Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1925, p. 10

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^ *n(^ Mr#. Row Wheeter, Mrs. Wni, Mar-> . of CrystalLaka were shall, Miss Blanche Meyers, Arnold «f Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer ( anduU^cc Chesnut passed a day last in the metropolitan city. T AW m-: k . : * & , !vJ \Vi: •If- , J& V f* -a™ i4X m MA SAFE deposit box insures your peace of mind. The elemgnt of danger from fire or loss surrounding your insurance policies, deeds, securities and other valuables, disappears. We have boxes for as low as $2.50 a year. It's the cheapest kind of insurance. 1 v , - y j # A> CONRAD, Cashier HAVE YOU TRIED ? Home-Made Chocolates THE POUND BOX •On sale at- VOGT'S DRUG STORE BOLGER'S DRUG STORE THE HOME OF Good Furniture S a . - Where honest priced and the best of service and treatment always predominate. Call us when you get ready to install that new furniture; We're Making 'Em V"- CHOCOLATE COVERED Ice Cream Bar SOMETHING NEW--JUST OUT V Per Bar Try it--Call for it--Eat it JWcHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M AS PICKED UP BY ftAINDEALER REPORTERS DURING WEEK V t WHAT PEOPLE AMI DOING IN THIS CITY AND ^CmiTY Hudsons MohaWks Frett's Marketk Rexalls : M Veil McLatas H. Kreutzer . Halpin ...... Donavin .... P. Webe* ... Richardson ... Art. Stones J. Steffes . M. Steffea G. Wirfs "... F. Thurlwell G. Bohr ... McHENRY, ILL. ^ All kinds of winter apples. I. Levison. Phone 119-R. 26-t£ A new line of birthday ,and greeting cards, 5c to 30c. Vogt's drug store. A snappy comedy drama, "That's One On Bill," will be seen «t the Empire theatre Feb. 23 and 24. The Mystic Workers will meet with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber on Wednesday evening of next week, Feb. 18. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Baron next Thursday afternoon, Feb. 19. Insure^--in sure--insurance with Wm. G. Schreiner. Office at residence. Phone 98-R, McHenry III. Auctioneering. A riot of fun is what the critics proclaim for "That's G&ie On Bill" to be seen at the Empire theatre, on Monday and Tuesday evenings,* Feb. 23 and 24. The spring-like days of last week and the rain of Monday brought out at least some of the frost, but not enough to take care of the surface water, which has been quite abundant. The next regular meeting of Joyce Kilmer court, Daughters of America: will take place at the K. of C. hall on Friday evening of this week, Feb. 13. The business session will be followed by a social hour. The home talent play, namely, "Listen Ladies," will be given by the Ladies' Aid at the M. E. church on Thursday evening, Feb. 26. The complete program will appear in the next issue of The Plaindealer. Auction sales in this community are more numerous just now than has been the case in a number of years. Judging from the number of sales there will be a large number of farm changes hereabouts on March 1. Henry Degen, who during the past year has worked his farm, located southwest of this city, will hold an IE. iSuss auction sale on. Feb. 24, after which |j. Knox he and his ,e wife will again take up their residence in their home on John street. The Troubadour male quartet, which made up the fourth number of the McHenry lyceum bourse at St. Patrick's church hall on Monday evening of this week, made a distinct hit with the audience which turned out to greet these unusually fine vocalists. The first day of spring is only a trifle over a month away. Let's hope that when it does arrive it will be here to stay. This keeping your coal fires burning up until the middle of May is perfectly satisfactory to some, but most of us don't lik£ the idea at all. The new windows for St. Mary's Catholic church have arrived and v/ill be set sometime between now ^nd Easter Sunday. The windows are said to be very beautiful in design and colors and will most certainly add greatly to the beauties of this edifice. Joseph Unger, father of Mrs. Peter W. Frett of this city, passed away at his late home in Chicago last Thurs day, Feb. 5, following a week's illness. The deceased was seventy-four years of age. Funeral was held in Chicago on Monday morning. McHenry friends extend sympathy. Saturday at 8:00 p. m., Masonic hall, entertainment, games, fish pond, va!* entine box. Ladies bring brown paper covered box lunch for two. Sold at 50 cents. Coffee will be served. Plea3e dress in valentine costume. Members and friends are cordially invited. Committee. The first thunder and electrical storm of the season visited this section last Sunday morning. Quite an unusual occurrence for this season of the year. However, the rain was welcomed by most of us as many of the cisterns about town were either entirely depleted or very low. Rev. Father Ceus of Milwaukee, Wis., is expected to arrive in this city today to assume charge of St. Mary's parish during the absence of Rev. C. S. Nix, who left on Tuesday of this week for Florida, where he expects to spend about six weeks. Rev. Ceus will read mass tomorrow (Friday) morning. The supper, as given at the Universal ist church parlors last Saturday evening, was very well attended and as a result the treasury of the church was enriched to the extent of more than $60.00 DQWLING IN TOURNBI^I At leasf some of the members of the various teams in the two local bowling tSams seem to have hit their stride, as the scores of the past week will show. The 200 mark has been hit by several of the participants and as a whole the week's work has been very satisfactory, altho the teams' standing remain the same as last week. The scores: TEAM STANDING v- Regular Leagues; -v - •- V * w. .23 .21 .16 .12 L. 18 15 20 24 High Game 1002 913 924 906 Men's Leafm Fords Art. Stone 'C©^$i, Weil McLains . . V Buicks High Game 812 796 789 851 W. L. .81 * 8 .17 22 U'vV, .14 22 . . . . . . 1 8 28 Bfeit's League : February 8 Fords 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av, E. Buss i^,i..l68 139 127 434 141 J*. Knox . ^, . .133 137 167 487 145 Schiessle 94 92 128 3i4 104 Sayler .......140 167 175 428 160 W. Patzke 168 201 191 560 186 Kathryn Donarin ceMfrafeaft th£ seventh anniversary of her bhth at the home of her parents, Ifr. and Mrs, .Walter J. Donavin, on Main street FTuesday after school by entertaining a company of her little friends from thre^o six o'clock. A very happy time was passed at games of various kinds, followed by the • serving of refreshments, Valentine decorations were used in the home and the littlf folks passed a most delightful few hours as the guests of little Kathryn Those present were: Adele Froehlich, Ruth Reihansperger, Wanda Smithy Lorraine Knox, Harriett Boger, Graci Stenger, Stanley Schaffer, Jack Trent, Dannie Justen and Kathryn Donavin, Wait for the big comedy hit, "Thatl One On Bill" at the Empire theatre. •. :i3 and 24. e You Good Weaf kcMnrv'S I0ME OF A MUSEffiM They're sturdily, honestly made, these "Ball-Band" Rubbers, of best quality materials--and therefore you can depend on them to give yon the longest wear, at least cost per day's wear. The "Ball-Bend" Dull Slipper and Dull Sandal are shown here. Come in and select your Rubber Footwear from our stock of " Ball-Band." -Ir" -ir* I |693 736 788 2217 735 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av ,165 156 168 489 163 .125 113 114 352 ll7 . 93 130 114 337* 112 .103 168 124 395 131 .160 143 155 458 152 646 710 675 2031 677 February 9 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .,.139 142 145 426 142 ...154 168 139 ....141 132 89 .166 183 166 .170 212 191 401 262 515 573 133 120 171 191 770 777 730 2277 759 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av ,148 176 190 514 171 .133 154 136 423 Sayler .,, .160 148 156 464 Wattles ......i71 140 172~~~483 W. Patzke .... 192 163 Thiif ......"... 155 500 141 154 161 166. 804 781 809 2394 7J8 Regular League February 6 Frett's Market 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. Spurting Stoffel . Pagje .. Rusty . Bacoa vi, Rexalls Rossman. Granger Schaefer Vogt P. ...160 166 167 .•.158 169 193 ...129 174 213 ...177 151 182 ...159 193 169 493 520 516 510 521 164 173 172 170 173 783 852 924 2559 853 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .148 198 212 558 186 .145 123 164 432 144 .140 140 140 420 140 .175 177 150 502 167 ,.140 140 140 420 140 Hudsons Bickler ... Steilen .... Smith .... Art. Patzke Lockwood . Mohawks Al. Patzke C. Buss .. R. Patzke Laures ... A. Meyert 748 808 816 2372 790 February 8 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av ..176 161 186 ..170 129 174 ..146 225 170 ..147 139 157 ..202 156 127 523 473 541 443 485 174 157 180 147 161 841 810 817 2468 8! 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .221 145 165 531 177 .145 167 194 506 ,.128 25 150 488 .111 195 184 490 .189 191202 582 789 913 875 2577 168 162 163 194 859 M. E. CHURCH B. F. Wentworth, Pastor 10:00 a. m.--The church school. 11:00 a. m.--Morning worship. "Of One Blood," a sermon to show the value of all races of the world accord ing to white standards. 6:30 p. m.--The Epworth League Mission study on China will continue "What if Marco Polo Bhould come back to China?" Win my chum back week will be Feb. 22-28. Services will be on Sunday, Wednesday and Satur day nights. All young people should remember to go along to Harvard Tuesday evening, March 3. This month, February, we are trying to understand our neighbors of the world. Isn't is better to understand them than to misunderstand with a world war? We are thinking espe- Many words of comment I cially about the black race. Sunday, were heard as to the excellence of the meal from tho*e who partook of same. Lastf week it was discovered that quite a large number of our fire hydrants were frozen. Luckily, the condition was discovered in time as there is no telling what a disastrous result this might have occasioned in a case of fire or fires. The hydrants have all been thawed out and are once more in good working order. Ten members of the McHenry chapter, O. E. S., were guests of the Woodstock chapter at Masonic hall at the county seat last Friday evening Four candidates were initiated into the order, followed by refreshments. The McHenry guests report a fine time and most hospitable treatment at the hands of their hostesses. On account of the rain and bad condition of the roads, the public card party, as given by the Christian Mothers', society of St. Mary's church at St. Mary's hall last Sunday evening, was Feb. 8, we talked about the rapid ad vance that the race is making in social usefulness among us. Close to Lin coin's birthday, Feb. 11, we had Her mes Zimmerman, negro singer and composer, entertain us. He gave an interpretation of his race thru their songs. Sunday evening, 7:30 p. m. we will show pictures in .a special service on our negro achievements in America. With all this, who can fail to know whether or not they are true Americans ? ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Miss Eva Stilling of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling ' Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen of Chicago spent the week end with relatives here. You'll laugh your head'off if you go to see "That's One On Bill" at the Empire theatre on Monday and Tuesday evenings, Feb. 23 and 24. Mrs. John Geary and little son spent last Thursday in the home of Mr. and not as well attended as it probably Mrs. Menry J. Schaffer. They were would have been under more favorable on their way to their home near Wauweather conditions. However, those j conda from Chicago, where they had who did turn out were accorded a very passed several weeks in the home of pleasant time. ' the former's mother. -V'"' '"V IS"-', "WE CAN'T PLAY THEM ALL ' fO WETPLAY THE BEST" THURS. A FRIDAY. FEB. I2«i3 THOMAS MEIGHAN IN Pied Piper Malooe by Booth Tarkington A romance with plenty of thrills. It's a bear of a yarn. It takts a new slant at Tom igban's unusual fondness for children- . AND COM* DY / ;SAT. * SUN.. FEB. 14 A IS " BIG TIMP. VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES SPECIAL . SUNDAY MATINEE 2:30 Prices 19c-2tc SATURDAY, FEB. 14 "BUCK" JONES IN "WESTERN LUCK" AND-- VAUDEVILLE and COMEDt SUNDAY, FEBRUARY * "A Self Made Failure" • THE CAST Ben Alexander. Llo.vd F1 ami)ton Patsy Ruth iMiller, Matt. Moore, Mary Carr, a host of others, and "Cameo," the dog worth 925,000. v AND VAUDEVILLE Aieo ths; comedy "MONSIEUR" TUES & WED., FEB. 17 * lit SPECIAL ThslMcturc You Havs B««a Waiting For "THE SEA BAWK" The story of a Great Pirate' Chief ton, with Milton Sills, Enid Bennet, Llo.vd Hughes, Wallace Ber-y and' Thousands of people of note. Owinc to the length cf this production there will be but one thow each evening. Marling promptly at IA THURS. AND FRI .FEB. 19 ft 20 A Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratum Porter A ready made audience of millions awaits this picture "BALLgBANDT JohnlStoffel It a- . >- ' . •Um-ZKNITH IX-- The Ideal radio act nr the flna homa-- builtin loud apeaker, all batteriea concealed and They Cost More-- but They Do More! You dont need to be a "radio engineer," and you don't need to have three hands to operate the new Super-Zenith. Tunint» controlled by TWO DIALS ONLY--so perfectly adjusted that each station comes in always at the same dial iettings. IT NEVER VARIES. Powerful locals may be on full blast, yet, If you like, you can tune tV" out completely, bring in distant stations. Those who know and appreciate truthful tone reproduction find in the new Super-Zenith an unfailing source of delight. Their pleasure is all the greater from the fact that even when silent the Super-Zenith lends to its surroundings charm and distinction. • | The proof that Zenith is the set you want Is youif flbt toe asking. Call this evening for a demonstration. Jewelry and »adio Shop A. E. NYE West McHenry, III. The complete Zenith line include* aeven •nodela, ranging in price from $05 to (550. All Price* jr. o. B. FactorV. 22?l!j5ttar Zenith JR or ZenitJ) 4R rXf^°Zv£ccpt.lon .ov*T diatancea of aj?®P }° 3.000 milea ia martlli acoomu£ ngany ordinaryloudapeaker. Models 3R and 4R licensed under Armstrong u. S. Pat. No. l,m,14a. ZKNITH 4R -- (Exclusive of tubea and batteriea). 2SNITH 3R--{Exclusive of tubes and batteriea) The new Super-Zenith is a six-tube set with a new, unique, and really diffsiMt patented circuit, controlled inlml<Ji by Uie Zenith Radio Corporation. IM* NOT regenerative. $95 $160 SUPE^ZENITH VII (Table Model)-- b^tSr^!^*^ve of tube• "nd $230 SlTOKnZKNiTH VIH (Console Model) uJSSa^l!^vcoftube,"nd $250 f* /Console Model With built-in Zenith loud speaker and f?tfoy> for ttorage batteries). hXft?!^v!,*.and $350 SUPER-ZENITH X -- Built-in, pat> tntod, Siipr-Zenith Duo-3Loudspeakto reproduce both high and *°y. Pttch too as otherwise impossible dn^f-unit speakers. Zenith Battery Eliminator. Requires no A or B . Pric* <t*dluiv°of $550 Price (without battery eliminator) $450 jfrobably you never expected to write a book -""but in your bank book you have already written a chapter of your autobiography. Frequent deposits with lew withdraw^, •ver a period of years, is the well-known beginning of the life story of many of this country's millionaires. llegular deposits, though they ^ •pake yours a noted autobiography. DO YOURSELF JUST^, 'A mm m. •aife feil --'v£v- ,,'?v " •> , >. „ "

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