ftsMMnfM' Store Open Sale Starts Evenings During ***** WeeH Except Tuesday and Thursday mm •,£Tw 3~ ,* l -.il£ J V "' ~SMtm J3?v, 5 3*lS•5 &. -r,\t ;..W .... : t "sw^'Stti ..'•«fa7**; " /-x -• ,w#•':"-<' :•'• ,-«> r,. e wThis July Clearance Sale of attractive, high grade, seasonable merchandise embraces s< many exceptional values that it will be to your advantage to hurry over and judge them at your first opportunity . . V . • T-£ .r.."- •••*;„- • »tws^.v^;^-'8£flP%'K' . . . . • ' , Sf ** \ < > % • TO MAfcE PC«SS!fitl;'i* i^!44- STOCK WE ARE OFFERING r - .*,?-* V-- IV s? W . - , - - W - V * . * y * ; Vf-Hs&a -v C- * - - *"" j£ "•-vW'^ ' • f - ^ - • *.|- t^sT . .|?s, .£« - * - ^ ^*"%• -*** CA "* * ^:v •:£;:•• -y^Wv: J C ; ^ ^ > - .^ 1 .... • -"• ••!?& T' :.r.^-. '. : - r *• t-. .'. vi .S ^ 7fp\-r$. • ".-• 'V ,.' -w.«s» , ..-.s.^ «&. :."*.s*f "••• » -r ~*»^«"<'\H-Jf -**,-, • ,' V^ ••J' "' kl*G ^ ^ £&.*. .7" •*• '*• •'-*"t^..,. . ••.' •): \^r is." ...;. • • ;^,.,;;v' • '-• ^. • >..i4irL"' "... ^ : - -c:: -s j> with twopair of knickert "-SiSi? • % ' .* • .'!.-:i W.J- ®' . *c <c •"^rh^V-K-" • • Y out choice of our stock of ^ess Straws, whle they last $1.19 Men's Canvas Ox- _ fords W*»te and Palm Beach colors, per $1.19 Men'sBathingSuits ALL WOOL ^ $2.65 ONE LOT Men's Light Wt. Crash Trousers $1.69 ONE LOT Men's Summer' I Trousers ram Beach and Linens $3.69 ONE LOT Mea's Work Siloes i &.19 -K-. • Regular $4.50 value ' frtnii $3.69 ^sm. \ Men's neck band shirts, all sizes--specially priced Golf Balls Bifflike Golfrite balls, regiilir 75c value $6.65 per dozeil » Burke "Thirty,v' regular 59c ball $4.65 per dozen Boys'SportBlouses CHILDREN'S SPORT • • V"":"-;jvA;5 •: H*" OSB •-- 39c Work Straw Hats y' *"'VWT Boys' Outing: Shoes cf <V,: M |\LL -LEATHER 4.^: '"'ifs .• •i; ">...>•' Boys' Bathing r V Suit" ?~j& ALL WOO $2 19 Ladies'Cotton Bathing Suitt :ms9c "ife ^f-A ^•C • "• ; Don'tWorry, if It's from Mc k :• • : .QWi li'i All Right McHenry, 't Worry, if it's from u*A11 Ri«ht •-4§ir~t. r» -ii .,^v i~ •( ' t • * ' ^'•