•in ) IHM JW wij<I ip?ip TERRA C«rtTA ; fcnox and daughters were vif> IWoodstock Saturday. I Eva McMillan of Evanston |nday at hfer home here . J. Knox of Aurora spent irsday evening at his home here. 1" Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conway spent Sat- <• s fcrday evening at the home of M. A. u2|Mton. Miss Agnes Peters of Woodstock . " tpent Sunday at the heme 01 J. I". Phalin. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was the ^uest of her sister, Mi» Alice Liesner, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and their daughters spent Sunday at the home of J. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and children of Woodstock visited at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Misses Florence Knox and Charlotte Schiottman of Crystal Lake were Chicago visitors Saturday. Furniture Savings Are Sure ^rnlt«re *re abreast of the times--and furdePendable and satisfactory. Leaths Club plan pats nice things is your home without heavy cash ottttey. Ilgia TO Orov« Rockford M2 W. State Aurora tl Island D«b«qu« 57« Mala VrMport i W Main - Waterloo 500 Lafayette 117 Fourth Jrtlet 116 Jefferson ~ JamtsTill* 202 MllwaulpHl Bau C!nire Masonic Bldg Oahkoalt 11 Main Jst. 4, P«orla IU s. Ad&ma Deea.tur 442 N. Water • HT-llt Stete 8C A. LEATH & CO. General Hardware, Sporting Goods, Paints and Oils Successor to C. J. Reihansperger West McHenry Illinois RTH SH LINE To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago---the"loop." Lv. McHenry 7t35 un., 11:35 a.m., 2:35 pjn., 7sOO pan. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m., 7:43 pan. Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m., 1K>0 p.m., 4KX) p.m., 8:25 p.m. Arr.Chicago 10:22 a.m., 2:17 pan., 5:17 pan., 10:17 pan. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.CO. McHenry House ' TI<:ki;t * Northwestern Hotel McHenry 18 I OPP1CKS I McHenrv M-R, r the smoothness and perfect balance, and then the instant responsiveness of the Buick Valve-in-Head Six-Cylinder Engiii }^fter you have seen its reserve podf ~ ^aster the worst hills; after you have noted its very economical gasoline consumption---you will know one big ;:«filireasoii why there are more than a million ,, --Buick' ownets. V------ . • • -- Marf i ^ > - VERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL.. HARVARD, ILL. better automobiles are built, Buick will build Am<i SLOCtJM LAKE Ray Dowell was a business calltr at McHenry Tuesday morning. Different members of the Joe Dowell family are on the sick list. Wonderful bargains in warm winter foot wear at Erickson's store. Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Eatinger. Mildred Hoffman accompanied by Mis. C. A. Bevatts of Des Piaines spent last Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake called at the homes of Joe and Ray Doweil last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and two children and Lloyd Doweft called at Lake Zurick Sunday morning. Mr. Sam Dickson has been on the skk list since the first part of February, but is slowly improving. G. D. Crabtree of Crystal Lake was a business caller at the Darrell-Matthews home Friday afternoon. M. H. Dietrich of Chicago and W.J5L, Brooks of this vicinity were business callers at McHenry Vast Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and two children of near Wauconda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. • Harold and William firooks of Wauconda spent the week end with tfceir parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. H. Matthews enjoyed Sunday dinner and afternoon with the former s parents at Crystal Lake. Did you ever have one slipped over on you? If not go see "Thats One ; On Bill" at the Empire Feb. 23 and 24. J Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pfannenstill of Area visited with the former's parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren and daughter, Corinne, were business callers at Waukegan last Friday afternoon.* Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and two children and Lloyd Dowell were business callers at Wauconda last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan, were Saturday night and Sunday guests at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington were Thursday supper and evening guests of the latter's parents, Mr. atid Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ma'tthews attended their Euchre Club party 'Monday evening at the home of Mr. andj Mrs. G. D. Stroker at Wauconda.. G. J. Burnett has been confined to! his bed for the past week with a severe i attack of rheumatism. Dr. J. A. Ross: of Wauconda is the attending physician. . -j Mrs. Ray Dowell spent night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, in assisting in •caring for her father who is under a doctor's care. Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake came to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, last Friday and is spending a few days there. Mr. Littwiler joined her on Sunday. Jay W. Cook of Judith Gap, Mont., who is visiting relatives in Wauconda, was a Sunday dinner guest at the H. L. Brooks home and called at the W. E. Brooks hpme in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent After a shower of rice and much fun in delaying the newlyweds from making a "get-away" they proceeded on their honeymoon trip. The relatives and friends who enjoyed this pleasant day were Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock and Mrs. Clough of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lusk and daughters, Esther and Ruth, and son, Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kapple f.nd daughter, Frances, of Grayslake, Mrs. La Doyt Matthews of Crystal Lake, Miss Emma Bacon, of east of Volo, Mrs. Harry Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darrell of this community. The young couple will begin farming on the farm owned by the groom's father east of Volo. The best wishes of their many friends go with them for a happy and prosperous future. VOLO You tome when you trade at Erickson's. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis have bean very sick. j" "That's One On Bill" at the Empire, on Feb. 23 and 24. r I Mrs. Lawrence Bednar spent the ! past week in Chicago. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. Townsend visited at i Sumnor Bauer's home Sunday. | George Passfield of Crystal L*k&: {spent Sunday with his parents. ; r ' j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Grays*: I lake visited at Lee Benwells Friday. = j Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and childre^ i visited relatives at McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Frank Henkel and daughter,' Kathertne, spent Friday in Waukegan. I M isses Katherine and Angeline j Henkel motored to Maywood Sunday. \ Miss Una Weiser is spending a few i weeks with Mrs. Peter Engeln in Mcj Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Benwell visited the former's father at Round Lake Sunday. * \ This vicinity was well represented at the basket ball game at Wauconda Friday night. Mrs. Joseph Vogt and son, Frank, are spending several days with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. John Brimer spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Granger, in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell of Elgin spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George DowelV Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell an<| daughters of Gurnee were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey. ' Rev. Finkbehier of Garrett Biblical Institute, who preached at the M. E. church Sunday evening, was entertained at the L. A. Huson home. Misses Ruby Petersen, Agnes Lar- Th dav! sen' Bernice Johnson and Naomi ' Raether attended the teachers' meeting held at Libertyvi'le Saturday. M iss Vera Vasey taught the children Saturday afternoon catechism class Feb. 14. in the absencc of Rev. Carl Lordahl, who is visiting in Michigan. Little Lorraine England is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner. Litt'e Betty England is seriously ill with pneumonia. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary the past week were Fred Pittwood, feave Dayton of Maywood, Mrs. Tripp of Little Rock and Mrs. Saturday " with Shepard of Chattanooga, Tenn hospital there. Mrs. Al. Benentt of Chicago was here to attend the whiter picnic at the hall and spent the week end at the John Pester home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Aubert were over Sunday guests in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. S. Gibbs, and also Mr. and Mrs. Will Aylward. Miss Pierce of Woodstock accompanied Georgie Brennan home Fridfey night and spent the week end with Miss Georgia's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brennan. Those from around here who attended the old time dance at Spring Grove Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson. Harry Keath of Union was a caller at the W. H. Gardner farm the first of the week, having purchased of Mr. Gardner a pure blood Holstein-Freisian yearling sire, for which a fancy price was paid. Mr. Gardner takes great pride in having the best of milk strains, they having passed on the tuberculin test. contest where every word had to begin with "heart." At the close of the games we had a very delicious luncheon, which consisted of sandwiches, pickles, cookies, and Kakim^ pies. The committee proved to be-rery good hostess. Next Monday night we will have a monthly Ceremonial meeting. By the: next Ceremonial meeting we all hop? to become Wood Gatherers. CAMPFIRE NOTES • ; Tuesday evening we played teb. 17, 1925, the Wontonohi; .sket. bal1 in ^ gymnasium, and I think if the girls keep up their good work they will soon be able to compete with the Boy Scouts. The Editor* tfn Campfire Girls had a Valentine party in the grammar school gymnasium. They played various games and bur assistant guardian, Miss Kinney, proved to be the best in a guessing The Plaindealer for news. Buy it Today rou Get your Ford now, Enjoy the fun that goes with winter dffving and the protection when the weather is raw or sloppy K ^ If you don't want to tie up the cash* buy it on time. We will explain to you a method whereby you pay a small deposit down and die balance by the month and are treated with courtesy and consideration 'Attoughout the transaction. -- Buying on time is just your credit to own a car at Once and enjoy it while you pay for it. Chances are eight out of every ten of your car owning friends bought theirs that way. Come in or let us send a salesman to give, yw details Knox Motor Sales FORD SALES AND SERVICE jNiones 30 and 31 McHenry, til. •i:'W .'ill "v. 1/ m relatives at the Darrell-Mattthews home. Mildred Hoffman and Myrtle Darrell returned with them to Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A*1 Heiden at their home in Wauconda last Saturday night. Six tables of euchre provided diversion for the evening. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, attended the basket ball game between the Wauconda town team and Zion City. The game was won by the Wauconda team. They have won every game so far this season. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell mptored to Crystal Lake Sunday morning and was accompanied by Mrs. La Doyt Matthews. Myrtle Darrell and Mildred Hoffman to West Chicago Sunday and spent the day visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Haffey and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wiant. 'Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, Mildred Hoffman, Miss Orpah Morlock, William Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attened the card party and dance last Thursday night at Wauconda given by Holy Name society of the Transfiguration Church at the Palace Theatre. Blomgren-Lusk " On Saturday, February 14, at one o'clock Miss Corinne Blomgren, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren o<f this vicinity, became the bride of Raymond Lusk, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. Lou Lusk who reside on a farm east of Volo. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride s parents. Rev. R. C. Hallock of Wauconda officiating. , Tlit bride was charmingly gowned in tan canton crepe trimmed with various colors of Crystal beads. She carried a shower boquet of bridaWroses atid orange blossoms. The bridesmaid \yas Miss Esther Lusk, a sister of the groom. A brother of the groom. Edward Lusk, serve^ as best man. The wedding march was played by Miss Frances Kappie of Grayslake, Immediately after the ceremony a two course wedding dinner was served to • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kautenberg, daughter. Mabel, of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Henry itrueger and sons of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon and children spent Sunday with John Walton and son, Jason. The young people of the M. E. church enjoyed choir practice and a social time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dillon's Saturday evening. Maurice and Roy Krueger of Wauconda spent the week end with their cousin, Walter Dillon." Miss Agnes Larsen, Beatrice Wilson, Alice Russell, Lisle May Huson, Walter Vasey and Clarence Hironimus attended the school meeting at the Wauconda grade school Friday morning. Mr. Faust was there and gave instructions to the children. The meeting was much enjoyed. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blomgren occurred the marriage of their daughter, Corinne, to Mr. Raymond Lusk, Saturday at one o'clock. Rev. Hallock tied the nuptial knot in the presence of immediate relatives. After a wedding trip the young couple will be at home on the Lusk homestead. Their many friends extend heartiest congratulations and best wishes. SOLON MILLS Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner win Crystal Lake callers Saturday. Will Geiser was an over Sunday guest in the home of his family here. Mrs. Walter Cropley and daughter, L e o n a , - w e r e C h i c a g o s h o p p e r s S a t u r -j -day. j Mr. and Mrs. C. G.- Hardy enter- j tained company from Rockford this] week. j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fillweber of Antioch were guests in the George Vogel home last week. Mrs. Mary Aubert has gone to.her old home down in Pennsylvania to visit her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of McHenry were guests of the latter's parents over Sunday. The Social Wheel was held in the home of Mrs. E. E. Cropley Wednesday. A large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Crane and J' w about twenty relatives and friends, j daughter, Dorothy, of Kenosha spent1 The color scheme of "Valentines Day" was carried out in the table decorations where large red hearts of crepe paper took the places of linen doilies and red and white heart candies in place card baskets pleased the guests while in the center of the table stood the, three tier'wedding cake surrounded at the base by little red heart candies and mounted with a little bride and groom kewpie. The bride and groom were recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. the week end in the Geo. Vogel home. Miss Mae Aylward has moved back to Solon and occupies the Robt. Turner rooms, vacated by Mrs. Emily Well- The second dance given at the Solon Mills hall by* the Polly Prim orchestra of McHenry Wednesday night was a complete success. Everybody reports a good time. Chas. Westlake was at Woodstock Friday calling on his sister, Mrs. Jas. McCannon, who is a patient at the Stockholders Public Service Company o! Northern Illinois '•fP Who ore not planning to attend the annual meeting of stockholders in Chicago can "LISTEN IN" BY RADIO r^, KEEPING with its custom the annual meeting of the stockholders of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois will be broadcasted r«ONV -UUta UP a* tbo meeting mt any ot the following Company WAUKEGAN HI North G*n«a EVANSTON • 11 Church StrMt HIGHLAND PARK 409 Elm Place LAKE FOREST Buk Lane LAGRANGE 10 Barlingtoo AtnM CICERO M07 West 22nd Street CHICAGO HEIGHTS 10 Illinois Street DESPLAINES ' . |4S4 Miner Str«dl • ELMHURST 1M North York Su|«t PARK RIDGE 42 Main Street STREATOR •01 East Main Street • . M O M E N C E ' WeSl Washington Street CHILUCOTHE _• . 2nd Street JOLIET (SO Van Buren Street OAK PARK 114 North Oak Park Aommn KANKAKEE 19S North Schuyler Amm WILMETTE 1141 Central Afen|| . MAYWOOD 103 South Fifth AveUp BLUE ISLAND 117 Western Xvenae HARVEY 1*» Wert 54th Street BERWYN 3300 Grove Arenut CRYSTAL LAKE 101 Williams Street OTTAWA ISO West Main Street MORRIS 442 Liberty Street PONTIAC tit North Main Street LACON 5th Street GRAYS LAKE Seymour Av*. Tuesday, February 24th at 2:30 p. m. from Station K YW (516 meters) through the courtesy of the Commonwealth « Edison Company and the Westinghouse Firm- u . trie and Manufacturing Company. < Mr. Samuel Insull, Chairman, will conduct the meeting and make the gnmial «ukirc^t to the stockholders.. * At ^ . Bringing this meeting "via the air" to the " 25,000 stockholders resident in Northeastern Illinois is one of the remarkable devetopmpot| in this miracle age of electricity. District Offices Will Receive Meeting For the convenience of those without radio and others who will find it easier to step into one of the Company offices, we have arranged to have receiving sets in these offices and yon are cordially invited to make yourselves dt home there. . . r The Company will appreciate hearing from any of its stocl^^ers about of the meeting, '-v'1' j*?'. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS J. A. SCHABECK, District Manager m Williams St. Crystal Lake,HI. Phone* I "•*y s >i .• 1 k#: 4 k4 WvS : iM