. • ."* / . j : , s< * S i : DMtVAKO LJUHES IK/USE POUSE %:'• 3 u,f53f3rT».' J. ft 1.7-X, -i !/-• *' SCOUTS ORGANIZE COUNTY rat LAW ENFORCEMENT ACTTVmm% fnES'*lcovirih '<*?.•. "» " ' {Harvard Herald} '«<' dMford H. Pouse, state's attorney «| McHenry. county, Ts being commended for his administration of the office to which he was elected three months ago. His efforts to bring violators of the law to justice and his activities as a law enforcer have brought to his aid branches of the W. C. T. U. in all parts of McHenry county. .Among the first to voice public approval of his course is the W. C. T. U. of Harvard, which asks The Herald to publish its position concerning the jfwung state's attorney, who bids fair to rival Col. A. V. Smith, Lake county's successful prosecutor, in his crusade for law enforcement. The text of the local W. C. T. U > approval of Mr. Pouse's official activities is published in the following paragraphs and bears the signatures of the executive committee of the .'/llfervard branch of the W. C. T. U.: -Whereas, last spring our society, the W. C„ T. IT. of McHenry county, did everything possible to bring about the nomination of Mr. A. H. Pouse lor our state's attorney to be elected at the fall election so as to have a state's attorney whom we had reason to believe would carry out the laws regarding bootlegging, illicit sale of liquor, use of slot machines, gambling, etc., and, Whereas, the voters at the fall elec- 'SiM saw fit to carry out the above s ittid did elect Mr. Pouse to fill the office of state's attorney, our choice of candidates, and now Whereas, Mr. A. H. Pouse is fully installed in that office and has not only come out square toed on the law enforcement issue, but has made arf ts and secured convictions along s line, going to prove that we were / not mistaken in our man and that our Judgment was rightly placed in him fulfill his duties as per his oath of 1«ffice. Therefore be it , ^ Resolved, that we not only conv Igratulate Mr. A. H. Pouse on his suc- 'fless at tiS primary election and entrance into the office, but assure him Vur whole hearted support in every ^ #ay possible in carrying out the du- . ties of his office, making McHenry Bounty one of the best, cleanest and ;Safest places in our state to live. We • further pledge him our assistance, so „ far as in us lies, to help him at any $ime he thinks we could be of service And calls on us to that end. Be it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions, properly signed, be mailed to Our state's attorney. McHenry County W. C. T. U. „ » Mrs. T. C. Goodkni Mrs. A. C. Manley, Mrs. D. I. Hine, Mrs. Wm. Bombard, Mrs. Herbert H. Allen, Executive Committee. McHENRY MEN PUT ON IMPORTANT COMMITTEES BOY SCOUT NOTES Howard Ensign (Bull Firpo) was the champion skater for Tuesday night. ^ If we can get a few more boys to join the Scouts we will start another troop. Mr. Koerner is learning rapidly to skate. He said that it was the "rockers" that held him back. The patrols are now organizing a team for basket ball and as a result of I this the Bob White patrol challenges any other pat*ol. We miss our Scout scsibe, who has been absent the lasC few times on account of practicing for a play to. be given at the high school. Mr. Wentworth is. sure a great help to the boys. He is now organizing a regular program with Mr. Koerner and Herb for our meetings. * The skating party on the ice near Borden's, which was followed by a weenie roast, surely turned otit to be a great one. The large attendance proved this. ^ * Orville Granger and Gerald Steilen took their tender foot test at the last meeting and were successful in going thru. So you boys better hurry along if ypu want to play basket ball. ' TERRA COTTA Mrs. Milton Fox was a recent visitor in Chicago. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. Miss Eva McMillan of Evanston spent Sunday at her home here. LeRoy and Miss Irefle Conway were callers in this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Chicago. Henry and Frank McMillan were business visitors in Spring Grove Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin visited her sister. Mrs. Wm. J. Welch, at St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago, Friday. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby, Mrs. Ed. Conway and Mrs. M. Knox spent Thursday afternoon at the home of^tors. Ed Kelter in McHenry. MRS. VASEY IMPROVING J. J. Vasey writes from Oak Park that the family physician assures them that Mrs. Vasey is making satisfactory progress, but that her recovery must be slow. Each month shows an improvement and he and the chil dren continue to be hopeful of her recovery. McHenry friends will, we know, be pleased to learn this en couraging news. Mrs. Vasey was stricken early last fall while a resi dent of this city. A snappy comedy drama, "That' One On Bill," will be seen at the Em pire theatre Feb. 28 and 24.' 1ft the Boy Scout movement, McHenry county has been divided into two districts. Harvard comprises the north half of the county, while the south half of the county wiii be district No. 2, with Woodstock as the center. At the meeting in Elk's cafe, Woodstock, on Wednesday evening of last week the organization of tho south district was completed, as follows : Fred Ferris of Woodstock, chairman. J. E. McKay, of Algonquin, vice chairman. Rasmus Rasmussen of Woodstock, deputy Scout commissioner. V. J. Lowe of Marengo, William Force of Union, Walter Butler of Huntley, court of honor. George L. Murphy of^llfoodstock, finance., < John C. Rowe of "V^oodstock, camping. - . -... G. R. Lee of Algonquin, publicity and education. / W. R. Girling of Marengo, troops a n d t r a i n i n g . ' • • . . • ' ~ L. G. WilcoxAjit: tyo&stpcki^ *i«il service. Fred -Ferris," J. E. McKay, George L, Murphy, L. G. Wilcox • and W Girling, delegates to County executive board. North District Dr. 3. G. Maxon of Harvard, chair man. * . William Andrews of Harvard, deputy Scout commissioner. Eugene Ferris of Alden, Frank Barber of Greenwood, E. H. Woodbury of Hebron, A. S. Rice of Richmond, Fred Lembkey of Harvard court of honor. Richard Walsh of McHenry publicity and education. Albert Nolan of Harvard, troops and training. C. W. Stenger of McHenry finance Peter Frett of McHenry, camping Dr. J. G. Maxon, Eugene Ferris Peter Frett, J. W. Smith and C. W Stenger, delegates to county executive board. The county executive board met Tuesday, Feb. 10, to complete the charter and elect county scout com missioners and executives and plan for selection and training of scout leaders County Executive Board H. B. Megran, Harvard, president. Dr. J. G. Maxon, Harvard, vice pres ident. s Fred Ferris, Woodstock, vice presi dent. „ » , G. L. Murphy, Woodstock, treasurer "-J. E. McKay, Algonquin, chairman court of honor. C.\W. Stenger, McHenry, chairman finance. W. W. Bower, Marengo, chairman publicity and education. Peter W. Frett, McHenry, Chairman camping. W. R. Girling, Marengo, chairman troops and training. Members at large elected to county board, A. J. Gafke of Woodstock, Dr. Steele of Marengo, F. L. Krekel of Harvard, C. E. Lowe and Harry Hoagland of Woodstock. "That's One On Bill' on Feb. 23 and 24. at the Empire Phone 182 The Bf st Service Always BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker Phone 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS S. J. FOWLER, D. C. Palmer Graduate Chiropractor Monday, Wednesday and Friday Hrs., 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. Phone 158 Brefeld Bldg. W. McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies* :: :: Illinois :: ILLINOIS ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE DesPIaines is now a city. The change from a village to city government became effective last week. Bank deposits made by the pupils of the Woodstock public schools during the month Of January totaled $1,047.00. The Christian Science society of Lake Geneva has purchased a site.imd now having plans made f»Hr the erection of a new church. Roller skating is now being enjoyed at the Woodstock armory. The music being provided by a new electric organ. The skating rink is open to the public each Wednesday and Saturday nights. The city council of Harvard has decided„ that hereafter non-resident solicitors, in drives for funds for charitable purpose^ will be obliged to obtain- a city permit before starting activities, very sensible move, indeed. The village council -at Hebron at their last regular meeting issued a permit to the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad company for the erection of wug-wag signal in center of the street crossing their right-of-way. Judge Edward D. Shurtleff has appointed Atty, . F. B. Bennett of Woodstock as master-in-chancery of the McHenry county circuit court td succeed Atty. James F Casey who has creditably jilled the. post for a term of two years. . ' . : Six cottages; owned by Ben Rigby and located on the lake at Crystal Lake, have been taken over by the Crystal Lake Country club and will be used for the accommodation of the members until the completion of the addition of the club house. John Woodhead, who during the past four years has been connected with the Antioch Press, publishers of the Antioch, News, has severed his interests in that publication and is now planning the opening of a print shop at Evanston,-from which city he came to Antioch. • , • - LI W. Cobb, editor and publisher of the Crystal Lake Herald, and Miss Mildred M. Martin of Maysville, Ky.. were united in marriage at South Bend, Ind., on Jan. 31. The bride has been employed in the office of the Express Body corporation at Crystal Lake. The Plaindealer extends congratulations. The Motor Valve company of Chicago has- taken over the foundry of the Oliver Typewriter company at Woodstock for the manufacture of motor valves. This is the first change to take place m the control over the factory. Negotiations are now under way for the re-organization of the plant,* altho nothing definite has been accomplished up to this time. "Freddie" Born of Fox Lake, who was recently convicted by a jury in the Lake county court for violating the prohibitory law, on Monday was entenced to ninety days in the Lake county jail. However, he has been given thirty day to prepare a bill of exceptions for the purpose of taking the case to the higher courts and granted a stay of execution until March 11. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--A number of White Wyandotte cockerels. "Call phone 603-R-l, McHenry* 111. 36-lt FOR RENT--A piece of hay land and also a piece of plow land- Mrs. Henry Kennebeck, McHenry, 111. 36-2t* FOR RENT--Four rooms located in the central part of the city. Inquire of James Halpin, McHenry, 111. 34-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of choice barley and seed oats. James Hunter, phone 617-J-2, West McHenry, 111. 35 LOST--About two weeks ago in Mc- Hfenry, a black collje dog. Finder kindly notify Nick B. Freund, Ringwodd, 111. . 86-lt* FOR SALE--Some fine work horses just out of hard work from $50.00 to $125.00. Guaranteed. Inquire of Ben L. Hiller, at A. H. Scveringhaus barn, McHenry, 111. 36-lt* 5 PER CENT MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengo, 111. 25-tf FOR RENT--Barber-Button farm near Tryon's corners, 120 acres, every foot of which can be cultivated. Good house and barns. For further particulars addtresS Wm. J. Welch, McHenry, 111. ' 35'2t FOR SALE--New six room bungalow with all modern conveniences. This is a REAL BUY and must be seen to be appreciated. Inquire of KENT. & GREEN, Opp. city hall, McHenry. Phones 34 and 147-M. 35-tf SOLON MILLS Warm footwear at Erickson'l. Jack Brennan is reported tejtf 111 at this writing. Charles Weatlake was a Chicago passenger Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Merchant were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Duane Overton and daughter, Evelyn, were McHenry callers Tuesday. Alex Anderson of Ringwood was a business caller in town one. day last week. Harry Turner of Woodstock was here to see his father, Robt. Turner, Sunday. Frank Colby of Waukegan was a recent guest in the home of George- Erke here. S. Pierce of Spring Grove was a caller in the Jas. Jackson home one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodge of Antioch were calling on Mrs. Jack Gibbs one day last week. Grant Hill and wife of Crystal Lake were guests in the Ruben Turner home one day last week. Unless you enjoy a real hearty laugh you had better not take in "That's One On Bill" at the Enjpire on Feb. 23 and 24. There will be a wfhter picnic at. the Solon hall here Friday night Everybody is invited.* It is given by the Sunday school. The dance that was given by the Polly Prim orchestra of McHenry here last Wednesday evening „ was ft success in every way. Lee Hodge returned home last week after spending the winter with his brother at Brainard, Minn., so Solon WANTED--Reliable man. Part or full time. Sell guaranteed nursery Commission paid weekly. No investment or experience necessary. Opportunity for advancement. District managership available. Write Quaker Hill Nusseries, Newark, New York State. J 36-lt FOR SALE--A number of Buff Orphington cockerels from the brood that laid the eggs in three months and seventeen days. Also a number of white Leghorn cockerels. A few black Minorcas and Pekin ducks. J Priced right. Phone McHenry 603-9-2. F. S. Rich, West McHenry, ML, Would exchange. 34-tf FOR RENT--176 acre farm oh edge of Hebron prairie. New and modern barn 34x100, other new buildings, silo, etc. Never failing spring water in barn and pasture. Wood, 120 acres tractor land. ' Want good tenant for 5 to 8 years on reasonable terms with option to buy. Simon Stoffel, West McHenry, 111: 32-3t J. W. WORTH 1 Public Accountant, Antioch, 111. Affiliated with American-Canadian ,Assn. of business En^inee)i3L*_ "Short Cut" bookkeeping methods for every business. Income returns rendered. . Insure-- In Sure-Insurance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFF1CB AT RBSIDENCE Phone 93-R .McHENRY, ILL. tt m fcncu Do You Live to Gat It doesn't mattter. The point is, no matter why you eat you want the best. We sell the bi'Sl lUSs and coffeesrTWTPSt of lards, highest patent flour, best canned goods, fruits, vegetables in season and the best general line of groceries to be found in this town. < M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M West McHenry, WEST McHENRY, Fluff arid Rag RufT* made to order MRS R PftPP PHONE 16] - nlU' rurr WEST McHENRY Princess Theater WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday \ FEBRUARY. 16, 17 and 18 Marion Davies --IN-- from a-six weeks' run at the Roosevelt* Theater, Chicago. Owing to the fact that this is a two and one-half hoot show there will be but one show at night, starting at 8:00 O clock. Matinees on Tuesday and Wednesday at 3 p. nr. About Household Hot Water-- Is This Something for Nothing? Some folks have thought that they had discovered a real "something for nothing" when they heated the water for their bath and laundry bv running a pipe through the furnace. But the furnace engineers who tested the plan, found by actual figures that those pipes and the volume of water was adding just 20 percent to the fuel bill. TbMtewkr people are putting in Humphrey Automatic Gaa Heaters, They use no fuel rxrept when the faucet U turned Western United Gas and Electric Company C E. Collins, District Mgr. PAINT NOW? This U the best time in the year to paint! I have had years of experience and can guarantee results. I use 100% pure paint made of white lead, zinc and linseed oil. My prices are lowest. Let me quote on your work and show you colors. H. J. KRENTZER West McHenry, Illinois Phone 71-W has « barber shop again. ; > [Woodstock hcspital. • > . Mrs. Ife'lie Turner and Mte|. Addle' The Improvement clnb met at the J, „ Gardner attended the Home Boreai*: Plntr taef ftUW# ' meeting held at the home of Mrs. ; Strang in Richmond Tuesday. j Mrs. Ida Westlake is .at Woodstock] th:s week helping to care for her j daughter, Mrs. James McCann n of Spring Grove, who is a patient at the (jeme of Clay Hardy tast Prl'lay night.; ihcie was a large attendance and all - ? report a good tim" and that Mr. and Mrs. Hardy are royal entertain^^H PlMitwtailer wb brine results. Vaudeville and pictures at the Em-^' n't-p Saturday Sunday. & <h)00 Milltoi^ele Hour "B" Battery With Visible Elements Unusual capacity, to be sure, yet* ; this is $ conservative rating. All f a V'--;v£?dd0r'Radio Batteries ar« conservatively rated. • The glass jar te&' Battery enables ^ * you to see the amount of electrolyte v . and the condition of the plates am4^-'^:" ; separators at all times. > Easily rechargeable at "house cur- u rent" cost with the Exide chemical rectifier. ..v* Painter's A-Pbrand.paint ftfcHenry, Illinois Phone 101-R RADIO •i.. Only 50* Down Daylight Kitchen Unit * / o Light turn* on mnd off mt handy pendant switch enabling you to plug in„ your iron, foastfr or other appha Enjoy Soft, Even Daylight Illumination kitchen is the workshop of the home and you should have the best possible lighting in it. You will enjoy this light that brighter* every corner fw>ri chases out the shadows. Makes your kitchen pleasant and invitinp \ y. 50° DOWN and the balance in small monthly payments with your service statement places this exceptional fixture in your kitchen./ •M i-. Snow white porcelain enamel on Armco rust* resisting metal makes the Doyh^ht fCttchctt Unit easily and quickly cleaned. The shade, of white diffusing glas^, tones £uq4 sqItia« light. fNo * glate to dazzlfe you. ^- PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS * \ AJ.nA. SCHABECK;, District Manager 1QI'WilUame jit* Crystal Lake, 111. Pbooe25