 19---Rexalls vs. Hudsons. 'A Tuesday, Dec. 23--MohawKs vs. Hudsons. u Friday, Dec. 26--Frett's Mecket va. Rexalls. Third Meeting " Thursday, Jan. 1--Rexalls vs. Mo-f hawks. Friday, Jan. 2--Hudsons vs. Frett's Market. Thursday, Jan. 8--Mohawks vs. Frett's Market. Friday, Jan. 9--Rexalls vs. Hudsons. Thursday, Jan. 15--rMohawks. .vs. ! Hudsons. Friday, Jan. 16--Rexalls vs. Frett's Market. Fourth Meeting Thursday, Jan. 22--Rexsffli vs. Moha'Jks. Friday, Jan. 23--Hudsons vs. Frett's Market. Thursday, Jan. 29-^Mohawks vs. Frett's Market, Friday, Jan. Wt--Rexalls .vs. Hudsons. Thursday, Feb. 5--Hudsons vs. Mohawks. Friday, Feb. 6--Frett's Market vs. Rexalls. Fifth Meef'ng Thursday, Feb. 12--Rexalls vs. Mohawks. ' • „ - •Friday, Feb. 13--Hudsons vs. Frett's Market. Thursday, Feb. 19--Mohawks. vs. Frett's Market. ' Friday, Feb. 20--Hodsoa* •». Rexalls. ~ . Thursday, f"eb. 26--Hudsons vs. Mohawks. Friday, Feb. 27--Rexalls vs. Frett's Market. * Winter underwear for. all the family at Erickson's. Notwithstanding the fact that the government gives Elgin an estimated population of 28,130, the Elgin Association of Commerce insists that the figures should read, 32,000. Hours, 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. S. J. Fowler, D. C. Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR W.' McHenry, Mon., Wed., Ff$. Phone 158 -Woodstock, Tues., Thura, Phone 449 RINGWOOD 4}Mrs. G. A. Stevens went to Wayne, TIL, Friday to visit her sister. S'mon Stoffel of McHenry was a business visitor in town last Wednesday. Mrs. Martha Hall is caring for Pearl Trow at Hebron, who has pneumonia. Mrs. 8. W. Smith went to Chicago Friday to «pend several days with friends. A big line of Christmas and New Year cards now oh display at J. J. Vycital's. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley spent last week with relatives in New London, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. George Havens of Marengo were Sunday guests of their uncle, Charles D. Bacon. Mrs. Minnie Coates spent Sunday at the home of her son, Fred Gibbs, and family near McHenry. Paul Stephenson of Ypsilanti, Mich., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. Mrs. Rilla Foss and Mrs. A. W. Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. John Stillwell at Richmond last Friday. The Ringwood' unit of the Home Bureau will me^t with Mrs. A. W. Smith on Tuesday, Dec. 2. All interested are nvited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey and Mrs. Rilla Foss were among the Ringwood people to attend the bazaar at McHenry last Thursday evening. The church bazaar and chicken din-' ner were well attended as 200 dinners: were served and most of the fancy work was sold. They cleared $175. The officers of the Aid society wish In this pub'ic manner to thank everyone who helped in any way to make tills ftfFair such a success. Our new minister, Rev. Gerald B. Harvey, will preach at 10:00 a. m. and Sunday school at 11:00 a. m. Mrs. Geo. Westlake and son, Charles, and Mrs. G. Alms were business callers in McHenry Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley, accompanied by Flora Osborn, spent the week end visiting Milwaukee friends. Mrs. Geo. Vogel and Mrs. C. Botay returned home Saturday evening after spending the week in Chicago and Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell left Wednesday for Miami, Fla., where they will spend the winter. This makes the fifth winter that Mr. Merrell has driven south. MRSJELIZA D. SPIKES PASSED"*WAY AT OSHKOSH OCT. 27 AND BURIED HERE NOV. 1 The following account of the, death of Mrs. Spikes, which occurred at Oshkosh, .Wis., on Oct, 27, has been received by The Plaindealer for publication. The account is as it appeared in daily papers of the Wisconsin city: "Mrs. El za D. Spike$, widow of a veteran undertaker of this city, William Spikes, passed away this morning at 7:46 o'clock. She was e:ghtyeight years of 'age, having been born in 1836. SOLON MILLS Mrs. Schultz is vis ting relatives in Canada this week. /• W.ll Overton entertained relatives from Fort Atkinson Sunday. Mrs. Will Brennan is visiting' with friends in Marengo this week. Annabel and Dwight Osborn of Elgin spent Sunday with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs, Clay Hardy were business callers at Fort Atkinson last Friday. ^ Santa Claus stopped at Vycital's last night and left a big assortment of toys. Mr. and Mrs. Tibbetts of Chicago were week end guests in the Clay Hardy home. m Miss Baxter of Evanston attended the Social Wheel at Mrs. Cnas. Osboitj's Thursday. Chas. Westlake and James Jackson are trapping this year and are getting | a lot of nice fur. i Solon was well represented at the Ringwood bazaar last .week and all report a good dinner. waits We keep tab on the public taste, ard you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. • We find it pay* us to keep just wjiat our customers demand, so we never try to sell you "something just as good.'* Our years of experience are .at your service and ready to cat^r to your wants. M. M. Niesen 'McHenry Phone M Now Open ! VSES MADE TO ORDLRJGKNLY 'Dp. C. Opforiiofrisf hiid Opfivum 3407 (SI.PAULINA ST. COP AOSCOE AND LINCOLN AVE. My spectacles and eye glaases are tnuwn ali over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. Dr. C. KELLER, Optometrist and Optician Chicago Address McHenry. Ill, 8407 N. Paulina St. Phone ,167 Ph >ne C.raeeland 9540. With * line of Fish, Vegetable*, Fruits Bread, B.iktcy Goods and the choicvst Kie^h, S.ili yhd Smoked Meats. Owie in, get ^Dcqu.tin ed ulid let us demonstrate ih<» kind «f service that is obtain able hi re. People's Market Schmidt Block West McHenry Mayyoii have much for which to gi* e thanks--the joy of possessions, and those <h'»icerjo*sof family and home. To us it is one of tfiue pleasures of (he Sett son to know that our service will, in a humble but essential way, contribute to your pleasures on this day of feasting. Western Vnite4' Gas and £lectric Company C. E. Collin*. District Mgr. Elgin. III. Feet Warm Shoes Dry With your feet in a pair of good stout Arctics, you can work outdoors in any kind of weather that comes along. (3j 8elect your Arctics from our big new stock of " Ball-Band"--they are well made, exceedingly durable, and come in irises to fit any shoes. :<8i John Stoffel West McHenry, III. "Mrs. Spikes had been a resident here for about thirty-s'x years, since her marriage to the local man, who wis a pioneer member of the firm of Spikes & MacDonald. "Her death was due to her extreme >ld age and she hail been feeble for seme time preceding her death. She vas born of New England parents at Wilton. Me., and she was the last of •i family of nine children. , "In her younger years, Mrs. Spikes was rfn active member in several local society circles, especially in Trinity church work and in the G. A. R. circle. She was a member of Trinity Ep'scopal church, the Parish Guild, the Women's G. A. R. circle and thf Eastern'Star. "Surviving Mrs. Sp'kes is one daughter, Mrs. Ella Wheeler, who had been a constant attendant of the deceased for & considerable period. There are also three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren surviving. "The funeral of Mrs. Spikes was held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the chapel of Spikes and Mac- Donald. Rev. J. W. Greenwood was in charge. Mrs. J. W. Kircher and M sa Clara Schmidt sang. Following the religious services the of the G. A. R. conducted services^ The Eastern Star followed with the r services, both being impressive and beautiful.! The funeral was iai galy attended tad there was ah elaborate di.-play of flowers. The body was taken U. Wauk «#an over the Ch cago an l Northi- eftem and from there to McHenry t'y motor where interment tosk 44 GREBE" r • . Synchrophase Radio Receivers! f- 'K/A*'.., : r-'-ft v ' Bring in distant stations with, J< "s~ clearness and volume A W: t. HOWELL & Phone 101-R McHENRY, ILL. RADIO RADiO NO. 815 , "* ' ) Duodyne $ Tube Receiver A set with its possibilities unknown; %lun|fc with distance and tone quality under aoverse .conditions have put this satin a class . .. ^ _ " -- •. We gladly demonstrate, day or evening Phones 200-J and 200-R JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS Public Service stores Open 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. FEDERAL Electric Cleaner Now$l © You win find in our Christmas suggestions on display in this store a variety of practical, good looking gifts at a wide range of attractive prices* Balance monthly with service statement FREE Attachments Save your strength. Let Federal do your cleaning. Buy Now No Convenience Like a Good Electric Iron Telephone for Home Demonstration ELECTRIC Heating Pads For Sick-room Comfort mkmdm A month tervict statement Floor and Table Lamps Large variety of styles and sizes. Lamps make very acceptable gifts. See our display. Curling Ironf for bobbed hair, (bAft marcel waves and / v/V/ long curls, as low 60-Watt Mazda Lamps--FREE for original installation or exchange. Incandescent lamps of other sizes furnished at greatly reduced prices. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS \--/ i / fJ. E. McCOlXUMi District Mana**** /' 101 Williams St. Crystal Lake, I#* / Phone 2 V

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