Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1925, p. 6

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V*v:" IB! kI>T>mONAL EXCHANGE Warner, who operated a furni- 'store and undertaking establishment at Crystal Lake several years >%go, is to return to that clby^here he •*';»*'jfronteniplafces the operation oS a funv; ierai home. / •\r& Th® Woodstock Moose enjoyed their seventh annual banquet at their -shall in the county seat city last Thars- > "day evening. Atty. William M. Carp lljroll was the main speaker. The lodge ^^> -now has a membership of 170. ; Mrs. Elsie Rogman, wife of Wdfcer Rogman who lost his life in a gravel pit near Algonquin last December* has been awarded $4250 by the Illinois Industrial commission. The money will be paid to Mrs. Rogman at the rate of $17.00 per week for a period of 250 weeks by the Etna Insurance company which carried the risk for the gravel company. Representative CharleaH. Francis of Woodstock has introduced two bills "S, - in the present session of the Illinois State legislature^ One of these bills, ^ . .*^1 if enacted into law, will eliminate the v "f"i use of cut-outs on automobiles in the state while the seconl provides that "lights shall be adjusted so that the dii-ect rays which they project do not rise to a height greater than a parallel of three and one-half feet from the road; or if projected at a greater heighth, all dazzle or glare must be eliminated." Andrew McKay off Algonquin, after pleading guilty to three counts, that of having in his possession, selling intoxicating liquor and a nuisance charge," was assessed a line of $175 on the first count, $200 on the second and $400 and sixty days in jail, by Judge C. P. Barnes in the McHenry county court at Woodstock last Thursday morning. <A 9&y of sixty days was granted on the jail sentence on a plea of his attorney, Charles Allen of Cary and alsa recommended by State's Attorney Pouse. McKay, since an injunction closed his soft drink parlor a few months ago, hap been employed at the Peters Manufacturing company's plant at Algonquin. He has promised the court that he will never again engage in the soft drink business. Warm footwear at Erickson's. ®UPBR-ZENITH IX-- lTh« Ideal radio act for the fine home --built* In loud speaker, all concealed and of the war Pt - - S • :W' V-U"' . ' . .-i. >v They Cost More-- but They Do Morel You don't need to be a "radio engineer," and you dont > ileed to have three hands to operate the new Super-Zenith. •iTuning is controlled by TWO DIALS ONLY--so perfectly adjusted that each station comes in always at the same » dial lettings. IT NEVER VARIES. Powerful locals siay be on full blast, yet, if you like, you can tune . Out completely, bring in distant stations. Those who know and appreciate truthful tone repr®. •v j 4uction find in the new Super-Zenith an unfailing source • f delight. Their pleasure is all the greater from the feet that even when silent the Super-Zenith lends to ill ' • Surroundings charm and distinction. _ The proof that Zenith is the set you want is yours f<* Che aglring. Call this evening danoostratiMb A. E. NYE ' Jewelry and Radio Shop West McHenry, 111. WEKLYJPMS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY CITY QUARTER OF A CENHJRY ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALERS OF 25 YEARS AGO ••VN The complete Zenith line includes teven modeU, rAaUng Pinrgic e*in price from $9S F. to $550. O. B. Factory. With either Zenith 3R or Zenith 4R ^]~actory reception over distances of 2;9®P }° 3,000 mile* is readily accom- Sliahed, using any ordinary loud speaker, fodels 3R and 4R licensed under Armstrong U. S. Pat. No. 1,113,149. ZENITH 4R -- (Exclusive of tQf* tubes and batteries) ZENITH 3R--(Exclusive of tlCil tubes and batteries) f lvU The new Super-Zenith is a six-tube set with a new, unique, and really different patented circuit, controlled exclusively bythe Zenith Radio Corporation. It u NOT regenerative. [odd)-- $230 SUPER-ZENITH VII (Table Model Rice (exclusive of tubes and batteries) 8UPER-ZENITH VIII (Console Model) bi^S^-.!!.0,tube, and $250 SUPKRrZKNITH IX (Console Model --"With built-in Zenith loud ipeaker and generous space for storage batteries). batt" • * ,iv* of tube* and $350 SUPM^ZBNITH'X --Built-in, pateated, Super-Zenith Duo-Loud Speakto reproduce both high and |y Pitch tones otherwise impossible with single-unit speakers. Zenith Battery Eliminator. Requires no A or B batteries. Price (exclusive of Price (without battery eliminator) $460 When You See It You'll Want It When you see the new Exide "A" Battery you'll want it--but when you have used it and realize itr superiority you'll demand it. This new, better looking battery in the one-piece case has all the essential qualities of a fine radio battery. ' * W. L fiowell & Co. McHenry Phone 101-R Exifce S AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BY OUR FRIENDS Theo. Schiessle was a Chicago visitor last Friday. George Kamholz spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. ^ \ Miss Esther Felt* was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Kate McLaughlin wu a Chicago visitor last Friday. Albert Stilling passed the week end with relatives in Chicago. Wm. Reilly of Chicago passed the week end with McHenry friends. Leo Conway of Chicago passed one day last week as the guest of friends here. T. L. Kimball of Chicago passed the week end in the home ,pf Mrs. J. P. S m i t h . v . . - Miss Angela Petesch spent the latter part of last week in the metropolitan city. Mi ss Mary Bonslett of Chicago was 'the gueft <?f friends here Thursday of last week. L:s'e and Miss Floribel Bassett passad Sunday as guests of friends at Woodstock. M.-. and Mi's. Peter B. Freund of Woovlst' >tk passed Sunday as guests of Mcliemy relatives. M p es Ellen and Pender Walsh and Earl R. Walsh spent last Thursday in Lfte metropolitan city. Miiis Berteel Spencer pasted the Week end as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Dr. George Concanflon of Omaha Nebr., spent last Thursday as the guest oi' McHemy friends. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay and son, lame;;, fpent Sunday with Mr. and Sirs. Wa!t?r Fay at Elgin. M;ss Gertrude Kisch of Libertyville pent the latter part of the week as vh .<yue?t of McHenry friends. Miss Marie Sullivan of Woodstock fpent several days last week in the ome «f Mrs. Theo. Schiessle. „ Mrs. Albert Purvey and son, Jack, passed the latter part of last week ith relatives at Woodstock. Mi', an l Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger and Miss Clara Stoffel were Chicago vis-itois cn? day last week. John Brefeld of Waukegaji passed the week end in the h>'me of his parents, Mr. and Mrs B. J. Brefeld. John Reilihan of Superior, Wis., ^pen*; a fav/ days last wtek in the home of- his gtunf, Mrs. B. Reilihan. Henry McCabe of Chicago passed the week cn 1 in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Miss Lena Wadsworth of Kenosha Wis., passed the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mrs^ Edw. J. Buss and daughter, Betty Jane, passed several days last .week as'the guests of relatives in Chicago. . ^ Mr. and Sirs. Patrick Moriarty of Chicago were week end guests of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Belvidere v ere the week end guests in the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and sons of West Chicago were week end guests in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. Mrs. P. Sheehan of Chicago .passed the week end in the home of her daughter, Mi:s. Philip Meyers, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmer of Palatine were week end guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John N. Zimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. Anton Immekus of Chicago is spending some time in the' home of his daughter, Mrs. Allen Noonan, and family on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago passed a couple of days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin and daughter, Kathryn, of Grayslake attended the K. C. valentine party here last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Maynard of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the home of the former's sister, Mta. F. M. Ensign, and famiy. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herbes and children of Grayslake wore Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Herbes' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers. Geo. Meyers and daughters, Mrs. Ross Wheeler and Blanche, and Arnold and Joyce Chesnut spent Sunday as guests of Crystal Lake friends. Miss Lucille Miller and Charles Laurent of Waukegan spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, east of town. John and Anthony Bonslett of Waukegan and Alfred Bonslett of Chicago spent the week end in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonslett. Misses Agnes Peters and Ethel Callihan of Woodstock attended the val- | entine party given by the Knights of | Columbus at K. C. KMl here last j Thursday evening. _ I Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanson and sonB of Waukegan and Mrs. Donald Warren | and daughter, Blanche, of Rose Isle, Manitoba, we/e Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Fay and family. Mr.4 and Mrs. Robt. E. Sutton and children and Miss Verena Juste ft of ^Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marum and son of Woodstock were week end guests in the home ol Mir. and Ma H. J. Juste* x qfr Vogel, John Groves had the misfortune to sprain both wrists badly while unloading hay one day last week. Dick Walsh. Harold Cristy. Josie Holly and Carl Ross enjoyed a skate to Burton's Bridge Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wingate, who reside south of town, welcomed a baby girl to their home one day last week. Miss Jennie Covell was given a very agreeable surprise at her home here Wednesday evening by a number of her young friends. Willard Colby of Spring Grove recently sold to Homer Hastings of Richmond five hogs that weighed 3050 pounds or an average of 610 pounds each. Charles Draper was very pleasantly surprised at his home on Tuesday evening by a large company of his friends. Games served to while away the hours. The small child of Jacob Miller of Johnsburg passed away at the family home on Saturday. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, Rev. H. Mehrr ing officiating. H. C. Mead presented the McHenry school library with some volumes of very fine books, among which is the ' Report of Illinois Farmers' Institute" of 1899. "Pat" Crowe, who was arrested last Monday night, charged with robbing the Chicago and Northwestern railway tra'n at tower W., 46 miles west of Chicago, on the night of Oct. 13, was positively identified by James White, the engineer. He was turned over to the sheriff of Kane county. A very pleasant party was given in Stoffel's hall Saturday evening in honor of the Misses Stoffel. The af fair was planned and successfully carried out as a surprise by their friends. The party was opened by a grand march led by Charles Heimer and Dora Stoffel. At ten o'clock a delicious supper was served. February 15, 1900 Frank Wattles shipped two c$r loads of hogs to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bell are the pat-^ ents of a baby girl, bom last Friday. On Thursday Miss Mary Lay entertained some of her friends, this being her birthday. r Fred Thorn and Miss Eva Davis were united in marriage at the latter's home in Solon Wednesday. A'l of our public school teachers | were in attendance at the teachers' institute held in Woodstock last Friday and Saturday. Mis ; Ruth Overton of Solon entertained a few of her friends Tuesday even'ng in honor of Miss Sadie Stockton, of South Dakota. A merry group of young f >lks were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrison on Friday evening, Feb. 9, in honor of the twenty-first anniversary of their son, Guy. The entertainment given by the young people of St. Mary's church, in Riverside hall, Friday and Saturday evenings of last week was a grand success. The neat sum erf $84.00 was cleared. A 'arge party of young people gave Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman a very pleasant surprise at the residence of Mr. Delbert Sherman on Tuesday evening. Dancing and games served to while away the time. Mr. Harry Fay entertained a large number of his friends in a very delightful manner Wednesday evening in Riverside hall. Miss Edna Story assisted in receiving the guests and Mrs. John I. Story chaperoned the party. Wednesday being the birthday of Mrs. James Ladd, of Ringwood, her friends decided to celebrate the event. About fifty friends and neighbors proceeded in a body to her residence making the affair a complete surprisee. About eighty-five were in attendance at the pleasant card party and social, which was given by the Lady Foresters' at the residence of Rev. P. M. O'Neil on Tuesday evening. Margaret Sutton and Thos. A. Frisby won first honors. Charles Frett has purchased the meat market owned by Frett Bros. & Witt and will return to McHenry as a permanent resident. Henry Witt, who has conducted the business so successfully during the past will reside in Chicago in the future. The social given by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiting at their pleasant home south of town last Friday evening was a very enjoyable affair. Three busses laden with people beside a large number who used private conveyances were in attendance. $8.10 was realized. t>n Thursday Stephen H. Schmitt and wife of Johnsburg entertained some of their friends and a very enjoyable day was spent. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames John Heimer, John Bishop, Peter Smith, Willi£ in Tonyan, Gust. Huff, John Huff, Joseph Michels, George Nell. C. E. Gaylord, who lives on the Frank Wattles farm, met with quite a serious accident on his way to Chicago with a car load of hogs. The caboose ,is which he was riding was set out on the side track in order to take on more cars. It was bumped into with nuch force by the train that Mr. Gaytor < was thrown about twelve feet and sus tained severe injuries to his spine and was badly bruised up in general. Dr. Wells was called. Having rented my farm for cash, will sell on the farm known as the William Hutson farm, located three miles southwest of McHenry, one-half mile south of Sherman hill schoolhouse, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24,19X5 commencing at 1:00 oclock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 30 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- t 22 High Grade Dairy Com All new milkers and dose springers. 1 three-year-old heifer, close springer;, yearling heifer. 6 HORSES } Gray gelding, nine years old, wt.j 1500 lbs; black gelding, seven-years; old, wt. 1200 lbs.; brown mare, seven! years old, wt. 1100 lbs.; Morgan marc, eight years old, wt. 1000 lbs.; white j gelding, wt. 1200 lbs.; family horse,; fifteen years old, wt. 1000 lbs. CHICKENS ' Some full blood Plymouth . Rocks and Wyandottes, etc." • GRAIN: - Quantity of bariey -a*»d^ ^ and eight feet of silage. MACHINERY, ETtt\ McCormick grain binder, good working condition; Milwaukee corn hai-ves-! ter, Johnson corn harvester, hay; loader, hay rake, Champion mower,! broadcast seeder, Bradley 12 inch gang: plow, John Deere hand p'ow, corn planter, set drags, pulverizer, single | row cultivator, Vk horse pumping en-| g ne, spring tooth cultivator, Diamond; tojth cultivator, potato hiller, cart, 2{ lumber wagons, manure box, bob sled, j mi!k cans, pails, strainers, 3 sets; double harness, som$ household goed^ and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, ea?h; over that amount a credit of one year: will be given on good bankable notes | bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent p$t annum. Positively no property to be removed until sett'.ed for with clerk. HENRY DEGEN. C. W. fitenger, Clerk. ."SJSK *-• ' 4 * ' >* • h f ; 'g "if- - *• f Market at Eric Auction Sate! tore. your 'hone 162 BERN HARD POPP -m^0 ' Expert Shoemaker 'hope ju&fcw A H. 8CHAEFEB Dray ing kism Fluff and Rac Raff* made to order •FMlKd . DR . PrwflPrPr I'HONE IU WEST McIIENRY ItcHZNKY, ILLINOIS S. J. FOWLER, D. C. Palmer Graduate Chiropractor ^ Mcnday, Wednesday and Friday ^ Hrs., 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. Phone Brefeld BMg. W. McHENRY. ILL. Do You Live to Eat It doesn't mattter. The point is, no matter why you eat you want the best. We sell the best leas and coffees, purest of lards, highest patent flour, best canned goods, fruits, vegetables in season and the best general liqe of groceri^J^J^^pd in this town, i 'N f ^ M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 41 Telephone No. 108-R. ^" r^ ,, SIMON STOTPtt" ? i' Insurance agent for all classes of property in tiie best cottpaniea. ^ West McHenry, ' Illinois | WEST McHENRY, Vi: ': iLLINOJ^ J. Watch Plumbing Uncle Sam Cautions! s Hoover Issues Standard Code n _ Washington, D. C.--The Depart melt of Commerce have approved a people's plumbing code" with the>hop$ trait it may be adopted by states and municipalities, it was announced. The bill is for the protection of the public "from insanitary plumbing, the use of defective and cheap material and improper installation." The code was prepared by a special committee appointed fay Secretary Hoover and headed by William C. Groeniger of Cleveland. •aar Auction Sale! Geo. Vogel, :: :: .Auctioneer The undsrs-'gned, having rented a farm on shares, where landlord furnishes all catt'e, will sell his entire hsid at auction on Mrs. Jchn J. Stillng farm, known as the late Joe Etten piazc, located one-half mile south of So'.cn Mil s, two miles southwest of Sprint* "Grove and two miles northeast of R ngwood, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 commencing at orite o'clock, sharp,J 32 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --Consisting of-- , 20 Head of Holstein Milk Cows some new milkers, 4 with calves by s?de, 5 springers, 4 yearling heifers, Holstein bull, one and one-half years old. 2 Rouen ducks. Seven full blooded Poland China pig, 2 brood sows and 5 boars. HAY AND MACHINERY Fifteen tons clover hay, 4 tons millet hay, 40 tons of silage, McCormick grain binder, iron wheel wagon, Stover engine, Peerless 1 h. p. electric motor, Emerson gang plow, hay rack. Terms of Sale: a AU sums of $10 00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit bf 6 mortths will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. Positively no property to be removed until settled for with clerk. JOHN J. SCHAID, JR. C. W. Stenger, Clerk. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Miss Pearl Claxton spert last Sat* urday in the metropolitan city. J. E. Pufahl attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Saurday. J. W. Bonslett spent Saturday in Chicago. Misses Rose and Josephine Stoffel of Chicago were week end guets in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel. < Mrs. John Miller passed the latter part of last week as the guest of friends in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stoffel and daughter, Rosemary, passed the week end as guests of friends in Woodstock. Mrs. Stephen Heimer of Chicago spent several days last week with relatives here and at the Bay. A ten-piece orchestra has been organized at the Methodist church at Woodstock with Ole Lee as the director. hsu"*- In Sue--Insurance WITH W m.G. Schreiner Auctioneering _ ' • _ OFFICE AT RESIDENCE ; V W Phone 93-R McHENRY, m ' A u P. lO ' hr. c. KFWr. Opiom o/r/s/ <tn:/ Opfiuftti 3407 N. PAULINA ST. nf. auo lincoin avev. Bath Room Outfit Compkte at IllaMtrat^d $ amply home 140 My &pe<.ta<3e£ anc eye giJc*es an ;nown all over America. Thirty year^ experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make al1 repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. Dr. C. KELLER. « Optometrist *ad Optician Chicago \ddress /<McHenry, 111 3407 N. Paulina St. Ph»ne ifi7 Phone Graceland 9540. > wonderful bargains of B. KA&OL the moat economical plumbing Teo hom ctatHn gb parin atsll cheaper from KAROL and Save up to 40% Buy at Wholesale Prtcms! .made in (be de to laat at ire sold and I ia all of superior quality. _ [heat daaa manner--made i well aa the moat expensive all new from factory FREE DKLIVERY TIMK PAYMENT* Par tUmi OwMtt. KAROL Qhwi tinki. We carry s large reserve stock and make immediate deliveriea. No diaappointmcats--no diacourtcay -- no uied, defective or inferior equipment or material ua«d or aold by tj*. All goodamade to conform to the Hoover principle. WRITE OR CALL FOR CATAUM •OO S. KmIzI* Ave* Dept. Ernestto Merlanti, formerly lieutenant in the aviation corps of the Italian army, personal friend of the iati Roosevelt and Wilson, and the only aviator who has ever looped the loop around Brooklyn bridge, spoke at the Ridgefield Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. Mr. Merlanti is an experienced speaker and usually reeatvwi 960 aa mqiac far his talks. DRS. M'CHESNEY & BROWN (iNCOKPORATR) DENTISTS Dr. J. W. Brown. Dr. R. M. Walker Established over~ 49 yeara and still doing Buaineaa al old stand Pioneers in First-Clasa Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask Your Neighbors and Friends About Us S. E. Cor. Clark & Randolph 145 N- Clark St., Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 2047 Dally 8 to 5; Sundajs 9 ;o 11 We Sell at Mail is Wall Paper, Window Shades, FIoojnV ' coverings, come ^ r- Brown's at Woodstock *• GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM RUGS Size 9x15 Cortpoleu^n Art Rue Size 9x12 Congoleum Art Rug Size 9x10* 2 Congoleum Art Rug ^. v.. _ Size 9x9 Congoleum Art Rug .. Size 71 ?x9 Congoleum Art Rug Size 6x9 Congoleum Art Rug m' CONGOLEUM BY THE YAR1 9 ft. wide Congoleum yard goods pes 6 ft. wide Congoleum yard goods ._.w ^-^80c NAIRN'S INLAID LINOLEUM In all qualities ranging in prices from per sq. yd. itp to $1.75 per sq. yd. Printed Linoleums ranging in prices from $I.M per sq.; up to $1.15 per sq. yd. - -- ~ • NOW IS THE TIME TO DECORATt. " AND SAVE MONEY 4 complete stock of Wall Papet price from 3k; per single roll up • ? WINDOW SHADES Neat, new and well fitting shades of correct styNT ai color can be had so easily and inexpensively. A coih plete line of shades found here in all styles and qualities. Prices ranging from 65c per shade up. j Esttmates cheerfully given in all lines wttbout c^Hgatk)#. e carry a complete line of Acme Varni. shes lPfo r both interior an Ouarlilyof Paints and >a exterior work^ BROWN'S 114 Cass §t. : . " Phone 473-R WOODSTOCK ^2, f - M k

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