Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1925, p. 7

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11 |wy#|.ii 1 1 11 1 126-W.; Riuonibb Rates ; '.'>7 I JLJI. 9CHAEFE§K Draying 'tf '~ i<" . * .» ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS Big setting out M1« at M. M. Niesen's. _ o Read the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happenings. The Plaindealer Want Ad column is the way to get the quickest and best results. * Brides Are Always Happiest when the* purchase their furnituw, of Leafth'a. Leath's always have look 111* furniture that meet* wjth approval ot »oun* modIl -- .1. . .. * " V " ? ! V h * p H c ?^ " d L - t h ' . t e r . . • K " F * A Lciu Store it near yon. El|ta 70 Qrove Rockford 002 W. Mate Anrora 31 Island Dobuque 570 Main Fraeport 5 W. Main Waterloo 500 Lafayette Beloit 617 Fourth • Joliet 215 JelTrrsoa J»nes»ili« 202 Milwaukee •an Claire Masonic Bldf. Omhkosh 11 Mein St Peoria 825 S. Adau Iiecatur 432 N. Water g Madtara 117-11* SUte St. A. LEATH & CO. •J DOLBY UNDERWEAR For Women and Children Because we believe we save"our customers V < liloney by selling good underwear. STEPHENSON'S * #or Men and Boys You'll always find a Stephenson union suit correctly sized, well fitting, and above all, having that satisfactory quality of wearing well. Smith Bros. To CHICAGO From McHenry-- Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect fct Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7:35 a. 11:35 a.m., 2:35 pj a., 7tOO pun. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a. m., 12:18 pan., 3:18 p.i ik, 7:43 pas. Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a. m., IKK) p.m., 4K>0 pj 8:25 pan. Arr. Chicago 10t22 a. m., 2:17 pan.* 5:17 pai a., 10:17 pan. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee B.1LCO. McHenry House I 1 H KKT I Northwestern Hotel McHenry 18 4 OFFICES I McHenry M-R When Better Aatoaobiln AM Built, Buick Will Build Thm nestfMIt Whyisa Hutch so safe and so easy to A ^^9^IISW€fS Because of Buick't wonderful steering mechanism. It is die most expensive type now installed on any motor car--and worth the difference because it ' adds to of superiority. OVERTON & CO WEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. WWW rnLmmMmt WW* aiifnmobflw; "Hpfrt bo' flt, BoiA iHP build JOHNS BURG Your news items always appre dated. Phone 98-W. Emil Debrecht of Chicago was visiting friends out here Sunday. Joseph Miller of Fox Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tonyan here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner and family of Volo visited with home folks last week Wednesday evening. The celebration of the children's first holy communion will take place here June 21, at St. John's Caftiolic church. Miss Rose Miller and her friend, Robert Lang, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and son, Jean, of McHenry called at the home of C. M. Adams here Monday afternoon. ^ Mrs. Henry Hetterman and daughter, Agfies, and Mrs. Frank Kempfner boarded the train for Chicago last Thursday. Misses Gertrude and Asella Tonyan were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,H. Althoff at McHenry over Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ray Horrick of Woodstock, Mrs. Stephen King and Mrs. Joseph Regner were McHenry visitors la3t week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sattem and daughter, Loraine, of Woodstock were visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, here Saturday evening. Quite a few from here took in the ball game at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Stephen King was one of the lucky winners of the ladies' hats. Mrs. Math. J. Miller, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and Mrs. Joseph Guzzarde and daughter of Chicago were visiting with Mrs. Joseph Schaefer Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzzarde and family, George and Alfred Oeffling were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling. Mrs. Joseph Freund and daughter, Matilde, and the former's father, Mr. Frank Smith, of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels and other friends here last Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Althoff and daughters, Mary, Katherine, and Barbara, motored to Kenosha with their uncle, Henry Althoff of Elgin, to visit with relatives last week Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay of Spring Grove spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klapperick and family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Justen and family visited with them Sunday. Mrs. Christina Brefeld, sons, Alvin and Karl, and daughter, Genevieve, and her friend, Ray Kenneway, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Dietz and daughter were visiting relatives here and in this vicinity over the holidays. The Joyce Klmer Playfers of Chicago were taken to Waukegan Wednesday night after the play where they took the car for Chicago. Those who took them down were John A. Miller, Wm. Tonyan and John Freund. A large attendance participated in the closing of the May devotion here Sunday evening. The children had out their banner and were dressed in white. A procession was made over the grave yard and to th£ Lourdes grotto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haglund and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, the Misses Margaret, Ella, Theresa and Rose Mary Huemann were out from Chicago over Decoration day to visit with their parents, Mr. »nd Mrs. Joseph Huemann. Mrs. Joseph Guzzarde and her little daughter, Anna Josephine, came out last Thursday to spend a few day# with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Her husband came out for the holidays. They returned to Chicago Sunday evening. Charles and Raymond Schaefer, Ralph Justen and Francis Smith were to Woodstock this week Monday to take up their examinations as they could not be present when the rest of the eighth grade took their examinations at McHenry a few weeks ago. Math. Weber of Spring Grove was buried at Volo Monday morning. Mass was read at 9:00 o'clock at Spring Grove, Rev. Father Hildebrandt officiating. Those who, attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber and daughters, Hildegart and Amelia, and son, Martyr Mr. Martin Lay and Peter ^ay, relatives from McHenry and Spring Grove. The Lincoln school, district No. 14, had their closing program last Thursday evening. There were three pupils graduating from the eighth grade Rosie Tonyan, Caroline Bauers, and Arnold Regner. The school superintendent congratulated the pupils and also spoke a few words for the benefit of the rural schools. These pupils went to Woodstock this week Monday for another examination. OSTEND .Plaindealer ads bring results. Mrs. Hoppe and son, Arthur, entertained friends from Chicago over the week end. Frank Kaiser and family are now taking trips in a brand new Buick car. recently purchased of a Woodstock dealer. We hear of several farmers being obliged to replantlarge fields of corn on account of "Jack Frost's" visit on the nights of May 24 and 25. The school children and many of the neighbors enjoyed a picnic last week Wednesday on the Clark lawn, the close of school. Henry Hobtrt and wife and Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, visited both Ostend and McHenry cemeteries and scattered flowers on the graves of loved ones. Ray Hobart was home over Sunday from his duties with the Orient Petroleum company of Elgin. He will answer all calls for their goods in this VOLO J. B. Wagner and mother visited at Chicago Monday. i The finest coffee obtainable. Erickson's Dept. store. Mrs. Charles Haas spent Saturday and Sunday in McHenry. Math. Rossdeutscher ate dinner at Geo. Walmsley's Sunday. John Karls of McHenry was a Volo callers Saturday evening. Wm. Darrell was a business caller at the Duesing home Monday. Mrs. Frost of Volo was visiting' on Monday at the Standford home. Francisco Brothers were calling* at Frank Hironimus' home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schroeder were callers at the Duesing home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kretshner of N. Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. 3. Molidor. Mr. and Mrs. Jeo Lenzen were business callers at Grayslake Friday afternoon. Miss Caromel Wisier of St. Joseph's hospital, Chicago is spending a. few days at home. Mrs. Edward Hain and husband visited at Joe Rossdeutscher's Saturday and Sunday. ^ " Fred Dtfnnell's daughter, Besste, and husband, spent Sunday at the home of Rose Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mack of Gurnee visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duesing. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and family spent Sunday with the C. J. Jepson family at Ringwood. Miss Larsen has completed her school work and returned to her home in Union Grove, Wis. Charles Haas and Harry Hironimus were Libertyville and Diamond Lake callers Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner entertained a number of relatives at their home over the week end. A. W. Waldmann and son and family and sister were Decoration day callers at the Duesing home. Misses Dorothy Dillon, Vera Vasey, and Georgia Vasey were callers at the Duesing home Friday afternoon. Joe Molidor, Herman Molidor, Frank Rosing and Math Rossdeutscher were at the K. C. doings at Harvard. < Miss Esther Lusk visited the McHenry high school Friday and spent the week end with the Jepson girls at Ringwood. Mrs. Walter Vollman has returned to her home in Chicago after spending a week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Duesing. Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich of McHenry were in Volo Monday to attend the burial of Mr. Herbert Webber of Spring Grove. j Mrs. Frank Hironimus, Mrs. Chas. Haas, Mrs. Joe Lenzen and Mrs. John Wagner attended an anniversary party at McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson attended the Decoration day exercises at Libertyville and heard Rev. Preston Brad ley at the high school. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and sons, Clarence, Howard and Earl, and Mrs. John Wagner were callers at the Duesing home Sunday evening. Lisle May Huson spent several days last week at Woodstock, visiting Miss Marion Huson,. who is supervisor of school music at that place. Wm. Duesing and daughters, Mildred and Catherine, were Wisconsin callers Decoration day and attended the Memorial services at Tibbets, There were about seventy-five attended the Volo and Vasey school picnic at Fish Lake Friday on Oborny's lake shore. All reported a fine time. Miss Delia Hansen and friend of Madison, also Mr. William Hansen of Chicago spent Decoration day and Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld. Mrs. John Wagner and daughter, Dalores, Mrs. Joe Lenzen, Mrs. Fraiik Hironimus and Mrs. Charles Haas attended a party at Emerald Park on Thursday. Dr. Hepburn and family, Mrs. Frank Fay and son, Clayton, Mrs. Spaulding, Miss Alice Wilcox and Lucky Baldwin were Decoration day callers at the Duesing home. , Z. Dickinson and son, Raymond, and sister, Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vollman and Miss Frances Faulkner were Saturday evening and Sunday callers with the Duesing family. RIDGEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Pace spent Tuesday on business in Woodstock. Miss Crystal Conerty was shopping at Crystal Lake Saturday. Meyers Levey of Rockford visited with relatives in Ridgefield Sunday. Mr. Hruby of Chicago spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kresl. Miss Dorothy Buckholz of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kresl. Lyman Levey and family of Crystal Lake visited with Miss Etta Levey at her home in Ridgefield. Some friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. Otto from Beaver Dam, Wis., spent Saturday and Sunday at the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and family of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Skinner celebrated their eleventh anniversary of their wedding day at the home of Howard Jacobs near Wauconda, those present from Ridgefield being Mrs. Bell Duffield, Ed. Caldwaller, Wesley Skinner, Mrs.' Helen Walkup and Mr. and Mfg. Albert Jacobs, Sunday, May 81. locality by calling 610^-2 and giving orders. A great many of the people in this neighborhood lost tomato plants and garden beans on May 24 and 25 unless they had them well protected and then some had a part of the bean hills killed and the Qtbsr P«rt still living. SLOCUM LAKE Harvest hats at Erickson's JDept. store. Lloyd Dowell called on friends at Riverside Sunday. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday evening. H. M. Hoelscher of Chicago spent Sunday at his summer residence here. James Dark and A1 Irwin of Chicago spent last Tuesday at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk were business callers at Waukegan Monday afternoon. Harry Matthews was a business caller at Crystal Lake last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.- Williams and Mrs. Clara Smith spent last Tuesday at Palatine. Arthur, Will and Mae Pfannenstill spent Sunday with their brother and wife at Area, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visited at Waukegan and the: Great Lakes last Thursday. L. E. Hughes of Crystal Lake was a Saturday morning caller at the W E. Brooks home. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick of Chicago visited at the G. J. Burnett home from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Kirk and son, Gordon, spent Memorial day with relatives at St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Arthur Wackerow visited with his brothers and sisters in Chicago from Friday until Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan called on the former's parents here Sunday afternoon. Many families from this community and their guests attended the Memorial day exercises at Wauconda. Mr. and Bilrs. Ray Dowell and children spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill and son, Farrell were Tuesday dinner guests of Mrs. F. E. Anderson at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and son, Russell, of Batavia, were Sunday afternoon callers at the W. E. Brooks home. Miss Mae Pfannenstill spent from Wednesday until last Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Carl Ohrwall at Crystal Lake.„ Mrs. Harry Grantham, Sr., and son, Harry, of Wauconda called on Mrs. G. J. Burnett, who has been sick, last Friday night. Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Mrs. Earl Johnston and Miss Margaret Hughes of Wauconda spent Wednesday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and family spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake spent the former's vacation with the latter's mother, Mrs. Clara Smith. Bert Dowell is driving a new Tudor Ford sedan which he recently pur chased of the Knox Motor Sales company at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoelscher and children of Palatine are spending the summer months at the H. M. Hoelscher residence here. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks called at the G. W. Sherman and Allen Mosher homes near Burton's Bridge on Fox river Sunday morning. Miss Myrtle Darrell returned home Sunday after visiting from Tuesday until Sunday with her sister, La Doyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and family of Fremont township visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews entertained Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford and son, Edwin, of Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon and for supper. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell spent Saturday-evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston of Arlington Heights spent Memorial day and Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, and Mrs. Hansen and daughter, Marie, of Chicago spent Friday evening at the G. J. Burnett home. Charles and Robert Stron of Menkato, Minn., are spending the summer months with the Blomgren family, while their mother visits in Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and chil dren called at Grayslake Friday and were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell who are spending a few days here. Mrs. Clara Smith accompanied Mr and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake to Lakes Corners ^last Thursday and spent the afternoon at the Wm. Pepper home. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visited the cemetery at McHenry Saturday* morning, at Tower Lake near Waucon da Saturday afternoon and spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohman at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren, John Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson and their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stron and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lagerland spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk near Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Toynton and daughter, Neva, of Wauconda and Mrs. Louis Rohman of Barrington spent Sunday afternoon at the H. L. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and guests visited at Williams Park a part of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crabtree of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grantham of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and family of Pingry Grove spent Memorial day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham. The Slocum Lake school closed last Wednesday, May 27. Miss Orpah Morlock reti&fied to her home at Rosecrans, befoire entering the summer term of school at DeKalb. Miss Pearl Lawrence of Algonia, Wis., will teach the school the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Max Misner, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eislle and son, Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wells, Clarence Wells and lady friend of Harvey, 111., spent Memorial day and Sunday with Mrs. Elvira Darrell and St the Darrell- Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nelson of Tulsa, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. B. Crance, Mrs. Minnie Larson and daughter, Lena, Mr. Crance of Chicago, Mrs. F. E. Anderson and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall of Crystal Lake and Miss Mae Pfannenstill of this community spent Memorial day with MR and Mrs. R. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Stron and four children of Menkato, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Lagerland and son of Chicago spent Memorial day and Sunday at the Blomgren home. Other Saturday guests were G. Lagerland and children and Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Volo. Other Sunday visitors and callers at the Darrell-Matthews home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prouty and son, Junior, and daughter, Shirley, of Cicero, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelock of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rowley and daughter, Adelle, and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake, Miss Hazel Haffey and friends, Clarence Mack, Emma Treest Dorothy Schnitcher, Elsie Mack, Geo. Jaegar, Henry Treest and David Treest of West Chicago. The friends from West Chicago enjoyed a picnic supper on the lawn at the Darrell- Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren motored to Chicago Tuesday where Mrs. Blomgren, in company with Mrs. Stron and daughter and son of Menkato. Minn., left Chicago in the afternoon for New York where they will visit a sister of Mrs. Stron. On Tuesday June 9, they will join Mr. and Mrs. E. Lundin, also of Chicago but who mot-x ored to New York in their Jordon sedan, and will leave for Hosnantorp Sweden, where Mrs. Blomgren will visit her mother, who is ill with cancer of the stomach, besides visiting her sisters and brothers all of whom live in various places in Sweden. She expects to be gone three months. CLASSIFIED KPUnrar FOR SALE--Two sows 16 pigs. Call phone 630-J-l. , 52-lt FOR SALE--Chester White boar. Inquire of Anton Miller, McHenry. Box 299. , * 52-lt* t OR SALE--Nine cows, some close springers and some with calves by side. Jacojb Weingart, McHenry. Phone 652-M-l. 52-2t FOR SALE--Four chicken houses 20x20, and two 12x16, to be removed from premises. Inquire at this office or of M. L. Sloey, McHenry. 52-lt* FOR SALE--Seven room house, bath, all modern improvements, one-half tfcre of ground. All kinds of fruit. Inquire of M. J. Walsh, West McHenry, I1L 48-tf FOR SALE--A mission oak table in first-class condition. Extension for eighteen. Cheap. S. C. Klein, No. 25 Orchard peach. Phone McHenry 643-M-l. „ J 52-lt FOUND--On Green street a gent's pocket book containing a small amount of money. Owner can have same on identification. Fox River Valley State bank, McHenry, 111. 52-lt* 1 V'M FOR RENT--Several dandy summer cottages by the week or season. Modern conveniences and good locations. Inquire of us. Kent & Green, opp. city hall, McHenry, 111. 51-tf PASTURE FOR CATTLE--I will take in 50 to GO head of cattle to pasture for the season subject to sale of farm. An abundance of feed and good water. E. J. Fellows, Crystal Springs Farm. $10.50; BUFF ORP., WYANDOTTES, MINORCAS, $11.50; LEGHORNS, 18.50; ASSORTED $6.50. D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES, PEORIA, ILL. ' 51-tf FARROW CHIX, WORLD'S GREATEST SELLERS--Postpaid June 15th to Aug. 10th in 100 lots BARRED ROCKS. SINGLE REDS, ANCONAS, $9.50; WHITETROCKS, ROSE REDS, John Barry, a traveling salesman, was among the first guests to apply for accommodations at the newly constructed Fox hotel at Elgin. Mr. Barry was the first guest registered at the Nachusa Tavern at Dixon, when it was constructed by M. E. Rice, eleven years ago. Mr. Rice is manager and principal owner of the Fox. X A "Stitch is Time" Saves Your Eyesight \U ALK into the home of the woman who is exactww ing about her clothes and usually you'll find everything "up to snuff." But frequently this same woman is careless about matters important to health, her eyes, for instance! Either she ignores the importance of wearing glasses correctly styled or she lets vanity interfere. See me, and get your eye-facts today Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist I Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Evening from 7 to • «xeept Saturday. AU day Wedneedayi from 9 a. m. to 9 p. b. Main office,;WaafcaF--. M. f .' ' <fhr StondtrM ffimr 3n Iter Wr. Commencement Gift Suggestions Wrist Watches, $8.00 and up " Diamond Rings, $15.00 and up Eastman Kodaks, $2.00 and up Mesh Bags, Whiting & Davis Navarre Pearls, Chokers, Etc. Fancy Bracelets Musical Instmment|_. jJ Ivpry Goods . Pen and Pencil Sets Gents Traveling Sets, ets. * f4 •" • • Our store last your service, ready to care for. ynm needs In Our line. - . . Nye Jewelry, Music & Radio Shop West McHenry, Illinois . Li ' .J,.' •

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