' meat market which will be lo- /t:~'-'*cated in the Brefeld building recently ..Y vacated by Roy Hankermeyer's Cash Schaefer, for a tine employed ^by Peter W. I^rett and later in the P. J. Heimer market on Riverside Drive, we are told will be the proprietor. Carry grocery. Plaindealer ads bring results. Leath's Motto "If we would b«T« .thcra the tU4| hr aa» let aa M Mt tm • good example." Th«r« are 14 UMb Mini wMmm dNnctafi tli^Uli TW« mmu iMt near T*a ' •(in. ?• Orwt Roekford. (•> W. SteM* Aurora, Si Island Dobnque, 111 Mais V frceport, I W. Mala Waterloo, ill LtftrMM Baloit, 61T Fourth Joliet, ZiS Jafferson JuctviUt, 202 Milwa Can Claire, Matonie Oshkoah, 11 Main St, Peoria, 32i S. Adams Decatur, 431 K. Water 9 Madison. 11T-119 StaU A. LEATH & CO, • £ f ipi SILK HOSIERY We now have all the good colors in silk hose. Pure dyed, good weight, pure thread silk knit with artificial silk. Ravel stop, seamed back, fashion marks. Price 85c a pair Smith Bros. To CHICAGO :: ;0rom McHenry--Grays Lake ". i _ Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect iIt Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7:35 un., 11*35 a.m., 2:35 pan., 7:00 i Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m„ 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.nu, 7:43 pjuu Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m., * 1:00 p.m., 4:00 ponu, 8:25 pan. Arr. Chicago 10£2 aun., 2:17 pan., 5:17 pan., 10:17 pan. Chicago North Shore & MilwaukeeB.R.C0. McHenry House McHenry tt TICKKT OFFICES Northwestern Hotel McHenry M-Rl \ Wkta Battel AatonobUu AN Built* Buick Will Build Thau NO.3 aesdMt w h y cremator car dealers glad to see you when you hare 0 Buick to trade in? A nswer: They know that tf they get it, they can seliit quickly-- at a good price. Buick reliability has made Buick a first choice in the used car market, OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL). HARVARD, ILL. ARINGWOOD Miss Edna Baxter of Evanston was a guest of Mrs. "A. W. Smith last Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. John Hodge are visit-4 ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge. Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Smith of Harvard were Saturday guests of Mr. ami lilrs. A. W. Smith. Little Dean Weter of Hebron is spending a few days with her grandfather, W. R. Giddings. * Certified seed potatoes, Rural New York, Green Mountain and Early Ohio «t Erickson's Dept. store. Miss Marion Huson of Elgin was a Friday evening guest of' her sister, Mrs. C. J. Jepson, and family. Mrs. Emma Brown spent the week end with her niece, Mrs. Axel Benson, and family at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Floyd, spent Thursday evening in the C. W. Goodell home at West McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevens of Kenosha were Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. Place your order now for northern grown seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County Farmers* Cooperative Association. Miss Evelyn Bell of Richmond is assisting in the E. C. Hawley store. Miss Bell worked here last summer and her many friends are glad to see her back again. Mrs. C- D. Bacon spent several days last week in Elgin in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Malissa Gould, and helped to care for her granddaughter, Jane Gould, who was injured in an auto accident last week. Jane is improving rapidly and is now spending a few days in Ringwood. Mother--Daughter Banquet Well, folks, it's over--The Ringwood Mother and Daughter banquet for the year of 1925. It was held at the M. W. A. hall, Friday night, April 17. The affair is the only big event yet attempted by the Ringwood Home Circle and in spite of some sickness and a few other unlucky happenings it wis a wonderful success. There were fiftyeight mothers and daughters present. A three-course dinner was served by the men and young men of . the community assisted by Mrs. Ross. Much praise is due these men as their service was of the best. Toastmistress, Mrs. Clayton Harrison,, gave a short talk, then all joined in Binging "To Mothers." Next \fere toasts by Mrs. E. E. Whiting and Mrs. C. J. Jepson, which were responded to by their daughters; several fine vocal solos by Miss Marion Huson, and piano selectidfts by Wayne Foss. These were enjoyed very much. Miss Edna Baxter of Evanston gave a wonderful talk that brought forth many points which, if heeded, would be beneficial to everyone and was very good advice to both mothers and daughters. After a few remarks by the toastmistress and others, all joined in singing "Homo Sweet Home" and the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Walter Harrison, president of the Home Circle, is to be congratulated on her selection of the committee, for they did well. SLOCUM LAKE G. J. Burnett was a business clatter at Waukegan last Wednesday. Willard Darrell transacted business in Chicago Saturday afternoon. Mildred Hoffman was a. business caller in Chicago last Thursday. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon. A full assortment of flowera and garden seeds at Erickson's Dept. store. # Mrs. Oljie Grantham and daughter, Fern, were in Waukegan Monday afternoon. William Brooks is now employed at one of Ford's Valve plants at Northville, Mich. Our coffees have a pleasing aroma and a wonderful flavor. Erickson's Dept. store. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were busirtess callers at jWaukegan last Wednesday morning. Miss Myrtle Darrell spent from Friday night until Monday night with her sister at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Volo spent last Wednesday evening at the Blomgren home. Willard Darrell ana daughter, Myrtle, were business callers at McHenry Friday after school sessions. v H. L. Brooks was a- Friday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cooke hear Wauconda. George Johnson of the "Flats" spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Read the big display advertisement in today's issue telling you of the sensational sale at Althoff's hardware. Mr. Kellogg of "Arlington Heights was a Friday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Miss Dorothy Dowell visited with her cousin. Miss Frances Converse J week end. VOLO Mrs. Link motored t» Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Molidor entertained relatives Sunday. Ray Paddock has purchased a new Buick sedan. Mr. A. Paddock has purchased a Cleveland coupe. Mrs. Fred Converse is a Chicago visitor this week. Miss Dorothy Dillon spent the week end in Waukegan. Miss Agnes Myer was a caller at the Lusk home Sunday. The small son of Earl Townsend has been on tiie sick list. Sensational sale at Althoff's hardware on April 24 and 25. Ray1 Paddock of Wauconda was a Saturday afternoon caller here. Mrs. Vincent Martin and son. Art, spent Wednesday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Benwell spent Sunday at the home of Joe Vogt. Rachel Smith visited at Mrs. Earl Townsend's Friday and Saturday. Miss Ruby Peterson spent the week end at Marengo with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull spent Sunday at the home of A. Paddock. Mrs. Del Townsend visited her mother at Grayslake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townsend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadfeld. . Mr. John Walton gpent Saturday in Waukegan with his daughter, Maud. C. G. Huson and Miss Marian Huson spent Sunday at the L. A. Huson home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser spent Sunday in Milwaukee with their daughter. Mrs. John Rosing entertained the Davis family from Chicago over the from Friday night until Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson were business callers at McHenry last Friday afternoon. "•? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carlson of near Burton's Bridge were - Friday evening callers At the Darrell-Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son spent last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaffer at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and John Blomgren were Saturday evening callers at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were Monday afternoon and evening visitors with relatives at Oak Glen Farm. Mrs. H. L. Brooks returned home Messrs. Lusk, Hironimus and Duesing attended a sale north of Gurnee last week. , Mr. and Mrs. M. C; Meigs and family of Evanston visited at the Stanford home Sunday. Miss Raether and Miss Johnson motored to Milwaukee Saturday to visit Miss Raether's aunt. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and daughter attended an entertainment at Wauconda Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vasey and family spent Sunday at Crystal Lake with their dJftighter, Pearl. Messrs. Bernard Geary and Ed Lusk were callers at the home of Mr. Joe Vogt's one day last week. Mrs. Naomi McChandless was a pleasing caller at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Rose Dunnell, Friday. You cannot afford to miss this op- Mo#day after spending a week with j portunity of securing real bargains at OSTEND Trade at Althoff's Friday and Saturday. Alice Leta and Gordon Clark are out of school nursing cases of measles. Frank Kaiser and family entertained their nephew, Frank Kaiser of Woodstock at dinner Monday. Place your order now for northern grown seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County Farmers' Cooperative Association. There must be some attraction in Woodstock judging from the number of families from here that visited the county seat last week. Farmers are all busy getting ready for corn planting but are glad the hale storm of Monday night 'came early before corn was up. Roy Hobart was a business caller up near Harvard Monday. He left his home at 2 p. m. and was back at 5 p. m." So much for automobiles. The well at the school house has a pump Mow and for the first time since the house was built the pupils are getting good water without carrying a long distance. P. W. Freund will, with good luck from now on, be able to supply many families with pork next fall as he has fifty-one young pigs. Wonder who can beat that. The Howe men are back from the city on the farm they purchased of Sam Rogers and worked last year."A hired man was there all winter caring for horses and poultry. Reports say the Wallis farm that has been handled by the sheep feeding company, the past several years has gone into the hands of a receiver. There is a family on the farm that have it rented and have put in crops. TERRA COTTA Raymond J. Riley was a business Visitor in Chicago Tuesday. J. S. Lynott was a Sunday guest at the home of Henry McMillan. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago visited at her home here Sunday. Chas. Schroeder of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Saturday. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was a caller in this vicinity Friday evening. Eugene Leisner of Cfiicago spent Sunday at tfae home of his sister, Miss Alice Leisner. , ( A visit to our 10c section will disclose thousands of wonderful bargains for a dime. Erickson's department store. 'Place ydur order now for northern grown seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County Farmers' Cooperative Association. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughter, Dorothy, and son, James, of McHenry called at the home of M. J. Knox Sunday evening. her daughter, Mrs. John Quartell at Plymouth, Mich. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Winkler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and their daughter and Mrs. Lola Smith of Crystal Lake were business callers at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son were last Thursday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zlmmer at McHenry. Place your order now for northern grown seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County Farmers' Cooperative Association. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two <^iildren and Arthur Wackerow spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk. Mr. and Mrs, Asa Crabtree of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grantham of Cary were all day Sunday guests at the OUie Grantham home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and their daughter and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell were business callers at Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston, Mrs. Jane Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston enjoyed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston at Arlington Heights. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James, Jr., of Crystal Lake and Mr. W. C. Williams of Palatine were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Algonquin and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris and daughter of Wauconda were dinner and supper gucsts^f Mr. and Mrs Page Smith, Sunday. George Passfield of near Crystal Lake and N. Kennebeck and daughter, Clara, of Griswold Lake were Wednesday evening callers at the Darrell-Matthews home Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Megee and son of Tulsa, Okla., visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill from Friday night until Tuesday morning. Mr. Megee is a brother of Mrs. McGill Miss Orpah Mbrlock spenit fcom Friday night until Monday night with her parents at Rosecrans. She attended a meeting of the state Teach ers' association at Evanston Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mildred Hoffman and Mr. Rollie Hayes were Saturday evening callers at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews saw Bebe Daniels in "Bluebeard'" at the Academy theatre. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round.Lake attended the wedding of Warren* Turner and Miss Irma Bristol both of Crystal Lake last Tuesday. Mr. Turner is a half-brother < t Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake. Mrs. Litwiler remained the rest of the week with her parents here and was accompanied home by her husband who spent Sunday here. Althoff's Friday and Saturday. Mrs. James Kirwin spent Tuesday in Elgin with her sisters, Mrs. Martha 'Simons and Miss Anna Compton. The neighbors spent a pleasant evening at the Brick School, Friday. Mr. King entertained with his music. Messrs. Harry Hironimus, Roy Passfield and Mat Rossdeutscher were callers at Grayslake Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait and James Neisch spent Saturday and Sunday with Jir. and Mrs. Stroker at Gilmer. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and sous, Clarence and Howard, and Mrs. Chas. Haas were Libertyville callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing and daughter, Delores, spent Wednesday evenfng with Mrs. J. Engeln at McHenry. The Volo cemetery association held a meeting at the Volo M. E. Church. Mrs. L. V. Lusk was appointed secretary and treasurer. ' Place your order now for northern grown seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County Farmers'Cooperative Association. Word was received this week of the death of Mr. Henry Dobner of Bertrand, Nebr. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. Kirwin and Mrs. Kissler of Volo. A delightful party was given at the Fort Hill school house last Friday evening. Progressive euchre, refreshments and dancing were the order of the evening. The Chat and Chatter club held their weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. J ohn Molidor on Thursday afternoon, progressive five hundred being the amusement after which delicious refreshments were served. The old acquaintances of Fred Allen of Bethel, Vermont, will be grieved to hear of the death of his wife,-Mrs Allen, who passed away very sudden ly Thursday, April 1G, at her home Mr. Allen's sister, Mrs. C. G. Huson of Elgin left immediately for Vermont. Great bargains await you at Althoff's hardware on April 24 and 25. , Place your order now for northern grpwn seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County farmers' Cooperative Association.- SOLON MILLS Mrs. C. S. Hardy spent Saturday in Chicago with her daughter, Emily. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hardy drove to Ft. Atkinson Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson were business callers in Gurnee Thursday. Emily Wellman of Hebron was call-| ing on relatives and friends here Friday. Miss Mae Aylward Has gone to Aurora where she has accepted a position. Mrs. Abbott of Ringwood is here taking care of Mrs. Wade Sanborn, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Francisco of Woodstock spent the week end at Gus Eherke's home. Mrs. W. F. Cowan of Harvard spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mrs. Ida Westlake and son, Chas., called on Mrs. James McCannon at Greenwood Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester drove to Libertyville Thursday evening and called on relatives. Miss Annabell Osborne of Elgin spent Sunday , with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborne. i •v-.-jtV* • **. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anbert has rented the Gardner house and will move in the first of May. Mr. and Mrs. Severt of Chicago and Mrs. Bennett of Fox Lake were callers in the Pester home Sunday. Helen Brennan returned home Sunday after spending the week end id the Roy Smith home at Pistakee Bay. Place your order now for northern grown seed corn, guaranteed germination. McHenry County Farmers' Cooperative Association. The fancy grade 0f butter that we sell costs but a few cents more tbap the ordinary kind,, but the satisfaction is incomparable. Erickson's Dept. store. Miss Bird Hodge, who has been spending the winter at Fairhope, Ala* returned to her home here Sunday morning. Solon certainly wlciimii^ Miss Hodge back. _ Mrs. Jack Pester was tendered » very pleasant surprise Monday, it being her birthday. Seventeen of her friends walked in on her with everything to make a nice luncheon and left her a gift as a remembrance. / Only those who hope live. • Go to Althoff's Friday and Saturday. ^ A large gang of road' workers and equipment were camped on the Mc~ Henry-Ringwood road, just outside off the city limits last Saturday night. We have not learned their destination. h «r these days when n!f groceries are high in prices--the poor as well as the good--the real choice is in quality. Good groceries cost very little more than inferior ones, tyit they go a long ways further; , These will satisfy you: Tomatoes, No. 2 can, reg. price 20c, special..___ 01ivilo.Soap, regular price 10c, Oil Sardines, regular price 10c, •. 2 cans for . Shredded Wheat, regular price "J 15c, special AUC Bottle Caps, regular price 30c, 1 A per gross A%/C 15c The thrifty housewife will look for these •prrlwlt each wMk and thereby save money j : Central Market'and Grocery WM. PRIES, Proprietor: .1 RE-OPENING DANCE . -- -- -- i l y Louis Pavilion FOX RIVER GROVE' SATUKDAT Mill, HI* 2 MUSIC By Banker's 10-Piece Orchestra of Elgin .Beautiful New Restaurant Now Open Cents, $1.00 Ladies, 25 teats • m AT THE EMPIRE Apr. 27-28 J. B. Rotnour OFFERS HIS in latest plays and Fashionable Vaudeville, including Recognized Broadcasting Performers. Monday Night "LIM MISS UGHT fINGllRf' Tuesday Night . "Main Street Folks" a SEATS ON SALE AT Empises Theater Box Office